These are whaat I have been trying recently. They work...
Short hop super missile -> running short hop reverse bair. 17% - 21%
It's a great bair setup. If the super missile connects, they are popped into the air straight into the bair. Plus, the super missile is protecting you as you run to them and jump. Plus you have time to either jump again or upB after the bair, so they can't punsih you too bad unless they have a deadly uair.
Short hop super missile -> Zair
Once you short hop and fire the super missile, IMMEDIATELY do a short up zair. If the opponent is tall, the zair will connect and they will rise into the super missile.
Fast fall Dair -> Bair
Strict timing, the dair has to be cancelled and jumped out of pretty fast, but the combo connects it is very nice.
Non-sweet spot Zair -> Grab -> Pummel -> Any Throw (preferably up or down) -> Up B
I found out the non sweet spot Zair to grab frame trap a little while ago, but then it turned out Xyro and others were using it way before me anyways. It's really good and hits about 90% of the time, it can be jumped out of but most opponents can't because they don't see it coming.
They are fun comboes, and i'm trying to incorporate it into Samus, especially the super missiles and bair setups.