The 'nado nerf removes one of his best recovery options, and removes a potentially easy 0-death on characters with uair uair uair uair uair tornado
its easily debatable which is a bigger nerf. cant u just do the nado one then make him lighter or something to die earlier that way?
WOW! Have you played a good Marth? Doesn't combo well!? WHAT!? I'm sorry but thats kind of ridiculous for someone to say. I'll have to get more matches of me v Vex up tonight (specifically his Marth then I guess). I only have one recent vid of us up now which is Sonic v Marth on Luigi's Mansion when we were trying banned stages lol. Obviously on such a stage like that he won't be able to combo that well. I'll need to put up the Marth ditto we did where he 4 stocked me in like a minute and some Marth v Falco which is surprisingly similar to how the matchup played out in Melee.
Even if his combo ability isn't as good as some of the amazing combo'ers out there like Falcon or something, lets also not forget Marth's prime edgeguarding ability, meteor, crazy upB of godliness, and more. He's an amazing character, and should stay this way, but I think he just do a lil less damage, since the damage he does, especially with overB is kind of insane.
Edit: Oh yea, i forgot to mention, there is no move decay in Brawl+
Chibo, with all do respect, you don't seem to know what you're talking about. And I mean that in the most polite way possible.
RDB does 17% on average, and tipped hits will only do 1% more at best. BDB is difficult to hit with safely as BDB4 often misses, and GDB4 is easy to SDI out of.
Lets forget
Combos characters can do, despite the fact that I could name off two or three for almost every character easily that will do more than 17% and are easy to set up. Snakes Ftilt alone does like what, 23%? Where are you getting the idea Marth does too much damage? I agree it is a good damage dealing move, but it isn't overpowering. If anything, the best improvement Marth has received has been a safe kill move in the form of RDB and BDB. He's pretty much the same otherwise.
And you act as if you're surprised that I stated the truth about his combo potential. What is it that he can combo with? And what of those moves are actually safe to use or efficient to set up? This isn't Melee Marth. Most of his attacks push to far back, and do not string together. Out of all the characters in Brawl, Marth is one of the few that has changed the least. It isn't that he is dwarfed in comparison for combos by "crazy combo users", it's that he literally has next to no combo game.
His Meteor is garbage.
His Dolphin Slash has lost usefulness as well. Now that hit stun is added in to the factor, and we're no longer using "strings", Marth cannot actually escape most damage dealing methods because these are true combos and he's locked in hit stun during the process. Not to mention shield stun waters down the use of it being used OoS. It's still a good move, but it wasn't "godliness" before, and it's worse than it was before.
I speak of these things as a previously dedicated and respectable Marth main. I've put more time in to Marth in Melee and Brawl than I have for any other character.
it seems that working with characters were buffing and nerfing the wrong characters. nerfs should only be brought to thehighest chars (mainly mk) and extremely broken/game breaking techniques like the ICs chain grab and stuff. we then need to buff the weaker characters up to high tier level. we need to make a temp tier list based on our current thoughts and then work on enhancing the worst characters and mid tiers.
Why bother making such a list though? If there are overly obvious problems with characters, then fixing them comes first. But it is easier to identify a seemingly poor character then it is to identify an overpowered or broken character, unless that said character is absolutely ludicrous (which no one is).
I'm not saying we shouldn't tweak characters for balancing, I just think going off on a limb before we even know how the characters truly work in this new environment is a mistake.