It's hard to get practice from anyone in Cincinnati or Ohio I guess in general.
No one wants to share secrets or trades, people train in secret so we don't even get to have smashfests anymore like we used to, and people sandbag.
It's hard trying to get smashfests going on for everyone, but instead people just do their own little cliques here in Cincy.
I don't think I've gotten much help from Cincinnati at all. I think the biggest factor of me getting better was traveling to tournaments and talking with INKY who actually sit down and try and help each other.
I get messages from Chi who really wants to get better, but feels down when trying to practice with God Kais isn't doing much since they just sandbag. No one sits down and help each other.
Best people to go to is Springfield, tbh.
I know this was random, but I felt like this needed to be known.
I honestly have a lot of Cincinnati pride, but honestly we are no true community.
Too many cliques, "God Kais only" "Knees of Justice only", or people just making hangouts private, just leaves everyone else out. And if you are lucky you can play with some of them some time. No one wants to really help people who are "worse" or I guess doesn't place as well as they do, they only want to train with extremely good players leaving others in the dust.
Sometimes Cincinnati just puts me down way too much.
When I first joined the scene I was extremely happy, I felt very included, it felt like I had somewhere to belong. Going to Eduardo's every Tuesday/Wednesday (?) and hanging out with everyone: God Kais, Kel, OS, Nova, Chi, etc.
Now I break a sweat trying to get people together. Sorry, I really just wanted to say that.
I feel like I'd be better off in Springfield, but I still have a strong Cincinnati pride.
But if you come here, it's all about cliques now.
I really missed going to the Ren's festival. I was sad we couldn't do it again this year.
I don't expect to get better here much.
Granted, there are people that do try and help, but most of the times you have to be close to them. YbM is pretty nice when generally helping, but it's still really clique ish here.
In the end I say stick with wifi!