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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I always feel better about people trying to be friends with me once they insult me first.

I've got to ace an exam now. I'm all about that star of Vega! :)

trollin :027:
Pokemon are a sure sign of Geoff trolling. I understand the language now!

Good luck, btw!


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
If you troll for attention (like you are doing)
Thats a PRIME EXAMPLE of self-importance.



Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
If you troll for attention (like you are doing)
Thats a PRIME EXAMPLE of self-importance.

I already stated that I do it for laughs, not attention. Way to attack the motive. You also avoided all of my accusations in this thread while I addressed all of yours (red herrings). In essence, you yourself would be trolling if I was upset.

short version:


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
I think the next time I'm hitting on some chick, I'll pull a "Finch." I'm gonna tell her I thought she was stupid until I found out she was a _____. Then I'll make up something about how she must be worldly and that we should chill at _____ sometime. It can't fail! :009:

edit: I hope Ben thinks I'm CUTE! *nervous*
I have not seriously laughed out loud on smashboards in a long time. Half of it is laughing at you not knowing anything about talking to girls, but the other half is this.

Finch's guide to talking to girls:

1. Tell her you think she's stupid until you find out something interesting about her.

2. Make up something about how she must be worldly and ask her out.

3. ???

4. ???

5. Profit

Is that how you do it? I couldn't remember how many question marks it's supposed to have.

idk basically, you're a sad individual. Try being cooler?

EDIT: OH YEAH also don't get so worked up when people you haven't met insult you over the internet.


Smash Lord
Dec 3, 2007
Tallahassee, FL
Indeed I did make that post. And there's nothing wrong with it. I give anybody props when I find out they're also wasting time on a useless course of study because it makes me feel 1. comradery and 2. better about myself. I thought gingerr was dumb like 6 months ago because I was judging off of a few ignorant posts. We've all made them. Is it ok for me to change my opinion? Clearly you don't do that very often but it has been known to happen.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I think Finch is a pretty cool guy, eh is an English major and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, I've said it a million times before, I may act like an idiot on the boards, but for the most part, when people meet me and actually speak with me (even outside of the boards in general, be it Facebook, AIM, what have you), I often get "You're a lot cooler than I thought you were going to be based off of your posts on the boards."

This, I am okay with. Gotta make this place interesting somehow, although I have been cutting down on my ***gotry a lot recently.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think Finch is a pretty cool guy, eh is an English major and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, I've said it a million times before, I may act like an idiot on the boards, but for the most part, when people meet me and actually speak with me (even outside of the boards in general, be it Facebook, AIM, what have you), I often get "You're a lot cooler than I thought you were going to be based off of your posts on the boards."

This, I am okay with. Gotta make this place interesting somehow, although I have been cutting down on my ***gotry a lot recently.
I hope I get the same reaction too. :3 Probaly not. D:<


Smash Journeyman
Jun 23, 2008
does my oppinion count? of course it do.

There was a time when I started to get pro at melee. I picked up brawl and look what happen to my falcon...is trash again! Then I realize my friend told me, "Hey don't quit...just try harder and focus." I gain alot of confident from WATO as I try to be F-O's successor. But it pissed me off when a few WATO member tell me that I suck..you know who you are!. Is that a bad thing? No. It makes me feel like ACUTALY work harder to show off that I can still make it to the top and that I got better. There is NO cap like WATO said..and I am going to show them that I can break that cap. I am NOT going to let brawl ruin what I got. So, I am going to do is play melee for a season then brawl the next...So like, I'll start playing brawl when Springs come around. Action B@stard STILL lives and he LIVES forever. o.< mkay? I'll play braw at school out of boredoom and crap...

to Zoro:

Dude, your right but there is ONE thing that you need to do if you want to play melee again...

Stop lil brother johning along with mom johning along with Vericz, I told you that you guys can play melee from 12 pm till when ever. But HOW far would you go to play melee hmm.? Think about it...melee at my home almsot everyday...so THINK ABOUT THAT! Sure, my little brother is annoyed as hell, ask the lougue people when he came that one time. Thanks to that, WATO folks lost interest in going to my home.

My mom is really REALLY cool about it now after talking to her. at the end, I mademy little brother stop playing brawl and became emo about it...YES BRAWL TWIST LITTLE KIDS MIND TO BECOME EMO AND NEGATIVE after telling my little brother that he can do it...

hell, i'll invite Renth to my home or anyone just to get some melee practice...cuz I REALLY need it...

F-0, awser the phone...or..give me your IM or something....


blame the Melee comunity for fueling my melee spirit again... along with E52 cuz i really wanted to go :p.
yes WATO..especialy you guys.

F-0's Successor




Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
I think Finch is a pretty cool guy, eh is an English major and doesn't afraid of anything.

But seriously, I've said it a million times before, I may act like an idiot on the boards, but for the most part, when people meet me and actually speak with me (even outside of the boards in general, be it Facebook, AIM, what have you), I often get "You're a lot cooler than I thought you were going to be based off of your posts on the boards."

This, I am okay with. Gotta make this place interesting somehow, although I have been cutting down on my ***gotry a lot recently.
Same for the most part, except nobody here has actually met me outside of the boards aside from you, gmoney, groceries, and ben (can't remember his tag atm). You did say I'm not a f@ggot, but that was only after 3 convos and before I started trolling here ;) Not sure if you've changed your mind yet.

I honestly don't care what people on the boards think of me since I'm only ever going to see them once a month at most. But anyone who wants to try talking to me elsewhere is welcome =P


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
Nope, I don't think you're a f@ggot, but that might have a lot to do with the fact that I DID meet you elsewhere, first.

You are kind of a jerk on the boards, but I know how that goes xD

EDIT: ****it, I wanted my thousandth post to be in Matt and Dock's epic thread.

Eight 52

Smash Journeyman
Feb 14, 2008
Tempe, AZ
Same for the most part, except nobody here has actually met me outside of the boards aside from you, gmoney, groceries, and ben (can't remember his tag atm). You did say I'm not a f@ggot, but that was only after 3 convos and before I started trolling here ;) Not sure if you've changed your mind yet.

I honestly don't care what people on the boards think of me since I'm only ever going to see them once a month at most. But anyone who wants to try talking to me elsewhere is welcome =P
I get no love. Ever. :[


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Brawl is like a segregated playground back in the 1950's...
Beast...if only I didn't make money off of this game...then I'd join in.

But my heart knows deep down...everytime I launch someone and then wait for an airdodge to attack em...I die a lil bit.
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