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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Smash Lord
Nov 8, 2007
Atlanta, GA
Thanks for targeting me out of every person who posted in here ***gots

**** brawl
Im not getting more annoying you just dont have **** to say
so all you can do is target me and my posts instead of my game

I dont care how many times u hear it
ill say it forever until scrubs stop saying brawl is better when everyone in the ****in world knows its a lie.

and continue to tell me i suck at brawl when i beat u at ur own stupid idiotic game next tourney.

Also i dont have to defend my ability to play this game when obviously im playing ****ing GANONDORF u little ***got. I have never even tried to play brawl singles for real. The only time i did was with TL which i got into top 32 but had to leave because mah mami wanted me home. I havnt entered brawl singles in months and the last 3 times i only play gdorf which i have no johns about i just dont take the matches seriously. I only play teams with a female peach player LOL stfu noob.I dont intend to play gay and i hope everyone mms me so i can take ur **** and make u stfu.

I can back up my **** talk with skill in Melee AND BRAWL so come play me nubs
I will own u in both ****in games. Stop targeting me when im not the only person bashing brawl. Plus i havnt done it in AGES.

When u play me seriously in a serious match then u can talk ur smack but so far all u can comment is on my tournament placings which i dont give a **** about in brawl or melee. My falco in melee is easily top 8 material and so is my brawl falco.

So **** all yall especially when u agree with me ur just too busy bein ***gots and hating on me to just say yeah i agree.

Come get owned by me AGAIN G***got
In case you didnt notice i directly insulted u this time since u love to do it to me all the time. Hope u can say something to my face next time i see u at gigs but i doubt it g***got.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Oh and brawl is a ****in noob game and i dont have tunnel vision your just a ****in noob

I keep quiet till now and i get bashed in a BRAWL bashing thread. GTFouta here noobs.
If i was posting under anyone elses name you wouldnt have said anything. Wow you guys are ******** and you think your arguments are stregthened because you can insult me and my placings lol. ****in morons

Now leave me alone dont read my posts dont talk to me and go enjoy your tornado spam and chaingrabs. ***s

Relax man. I'm not directly addressing you, I'm merely claiming that Brawl has more going for it than people give it credit for at the higher peaks of the metagame. Everyone has the right to hate the game and find it boring, but there is a skill climb involved in Brawl and it's not a complete noob game or else we'd have a different winner every tournament and any noob could just come over and win it. I'm not calling you out on your skill, I know you were a good Melee player.

Also, tornado spamming is no longer even existant in Brawl as a viable automatic win of a strategy.


Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2007
it's getting out of hand.

a game's a game.
some people enjoy it, some don't.

some win, some lose.

enjoy what you do, and keep enjoying it.

if you put you're time into anything, it's showing the least bit of dedication.
want to bash on brawl? at least one's giving enough effort to express his hate/dislike towards the game.
enjoy it? spill your heart out.

I'm pretty sure the smash community is one of the smartest gaming communities ever.
But that's okay. 'Cause then someone will come along with some big fvckin' ego and ruin it for everyone else. Arguements fly, thoughts are exchanged but one thing will always remain static.

people will play both games.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
Okay, I'll make an addendum to my post and say that everyone's random hate is getting rather annoying and is very played out at this point (similar as to what Equi said awhile back). No one on this forum is even saying that Brawl is a superior game to MELEE. Your stated problem lies with a few dumb scrubs at Valencia who say that Brawl is better. Who cares what they think? If they are that ignorant then their opinions don't really matter in the "argument," right? Who are you really trying to silence or oppress? Either way, you are making yourself out to be the martyr for MELEE over Brawl in a debate that doesn't even truly exist within the competitive community and then you wonder why people call you out on it. :rolleyes:

Your johns are stupid too... Girlfriend, character and uncaring johns? You aren't top 8 material in the state at either game... Tournament placings are all that matter at the end of the day and they aren't speaking for you right now. Until they do, get over yourself! Then there's your statements about Brawl's metagame being nothing but tornado and chaingrabs... LOL! XD

Zoro, I have no real qualms with you, but (since it looks like you so need to prove yourself) I'm down for a $20 MM in Brawl (just as long as you don't have to ask Marin to spot you). :lick:

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
WHy does it matter.

In the end, the developer himself said he wanted Brawl to be nothing like Melee.

And not competitive.

That right there is enough reason to ***** about Brawl until Sakurai makes another abomination.

It's on the Wii for crying out loud.

WHat are the chances of a good game coming out on a system that focuses on your parents, grandparents, people with missing limbs, obese people, or people who have never touched a controller in thier entire lives?

I will say this though, Brawl is definitely better than that Castlevania Judgement fighting game coming out for the WiiWii.

The only people who really think Brawl is better are the people who either got owned in Melee alot due to not wanting to take the time to learn ATs or goto tourneys(mostly FIU that I can think of right now here in FL) people who never played Melee(look at join dates) or people that like games where they don't have to think the enitire match at a rate of 120 thoughts a minute.

I like Melee more because I feel like there's a noticable skill gap when you play someone.

Every match I play in Brawl is close.

Scrub, pro, Sasha, whoever.

Edit: NVM it was the same in Melee.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I dont need to prove myself the entire melee community knows im better than you Gmoney

Im poor as a mofo but i wouldnt mind playing you and seeing you jump and airdodge seven million times
Ill play gay like the rest of the good people and just do repetitive attacks until i hit you. That makes me good right?

And i know why people call me out because they know they will get backed up for it
if you target renth you know nobody will be on your side. Your just like valencia noobs you think your good because you play gay in a stupid game but you dont understand how much better ANY average melee player is than you. My girlfriend will utterly DESTROY you in melee. Action ******* will utterly DESTROY you in meleeand hes the worst in our crew.You suck so u play brawl i was right get over it. Your just provin me right. So play me get wrecked then never talk again.

5$ MM son my ganon vs ur wario
My falco vs ur wario or metaknight

Have you seen seibrik play or any metaknight player ?
Yeah im gonna go with chaingrabs and tornado.

I dont have a big head, I dont even think im that great at brawl or melee.At the end of the day i know im just some scrubby link player that will never win a tourney BUT I still know im better than gmoney and ANY brawl noob.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
<3 Zoro and his lengendary post... it's a 150% mother****3rs!!!


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Can't get more legendarie than that. ;3


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
lol. im still suprised that people still make these threads. what were you thinking renth


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah, we should have some more love here, brawl or melee, dont matter. <3

EDIT: No homo x10


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
Tampa, FL where the hoes be at!
I dont need to prove myself the entire melee community knows im better than you Gmoney

Im poor as a mofo but i wouldnt mind playing you and seeing you jump and airdodge seven million times
Ill play gay like the rest of the good people and just do repetitive attacks until i hit you. That makes me good right?

And i know why people call me out because they know they will get backed up for it
if you target renth you know nobody will be on your side. Your just like valencia noobs you think your good because you play gay in a stupid game but you dont understand how much better ANY average melee player is than you. My girlfriend will utterly DESTROY you in melee. Action ******* will utterly DESTROY you in meleeand hes the worst in our crew.You suck so u play brawl i was right get over it. Your just provin me right. So play me get wrecked then never talk again.

5$ MM son my ganon vs ur wario
My falco vs ur wario or metaknight

Have you seen seibrik play or any metaknight player ?
Yeah im gonna go with chaingrabs and tornado.

I dont have a big head, I dont even think im that great at brawl or melee.At the end of the day i know im just some scrubby link player that will never win a tourney BUT I still know im better than gmoney and ANY brawl noob.

Get wrecked!!!!!


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
My girlfriend will utterly DESTROY you in melee.
Something about this statement is hilarious, mostly just because it's a girl in question and that's awesome.

If I ever see you again Zoro, lets MM. Your Ganon vs. my Meta Knight, just for the hell of it. $1 or something. I find that match up extremely fun to play :]


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
all these guys sicking their girlfriends on other guys girlfriends to battle it out.

what is this, pokemon?


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA

Remind me when/if I eventually get back down to Florida to MM kids in Brawl. I'll show you the true meaning of "invulnerablity frames" air dodge to air dodge to chain grab to f tilt yea!! brawl combos son.

**** that game is garbage.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Ginger, I don't think he was bashing anyone.

Besides, my girlfriend would destroy Marin in a Melee match.

Oh no, I wasn't trying to imply that he was bashing anyone. It's just cool to hear guys say that about their girlfriends and it actually be true. Matt said he played Marin in Melee and that she was extremely good.


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
Wow, Zoro... LOL

When did I ever say I was better than you or any member of WATO at MELEE? I play both games (so get that straight) and I am significantly better at Brawl. I'm not going to travel for MELEE cause it's kinda pointless to me at this point (due to distance and gas johns).

Have I ever seen Seibrik or any MK play? Uh... Yes, I can actually make it that far into the bracket and I was (and still am) one of those MK players. You can play as gay as you want. It hasn't helped anyone beat my Wario so far. The only way to beat me is to play like a man (like Fenrir and HRNUT)! :lick:

Don't try and pull this humble attitude out of nowhere now either. You can't go from calling yourself "top 8 material" and backing out saying you'll "never win a tourney." You'll get no sympathy from me.

I'm getting a lot of laughs out of this.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 14, 2007
Apopka, FL
brawl is really really bad

i used to love going to valencia to play smash everyday
now they play brawl and i hate going there. It just makes life so much less enjoyable.

the absolute worst thing i hate about brawl though is this scenario

Zoro is in the student lounge at valencia playing melee and has been 3 or 4 stocking just about everyone

some random *** kid who zoro JV 5 stocks with link says this
"Link is the anti-tier hes too good, Let's play brawl its better and i can own you in brawl"

Zoro sighs thinks about everything wrong with that statement and puts in brawl
Zoro then proceeds to 3 stock this kid with ganondorf and captain falcon.

The kid then says
"wow ganodorf is really gay"

Zoro then picks random because at this point hes bored out of his mind
all the while random kids in the background are talking about how much brawl is better than melee.
"I mean in brawl its better because there is no cheap glitches and its harder blah blah blah"
Zoro realizes these are the same kids that pick lucario and roll forward smash all game.

Zoro walks away vowing never to return to this horrible place but realizes he can never escape the gayness of brawl EVER.

Heres the point:If your good at melee you would NEVER say brawl is better than melee. You might say your bored of melee so you want to play brawl but you can NEVER say its better. (unless your fenrir)
The people that like brawl are the people that SUCK at melee. That is the 100% absolute undeniable truth. You like brawl because your tired of getting owned you like the feeling of winning and you finally found the easiest game in the world to win in. Even if you beat them in brawl or melee brawl nubs dont understand that people exist in the world that are BETTER than them. Brawl players are the most ignorant idiotic people on the face of the planet.

lol waiting for nubs to say wow i never seen a melee vs brawl argument.

Ok well brawl the game is gay but kinda fun. Its just the noobiness that it brings out thats horrible.
Dude. I go to Valencia. We need to play some melee man! I went to the last west campus game night and pwned everyone in brawl. It was ******** beyond all *******. Lets play melee sometime!


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
Get over it. Suck it up. Brawl is a decent fighting game once viewed through the correct lens of what it really is.
Wrong, it isn't a decent fighting game.

If Brawl is truly to be a decent fighting game, we'll have to do it ourselves.


For everyone that spends 'effort' playing brawl, almost every single one of you called Brawl out as NOT the better game.

>.< Does that not imply that we should all be playing Melee?

While the majority of the community play Brawl, and while the majority of the community call Melee the better game, there is EVERY REASON TO CALL OUT BRAWL'S FAULTS.

Yes, I have to agree. Camping makes the best fighting game ever. oh wait....

Renth had every right to make this thread. Zoro had every right to make his kick*** posts. Sure, you have every right to say you don't agree with his points, but you fell into the trap that everyone else falls for. You're all playing a noticeably worse game than its predecessor. As far as I can tell, the majority of winning brawl players aren't wholly satisfied with the games they play. They win money and leave empty-handed.

LoL at tournament standings being "all that mattered" at the end of the day. What kind of bull**** is that?

The REAL Smash community that I knew was one that held emphasis on the excitement of an experience, not a rank. It's absurd to think that all that matters to you is a top ten placement. >.<
I would rather enjoy the experience of a SMASH COMMUNITY.


The community that existed before barwl gasped for breath not out of what it takes to win money but for the oxygen of friendships and enjoyments and the dedication to improve. Melee takes effort - real effort of time and practicing. We all agree on that.

But what I see is the decadence of not only Smash, but of how we come together to play it. It's hard for me to understand how winning is all that matters - especially for a game that almost all of us agree is INFERIOR!

While we sit here agreeing on which is the better game, I see no reason for the argument to cease.

**** Barwl. Viva la Melee! Zoro rules.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 4, 2005
Fort Lauderdale, FL
lol @ zoro going ape **** with the verbal rampage.

Sasha is my girl and she owns. Sasha and Bean for best melee team mates ever.

Brawl is fun, but melee is more fun when playing competitivly. I think so anyway.

not that I have played much of either lately, warhammer online is too good and trying to balance getting to 40 in that and still doing events in FFXI I dont have much game time with work and girlfriend.

Need to get an offical melee night at nexus going, i miss it :( it would be like back in the day at old nexus. Pete lets get up with NBP Mike and NBP Cory when mike is down from orlando some weekend. maybe some pre-dodgeball melee at my place some saturday night? then we could all head out to Dball.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
Everyone should really stop *****ing about Brawl. It's like kicking a ******** kid after tricking him into eating dog poo. Everyone knows it's not a great game, but it still produces a turnout and people play it. It is what it is. So PLEASE stop stating the obvious.

Also, Zoro, your arguments are ridiculous. You john like a pro and spout random egotistical bull**** without any sort of backup or evidence. I'm not saying you're completely wrong, but you say a lot of things that just make you look worse.



Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
Tampa, FL where the hoes be at!
Everyone should really stop *****ing about Brawl. It's like kicking a ******** kid after tricking him into eating dog poo. Everyone knows it's not a great game, but it still produces a turnout and people play it. It is what it is. So PLEASE stop stating the obvious.

Also, Zoro, your arguments are ridiculous. You john like a pro and spout random egotistical bull**** without any sort of backup or evidence. I'm not saying you're completely wrong, but you say a lot of things that just make you look worse.

idk have you ever seen zoro he's the man:chuckle:
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