The point is not to reduce his character flavor Ulevo, and it seems like you might be a bit new to the scene so I'm just gonna toss in my $.02.
We know his downsmash is fast and awesome, the end lag was to make it not spammable. If you whiff it, its meant to be punished. Thats kind of what we are aiming for here, let him still combo, tone down his kill moves (his initial knockback on shuttle loop is mammoth, it actually scales fairly awkwardly as well), and make him a very fragile combo oriented character. We don't want to change his flavor, but make him a fragile combo char with loads of options, but quite easy to kill when you connect. Oh did I mention he gets combo'd by a lot of characters now and his whorenado is worse?
His vertical KO survivability has him die off of FD 11% earlier from 113% to 102% as well. He is not as god tier as before and definitely plays brilliantly.
Also, I don't know if your playing with real people or not, but the main thing that I want to make clear is that we arent going to nerf MK to oblivion like some people want. We want to preserve his playstyle, and make him still play well, just not brokenly well.
First off, I took Brawl+ to a tournament on Saturday. I can positively say I play with real people on this. And on another note, it was perceived quite well by a few people.
Secondly, I have purposely and deliberately gone out of my way to ensure Meta Knight was not considered for a ban during the time of such discussion (within my own limits as a member on Smashboards of course). I do not believe in banning anything not deserving of that last resort, and I do not throw the tern "broken" around either.
I have no intention of telling you to nerf Meta Knight in to oblivion the way I am sure many people wish. I am advising you to tone down the dramatic increase in character potential Meta Knight has received. He is has been blessed more than any other character by the changes you've implemented, and by a rather drastic margin. The biggest concern is the amount of hit stun his moves have.
Melee had simplistic combos most of the time. Hits for combos rarely went past 3 to 4 unless they were extremely elaborate, and even then, they were usually due to prediction of player mistakes like tech chases after the initial combo. Meta Knight can do 4+ combos easily, and all of them lead to a Shuttle Loop. And the kicker to all of this is that setting these combos up is stupidly easy to do now that Meta Knight can Dash Cancel his DTilts. He just runs in, pokes your feet, and runs away if you didn't trip, then repeats the process.
And like I pointed out, Meta Knight has a jab reset out of the DThrow with DTilt. I am not sure exactly how extensive it is, but Niko K found it the first match he played Brawl+, and immediately proceeded to win with it. I am not suggesting we remove that until we know fully explore what it is it can do, I am just throwing it out there that he's in fact capable of this. And hell, it makes combos even easier.
I fully understand the intentions you have, and I agree with keeping the flavour of Meta Knight. I main the bloody character, and not because I "play to win". I love the glass cannon idea. I am just telling you that the nerfs you've given him are inconsequential in comparison to the increase in power he's received.
Edit: Also, the reason I suggest the overwhelming hit stun to be the main issue is that statistically Meta Knight is an amazing character, but I believe that with tweaks you can change any character in Brawl+ to be just as good. But if there is too much hit stun, it is irrelevant as to how good the opposing character is, because it all comes down to who's the fasest, and who can combo first. Meta Knight will win that war because of his speed to range ratio with his disjointed hit boxes.
I believe personally that if the stun on his moves were toned down so that he couldn't combo as much, and other characters were made better (rather than Meta Knight being made worse) it would help the situation drastically.