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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
I said "2nd best of the heavyweights".
i didn't say it was the perfect recovery.
And i didn't say anything about speed.

DK's number 1? No freakin way. DK's upB has invincibilty frames on startup, and decent horizontal coverage. Zero vertical height. Same goes for Bowser.

Snake, i'll agree has a great upB.
I also said RECOVERY, not just UpB. D3 and Zard have multiple jumps. And Zard has a glide. (As slow as it may be, better than none)
While I retract my statement of Zard having 2nd best, this is the order I'd put the heavyweight's recoveries in.

1. D3
2. Snake
3. Charizard
4. Ganondorf DK Bowser (their UpBs all suck for recovery so its a tie.)
May 16, 2009
Austin, Texas
Lmao, you forgots Rob <_<.

Also, Bowser's Recovery does not suck. I am sure that its much better than Ganon's.

It helps to switch to Ivy at high percents, since being gimped really is not a whole fresh stock.


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2005
C: On the cusp of tournament viability; good players can do well with them and take out some other reputable players, though they will very seldomly get top three
Actually, I'd consider this the classification for every class below B, but above F.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I play a little PT (very little) and the big problem I have with them is that the strat seems to be:

Start with Squirtle, milk for as long as possible
Once Ivy comes out after Squirtle dies, kill if they are at high %. If not, immediately switch to 'zard because Ivy is literally the worst 'character' in the game.
Stall with 'zard until Squirtle's fresh. Try for a kill if you can get one.

Squirtle is amazing, Charizard is OK, and Ivy is just bad. It's like a tripod with a broken leg.
Wow, you are an idiot. Stop spout knowledge that just fails.
Ivysaur, far from the worst character in the game. Damage racking potential is SKY HIGH with Bullet Seed. Great spacing with BAIR, and amazing kill moves.
YOU are the problem we have the community. We have endured "Lolstamina" and "Lolivysaur" forever without any justification as to why they are perceived that way. And frankly, if Reflex can beat out a huge group of people at a tournament with ONLY Pokemon Trainer, than obviously "Lolstamina" isn't an issue.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
if anything, squirtle can combo MORE with no stamina lol. Less knockback = less kill, more combo.


Smash Lord
Sep 10, 2008
Hot chick Zone, Brazil
I haven't been part of the SBR for very long time, so I can't tell you. I barely had any influence at the current tier list, and I know what Pokemon Trainer is capable of, I never denied that.
When i said SBR i wasnt talking about you spade :D! I just refered to them as you ><! I know you are the "low tier man o/", and i know you dont dislike PT like the SBR previously did. :D

Edit: Wow guys, lol dont be so agressive with the "lolvissaur" ><! Let him think pt sucks cause of "lolvissaur", cause the only thing that matters is that WE know he dosent :D, so w/e to the scrubs :D


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
I play a little PT (very little) and the big problem I have with them is that the strat seems to be:

Start with Squirtle, milk for as long as possible
Once Ivy comes out after Squirtle dies, kill if they are at high %. If not, immediately switch to 'zard because Ivy is literally the worst 'character' in the game.
Stall with 'zard until Squirtle's fresh. Try for a kill if you can get one.

Squirtle is amazing, Charizard is OK, and Ivy is just bad. It's like a tripod with a broken leg.
I thought that Charizard and Squirtle were both good, but in different ways (as in, Squirtle rocks at racking up damage while Charizard rocks at pure KO power).

And Ivysaur isn't the worst character in the game. In the bottom 5, yes, but not quite the worst.

hundreds of utilts

Smash Apprentice
Mar 11, 2009
deep north
Ivy ***** bigger characters. I usually keep him out vs Dedede. bullet seed <3

The only match up I really find unbearable with Ivy is metaknght, and sometimes falco.


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Enlighten me, please.
Mainly I am referring to DK's recovery that you are ****ting on, obviously through exaggeration. Stuff like "decent" horizontal recovery. For not being a glided recovery DK has among the best horizontal recovery, IMO. He will never fall short of the ledge, and that's good enough for me, so it is better than "decent".

You also say "zero vertical recovery". Zero? He does have vertical recovery. Sure, it has ****ty vertical height compared to others, but if you still have your second jump it will almost always be enough to get back to the stage. Along with DK's weight you will rarely be in the position to be forced to rely on vertical recovery, short of being semi-spiked.

DK doesn't have the best recovery, but you make it sound abysmal, when it practice it really isn't so much of a problem when you also take his weight into consideration.


Smash Champion
Oct 24, 2008
Dorset, UK
Mainly I am referring to DK's recovery that you are ****ting on, obviously through exaggeration. Stuff like "decent" horizontal recovery. For not being a glided recovery DK has among the best horizontal recovery, IMO. He will never fall short of the ledge, and that's good enough for me, so it is better than "decent".

You also say "zero vertical recovery". Zero? He does have vertical recovery. Sure, it has ****ty vertical height compared to others, but if you still have your second jump it will almost always be enough to get back to the stage. Along with DK's weight you will rarely be in the position to be forced to rely on vertical recovery, short of being semi-spiked.

DK doesn't have the best recovery, but you make it sound abysmal, when it practice it really isn't so much of a problem when you also take his weight into consideration.
I have to agree with you. Basically, if Donkey Kong doesn't get meteor smashed, then he can usually recover if he doesn't die initially. His vertical distance is poor, but it's usually enough to survive. The same applies to Peach: her horizontal recovery is excellent, and she can basically recover from any angle except directly upwards.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Peach does fine.

As long as she still has her lulzy second jump, vertical recovery is always "just enough."

Spikes are stupid though.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Allow me to elaborate, without knocking you off your high horse.

Mainly I am referring to DK's recovery that you are ****ting on, obviously through exaggeration. Stuff like "decent" horizontal recovery. For not being a glided recovery DK has among the best horizontal recovery, IMO. He will never fall short of the ledge, and that's good enough for me, so it is better than "decent".
Speed. How FAST can you get to the edge horizontally? How many characters have better horizontal options? Fox, Falco, Luigi, just off the top of my head, can reach equal if not further distance than DK and much faster, thus leaving less time for your opponent to gimp you.
You also say "zero vertical recovery". Zero? He does have vertical recovery. Sure, it has ****ty vertical height compared to others, but if you still have your second jump it will almost always be enough to get back to the stage. Along with DK's weight you will rarely be in the position to be forced to rely on vertical recovery, short of being semi-spiked.
Ok. I did exaggerate. DK has very little vertical height on his upB. As for the 2nd jump saved, here's 2 situations that are fairly common:
1. You recover and have used your UpB, come close to the stage and your opponent knocks you away. Hitstun takes effect and your upB now is not enough to get you back.
2. You fsmash/ftilt close to the edge, your opponent perfect shields, and you end up buffering a Fair. Gg DK. No vertical recovery, even with you're 2nd jump.

DK doesn't have the best recovery, but you make it sound abysmal, when it practice it really isn't so much of a problem when you also take his weight into consideration.
I made it sound abysmal? No, that's what you chose to hear. DKs recovery is decent. if you look into the context, I was comparing it to the likes of the other heavyweights, not the entire cast.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
Wow, you are an idiot. Stop spout knowledge that just fails.
Ivysaur, far from the worst character in the game. Damage racking potential is SKY HIGH with Bullet Seed. Great spacing with BAIR, and amazing kill moves.
YOU are the problem we have the community. We have endured "Lolstamina" and "Lolivysaur" forever without any justification as to why they are perceived that way. And frankly, if Reflex can beat out a huge group of people at a tournament with ONLY Pokemon Trainer, than obviously "Lolstamina" isn't an issue.
I was giving an impression. Chill out. I am barely if at all knowledgeable at all in regards to PT. I even said I only play them a little bit. I never even said I thought PT was bad.

I do love Squirtle a lot, though.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Anyhoo, I'm off to bed. Need sleep, cbf posting.

What I've written is MY OPINION, if you don't like it, good for you. I don't give a sh*t.

I find it ironic that I had a conversation about worst recoveries when I main Ivysaur.
This was fun, lets do it again sometime.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
zards recovery is bad vermy lol. its the same deal as luigi, it might get u back to the stage often enough, but its so slow, predictable and non-threatening. DDD as well, try to recover vs an MK who just shuttle loops u out of your recovery every single time. distance is worthless when its easy to stop. id say dk's is #1, snake 2, bowser 3, zard 4 ddd 5
How is DK's 1??

Snake's recovering is much better IMO.

why doesn't he go helpless after his UpB? Do you think the developers really intended for C4 recovery >_<

BTW people Ivysaur is a combo king, similar to Mario, I.E. not the most damaging moves but they are potentially much better at stringing together.

just ask Reflex lol


Smash Journeyman
May 13, 2008
Allow me to elaborate, without knocking you off your high horse.

Speed. How FAST can you get to the edge horizontally? How many characters have better horizontal options? Fox, Falco, Luigi, just off the top of my head, can reach equal if not further distance than DK and much faster, thus leaving less time for your opponent to gimp you.
You can time the recovery to glide above the ledge, and even lag cancel it (because DK has a vertical recovery, you know...). DK has a longer distance than the characters you just listed too, except maybe Weegee, but his recovery is so dependent I don't care.

Ok. I did exaggerate. DK has very little vertical height on his upB. As for the 2nd jump saved, here's 2 situations that are fairly common:
1. You recover and have used your UpB, come close to the stage and your opponent knocks you away. Hitstun takes effect and your upB now is not enough to get you back.
2. You fsmash/ftilt close to the edge, your opponent perfect shields, and you end up buffering a Fair. Gg DK. No vertical recovery, even with you're 2nd jump.
1. It has never been a problem for me. The only time where that does happen is Kirby's dair, because it has multiple hits and takes you downward. Otherwise a single hit in most cases sends you flying upward and the hitstun isn't long enough to take you out of range to miss the ledge.
2. True, same for dair when trying to do a DSmash. But it doesn't mean it is preventable.


Apr 16, 2008
Round Rock, Texas
Holy Walls of Text, Batman!

I just thought I'd point out that saying ZSS has a better aerial game than Wario is silly, b/c if it was, then she'd beat Wario, but she doesn't (hell, people say to abuse upsmash with her against him rather than confront him in the air) [he doesn't have too much ground game either outside of his grabs and jab cancels). At BEST their aerial game is equivalent, and ONLY b/c of upair.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 3, 2007
New Jersey
why doesn't he go helpless after his UpB? Do you think the developers really intended for C4 recovery >_<


Using Snake’s C4 packs while falling can occasionally prove useful as a recovery technique. Drop a pack straight beneath yourself, perform an accelerated fall to catch up with the pack, and then detonate the explosive. Snake will be propelled upward with the force of the explosion.
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