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The Official Ohio Brawl Power Rankings (11/25/12: NEW RANKINGS UPDATED!)

Blue Rogue

Smash Ace
Feb 1, 2008
Canton, OH
blue? last time i asked him about any matchups he wasn't of any help really :/ he apparently doesn't help KB that much either, or kel/infern for that matter
who what when wat
I really only remember Kel wanting help, but I hardly knew what to say hah

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
Best piece of advice that has ever been given to me regarding matchups and stuff. "Don't ask people who just play the game. Ask someone with an ego."

Example of someone who is useful:

Example of someone who is not:

Teaming with Tac, I was the brains of the operation. Teaming with Fonz, he told me everything I needed to know.

Same with M2K. He doesn't know anything. He just plays. Overswarm, on the other hand, will give you a LECTURE on everything you need to know.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@Sole I remember you giving me advice about Falco v ZSS once as well as Marth v ZSS a while ago

@Blue I could've SWORN I've asked you multiple times about Falco v. Wario...each time you've told me, "Falco is gay." :(


Smash Journeyman
Sep 21, 2009
Dayton, OH
I need to clear everything I know about Smash and relearn it all over.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
you're such a troll lmao

btw I want to learn Falco v. top tiers...I'm not even close to adequate against any of them save maybe Marth and that's still a huge maybe. :/

I think my problem has a lot to do with me not being thoughtful enough with my approaches/attack patterns, not mixing it up well and in general just not adjusting to the opponent very much/watching the opponent enough. I've lost quite a bit of patience too. I need to play to see whether these are actually my problems though...


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Infern, go to Daycia's smashfest on Friday plzzz so I can $5 MM AGAIN...but this time you have to explain to me wtf I was doing wrong. If it's bad player habits, that'd be great too
This one will be the last one for at least half a year >_>; that or until I achieve my goal (be largely satisfied with the way I play after a tournament)


Smash Master
Jul 24, 2007
Columbus Ohio
lol, fonz I love playing you. You're probably top 5 favorite smashers to play against in friendlies. We go different characters and are actually pretty good at it. My favorite matchup that night was Peach vs Lucario, so funnn. Anyway, we do need to do that again.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
quivo, please attend DU V so i can learn TL v Falco :<

also BR i know you're viewing this thread, $5 MM at DU V about wario v falco :3?


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
** a few words from your fellow neighborhood God Kai"

Yes it is Official trying to practice and get better With Infern is utterly pointless... I will never play matches with that guy again...it pisses me off!

Just got finished playing.... 1st few matches showed effort... but the Bulk of the times we played were complete BullSh*t.

Personally, I don't understand why play at all if your not going to play serious...it's a complete waste of MY time...I could be playing online, Studying videos, Learning better things, Recording music etc. Rather than barely pressing any button and still winning a match in like 40 seconds with no effort. And Playing characters you don't play, like IKE!!! That pisses me off beyond explanation. We've been playing this game WAAAYY to long to sand bag when we're playing this game for reputation and Money. If I wanted to have fun playing this game, I'd probably play with items on along with Smashballs. Every match should be intense and played like you care about what you're doing and you should learn something from and have some input.

So, if you're planning on getting Snake practice don't get it from Infern...get it from Smash 64 or someone else who is good with Snake . Cause Infern will Sand bag and then say "One Final Match, but serious this time".... after playing for almost 2 hours. ***** please, Beat it and burn rubber.

Much love, God Kais!!!

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
^ My friend Alexis is the exact same way. The guy can't play serious with me for more than a match or two, then he'll switch to some sh*t like Captain Falcon and play on some sort of terrible autopilot, and I'll be like "DUDE...I want some f*cking practice here, pick Peach or Pit or Marth since those are who you play, or something that would actually threaten me in tournament" and he'll just brush it off and pick Falcon anyway. He'll sigh when I pick MK like it's already hopeless or something, so I hardly get to practice against someone offline with him. I just end up sarcastically saying "ugh...casuals..." every time. I have much love for the dude, but he is a terrible person to practice competitively with. He'll feign interest in improving, then immediately gives it all up and goes back to practicing for BlazBlue or something, and it's community of like...20 people. Oh well.

I just want someone who will seriously practice the game with me and improve as well. Beegs would have been the perfect person for that since he's a beast and a quick learner, but unfortunately he'll be leaving for school soon so I'm stuck practicing the way I've always been: online and/or alone with CPUs. It works since I know all the right things to do and look out for, but it's mad boring after a while.


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
kB and Y.b.M, the God Kais have a reputation for sandbagging, and no one takes most of you guys seriously, outside of Smash64. You guys don't use your mains in friendlies, and play various multiple characters, which is why I felt like Y.b.M sandbagged our pools set, way back at Nope's, but after reading this, it seems he was sincere, albeit not providing me the challenge of playing his Kirby.

You guys should swing around to Ren's on Friday for a smashfest, if you're coming to Bloomington, anyway, and train with us. We'll help out with whatever MUs we can.

kB, I haven't played you since Nope's either. It's been a while. Last time we played, I used Snake.

Anywho, it's good see the God Kais are more serious about training and friendlies and such.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
It's hard to get practice from anyone in Cincinnati or Ohio I guess in general.

No one wants to share secrets or trades, people train in secret so we don't even get to have smashfests anymore like we used to, and people sandbag.

It's hard trying to get smashfests going on for everyone, but instead people just do their own little cliques here in Cincy.

I don't think I've gotten much help from Cincinnati at all. I think the biggest factor of me getting better was traveling to tournaments and talking with INKY who actually sit down and try and help each other.

I get messages from Chi who really wants to get better, but feels down when trying to practice with God Kais isn't doing much since they just sandbag. No one sits down and help each other.

Best people to go to is Springfield, tbh.

I know this was random, but I felt like this needed to be known.

I honestly have a lot of Cincinnati pride, but honestly we are no true community.

Too many cliques, "God Kais only" "Knees of Justice only", or people just making hangouts private, just leaves everyone else out. And if you are lucky you can play with some of them some time. No one wants to really help people who are "worse" or I guess doesn't place as well as they do, they only want to train with extremely good players leaving others in the dust.

Sometimes Cincinnati just puts me down way too much.

When I first joined the scene I was extremely happy, I felt very included, it felt like I had somewhere to belong. Going to Eduardo's every Tuesday/Wednesday (?) and hanging out with everyone: God Kais, Kel, OS, Nova, Chi, etc.

Now I break a sweat trying to get people together. Sorry, I really just wanted to say that.
I feel like I'd be better off in Springfield, but I still have a strong Cincinnati pride.
But if you come here, it's all about cliques now.

I really missed going to the Ren's festival. I was sad we couldn't do it again this year.

I don't expect to get better here much.
Granted, there are people that do try and help, but most of the times you have to be close to them. YbM is pretty nice when generally helping, but it's still really clique ish here.

In the end I say stick with wifi!

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
I never sandbag, Sovereign. Please don't associate me with the crew's reputation on that.

The thing is...my character is one with a plethora of options and tactics at my disposal, but a majority of those options are only necessary if the ones that usually work have been overcome by the opponent. I don't sandbag, but at the same time if an opponent isn't one who pressures me to the point of using every trick in my book, then I'm just going to do what works as long as it works.

If I play Diddy, MK, Pikachu, or Marth, it is because I am legitimately trying to improve those characters as much as possible while I can. I shouldn't feel obliged to use my Peach all the time and it is unfair for someone to expect that of me, but at the same time I also accept vocal requests to use her. People just need to communicate more.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
I also bust my azz getting people together too since I don't own a Wii. Whenever I host smashfests it's Y.b.M., Tako, Steel who are the most consistent and often the only attendees. Daycia I can understand now that she lives way farther from me than before but I usually tell her about them anyways (except for last time, which I already apologized for). Seriously, what happened? You all know my parents are willing to let people come over, they're just not willing to let me out. I have a nice basement for all of us that fits at least ten comfortably. As for the time that my parents charged us for pizza, that was a huge misunderstanding and one that I ended up paying for out of courtesy especially since my parents were completely ridiculous for charging without telling me.

I was so confident a year ago that I would get better as soon as I got to college because I'd be able to play at least once a week and I would be able to tap into that potential that everybody told me I had, but here I am and I don't feel like I make large improvements unless I'm watching videos, talking to random people (INKY, MDVA, WC, EC...AKA hella people outside of my own state) or reading threads and adjusting my mindset. None of these come close to the power that play time or experience grants me, but I'm just in a rut now since I don't get to play enough of a variety of people.

In short: I have HUGE Cincinnati pride - everybody and their dog knows this - but god d@mn can I get some more practice than just a handful of people? All that happens this way for me is that I get frustrated because I focus more on "not losing" rather than "winning". I only want to win for the sake of the rotation not to demonstrate improvement to myself.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
Chi, I suggest you get a Wii and play Wifi.

@Kbizzle, But isn't that so sad? That everyone only knows the God Kais by sandbagging?

Oh well.

Cincinnati are cliques. Play WiFi, move to Springfield, or INKY. Those things help me the most.

Can't say I've gotten too much personal help from Springfield, but they will, absolutely help you guys.

Inky you can always go to.

And WiFi you can get variety. May not be offline, but better than nothing.


Smash Master
May 29, 2008
Dallas, Texas
1st off... Stop typing so much, to many words!

There aren't any Cliques. So don't say things like "God Kais Only" when that has never happened! I can't speak for KOJ, but I can speak for the God Kais!

Anytime there is a fest at Eds...he post it.. and the only peeps who end up showing up is Infern, Myself, and sometimes Sneaky. Any other time we play without posting is because we go to the mall, Movies, other places etc. after or before hand.
I've always talked to Chi, Sneaky, Kel, or anyone else who wants to play about practicing. Sometimes Schedule conflict though. And it's not hard to get practice, JUST ASK!!! You can't expect people to know you want to practice if you don't say anything. There's nothing secret being done with the circle of people I brawl with.

But, I'm not going to go out of my way to play someone who I know I won't get better playing. But, I will go out of my way to help someone get better if they ask for it. So by acknowledging separation...you make it happen.

And Sov, I don't even know how to sandbag... I must have been so bad with the characters I was playing that it seemed like I was Sandbagging. Also, I don't do friendlies between tournaments. They throw me off my groove. So before or after I'll play, but not in between... and I don't play Kirby unless it's a tournament match. Just a peeve of mine. Nothing personal against anyone.

Also, don't always depend on other people to play you. Although, it sucks some peeps won't, Learn from watching Videos, your videos, and be your own teacher. That's how i got my Kirby to climb over that barrier when i was about to give up on him. In the end...the only person you can point the finger at is yourself...


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN

Too many cliques, "God Kais only" "Knees of Justice only", or people just making hangouts private, just leaves everyone else out. And if you are lucky you can play with some of them some time.
Okay, look. The Knees simply wanted one chance to hang together as a crew, and bond. We don't mind having others come and hang with us, but outside of that, we wanted a single get-together that was just us. We don't mind training with other players, at all.

I never sandbag, Sovereign. Please don't associate me with the crew's reputation on that.
Well, I don't. It's stereotypical, though. When I played you in pools, I felt you were legitimately trying to win. kB, you should get a ride to Indianapolis, and come hang with us. We'll definitely do some serious training and try learning MUs, among other things. Just plan something out.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
Cincinnati OH
Today you crazy. I agree with everything Y.b.M says, and I'll add to it;

Smash is a very conceptual game. You progress by encountering epiphanies through repetition and self evaluation. It's not that good players don't want to help you, it's that they don't have some magical words that will enlighten you to how this game works. You have to either decode what the good players say, or you have to find what works.

EDIT: Oh yeah and the only Gkais that sandbag that I know of are Infern and AZ, and AZ has the excuse that diddy takes a lot of concentration to play seriously, too much to play serious all the time. And if you want them to stop sandbagging, force them to play serious by actually threatening them of a loss. You can't complain about sandbagging when they are clearly better than you, they just did what it takes to win, nothing more.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
Idk I don't think there are "cliques" I'm just depressed that I keep playing the same ppl when every time I've done better is when I get the chance to play a lot of different people/not play on only one TV >_<;

I'm on a plateau right now which is why I'm annoyed too. Stupid plateaus of skill.
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