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The Snake FAQ/Q&A Thread

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Smash Master
Sep 30, 2008
Jab>Ftilt is not legitimate combo against Kirby. You were just playing on WiFail.
ya thats what i suspected. I quit playing the guy afterwards and said he plays real wifi-y. Wifi isnt bad if u have a good connection and the person you play is legit and plays it as it was offline.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 27, 2008
You're talking momentum reversal right? Just hit B and stick the other direction right after. It's really easy to get it after a few tries.
Aug 6, 2008
Just wondering. What aerial attacks can you DI and avoid? Such as might you be able to DI down some aerials and specials and Uair them?

I would love to be able to do this to UpB happy Samus players.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
I've been using Snake as a secondary recently, and I've been reading up on his ATs and effectiveness of all of his moveset. I've gotten a good feel for his explosives, but I'm still weak on grenades.

How does one camp effectively with nades? I try mix ups with shield drops, nade stripping and wave bouncing, but I seem to be lacking in results. Help is appreciated.

Also, what are some good uses for dair apart from tech chases?


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I've been using Snake as a secondary recently, and I've been reading up on his ATs and effectiveness of all of his moveset. I've gotten a good feel for his explosives, but I'm still weak on grenades.

How does one camp effectively with nades? I try mix ups with shield drops, nade stripping and wave bouncing, but I seem to be lacking in results. Help is appreciated.

Also, what are some good uses for dair apart from tech chases?
Umm, well when I camp, I try to be a bit mobile and keep some form of pressure with the nades. Aside from using the ATs, the opponent can pretty much just shield or try to run away. Predicting what the opponent will do helps: SH airdodge, shield, run away, etc. All I can say is vary how long you cook it. The people I play don't have a sense of timing was well as I do, so. A better player will know though.

The only other time I use dair is when ledge hopping (copied from Ally), and punishing people who roll too much. Roll towards you, or behind (but near) you = dair. Ftilt works too, since I think some people can SDI out of Dair. More experience players can probably give better advice than I can though.


Smash Master
May 25, 2009
Allston, MA
Just lobbing nades works extremely well for nade camping.

dair can also be used as an attempt to break sheild if you notice their sheild is getting low.


Smash Lord
May 16, 2008
Bairs is a good failsafe for both situations if you're worried about reacting wrong. The important thing is to fast fall for the momentum cancel. Dair is best for vertical, but not so wise for horizontal. Bair/Uair works fine for Vertical AND horizontal. Airdodging for horizontal works fine for me too, but only when I need to double jump right after to survive.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
here's a really good quote on the whole "howtheeffdoyoudiassnake" question.

i believe him at least.

Vertical Knockback = Aerial and FF. Aerial allows you to regain control of Snake during hitstun. Then the Aerial can be FFen. It doesn't matter which aerial you use, so long as you FF it (press down on the control stick) as soon as possible. But since the duration of some aerials last too long, such as Dair, you can sometimes be hit during the animation of the Aerial. So it's best to use the fastest aerial. Which is his Bair.

Horizontal Knockback is different. Since the FF doesn't effect the horizontal knockback you recieve, you don't have to worry about FFing anymore. But you do still have to do something to regain your control over snake in order to do anything. So in this case it's best to use the fastest thing available to you, which is Airdodge. Snake's Airdodge is faster than his fastest aerial by 3 frames. After that, it's best to jump and move yourself in the air towards the stage, this allows you to reduce more knockback, but can kill you if you jump and it places you off the top of the screen. But since the airdodge isn't really that much of a difference from the Bair, it is probably ok to use the Bair for both kinds of knockback.

Short short version
Vertical knockback = FF Bair
Horizontal Knockback = Bair > Jump

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Honestly, being able to direct the joy stick in the proper way to DI is SO much more important that which aerial to use when they're all within a couple frames of each other. People should be worrying more about being able to react fast enough with the direction and start DIing even before they get hit than which aerial to use.
Aug 6, 2008
Honestly, being able to direct the joy stick in the proper way to DI is SO much more important that which aerial to use when they're all within a couple frames of each other. People should be worrying more about being able to react fast enough with the direction and start DIing even before they get hit than which aerial to use.
I react to knockback by doing this - UP. It helps in so many situations by purely reaction to always go UP. :laugh:

It does get me killed from time to time pretty early on certain attacks. Up DI on Luigi's fsmash is not smart to do. You go straight UP :(

I am breaking that habit now. I'm DIing to the left and right when the occasion calls for it, but sometimes I'm not fast enough to get the full effect of it.


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
Honestly, being able to direct the joy stick in the proper way to DI is SO much more important that which aerial to use when they're all within a couple frames of each other. People should be worrying more about being able to react fast enough with the direction and start DIing even before they get hit than which aerial to use.
i agree, but you might as well use the correct one. di eventually becomes second nature, so just start now and use the right one, and soon it'll just happen.

Wild ARMs

Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
I haven't seen a thread like this around, so I'm going to request that one like this be made.
I'm having trouble camping. It's not that I don't know basic nade tricks, the problem is that I don't know what character can do what to avoid and get around my camping. Rather than having to search through all of Snake's MUs individually, I would like a thread with a list of character specific camping strategies, which characters can outcamp, which can be tricky to camp, and which characters are most vulnerable to Snake's nade camping.
Again, I'm not asking for another nade guide, but rather a sort of... Camping match up. How Snake's camping game can be used effectively against all the different characters.
Is this a bad idea? Or perhaps something similar has already been made?
Or maybe the MUs already cover this...?


Smash Ace
Apr 27, 2009
Toronto, ON
its possible but you have to make sure you don't fastfall at any point
just be very precise in your inputs and it can be done
its defintely a harder stage to do it under though


Smash Apprentice
Jul 10, 2009
Does mashing the B button work?
Or do I have to actually wait and blow it up as soon as I can?


Banned via Administration
Jul 20, 2008
planking while watching anime with Fino
I was watching the MK more and was laughing at him never using uair to bait and airdodge so he could dair you off stage, THEN up-B your cypher.

You had a good stage game, but I can't really tell off stage... because the MK sort of.. let you touch the ground..


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Mmm, nice match. Nice ending too. You didn't seem pressured into approaching, as you shouldn't; you were ahead in the stock and you camped for the win. I don't know what to say. I'd probably just b-reverse more when falling down. Nice job man. I was surprised you utilted his jab haha. Also, nice DI. Also also, nice job putting a Kingdom Hearts song on that stage, it fits well and is epic. I think I might copy that and use that song now, haha.

Edit: Don't listen to me, listen to SuSa.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Mmm, nice match. Nice ending too. You didn't seem pressured into approaching, as you shouldn't; you were ahead in the stock and you camped for the win. I don't know what to say. I'd probably just b-reverse more when falling down. Nice job man. I was surprised you utilted his jab haha. Also, nice DI. Also also, nice job putting a Kingdom Hearts song on that stage, it fits well and is epic. I think I might copy that and use that song now, haha.

Edit: Don't listen to me, listen to SuSa.
thanks a lot to both . also I do to use B reverse, is just that I was kinda sure that he was expecting it and grab me or smash me. thanks, and the wii is not mine LOL. thanks a lot.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Mix the B-reverse in, don't use them everytime, sometimes use 1. Sometimes use 3.

It's the mixup part that is most important.
this is true. Back when I first learned this I did it to the point of where I was getting predicted and hit out of it. I realized this when I b reversed into a lucario fsmash and decided to start mixing it up. xD

Wild ARMs

Smash Journeyman
Feb 21, 2009
My question was never answered... :(
It's the last one on the previous page, and I really don't feel like typing it again.
Unless it was ignored for a reason...
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