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The Official SBR-B Brawl Tier List v3.0

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Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY

ZSS' uair beats out Marth in the air. Her bair beats his fair, too, but just slightly and it's hard to aim it.

The uair is mostly disjoint, not much hurtbox. It has a sourspot that allows for easy combos, a tipper that kills early, autocancels, combos into itself, can kill (even when stale) and occasionally kill early off the top. ZSS is the best juggler in the game IMO. Uair's disjoint beats or trades (occasionally) with almost any aerial, including things like Toon Link and GaW and MK's dairs.

Her back air is a great spacing move, is safe on block (most of the time), his a decent-sized disjoint, etc. The drawback of bair is that it's kind of easy to bait because it doesn't have a sweeping hitbox like, say, Marth's fair, so while it beats most everything, you have to be really accurate.

Her fair is also really amazing as a combo finisher and deals 17% damage (seriously) when you hit with both attacks. The second hit has trans priority and goes through MK's tornado at the foot (the disjoint). This is the hardest to hit with because it requires a setup but it's a great gimping move and deals a ****load of damage when it connects.

Dair is OK when you can autocancel it, really fast way to reach the ground, otherwise we avoid it. Nair is good at early percents for its combo potential but not great later on. Luckily the other aerials cover things pretty well.

Her aerials are also easy to set up for. Dsmash, dtilt, dthrow, and even fthrow are all really smart aerial setups that work consistently. Dash attack->utilt also sets up for aerials really well.

The only attack ZSS has that doesn't have a sizable disjoint is her jab, btw. She's kinda a sword archetype.


Not the Mama
Apr 15, 2008
in my SCIENCE! lab
Funny. You make similar claims and act in the same manor yourself. G&W doesn't have the advantage on ANY space animal? Yeah, whatever.

G&W loses to Snake, MK, Marth, and arguably Diddy by ONLY 6:4. That isn't a lot by any stretch of the imagination. He doesn't lose to ZSS, despite it being the general consensus outside of our boards for whatever reason. Olimar and Toon Link are both near even matchups, but could very well go in their favor 5 points. Now explain to me; why does this make him a bad character? 4 disadvantages, the rest being near even doesn't make for a bad character when he goes even to advantageous with the rest of the cast.

People can argue, and that's good, but G&W beats D3, ICs, Lucario, and Pikachu. The only Spacie that he beats 6:4 is likely Fox. Wolf is dead even, and Falco is beat 55:45, which isnt a large margin. Regardless, he still has the edge over 2 of the three spacies.

I'm not a frequent poster in this thread, but this really seems to be pointed at me in some fashion. What makes you think I don't form my own opinions? In fact, my opinions on G&W as a whole are well founded, and I have made a semi-recent thread for discussion on our boards to argue against people who thinks G&W is a poor character. I backed up my points, and I got really few contesting points to them, those primarily being unfounded, unsupported opinions of "Whatever you say, G&W sucks lololol".

If you have such a strong opinion that G&W is a bad character, bump up that thread and debate with me. I don't have the time or patience necessary to argue with multiple people on multiple issues about G&W as this thread moves itself on.

Cute. OBM's matchup guide is constantly getting looked over in matchup exports. ZSS hasn't got one yet, so the information through that is old. However, I'm positive yours is no better. I wouldn't be surprised if you had **** like "G&W is predictable lol turtle is easily punishable now". I honestly would not be surprised.

Listen, if you guys actually want to hammer out an accurate matchup ratio, you actually have to let the G&W boards know. It's really cute to make fun of old matchup discussion, and then go right ahead talking amongst just your boards and not inviting the other side of the equation to join you. That is just as laughable as old discussion.
lol Lucario boards haven't discussed that in awhile either, and there's strong reasons coming from some lucarios that the MU is either even or slightly in our favor lol, the last time we discussed the MU was before dthrow was known to be reliably techable and bucketing projectiles was still broken lol.
Lee has never lost to G&W from what I hear in tourney, and several agree that dair is a good punisher for bair/lots of other G&W aerials.
It's arguably our most likely candidate to change when we get to rediscussions.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
See, the bad thing about saying "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" is that you're not considering that her bair is an extension of her hurtbox... And Marth's sword has the same priority as MK's sword, so hitting him with a bair while he fairs you will be more risky than hitting with other safer attacks... So, trying to run down an argument like "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" would fall on deaf ears, even more so if you yourself say it's very difficult to hit with it in order to gain that said perk: beating out a non-clashing disjoint.

Mr. Escalator

G&W Guru
Apr 11, 2008
Hudson, NH
When I noted that G&W beats Lucario, I meant that in a general sense. I don't think G&W has as large as an advantage as previously suggested over Lucario, but I also don't think Lucario wins it. I'm probably looking at 55:45 in favor of us, which is actually reasonable odds for Lucario.

Then again, we need to rediscuss that as well, just as much as talking about ZSS is important.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2002
See, the bad thing about saying "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" is that you're not considering that her bair is an extension of her hurtbox... And Marth's sword has the same priority as MK's sword, so hitting him with a bair while he fairs you will be more risky than hitting with other safer attacks... So, trying to run down an argument like "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" would fall on deaf ears, even more so if you yourself say it's very difficult to hit with it in order to gain that said perk: beating out a non-clashing disjoint.
I'm not sure Bair is actually an extension of her hurtbox. Its disjointed by quite a bit and I don't think her leg can actually be hit during the attack.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
See, the bad thing about saying "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" is that you're not considering that her bair is an extension of her hurtbox... And Marth's sword has the same priority as MK's sword, so hitting him with a bair while he fairs you will be more risky than hitting with other safer attacks... So, trying to run down an argument like "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" would fall on deaf ears, even more so if you yourself say it's very difficult to hit with it in order to gain that said perk: beating out a non-clashing disjoint.
What Tien said... also, there's no real priority in brawl except trans priority:

ZSS' down-b kick
ZSS' dsmash
ZSS' second hit fair disjoint
MK's dsmash
Sheik's needles

There are more, obviously, these are just good examples.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
What Tien said... also, there's no real priority in brawl except trans priority:

ZSS' down-b kick
ZSS' dsmash
ZSS' second hit fair disjoint
MK's dsmash
Sheik's needles

There are more, obviously, these are just good examples.
Ugh, stop bringing the **** terms up. You know what I mean: If Marth hits your bair with his fair, you get hit and he doesn't. It's easier for him to hit you through your bair with his fair, than it is for you to hit him through his fair with your bair. **** the terms.

I'm not sure Bair is actually an extension of her hurtbox. Its disjointed by quite a bit and I don't think her leg can actually be hit during the attack.
Her legs may not be hurt, but Marth's fair reaches ZSS's hurtbox easier than ZSS's bair reaches Marth's hurtbox. Simply put, his fair has more range and can be spaced easier.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
No, that isn't true. If you both execute the attacks at the same time ZSS wins if she's spaced it correctly.
Marth doesn't even need to space it forrectly: he hits you above him, below him to an extenct, and in front of him. ZSS's bair can only hit behind her, and only when she's at the right height and angle. Marth's fair is easier to hit ZSS, than her bair is hitting Marth... AND he can retreat his fairs to make it hard to punish with your bairs, which makes your bairs not a very reliable way to hit him.

Plus, he can initiate his fair ANYWHERE while he's in the air, at any time, while you're in his massive fair range. ZSS can only hit with her bair when Marth is in the range of her bair, which will be harder to do than Marth can space his fair.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
What Tien said... also, there's no real priority in brawl except trans priority:

ZSS' down-b kick
ZSS' dsmash
ZSS' second hit fair disjoint
MK's dsmash
Sheik's needles

There are more, obviously, these are just good examples.
Priority is a misleading term.
As yo kow tsthe interaction of hurtbox to hitbox.
So a character with more range and disjoint can be said to have attacks with greater priority than a character with no disjoint.

As such it is why I am EXTREMELY confused as to why you are saying she beats out those characters aerially when on a hitbox to hurtbox ratio, they can space her all day and she cannot risk stick out her legs.

example: baiken vs Ky kisuke in GG


ZSS' uair beats out Marth in the air. Her bair beats his fair, too, but just slightly and it's hard to aim it.
no it doesn't, you can't say, this move beats that because i managed to get in close and slap him before he could slap me with his Fair.

ZSS on all of her attacks has less disjoint than Marth in terms of aerial attacks.
So it is misleading to say that she is beating out Marth in the air because in terms of hitbox to hurtbox ratio, ZSS does not.

If you mean in terms of maneuverability, thats also hard to believe since Marth has a higher amount of acceleration and speed aerially.
So Again I am rather confused.

Since if Marth sticks his sword out, ZSS cannot attack him until it is gone. THats not exactly beating out.

In terms of PURE range, yes, ZSS Bair is greater than Marth's, but because the difference isnt very large and also because Marth has much more of a disjoint, its just not true.

The uair is mostly disjoint, not much hurtbox. It has a sourspot that allows for easy combos, a tipper that kills early, autocancels, combos into itself, can kill (even when stale) and occasionally kill early off the top. ZSS is the best juggler in the game IMO. Uair's disjoint beats or trades (occasionally) with almost any aerial, including things like Toon Link and GaW and MK's dairs.
This is understandable. It does indeed beat out MK and G&W's dair, even directly.

Her back air is a great spacing move, is safe on block (most of the time), his a decent-sized disjoint, etc. The drawback of bair is that it's kind of easy to bait because it doesn't have a sweeping hitbox like, say, Marth's fair, so while it beats most everything, you have to be really accurate.
Even then in comparison to Marth's Fair or Nair, again you have more range, but less disjoint in comparison.
SO how exactly are you beating out Marth in the air? f he is spacing you constantly, you're not breaking through, you need to outmaneuver him which he is superior to ZSS in terms of sheer speed and maneuvering.

Her fair is also really amazing as a combo finisher and deals 17% damage (seriously) when you hit with both attacks. The second hit has trans priority and goes through MK's tornado at the foot (the disjoint). This is the hardest to hit with because it requires a setup but it's a great gimping move and deals a ****load of damage when it connects.
Best not to mention breaking tornado, no one ever really uses tornado when the opponent is in a neutral position to truly stop it.
And again, yes you may have trandsendent priority at the foot, but its meaningless since the rest is connected to her hurtbox, and if you run into a character whose disjointed range is greater, you cant beat them out directly.

Dair is OK when you can autocancel it, really fast way to reach the ground, otherwise we avoid it. Nair is good at early percents for its combo potential but not great later on. Luckily the other aerials cover things pretty well.
I HATE dair, its even more annoying to auto cancel tha Sonic's TBH.

Can you provide the hitbox data for ZSS attacks so we can compare them to Marth's.
It is like tien said, it falls on deaf ears when you say, ZSS beats out Marth, because on a hitbox to hurtbox ratio, Marth is greater and MK is even greater.

Hence why I think ZSS does have a disadvantage to MK greater than 55:45.

The definition of priority is simply the interaction of hurtbox to hitbox. This is true in ALL fighting games, its not just a brawl thing.
Mar 17, 2009
New York, NY
I was of the understanding that in other fighting games, moves actually beat other moves. Like, if two moves hit at the same time, one was "stronger" in that way.

Good to know, thanks.

I'm describing a technical situation, though, while you are describing a practical one. The sword is sweeping down so you don't have time to get the bair out, etc. THat's not even really true though, ZSS can do a rising bair and beat it while the sword is coming down.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
It is like tien said, it falls on deaf ears when you say, ZSS beats out Marth, because on a hitbox to hurtbox ratio, Marth is greater and MK is even greater.
It's ok, kewkky... You're still voicing your opinions... :(


Smash Hero
Aug 9, 2007
Las Vegas
Dude, you're fighting a battle of wits with someone that's unarmed. He's simply saying that it's more convenient for him to only consider long-range damaging projectiles when talking about projectiles in general, because long-range damaging projectiles are more common and more often have a larger effect on a match than non-damaging or short-range projectiles. You're arguing logic vs. convenience, here. lol

Erm, actually mistake on my point, not hitstun, HITLAG.

And it's an "and/or" thing.
I'm not arguing with you, lol. I'm saying that you're right. You've been right all along. All I'm saying is that testing whether a person is independent from their hitbox takes too long compared to just using a franklin badge, which is the easiest method by far to determine projectiles.
so, does franklin badge reflect lucarios force palm?
Iirc, it ACTIVATES the badge, but like I said, it doesn't stay out long enough, nor does it have a flight path to test it in singles. You can only test it in dubs with PSA probably. Even after we test it, it'll never ever matter in singles because it doesn't hurt Lucario when reflected, regardless, lol.


Uhh... Look at my status.
Apr 20, 2008
San Diego, CA
Switch FC
See, the bad thing about saying "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" is that you're not considering that her bair is an extension of her hurtbox... And Marth's sword has the same priority as MK's sword, so hitting him with a bair while he fairs you will be more risky than hitting with other safer attacks... So, trying to run down an argument like "ZSS's bair beats Marth's fair" would fall on deaf ears, even more so if you yourself say it's very difficult to hit with it in order to gain that said perk: beating out a non-clashing disjoint.
It is like tien said, it falls on deaf ears when you say, ZSS beats out Marth, because on a hitbox to hurtbox ratio, Marth is greater and MK is even greater.
Stop trying to take credit for things I say Kewkky.
This is what I meant. >_>


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I was of the understanding that in other fighting games, moves actually beat other moves. Like, if two moves hit at the same time, one was "stronger" in that way.
No actually you are right, there are some moves in fighting games that do beat out others regardless of range and power.
It happens in tekken as well as Soul Calibur

vertical attacks in SC break horizontal no matter how big or small the sword is.

Its to typically. Brawl just deals with the more basic one.

Good to know, thanks.

I'm describing a technical situation, though, while you are describing a practical one. The sword is sweeping down so you don't have time to get the bair out, etc. THat's not even really true though, ZSS can do a rising bair and beat it while the sword is coming down.
true i am thinking of a different situation.
IN the case you describe yes, the Bair will beat out Marth's as the sword comes down. NOt sureabout MK though, I think for him you strike for the center rather than diagonally.

Nefarious B

Smash Champion
Dec 13, 2008
Frisco you know
I do feel like Marth is the only character that beats ZS in the air, but that's really only head to head, which is a situation that ZS should be avoiding. I find that marth fair and ZS bair trade hits a lot. Really though, the majority of damage will be dealt through juggling in this matchup, because both have awesome uairs as well as terrible dairs and options to come back down. IMO ZS has an advantage in juggling, which is where she brings this matchup back to close to even, despite her being beat on the ground and horizontally in the air.

She does beat MK though, sans tornado, in the air, or atleast that's how it feels to me. He feels much easier to bait horizontally, because he can't retreat his fair as easily, and it has less range (?). He's obviously harder to hit though because of his size, which is a significant factor when you're dealing with small hitboxes like ZS's.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
I do feel like Marth is the only character that beats ZS in the air, but that's really only head to head, which is a situation that ZS should be avoiding.
Everyone avoids head to ehad situatons, he thing is that Marth's aerials peed and acceleration is superior to ZSS.

That advantage only appears when she faces MK and he doesnt care because his range is greater than Marth's.

I find that marth fair and ZS bair trade hits a lot.
I find wheny ou freeze frame, ZSS Bair loses to marth's when spaced as far as possibly t se ewho get **** first.

If its trading, its due to a spacing thing.

Really though, the majority of damage will be dealt through juggling in this matchup, because both have awesome uairs as well as terrible dairs and options to come back down.
MK has a bad Dair?
Hardly, its fast, leaves him far from vilnerable. Its just that ZSS has a great Uair.

IMO ZS has an advantage in juggling, which is where she brings this matchup back to close to even, despite her being beat on the ground and horizontally in the air.
And diagonally cause remember, his Fair hits equal distance diagonally as well unlike Marth's which arcs.

She does beat MK though, sans tornado, in the air, or atleast that's how it feels to me. He feels much easier to bait horizontally, because he can't retreat his fair as easily, and it has less range (?). He's obviously harder to hit though because of his size, which is a significant factor when you're dealing with small hitboxes like ZS's.
MK's Fair has MORE range.
Basically think of it this way, if Marth can do something and be safe, MK can do it even better, faster. Offensively MK is just superior.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Here's the real tier list.

I've been playing all the characters that I have not been familiar with, to get a better idea about how they would place on the tier list. This tier list goes further in depth, adding PT's pokemon as separate, and PT as an average all together, same with Zelda and Shiek. The numbers represent a scale from 1-10. 10 Being the best. I have researched facts to come up with this tier list. This is what the current metagame is right now, although it can change slightly. But so far I'm satisfied with this list.

S Tier (Super Tier) In the heavens.
Meta Knight 10.0
Snake 9.9

A Tier (Top Tier) On top of the mountain.
Diddy Kong 9.7
Wario 9.6
Falco 9.5
King Dedede 9.4
Marth 9.3
Pikachu 9.2
Ice Climbers 9.1

B Tier (High Tier) Almost at the top of the mountain.
Mr. Game & Watch 8.9
Olimar and Pikmin 8.7
Zero Suit Samus 8.6
Toon Link 8.4
Pit 8.3
ROB 8.2
Lucario 8.1
Kirby 8.0

C Tier (Middle-High Tier) Half way there.
Donkey Kong 7.9
Peach 7.8
Luigi 7.7
Squirtle 7.6
Fox 7.5
Wolf 7.4
Zelda/Shiek (Used as both) 7.0

D (Middle-Low Tier) Half way there.
Shiek 6.8
Ness 6.7
Lucas 6.6
Sonic 6.4
Bowser 6.3
Charizard 6.2
Pokemon Trainer 6.2 (as an average)

E Tier (Low Tier) At the low part of the mountain.
Yoshi 5.9
Zelda 5.8
Ike 5.7
Mario 5.5
Samus 5.2
Jigglypuff 5.0

F Tier (Bottom Tier) On ground level.
Captain Falcon 4.9
Ivysaur 4.8
Link 4.7
Ganondorf 4.4
Popo 4.3
Nana 4.3


Smashboard's 1st Sole Survivor
Oct 9, 2007
I've been playing all the characters that I have not been familiar with, to get a better idea about how they would place on the tier list. This tier list goes further in depth, adding PT's pokemon as separate, and PT as an average all together, same with Zelda and Shiek. The numbers represent a scale from 1-10. 10 Being the best. I have researched facts to come up with this tier list. This is what the current metagame is right now, although it can change slightly. But so far I'm satisfied with this list.

S Tier (Super Tier) In the heavens.
Meta Knight 10.0
Snake 9.9

A Tier (Top Tier) On top of the mountain.
Diddy Kong 9.7
Wario 9.6
Falco 9.5
King Dedede 9.4
Marth 9.3
Pikachu 9.2
Ice Climbers 9.1

B Tier (High Tier) Almost at the top of the mountain.
Mr. Game & Watch 8.9
Olimar and Pikmin 8.7
Zero Suit Samus 8.6
Toon Link 8.4
Pit 8.3
ROB 8.2
Lucario 8.1
Kirby 8.0

C Tier (Middle-High Tier) Half way there.
Donkey Kong 7.9
Peach 7.8
Luigi 7.7
Squirtle 7.6
Fox 7.5
Wolf 7.4
Zelda/Shiek (Used as both) 7.0

D (Middle-Low Tier) Half way there.
Shiek 6.8
Ness 6.7
Lucas 6.6
Sonic 6.4
Bowser 6.3
Charizard 6.2
Pokemon Trainer 6.2 (as an average)

E Tier (Low Tier) At the low part of the mountain.
Yoshi 5.9
Zelda 5.8
Ike 5.7
Mario 5.5
Samus 5.2
Jigglypuff 5.0

F Tier (Bottom Tier) On ground level.
Captain Falcon 4.9
Ivysaur 4.8
Link 4.7
Ganondorf 4.4
Popo 4.3
Nana 4.3

All of A, B, and C tier is great. But Mario should be ahead of Bowser or just below him, Lucas Under Yoshi and maybe Zelda, and Ivysaur is definalty better than Captain Falcon.

That's just what I think, but the Ivysaur part is my main issues, not bad tier list here.


Smash Master
Oct 13, 2003
Fort Lauderdale, FL
All of A, B, and C tier is great. But Mario should be ahead of Bowser or just below him, Lucas Under Yoshi and maybe Zelda, and Ivysaur is definalty better than Captain Falcon.

That's just what I think, but the Ivysaur part is my main issues, not bad tier list here.
Thanks. I just see Mario, Ike, and Yoshi being in the same tier, they're around the same level. Bowser just seems to be one step above them though. Bowser is pretty good, he belongs in the same tier as Sonic, Charizard, Ness, and Lucas, cause they are at the same level. Lucas is pretty darn underated. Most underated character in the game probably. Look up Galeon Lucas on youtube, and you'll see why I put Lucas that high. Lucas is actually a mediocre character, I don't see him as a bad character after analyzing his move set, ATs. (Has alot of useful AT's).

Ivysaur may be better than Captain Falcon. But I see Ivysaur have like the same attributes as Link. Both have a horrible recovery, but they have range, and projectiles. I placed Ivysaur a little bit higher than Link because Ivysaur is a bit faster overall. Captain Falcon has alot of great attributes behind is bad moveset. He is heavy, is fast in the air, and on the ground, and he has good KO power. He's able to use his speed to pressure his opponent, or he can use his speed to run away from his opponent.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
What is there to look into? you are designing your list according to similar play style.
Oh ivysaur plays similar to Link, she's worse than Falcon.
Even though there really is no reason for Falcon to be anything higher than the worst 2.

Ivysaur is bad, but not bottom tier, especially considering he is PART of PT.
You cant separate her as you would Zelda and Sheik, because heMUST work with squirtle and Charizard at some point.


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2002
Pretty much all of the PT are underrated here. Ivy is WAY better than Falcon. And Jigglypuff. And Samus. And might be slightly better than Mario.

And you cannot average the three Pokemon to rate trainer. PT mains are not using all of the Pokemon equally so you can't average the three together as if they are played an equal amount.

Deleted member

Falcon is imo better than most of the low tier.

Better than zelda, yoshi, and lucas, maybe around mario-ish level?

Discuss ^_^
ill explain more if you ask


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
Falcon is imo better than most of the low tier.

Better than zelda, yoshi, and lucas, maybe around mario-ish level?

Discuss ^_^
ill explain more if you ask
Falcon is nowhere near top of D.
He barely even has any even matchups.

Deleted member

I wont talk about his matchups in terms of numbers, but he has the ability imo to do pretty good against most of the high tiers.
I can only comment on his options.

Simply put, falcon has a ton of versitility, is VERY FAST (in run speed, air speed, fast fall, and his good moves are quite fast), his priority is pretty good on some of his moves, and he has a command grab that *****.
As well as other stuff but im lazy to type it out and you probably are not knowledgable about falcon anyways.

Hes not top of D, id say high E


Smash Hero
Jul 20, 2008
I wont talk about his matchups in terms of numbers, but he has the ability imo to do pretty good against most of the high tiers.
I can only comment on his options.

Simply put, falcon has a ton of versitility, is VERY FAST (in run speed, air speed, fast fall, and his good moves are quite fast), his priority is pretty good on some of his moves, and he has a command grab that *****.
As well as other stuff but im lazy to type it out and you probably are not knowledgable about falcon anyways.

Hes not top of D, id say high E
He has no projectile. His approaches suck. His recovery sucks. His kill moves suck. He gets ***** by CG's. His grab range sucks. He gets ***** by most high tier characters.
Falcon just flat out sucks.
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