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The Official "Should/Will Metaknight be banned?" Thread (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

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Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Thiocyanide, we all have already defined highest levels of play for you. You chose to ignore us, and now you are asking Salabo to do what has already been done by three people now.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
'Highest' is synonomous with 'top.' They are both the superlative form of the word 'high.'

Salabo, if you're going to argue it's more than the top, define the boundaries of the argument so we can start using actual data instead of arguing the same hypotheticals over and over again.
Are you intentionally dropping the last letter of my name? I really ignore capitalization since it obviously confuses people, but there is a "b" on the end.

And the initial post says "Highest levels" levels. Plural. S on the end. I know, you drop letters from the ends of things, but it's still there in the OP. That means not just the very top, and the word "highest" doesn't make it any less plural. Since at least two levels are involved, that means it's not just the absolute top. If it were worded "Top levels" it would still not be only the top level because levels is still plural. Quit picking on the word "highest" and look at the word it's applied to. Honestly this is as bad as brinboy, I already explained it clearly in the post you're quoting and now I'm having to repeat myself again. For the third time, at that.

Now that that's out of the way, how am I supposed to determine exactly where it meant? I think you're nitpicking when you say "Oh you can't look at results in your region because M2K isn't there so it's obviously not top level". If a region can compete with acknowledged skilled players from another region, isn't that enough that they demonstrate the issue? What if we put "highest levels" at the point where it's right below the runaway best people who will beat anyone lower than them no matter who they use? Will that work for you? That's where MK is doing the most damage to the matchups anyway, and where things will get the most shuffled if he is banned.
i think he did in his example...
I hadn't specified where I thought it should be, I was just pointing out that there was no realistic interpretation of the OP that said "top level only".


Smash Champion
Mar 13, 2008
just amusing parallel here, if the NBA only responded to the needs of the best of best players within the league, the basket probably would have to be raised to "balance" yao ming against normal outside shooters without genetic defects that make them tall.


Smash Champion
Jul 6, 2005
Raleigh, NC
Are you intentionally dropping the last letter of my name? I really ignore capitalization since it obviously confuses people, but there is a "b" on the end.

I know, you drop letters from the ends of things, but it's still there in the OP.
toasting in an epic bread


Smash Lord
Apr 12, 2008
By "highest" level, is that to the point of invincible Wolf-shining, or would that be "impractical" level play?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
random stuff not really making a point
"That Bowser" was Kishsquared; he is more than likely the best bowser player in the country. I also beat said Bowser. This was also in a tournament that was created, set up, put into place, and finished in under 24 hours. The turnout was only about 26 or so people, as the original tournament we were going to was cancelled due to angry neighbors and "that Bowser" and his friends stepped their game up.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
just amusing parallel here, if the NBA only responded to the needs of the best of best players within the league, the basket probably would have to be raised to "balance" yao ming against normal outside shooters without genetic defects that make them tall.
uhhhh.. if you havent noticed...

in all pro sports the rules are balenced in favor of the best players.
the best in basketball are 6'2"-6'7" and the basket is just teh right height for them.

in all sports the rules are bent so that the best players cna get the benefit of the doubt

if shaq wasnt a hall-of-famer, he would foul out of every game because he plays dirty and pushes people out of the way and elbows them and crap while he plays


Smash Journeyman
Oct 26, 2008
Marlboro, NJ
dont band mk/ jsut becasue hes mad good doesnt mean to ban him
marth has a counter which is made annoying ban him than lol


Smash Legend
May 8, 2008
dont band mk/ jsut becasue hes mad good doesnt mean to ban him
marth has a counter which is made annoying ban him than lol
Umm...Yeah. Welcome to Smashboards...and Super Smash Bros.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
The English language just cried... Also, you think Marth should be banned because you find his counter attack annoying? I just cried...
Roy's counter ***** fox and falco recovery in melee! ban him nao!111!11!

it annoyz me.


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
Time will tell, if MK should be banned or not.
You need to look at it from both sides of the argument on this point. It comes down to where the bet is hedged.

If MK stays in now, he might stagnate the metagame by the time we choose to look at this again. Or he might not.

If MK gets banned, we could lose a segment of the metagame. or he could actually need a ban.

All in all, not a debatable point at all. Unless we have some augers up in here.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
I would like to see the numbers. What is metaknight's point total with out M2K?

Who are you going to believe about the olimar vs. Peach matchup? Dangr, Edress, the olimar boards, the peach boards, or Inui? I think the choice is obvious, Inui is the best Olimar, Peach, Snake, Marth, and every other character that supposedly beats Metaknight in the world. Inui knows more than we all do.

Perfect camping should be banned before it becomes a problem, because obviously it is the perfect and unbeatable tactic that even the best Metaknight can't handle.

This topic is full of epic post. This topic is too good. It should be banned with metaknight.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 16, 2003
I'd just like to say that Meta Knight is a character in Brawl.
I'd just like to say that Meta Knight wasn't a problem in Melee. Fact.

Now, this is just speculation, but I think it was just due to the difference in game mechanics, so this is a pointless comparison.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 23, 2008
i brought up this point in another thread, but it was closed due to the surplus of others similar to it:

for the ban, ive read into it quite a bit. i myself, am debating whether or not to stay w/ mk, however that is off topic. the ban is a good and bad idea.

my suggestion is to ban metaknight, but not forever. make it a temporary ban, i dont know how long this is only a suggestion. with a temporary ban, other characters from the other tiers will be able to explore themselves and improve their overall gameplay other than trying to find ways to counter a metaknight. after the period of the ban, we should bring metaknight back into tournaments and see how he fares with the newly improved characters. however, if metaknight still dominates, ban him.

this way, people will be able to improve their game overall instead of always looking for ways to beat a metaknight.

banning metaknight forever wouldnt prove anything. a ban like that wouldnt prove metaknights brokenness (word?). giving a chance for the other characters to improve their own game is the only logical way to prove metaknights "brokenness."

feedback is greatly appreciated and flaming is almost expected...


Smash Hero
Mar 15, 2008
I would like to see the numbers. What is metaknight's point total with out top players?

Who are you going to believe about the olimar vs. Peach matchup? Dangr, Edress, the olimar boards, the peach boards, or Inui? I think the choice is obvious, Inui is the best Olimar, Peach, Snake, Marth, and every other character that supposedly beats Metaknight in the world. Inui knows more than we all do.

Perfect camping should be banned before it becomes a problem, because obviously it is the perfect and unbeatable tactic that even the best Metaknight can't handle.

This topic is full of epic post. This topic is too good. It should be banned with metaknight.
Fixed. If only one player was winning with MK, we wouldn't have this thread.


Smash Master
Dec 13, 2005
it would see how much MK dominated tournies if we didnt count M2K.
Which is irrelevant. Unless you want to take out the best player of every character for all the rankings, then it might mean something, but even then, there isn't really a point.


Smash Lord
Apr 30, 2008
What is this going to change? If you do this, shouldn't you have to remove the top player of every single character? Also, what does this prove?
Well there have been those that have stated that M2K makes up most of metaknight points. I believe the argument would be that if you subtract M2K's wins, which skew the data since he is the best brawl player regardless of character, then you would see that metaknight is actually a reasonable character.

The problem I see with this is that if you take out M2K's wins, you still find that on average 3-4 metaknights make it to the top 8 at most tournaments. Which means M2k doesn't make up as much as people would like to think. Then again it wouldn't hurt the argument to run the numbers.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
I don't think I've ever seen, irl or in a video, a player attempt to footstool a tornado, much less succeed. Do you seriously believe that his tornado is countered by footstooling?

edit: Oh wait you were trolling. Nvm.
I watched him footstool the tornado over and over when I played him.

But Edrees! This is INUI. He obviously knows what he is talking about. He's had an exceptional record and Brawl and definitely didn't switch mains to Metaknight after losing to a Sonic to see a boost in tournament placings. No, he's picked his own main and built him from the ground up rather than leeching off of everyone else to climb out of a pit of mediocrity. Olimar, the character he nor any other top player mains, is the best in the game and his camping is unstoppable but people don't do it because they don't love money enough! You're biased.
Once again, stop doing everything in your power to slander me and actually try to debate.

Why do people keep saying MK has more than 50% of the Atlantic North wins? I went through Ankoku's archive, and MK barely wins. I attend 5 events per month in my region, and MK rarely gets 1st.


Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2005
San Diego, CA
I watched him footstool the tornado over and over when I played him.
Really. Ignoring the fact that you lack video proof, that's only M2K(I assume you're talking about him). You should know that he lives, eats, and breathes the MK ditto matchup. You are a reletively new MK. He knows every knook and cranny of MK. You do not.

Of course he'd be able to Footstool your Whorenados. What you have said is an exception, not the norm.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
You can footstool the tornado, but it has no effect; you just fly high up in the air.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Really. Ignoring the fact that you lack video proof, that's only M2K(I assume you're talking about him). You should know that he lives, eats, and breathes the MK ditto matchup. You are a reletively new MK. He knows every knook and cranny of MK. You do not.

Of course he'd be able to Footstool your Whorenados. What you have said is an exception, not the norm.

Basic Sausage footstools it with Dedede all the time. This causes him to fly away from it and only take about 4% damage, sometimes less depending on how quickly he DI's out.

I'm not talking about Mew2King.
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