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The SBR's Official Position on Metaknight

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The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Are you saying I'll finally be able to go to one of your tournaments and NOT play on Port Town Aero Drive? Actually, I kind of like playing on Port Town. This is an outrage.

Edit: So why is Houston banning Meta, Xyro?


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
inferno, yes. if i get rid of meta i also will have to give in on some of the stages too. Even though idiots get hit by cars in port town i will put it on the ban list.

i would explain why i ban meta but its all the same reasons youve heard before. if you PM me ill explain.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
The reason why i beat chillin is because i kno the matchup better than he does. Doesnt mean its in diddy's favors. Falco limits diddys approach severly with lasers and the reflector. Then the CG that can carry him over half of FD to a spike. Player-1 basically said the matchups. I wasnt agreeing. He said it was a horrible matchup which it wasnt.

This is not 'Discuss Diddy's Matchups' thread.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
I hate to move the conversation backwards, but after watching that video of Diddy's new lock and reading some of the debate about it, I decided to try it out for myself. I hope that this next part goes without saying, but every video I've seen of this being done has the technique being performed TOO SLOWLY to be inescapable. Just listening to the rhythm of the controller clicks in one of the videos and comparing them with my own makes me pretty certain of this. I'm not sure if video slowing down is common with whatever you guys are using to record, but after doing some tests with this myself I'm certain that if a human were holding up on the analog stick while someone did Diddy's lock at that speed, they'd escape without a problem.

Like I said, HOPEfully that was said somewhere and I just didn't read it. Now, I'd like to say that through the limited testing I've done, I'm 99% sure that when performed up to speed this lock is inescapable on Metaknight and that it's HIGHLY likely that it can be inverted without allowing the opponent to escape. To test this, I just took some string and tied the analog stick on the second controller in the UP position while I attempted to do the lock. I was able to lock Metaknight all the way across the width of Shadow Moses without him standing up(which he did rather quickly). I managed to invert the process only once without the aid of a wall, however, so I feel like that would need more testing.

I hope to be able to get a video of this at full speed up sometime soon, but as the Ganon boards will tell you, I'm too busy to do mostly anything. So if anyone else wants to record this lock being done against an opponent that's TRYING TO STAND UP, be my guest.
The video I posted, I was purposely doing it slow because I knew if I tried to doing it fast or a computer set to "walk" that I would mess most of the time since the technique was just discovered and that I hadn't worked with it more tehan 10 minutes. Hylians Uair and Bair video of him doing it can be escaped, it only works with dair but we've tested it against a human opponent with the opponent holding the control stick in some random direction to get the fastest response time and Hylian still managed to do it against him a few times before he messed up, get your facts straight.


Oct 13, 2007
Pittsburgh, PA
Xyro - you probably just lost your chance for me to come back (and bring Azen) for that decision. Just letting you know. NJ is never banning MK btw, you clearly have no idea about my state.
Mk is popular in the NorthEast in general. I see a lot of MK's here in PA. Even if a MK ban started, the northeast would probably be the last area(if at all) to oblige.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
Mk is popular in the NorthEast in general. I see a lot of MK's here in PA. Even if a MK ban started, the northeast would probably be the last area(if at all) to oblige.
theres only one MK in east PA (philly area) and i doubt they would mind having him banned lol


Unity Ruleset Committee Member
Aug 25, 2003
Xyro - you probably just lost your chance for me to come back (and bring Azen) for that decision. Just letting you know. NJ is never banning MK btw, you clearly have no idea about my state.
im sorry you fell that way. Im not against you or anybody that uses meta im just against metaknight. and the nj im talking about isnt the nj(new jers) your thinkig of.


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
chu's last biweekly this weekend
1) Atomsk - Olimar/DDD
2) NinjaLink - Diddy/Rob/one match Wolf?
3) Neo - Marth
4) Chillin - Falco Snake
5) Chu - Kirby
5) Inui - MK/Snake (Snake to beat Forte)
7) Forte - MK
7) InfernoOmni - MK maybe once DDD not sure

Atomsk beat everyone 2-0, 3-0, and then 6-1 vs NinjaLink, using all Olimar DDD. He also won teams with Inui.

I am the only dominating MK, I'm sorry you Texans constantly get ***** by Dojo. Step it up.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
eh Dojo doesn't really **** TX. he is probably the best MK in TX, but he hasn't won a major TX tournament yet, although he did just win a major OK tournament. he might start dominating HOBOs and other major TX tournaments though, he seems to have stepped it up even more.

we just have a lot of MKs in TX to worry about, not just dojo. i'm neutral on the subject about the ban, but i can definetly see why people want him banned lol.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2007
Cosmo Canyon
yea he won a gamelot tourny here in SA but it was not major and i was not into brawl then. So i have yet to play dojo


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
really I saw no good ones except Dojo and that Olimar/MK player forget his name.

if those other MKs "that you need to worry about" take you out, chances are you wouldn't be making money at it anyway, so it's just good practice. I didn't used to like fighting MK dittos until I did a FEW of them and just improved really fast. I've always ***** MK with DDD before, except Azen, for the several months that I played DDD. MK is the best character but he's far from this god that you perceive him as. Hardly anyone developed the other characters at all. Look how good Santi got with Toon Link. He ALONE is evolving the character. I'm sure it would be easier to get even better if he had other people to copy, but he doesn't.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2008
Lamar University, TX
really I saw no good ones except Dojo and that Olimar/MK player forget his name.

if those other MKs "that you need to worry about" take you out, chances are you wouldn't be making money at it anyway, so it's just good practice. I didn't used to like fighting MK dittos until I did a FEW of them and just improved really fast. I've always ***** MK with DDD before, except Azen, for the several months that I played DDD. MK is the best character but he's far from this god that you perceive him as. Hardly anyone developed the other characters at all. Look how good Santi got with Toon Link. He ALONE is evolving the character. I'm sure it would be easier to get even better if he had other people to copy, but he doesn't.
the MK that uses olimar is stiltz, but he doesn't really play anymore. i don't think we have the best MKs around, we just have a lot of them that place pretty decently. some off the top of my head are dojo, infinity, d4ba, other random people i don't feel like thinking right now. -_- i honestly don't care about the MK ban because i find the match up around even and it's actually kind of fun for me. except when i played you m2k and you 2 stocked me both games. -_-


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2005
Redwood City, CA
The video I posted, I was purposely doing it slow because I knew if I tried to doing it fast or a computer set to "walk" that I would mess most of the time since the technique was just discovered and that I hadn't worked with it more tehan 10 minutes. Hylians Uair and Bair video of him doing it can be escaped, it only works with dair but we've tested it against a human opponent with the opponent holding the control stick in some random direction to get the fastest response time and Hylian still managed to do it against him a few times before he messed up, get your facts straight.
Lol, people take everything so offensively on smashboards. My facts are perfectly straight. I DARE you to find a statement in that post that's factually inaccurate.

Fact: I haven't seen a video of it at full speed.
Fact: It can be escaped at the speed you and Hylian taped it.
Fact: There should be a video of it at full speed.

Arguing about this is stupid and is only going to clutter the thread.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Actually D4ba, Infinity, and myself are the only decent placing MK's in Texas atm. Nobody else in the placings (Including hobo placings) have done extraordinarily well.

I don't understand why Xyro has such a cow over it. Hobo 11 was the ONLY exception, and that's because you had a gathering of the nation's VERY BEST MK's around in M2K, Azen, DSF, LeeM, and myself.

All of our top 15 have downed MK's through tourneys. Roy's beaten them, Sethlon's done it, Hyli's done it, Stiltz has, Santi has, DMG has, Trex, etc. all of them have.


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Lol, people take everything so offensively on smashboards. My facts are perfectly straight. I DARE you to find a statement in that post that's factually inaccurate.

Fact: I haven't seen a video of it at full speed.
Fact: It can be escaped at the speed you and Hylian taped it.
Fact: There should be a video of it at full speed.

Arguing about this is stupid and is only going to clutter the thread.
'm certain that if a human were holding up on the analog stick while someone did Diddy's lock at that speed, they'd escape without a problem.
Factually incorrect^

Like I said, HOPEfully that was said somewhere and I just didn't read it. Now, I'd like to say that through the limited testing I've done, I'm 99% sure that when performed up to speed this lock is inescapable on Metaknight and that it's HIGHLY likely that it can be inverted without allowing the opponent to escape. To test this, I just took some string and tied the analog stick on the second controller in the UP position while I attempted to do the lock. I was able to lock Metaknight all the way across the width of Shadow Moses without him standing up(which he did rather quickly). I managed to invert the process only once without the aid of a wall, however, so I feel like that would need more testing.
Then you contradicted yourself...?


Smash Champion
Oct 28, 2008
i think mk should be banned he has no true counters or even neutral match-ups until a major weakness is found at least or maebe make a new version of brawl like they did melee (pal and the other versions) maebe with l canceling, no tripping, and a nerfed mk (seriously he needs it)


Smash hhkj'
Sep 19, 2007
Boston, MA
i think mk should be banned he has no true counters or even neutral match-ups until a major weakness is found at least or maebe make a new version of brawl like they did melee (pal and the other versions) maebe with l canceling, no tripping, and a nerfed mk (seriously he needs it)
make this mad an admin
he needs to work for nintendo


Smash Ace
Aug 3, 2005
Redwood City, CA
Factually incorrect^
Really?!? You said it yourself:
The video I posted, I was purposely doing it slow because I knew if I tried to doing it fast or a computer set to "walk" that I would mess most of the time since the technique was just discovered and that I hadn't worked with it more tehan 10 minutes
That's the speed I was referring to when I said that it would be escapable.

As for the second part, I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I'm certain that it's inescapable as a lock going one way across the stage. However, I'm not sure about it being an infinite(invertable).


Smash Legend
Apr 27, 2008
Rainbow Cruise
Really?!? You said it yourself:

That's the speed I was referring to when I said that it would be escapable.

As for the second part, I guess I didn't make it clear enough. I'm certain that it's inescapable as a lock going one way across the stage. However, I'm not sure about it being an infinite(invertable).
The way your sentences were structered made it sound like you were talking about the lock at it's best speed was escapable but I don't want to argue baout grammar in a thread for discussing the not-banned MK.


Smash Researcher
Jun 1, 2008
Dexters Laboratory
The way your sentences were structered made it sound like you were talking about the lock at it's best speed was escapable

lol @ TX banning mk. it likely will be like the IC chain grabs and when they realize its wrong then theyll just go back.


Smash Champion
Feb 7, 2007
Time Chamber, Texas
Biggest ones in Texas.
Hobo 10 and 11 both attracted over 100 players.
12 had about 60 I think.

Mostly due to the biggest scene in Texas being all around the Houston area, so the most tourneys are held there, and most of the scene from there won't travel.
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