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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL

shut up gnoob and kagenoob
half the people on here dont like me (brawlers for the most part) but nobody likes you

something i just noticed..zorro means fox in spanish and yet i dont play fox
i didnt think about that when i took my generic name lol.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Apopka, FL

shut up gnoob and kagenoob
half the people on here dont like me (brawlers for the most part) but nobody likes you

something i just noticed..zorro means fox in spanish and yet i dont play fox
i didnt think about that when i took my generic name lol.
Lets play melee at valencia. -.- You go to west campus right? You gotta pwn me in that game.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Why cant people just except the fact that both games are ok. It just takes less tech skill for brawl. I think it does take brains though.
Because Barwl is garbs. And alot of things takes a brain like breathing but I don't try to defend breathing as mentally taxing (cause the brain stem does that).

I mean, seriously. I talked to people at Gigs that enthused "This is great! I think I might host my own tourney!".

Where are you? This is simply a case of the FL Melee community digging its own grave through a failure to act.

U and ur FL community.

And yes, I suppose it was foolish of me to partake in intelligent discussion in a thread where clearly no marks of constructive debate exists, which is fine.
Talking intelligently about Barwl like talking intelligently about ****. The conversation is still **** and the subject is still ****.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
Brawl does take mental thought though.

It's just slower(than Melee) and you have alot more time to think.

Cuz it's a worse game and all.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Wrong, it isn't a decent fighting game.

If Brawl is truly to be a decent fighting game, we'll have to do it ourselves.


For everyone that spends 'effort' playing brawl, almost every single one of you called Brawl out as NOT the better game.

>.< Does that not imply that we should all be playing Melee?

While the majority of the community play Brawl, and while the majority of the community call Melee the better game, there is EVERY REASON TO CALL OUT BRAWL'S FAULTS.

Yes, I have to agree. Camping makes the best fighting game ever. oh wait....

Renth had every right to make this thread. Zoro had every right to make his kick*** posts. Sure, you have every right to say you don't agree with his points, but you fell into the trap that everyone else falls for. You're all playing a noticeably worse game than its predecessor. As far as I can tell, the majority of winning brawl players aren't wholly satisfied with the games they play. They win money and leave empty-handed.

LoL at tournament standings being "all that mattered" at the end of the day. What kind of bull**** is that?

The REAL Smash community that I knew was one that held emphasis on the excitement of an experience, not a rank. It's absurd to think that all that matters to you is a top ten placement. >.<
I would rather enjoy the experience of a SMASH COMMUNITY.


The community that existed before barwl gasped for breath not out of what it takes to win money but for the oxygen of friendships and enjoyments and the dedication to improve. Melee takes effort - real effort of time and practicing. We all agree on that.

But what I see is the decadence of not only Smash, but of how we come together to play it. It's hard for me to understand how winning is all that matters - especially for a game that almost all of us agree is INFERIOR!

While we sit here agreeing on which is the better game, I see no reason for the argument to cease.

**** Barwl. Viva la Melee! Zoro rules.

I agree with you all the way. :3


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
I'm Zoro... noob scrub noob noob noob scrub scrub noob scrub noob scrub scrub scrub noob ***** noob noob

I just find your overuse of these words delightfully hilarious. MELEE and Brawl are just games at the end of the day. I find it funny that you have to prove yourself so much in either.

Oh, anyone that takes what Kris says seriously is a moron. I guess you're not too bright if you take what I say seriously either. The boards is just a humor mechanism a lot of the times.
stop killing my fun homo =(


shut up gnoob and kagenoob
half the people on here dont like me (brawlers for the most part) but nobody likes you

something i just noticed..zorro means fox in spanish and yet i dont play fox
i didnt think about that when i took my generic name lol.
You love that word don't you? and when did this go from "brawl is garbs but you ***** too much" to being a popularity contest? **** anyone who takes any forum seriously

generic as in "imaweeaboohomowhoworshipsanimecharacters"?

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
You know what I hate?

In Brawl when people take 5 minutes to make thier smash tag name in friendlies and then they don't even change thier controls.

Seriously, what's the point you fvcking pieces of ****?


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think they should take as long as they want to find their name, because if they just "**** IT" then they would **** themselves if they use Tap Jump or not, and you wouldn't want to start again since the match has already started. >_> I did that and tap jump was off, my Diddy Almost died twice, luckily I also jumped with X.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
You know what I hate?

In Brawl when people take 5 minutes to make thier smash tag name in friendlies and then they don't even change thier controls.

Seriously, what's the point you fvcking pieces of ****?
Ego boost/sense of identity


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
Finch, shouldn't you be reading one of Tolstoy's works while trying to seem intellectual or something?


Kye, GreeDX and Fenrir (edit: and Kyon) are the only ones to post something of true meaning since this thread started. Good job, guys!

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
IDC if they make a name to take tap jump off(which is what I do) or change thier controls before a match.

It pisses me off when some random a$$wad sits down next to me, looks through the list of names, doesn't find his, and makes a name, when there's a line of people waiting to play 1v1s behind us.

It's dumb.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
Shut up GMoney, knowing who's smart doesn't, in turn, make you smart.

Besides, Kye is dumb, he just uses HUGE words that only he understands.

(This came from his mouth not my own)

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
Finch, shouldn't you be reading one of Tolstoy's works while trying to seem intellectual or something?


Kye, GreeDX and Fenrir (edit: and Kyon) are the only ones to post something of true meaning since this thread started. Good job, guys!
You dont bother me G so i like you.:)


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
stop killing my fun homo =(

You love that word don't you? and when did this go from "brawl is garbs but you ***** too much" to being a popularity contest? **** anyone who takes any forum seriously

generic as in "imaweeaboohomowhoworshipsanimecharacters"?
One piece is nastee man!

And yes i like that word
Popularity? You posted against me first I said nothing to you
Gmoney posted against me first I said nothing to him. I gave my repetitive statement and moved on while you guys just HAD to say something.

Obviously you take this forum seriously if you just HAD to say something and your still here posting so stfu lol. I always post on smashboards I have no life but its not like i think anything I say on here is important. When obviously ur making it ur mission in life to beat me in this battle of words that you created . Too bad I won already in real life now go play ur horrible game and continue to be a generic rob player that will never be good.

NES n00b

Smash Master
May 19, 2007
Oxford, Mississippi. . . . permanent n00b
Shut up GMoney, knowing who's smart doesn't, in turn, make you smart.

Besides, Kye is dumb, he just uses HUGE words that only he understands.

(This came from his mouth not my own)
Just because no one listens to him doesn't mean he is the only one who understands them. What he said sounds conceited as if he is the only one who understands his vocabulary. :p
have alot respect for kye

And screw Melee and Barwl let's all go back to 64 it has hitstun and has no lag on teh arials.

Fenrir VII

Smash Master
Sep 9, 2005
I dare say the "majority of the community" avoids these threads in the first place. Melee enthusiastics are pretty scary actually to a younger Brawl player...

I agree that Melee should have its place in tournaments...regardless if I want to enter the tourneys or not.

But what I've seen so far is this. Melee players talk more on the boards about loving Melee and hating Brawl than Brawl players do in return.

Brawl draws a bigger crowd.... so it can't just be that everybody's playing it just to play it... it would have gotten down a LOT farther in attendance than it has so far.

I, for one, don't feel that Melee is the better game. I don't feel that Brawl is garbage.

It seems like every time a broken tactic is found, the Melee fanatics (just the select few who make a huge noise about it) are like LOLOL BRAWL IS BORKEN EVEN MOOOOORE PLAY MAYLAY!!! and I have to wonder if they don't see the faults in Melee, too...

DDD has a great CG on many chars .... so did Sheik...
Ledgestalling NOOOO ... same in melee
Tripping!!! .... ok good point...
MK is unbeatable!!! .... uh...no he's not. not by far
Camping camping camping... uh, I remember watching a certain player put 500% on a random kid with Falco one tournament... and even besides that...have you ever watched Lunin's Fox, or Aniki? Or for that matter, Noucles or Lambchops?

I played Melee for a long, long time... and i still play it occasionally, but you can't just deny that melee had random faults, too

I want the games to be able to coexist without players on either side feeling the need to just outright bash one game or the other. : /


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Equi's a cool kid (even if he is bad at rock-paper-scissoring for port priority in matchups that don't even involve Snake). ;)

LOL @ Zoro :027:
LOL @ GMONEY :080:

see that makes me cool I dont even have to say anything or give a reason it just makes you look bad yeah im coo

ok im not entering this thread again im tired and coming on here reminds me of how i miss the good ol days before brawl and its legion of noobs came.

Fenrir and his posts :D


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
One piece is nastee man!

And yes i like that word
Popularity? You posted against me first I said nothing to you
Gmoney posted against me first I said nothing to him. I gave my repetitive statement and moved on while you guys just HAD to say something.

Obviously you take this forum seriously if you just HAD to say something and your still here posting so stfu lol. I always post on smashboards I have no life but its not like i think anything I say on here is important. When obviously ur making it ur mission in life to beat me in this battle of words that you created . Too bad I won already in real life now go play ur horrible game and continue to be a generic rob player that will never be good.
Popularity was in reference to "boohoo more people like me than you"
And you make it out like you've said nothing more than "noob" this whole time when your previous posts clearly show the butthurt you've experienced.

You don't win in life until you move out of your parent's place.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
You know what I hate?

In Brawl when people take 5 minutes to make thier smash tag name in friendlies and then they don't even change thier controls.

Seriously, what's the point you fvcking pieces of ****?
I think they should take as long as they want to find their name, because if they just "**** IT" then they would **** themselves if they use Tap Jump or not, and you wouldn't want to start again since the match has already started. >_> I did that and tap jump was off, my Diddy Almost died twice, luckily I also jumped with X.
You're an idiot.
this made me lol
edit: to clarify, I'm on doodah's side seeing as Sumo didn't even read the post. also, every venue should have TAP1/2/3/4 tags to make things easier


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Equi's a cool kid (even if he is bad at rock-paper-scissoring for port priority in matchups that don't even involve Snake). ;)

LOL @ Zoro :027:

Actually it was to see who bans stage first, but yeah, I gotta work on my RPS mindgamez.
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