Frustrated over being stuck inbetween 2 worlds. Its what happens when you're a deaf person with his hearing surgically restored to a level that far exceeds that of any other people like me in sweden, but still isnt enough to function flawlessly in certain social arrangements. Tournaments are often an issue, for example. People judge me constantly, either because of them being oblivious to my condition or due to them thinking that im not handling it as well as i should be. I get told that i cast the blame on others when i state that my problems in communicating cannot possibly be self caused in entirity.
Some people react with emotions of hate, fear and anger when they realize what i am, and some dislike me for merely existing. I cant reach much understanding with the deaf community or others like me either. Its really like being a fly stuck between the inner and outer glasses of a window, and it feels like i cant break free either.
To top it off, some like to spit phrases such as "you are able to 'quit' hearing at any time and we'll respect your choice if you do so", but its seldom more than empty words, spoken by those who merely wish to fit in and try to 'please' me. Me trying to deactivate my hearing while being with these people has shown that, in my eyes. On the bright side, a few others have been genuine in their words and i thank them for that.
While ive come to terms with my social situation long ago and chosen to not mind the sentiments of others, i cant help being frustrated to no end by my shortcomings in hearing. I try all possible means to circumvent them, such as practicing lip reading to ridiculous lengths, but i constantly let myself down when i fail. While its in all likelyhood merely a mindset problem, i often feel like theres nothing to be done about it. This definitely affects me in everything that i do, which frustrates me even more. Im a scrub and cant even suck up to what life gave me.
I know that i have the ideas and necessary means to make a difference in this world, disregarding my handicap, but i sometimes fall to stoicism out of fear of failure. I fight with my parents alot over petty matters just to let the frustrations out; its simply too much to bear. While they understand why and forgive me at the end of the day, i still loathe it more than anything.
At the end of the day, it feels like no matter what i do or accomplish in life, be it getting near straight As in school for yet another year, winning cool prizes at amusement parks and giving them away to children or placing high in tournaments, it simply holds no real value to me. I might feel happy for a few moments, but
then i simply succumb to feeling empty and unfulfulled yet again. Probably, the only thing i will ever be able to celebrate is me surpassing my hearing, and whenever that day will come, i do not know, so i bide my time, spending every minute i am awake to figure out new ideas and methods to hear better.
Been needing to get this off ny chest for a long *** time, i dont expect any responses but i hope you read this in its entirety.