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Testing gah...

What side event should i include in my tournaments?

  • Total voters


Smash Journeyman
Dec 23, 2007
2. Prematurly banning MK will make us SUCK against OOS. If texas ever travels OOS and MK isn't banned then we will be destroyed because of lack of experience vs MK. If MK is truly broken and not healthy for this game then eventually EVERYONE will have him banned for the most part. If you want Texas to do even decently against MK then you need to not ban him until everyone else does or the SBR does.
QFT i know first hand.
I got wrecked by some nasty IC chain grabs in cali,

but then again I'm like one of the ONLY texans who consistently goes OOS


Smash Champion
Dec 5, 2005
San Antonio TX
I didn't play MK once in the brackets. I went all GW and one match as ICs.
Well you played my metaknight and won with that infinite you got on me. Pretty close match as well. Your GaW is too good which shows why metaknight is top tier as me a medicore player got that close to beating you with him. If i remember right it was you at 60% last stock, which might have been different if that 0-death infinite didnt happen.

So yes metaknight is pretty rigged people are just arguing how rigged he is.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2005
Austin, TX
hey tgm,

any idea on a date for hobo 12? i might have some business to take care of at the beginning of november so i'd like to plan around it if possible. thanks!


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
New Braunfels / San Antonio / Austin, TX
I'm going to sound like an *** for saying this, but there's no better way I can put it. If you decide to try out a banned MK tournament, then good for you and please post the results and feedback so that the SBR can use it for our discussion.

As far as debating the issue, however, places like this are NOT where anyone should be debating it. The SBR is filled with the most intelligent, well informed, and best players in the world. Once the decision is made (and I have a feeling it will come soon), then the community will know where to go. As of now, however, I see that every other post about MK is absolutely ridiculous and contains false information. I'm not singling out one side, either. Both sides are FULL of bogus information and we're all playing a massive game of telephone here. If you guys want to discuss this, I believe there is a central topic on the MK boards.


Smash Rookie
May 26, 2008
League City, Texas
I'm disagreeing with leeharris. We don't have to be entirely dependent on SBR and can make decisions ourselves as we see fit. If we were to hold MK banned tournaments we could provide important statistics that will aid the SBR in making a more intelligent decisions. We can play guinea pig here and show some solid data beyond theoreticals.

and ignore snarky comments that aren't productive. We can't restrict posts to intelligent posts but we sure as hell can post intelligently with reason.


Smash Lord
Nov 19, 2007
New Braunfels / San Antonio / Austin, TX
I'm disagreeing with leeharris. We don't have to be entirely dependent on SBR and can make decisions ourselves as we see fit. If we were to hold MK banned tournaments we could provide important statistics that will aid the SBR in making a more intelligent decisions. We can play guinea pig here and show some solid data beyond theoreticals.

and ignore snarky comments that aren't productive. We can't restrict posts to intelligent posts but we sure as hell can post intelligently with reason.
Do you really think a community of thousands of people will be able to come to any kind of decision on anything? That's why the SBR exists. Look at communities that don't really have any form of leadership and how ridiculous and unorganized they are.

And like I said, I hope that people run MK-banned tournaments to give us data. Everyone in the SBR has been encouraging me to do it since I am one of two people in there that originally thought MK was broken.

Add on top of that the fact that EVERYONE wants to throw in their opinion and 90% of them have no idea what they are talking about and you've got a ****fest. I'm not saying don't discuss it, but go discuss it on the MK boards in the designated topic and wait for the SBR to decide. Remember, the SBR decides based off the community feedback, so please go provide it in an organized manner instead of posting in the Houston thread.

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
Do you really think a community of thousands of people will be able to come to any kind of decision on anything? That's why the SBR exists. Look at communities that don't really have any form of leadership and how ridiculous and unorganized they are.
Somebody believes in the electoral college :lick:


King of the Mews
Jul 18, 2002
Cinnaminson (southwest NJ 5 min drive from Philly)
What people brought Wiis to this tournament? I saved a match on one of your wiis (near or on the sofa where I was playing from like 12:20-2:00 PM or so) mk ditto on lylat? someone send it to me, i would like it (but not online). thanks

post here or IM me at ooVideoGameGodoo if you have it


Not even death can save you from me
Sep 9, 2004
Switch FC
I'm going to sound like an *** for saying this, but there's no better way I can put it. If you decide to try out a banned MK tournament, then good for you and please post the results and feedback so that the SBR can use it for our discussion.

As far as debating the issue, however, places like this are NOT where anyone should be debating it. The SBR is filled with the most intelligent, well informed, and best players in the world. Once the decision is made (and I have a feeling it will come soon), then the community will know where to go. As of now, however, I see that every other post about MK is absolutely ridiculous and contains false information. I'm not singling out one side, either. Both sides are FULL of bogus information and we're all playing a massive game of telephone here. If you guys want to discuss this, I believe there is a central topic on the MK boards.
Hylian said:
I didn't play MK once in the brackets. I went all GW and one match as ICs.

I'm going to point some things out for all of you to think about. They are not biased for MK being banned or not, because honestly I'm 50-50 on the subject.

1. If MK is banned, the rest of the top tiers will balance out match-up wise. Tournaments won't suddenly start being dominated by snakes and DDDs, because those characters actually have bad match-ups.

To draw it out:

Mk = No bad match-ups

Snake = Disadvantaged vs Falco,DDD, and Rob and goes even with about 6 other characters.

DDD= Disadvantaged vs ICs/Falco/Olimar even with many characters

GW = Disadvantaged vs Snake/Marth, has slight disadvantages vs DDD and some other characters and goes even with a lot of characters

Falco = Disadvantaged vs Marth/GW
Rob = Disadvantaged vs GW,DDD some others.

Things work out. One character won't dominate tournaments because the top tier without MK can all compete with each other and they all have hard match-ups in the high/middle tier as well. It balances out.

2. Prematurly banning MK will make us SUCK against OOS. If texas ever travels OOS and MK isn't banned then we will be destroyed because of lack of experience vs MK. If MK is truly broken and not healthy for this game then eventually EVERYONE will have him banned for the most part. If you want Texas to do even decently against MK then you need to not ban him until everyone else does or the SBR does.

3. This was one of the first national tournaments. Yes, the results showed MK in dominance, but he IS the best character in the game. Weather or not he is too broken for the competitve scene is really hard to determin yet. It's looking like it but we don't really know yet. Some more large tournaments could happen and MK might only get like 1 place in top 10. We don't know yet because we haven't had many.

4. Once you ban a character, it is REALLY hard to bring him back. Once MK is gone, he is gone for good unless you set a specific time period in which he will be banned. People will get so used to the idea of MK being banned that if we ever want to unban him years later it will be almost impossibile. So we want to make sure we are absolutly right about MK. Doing things too early can be harmful.

Those are some things to think about.

Read those posts!!!!!



Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2007
Wtf. Flyff is even worse than MS. ><

What does that even mean?
Oh she was some chick from America's Best Dance Crew.. So smexy >_<;

Hmm, let me go down the line of trashy MMOs... how bout RO.. Massive grind fest there -_-;


Smash Journeyman
Sep 27, 2007
Houston, TX
MK wasn't born with feet, just boots.

Contrary to popular belief the Lottery numbers are not random. They are just the number of people that MK killed on that given day.

The show Survivor had the original premise of putting people on an island with MK. There were no survivors, and nobody is brave enough to go to the island to retrieve the footage.

And no, I never get tired of these. There just too good...and too true. :p
I think we should do what Italy did,

Ban metaknight for the time being, maybe just a few tournaments, and see how the metagame develops. than put metaknight back into the tournament scene and if he's still "unbeatable" ban him
AAAAAAAAAMEN, brutha. Let's have Houston be the first to take action, and hopefully other tourney hotspots will follow suit. Let's face the facts, ppl...MK needs to go!


Smash Apprentice
Jul 4, 2008
Houston, Tx
LISTEN!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!

If you havnt already, please go look back at the results of HOBO 11. Did you know 7 or 8 of the top 10 used metaknight? Also, there were 8 or 9 others in the bracket that used metaknight that didnt reach 9th place. Oh and in pools, yea another 6 to 8 players used metaknight.

Some thing needs to be done. Im not gonna BAN him YET but we really need to talk about this.

are your serious about baning metaknight i reall think this is not a good idea zyro its not really fair for people that main him having to change character im gonna admit metaknight is to broken. I main lucas and i really dont think i stand a chance against a metaknight but im never gonna give up ill prove you one day a lucas can beat a metaknight so really zyro think about what your doing.

Another thing I want to challenge all the lucas players at the next hobo Keith,Alpha pheonix, hey tallman thats so far of the best lucas players in houston besides me that i know


Smash Lord
Jun 20, 2008
Houston, TX
^ having a smashfest on thursday at his house.
Supposely some jewish holiday came up and we have the day off. . .
Oh well since its a day off why not have a good smashfest.
If u have any questions please pm me or just post here.Ill get to the details of adress tomorrow.Sorry it's so soon but we barely found out today that we had thursday off.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
Another thing I want to challenge all the lucas players at the next hobo Keith,Alpha pheonix, hey tallman thats so far of the best lucas players in houston besides me that i know
Accepted. What is your challenge? If it's just Lucas dittos, don't take the results seriously, no matter the outcome. Dittos do not mean a thing. But I will still play you if you wish.

The MC Clusky

Smash Lord
Jul 18, 2007
San Antonio, TX
are your serious about baning metaknight i reall think this is not a good idea zyro its not really fair for people that main him having to change character im gonna admit metaknight is to broken. I main lucas and i really dont think i stand a chance against a metaknight but im never gonna give up ill prove you one day a lucas can beat a metaknight so really zyro think about what your doing.

Another thing I want to challenge all the lucas players at the next hobo Keith,Alpha pheonix, hey tallman thats so far of the best lucas players in houston besides me that i know
And this is why I agree with LeeHarris about the concept of the smash backroom.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd in other news, wasn't I being considered for a spot like back in April? I may not really play Brawl, but I have plenty of things to say about running tournaments. Besides, I've always been curious about what goes on back there >.>

"we need to talked"
Seriously Alan, can you make your posts a little more professional? There's numerous spelling errors all over the first post, and what's worse that they're in GIANT BOLD LETTERS.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 15, 2005
Austin, TX
And this is why I agree with LeeHarris about the concept of the smash backroom.

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd in other news, wasn't I being considered for a spot like back in April? I may not really play Brawl, but I have plenty of things to say about running tournaments. Besides, I've always been curious about what goes on back there >.>

Seriously Alan, can you make your posts a little more professional? There's numerous spelling errors all over the first post, and what's worse that they're in GIANT BOLD LETTERS.
and lots of exclamation marks :laugh:


Smash Lord
Mar 14, 2008
Pearland ,Texas
Is this pool asking whether MK should be banned or if i want him to be banned?

i think everyones wants MK to be banned.

but everyone knows he shouldnt be.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
I think that a major tournament should just TRY banning Metaknight to see what the results are. Like everyone says, the data will be interesting, and I think it'd encourage more interesting matches and matchups. People who normally don't get very far simply because MK is such a bad matchup will do better. I'd like to see how much of a chance some of the lower tier characters stand that are made unplayable mostly because of MK (Though D3 and Falcos chaingrabs make a lot of them unusable).

Someone should at least try. Local tourneys even.


Oct 27, 2007
Gravity Falls, OR
To post about something that isn't Meta Knight, the official fan translation of Mother 3 is ALMOST FINISHED. For those of you, like me, who want to play this game badly, the time is almost here.


^^^There is the site, you can download the patch for the game whenever they deem it ready.


Smash Hero
Jun 19, 2006
Tampa, FL
Tbh i think Falco kills low tier characters more than metaknight. Illusion and laser spam is too much for soem characters
Falcos chaingrab to spike is actually what kills certain characters. Makes anyone without a stellar recovery unusable. Laser spam can be worked around.

But at the pro level, mabye 9 characters can even actually beat MK, which isn't bad, but it's still stacked in MK's favor...always, mabye minus snake.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2005
Falco vs any of the low tiers can't compare to Meta. It's just a bad (or impossible) matchup for those individual characters. You can either overcome bad matchups by learning them extremely well or counter-pick a different character. Meta CAN'T be counter-picked and has NO bad match-ups. You can't compare the two. <_<

Anyways, I stand by the idea that there should be a tournament with no Metas just to see what happens.


Smash Master
Mar 24, 2008
el paso, New mexico
Everyone always brings in other match ups to this dicussion like Falco Marth and snake.

Comparing them to MK doesn't hold water because they all have counters maybe even hard counters in some cases, they also have bad stages. MK has neutral match ups at the worst and no bad stages, but I'm one of those guys that don't even think they are neutral just MK's don't know how to fight them as well yet. Kind of how snake used to have an advantage against MK.


Smash Lord
Apr 26, 2008
Houston, TX
IGN = SeXy! [DSF's Tag ftw XDD]

I'm 14, and haven't attended a IRL tournament.. yet <__<.

I don't travel to far, and probaly won't be going to a tournament outside of Pasadena, Texas lulz.

Anyone have info on if there will, or if ever be one around Pasadena? And yeah, Houston of course. ;o
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