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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
The only part of that post that wasn't entirely true was the part about Brawl not being so bad.

Edit: Edited previous post becuase I'm ********.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
brawl is really really bad

i used to love going to valencia to play smash everyday
now they play brawl and i hate going there. It just makes life so much less enjoyable.

the absolute worst thing i hate about brawl though is this scenario

Zoro is in the student lounge at valencia playing melee and has been 3 or 4 stocking just about everyone

some random *** kid who zoro JV 5 stocks with link says this
"Link is the anti-tier hes too good, Let's play brawl its better and i can own you in brawl"

Zoro sighs thinks about everything wrong with that statement and puts in brawl
Zoro then proceeds to 3 stock this kid with ganondorf and captain falcon.

The kid then says
"wow ganodorf is really gay"

Zoro then picks random because at this point hes bored out of his mind
all the while random kids in the background are talking about how much brawl is better than melee.
"I mean in brawl its better because there is no cheap glitches and its harder blah blah blah"
Zoro realizes these are the same kids that pick lucario and roll forward smash all game.

Zoro walks away vowing never to return to this horrible place but realizes he can never escape the gayness of brawl EVER.

Heres the point:If your good at melee you would NEVER say brawl is better than melee. You might say your bored of melee so you want to play brawl but you can NEVER say its better. (unless your fenrir)
The people that like brawl are the people that SUCK at melee. That is the 100% absolute undeniable truth. You like brawl because your tired of getting owned you like the feeling of winning and you finally found the easiest game in the world to win in. Even if you beat them in brawl or melee brawl nubs dont understand that people exist in the world that are BETTER than them. Brawl players are the most ignorant idiotic people on the face of the planet.

lol waiting for nubs to say wow i never seen a melee vs brawl argument.

Ok well brawl the game is gay but kinda fun. Its just the noobiness that it brings out thats horrible.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah man I'm tired of seeing Brawl in the lounge too. I feel lonely there. You know? At first Brawl was pretty kool, but then got old fast. I still have a gamecube, lol. People treat melee like old news.

I'm the person who is glad my friend forgot his Wii and we are 'forced' to play melee.

(thanks Zoro cuz of you I tech more often now) :3

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
Brawl is the anti-christ spoken of in Revelations.

Yeah, we used to play Melee at my school too.

Then we got a Wii and 360.

Now I just play SC4 and if the black kids are on the 360 playing, what else, NBA2k89098, I just play Brawl because I do enjoy it, but I'd rather play Melee.

Yoshi is good in Brawl by the way.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
Heres the point:If your good at melee you would NEVER say brawl is better than melee. You might say your bored of melee so you want to play brawl but you can NEVER say its better. (unless your fenrir)
The people that like brawl are the people that SUCK at melee. That is the 100% absolute undeniable truth. You like brawl because your tired of getting owned you like the feeling of winning and you finally found the easiest game in the world to win in. Even if you beat them in brawl or melee brawl nubs dont understand that people exist in the world that are BETTER than them. Brawl players are the most ignorant idiotic people on the face of the planet.

Hey. I definitely like Melee better. The fact is that I can't get as good as I want to get at it because doing so would require me to travel to GA Tech just about every other day if I wanted to play Melee. Everyone else near me just plays Brawl. Furthermore, playing Sonic just makes Brawl a little bit less dull.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
Same here.

Brawl surrounds me, unless I have weed.

Then people come over, smoke my weed while smashing(Melee), and leave.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
like i said

you acknowledge that melee is better

thats all that matters
I enjoy brawl as well but not the people that play it.
I should have said prefer brawl not like. Prefer is what i meant.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
I don't prefer Brawl.

The whole time I play it I want to SH L cancel things so badly, but I can't becuase Sakurai is still alive.

If we kill Sakurai Brawl will die too.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah in melee you actually need skills to be good. ;p Brawl you can be good with any random character. D: and Rob is the gayest character on Brawl. ugh. and I don't have my Doc on brawl. : < And its too slow.


Smash Master
Oct 21, 2006
I'm just your problem~
like i said

you acknowledge that melee is better

thats all that matters
I enjoy brawl as well but not the people that play it.
I should have said prefer brawl not like. Prefer is what i meant.
I feel you. I have to tell the people I play Brawl with often that MK is the best character in the game. They don't believe me because apparently MK has a lack of kill moves. =/


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2007
Miami, FL
the problem with brawl is that ppl don't realize that the only way to suck any kind of fun out of it is to play it with 4 people, ffa or teams, and all items turned on

trying to turn it into the competitive usurper of melee is an abomination against god


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
the problem with brawl is that ppl don't realize that the only way to suck any kind of fun out of it is to play it with 4 people, ffa or teams, and all items turned on

trying to turn it into the competitive usurper of melee is an abomination against god
Yeah, and when you are playing 1 vs 1, which is the only way to get better, people start to whine and ***** to put 4 way on so that 'everyone can have fun' which is a gay john.

Guess what? They got their wish. D:<

People want to get better but would rather have fun then play against people that are better than them.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 22, 2007
i wonder what they're gonna call the 4th smash bros




Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
This thread sucks.

The Brawl bashing is tiring, unoriginal, and rather boring. It's more boring than the game itself. I wish I never read this thread. -5 You guys spend more time bashing Brawl than improving at the game you actually care about.

There is a higher level of metagame in Brawl with less gayness, and the more I play Afro with Wolf against his Wario the more I see it. However, Melee elitists will never see it. Continue to view Brawl as the noob game it is (and don't get me wrong, it's got a lot of gay) continue to view through your narrow tunnel vision from prejudice, and continue to suck and hate it. We don't care. The game isn't going anywhere. The game does require a certain degree of intelligence. And don't get me wrong, I still prefer Melee.

It was funny for a while, now this is just, lame.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
If you hate the game just hate it don't make post about a game you hate, your not doing anything new, we've seen a million of these threads, so go play melee and get off brawls *** please...some people enjoy it and some people don't, if you hate it don't play it, no one's forcing you to read or see things about brawl, if your bad at it and wish you were good then this isn't the correct way to go about it, its already been made obvious that not everyone can win by just playing metaknight so its not 100% gay, there's some (even if its little skill involved) please close this thread


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Congratulations. Clearly you can predict the future and see eons ahead, you likely comprehend the multi-dimensional layers of space.

In other words, see you Saturday.


Smash Lord
Aug 28, 2006
some random *** kid who zoro JV 5 stocks with link says this
"Link is the anti-tier hes too good, Let's play brawl its better and i can own you in brawl"

Zoro sighs thinks about everything wrong with that statement and puts in brawl
Zoro then proceeds to 3 stock this kid with ganondorf and captain falcon.
Best exchange ever.

**** Brawl.


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
Dreamland is my paradise!! everyone in TNT knows how much I love dreamland.

Brawl Dubz is somewhat amusing...I like it.
Brawl Singles is somewhat gay. very gay.
Playing Fenrir fox dittos and ike dittos.. is very fun. very.
playing WeeG TLink vs Luigi is fun.. very fun
playing falcon vs Zoro's ganon is fun... very fun
playing random with HRNUT is fun... very gay. lol, fun
playing falco vs Rx's DK is fun... very fun

Playing Snake dittos with anyone who is not Chops/HRnut/Seibrik is fun... very fun.

This post is ughhh... i dunno, do what you want with it.:embarrass


Smash Ace
Aug 14, 2008
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL (for
Zoro's posts get more and more annoying and repetitive each day. We got your point long ago and I don't think anyone has ever tried to truly make the case that Brawl is a better game. Quit writing these long-winded essays when no one is disagreeing with you.

I do find it funny that you act as if Brawl is such an easy game to be good at yet you have never placed well at any Brawl tourney. It's easy to beat bad people with any character... :rolleyes:


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I agree with Zoro. Although I am not as good, I love playing melee. It annoys me when everyone in the lounge keep bickering about putting 4 way on, to have 'fun'. If his 'essays' disgust you, don't read it. This is america, and there is freedom of speech. And again, I agree with him all the way, and I am sure others do too.

I don't think anyone has ever tried to truly make the case that Brawl is a better game
hmph... well...

Brawl really isn't THAT bad.
Pretty close though. ;p

I do find it funny that you act as if Brawl is such an easy game to be good at yet you have never placed well at any Brawl tourney
Hey, I haven't done well in either yet, but I still like Melee better. If I got better at melee, its because I practiced my *** off, and then I would feel good about myself. With brawl, its not that its a bad game, but how everyone 'somehow' forgets about Melee, and treat it like old news. Its the people who play it that make it seem bad. Some people I know let that get to their heads, and wouldn't even let me use their controller, wow... I felt weird, lonely. (I haven't been there for a while, and I don't have a Wii to practice brawl).


Smash Lord
Mar 28, 2006
Wilmington, DE
There is a higher level of metagame in Brawl with less gayness
Yet brawl players themselves are constantly banning things about the game...

All the melee pros are still the pros in brawl...

I'm confused, how do melee players suck at brawl? The game is just bad, give it up.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
Yet brawl players themselves are constantly banning things about the game...

All the melee pros are still the pros in brawl...

I'm confused, how do melee players suck at brawl? The game is just bad, give it up.
1) And Melee didn't ban things?

2) Untrue, in fact, not even remotely close to true particulary in Florida.

3) Some Melee elitist players suck at Brawl because they held a prominent position in the previous game due to all the technical skill they had and don't like the concept of relearning a simpler enhanced Rock Paper Scissors and the other elements tossed into it, despite Rock Paper Scissors actually hosting competitions globally and it being considered one of the deepest games out there, believe it or not. Don't get me wrong, Melee is the better game, here, I'm not arguing that. Brawl itself, played at a higher level once learning some of the miniscule aspects of the game that many people that blatantly label it as "lame" due to everyone else calling it "lame" and popular peer opinion without seeing it for what it is have no fundamental understanding of the higher aspects of the metagame, period. You view the game in tunnel prejudice vision, you'll continue to suck at it, instead of opening your mind to some of the possibilities that Brawl has. Brawl is better than the community deems it, it's just that beauty and complexity of Melee outshines it and ruined the view of it. Some of the top players in Brawl have evolved to that point, and not everybody just "grabs" or spams the same move anymore. Close attention will reveal to you that players that consistently place top 10 at every tournament consistently do so.

What does that tell you? If consistent placings are occuring (i.e. Afro winning several tournaments consistently for months at a time) and the usual top 10 making their headlines, then obviously, there exists a metagame, and a decent one, though not the best, at that. Get over it. Suck it up. Brawl is a decent fighting game once viewed through the correct lens of what it really is.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
mellee got nerfed into brawl.
n00bs love the nerf, because they dont know better, while experianced players know a thing or two about fighters and hate brawl.
for the most part.
i think.
i dunno.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
mellee got nerfed into brawl.
n00bs love the nerf, because they dont know better, while experianced players know a thing or two about fighters and hate brawl.
for the most part.
i think.
i dunno.
And do you see random n00bz left and right winning tournaments or anyone disrupting a domineering domination by Afro Thunder for five consecutive months with higher raised meta game play and consistent tournament placings with a consistent players at a higher level than just any average pro Melee player who just picked it up? Answer me.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Well, I see both kinds. Some melee pros are still pros in brawl. But, some of my friends that I see (in the lounge) never even came to the lounge before brawl came out, but since it did, bought melee at that time, then some of them bash melee since they didn't really play much of it.


Smash Lord
Oct 22, 2008
And do you see random n00bz left and right winning tournaments or anyone disrupting a domineering domination by Afro Thunder for five consecutive months with higher raised meta game play and consistent tournament placings with a consistent players at a higher level than just any average pro Melee player who just picked it up? Answer me.
I never said anything about skill level of pros and n00bz in brawl. I just stated that the pros generally don't like it and newer players do. i was talking about enjoyment.


Smash Ace
Feb 5, 2006
I never said anything about skill level of pros and n00bz in brawl. I just stated that the pros generally don't like it and newer players do. i was talking about enjoyment.

I see. Understood. Yeah I see that. After playing Brawl for a few hours at a time I find myself getting bored as well.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Thanks for targeting me out of every person who posted in here ***gots

**** brawl
Im not getting more annoying you just dont have **** to say
so all you can do is target me and my posts instead of my game

I dont care how many times u hear it
ill say it forever until scrubs stop saying brawl is better when everyone in the ****in world knows its a lie.

and continue to tell me i suck at brawl when i beat u at ur own stupid idiotic game next tourney.

Also i dont have to defend my ability to play this game when obviously im playing ****ing GANONDORF u little ***got. I have never even tried to play brawl singles for real. The only time i did was with TL which i got into top 32 but had to leave because mah mami wanted me home. I havnt entered brawl singles in months and the last 3 times i only play gdorf which i have no johns about i just dont take the matches seriously. I only play teams with a female peach player LOL stfu noob.I dont intend to play gay and i hope everyone mms me so i can take ur **** and make u stfu.

I can back up my **** talk with skill in Melee AND BRAWL so come play me nubs
I will own u in both ****in games. Stop targeting me when im not the only person bashing brawl. Plus i havnt done it in AGES.

When u play me seriously in a serious match then u can talk ur smack but so far all u can comment is on my tournament placings which i dont give a **** about in brawl or melee. My falco in melee is easily top 8 material and so is my brawl falco.

So **** all yall especially when u agree with me ur just too busy bein ***gots and hating on me to just say yeah i agree.

Come get owned by me AGAIN G***got
In case you didnt notice i directly insulted u this time since u love to do it to me all the time. Hope u can say something to my face next time i see u at gigs but i doubt it g***got.


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Oh and brawl is a ****in noob game and i dont have tunnel vision your just a ****in noob

I keep quiet till now and i get bashed in a BRAWL bashing thread. GTFouta here noobs.
If i was posting under anyone elses name you wouldnt have said anything. Wow you guys are ******** and you think your arguments are stregthened because you can insult me and my placings lol. ****in morons

Now leave me alone dont read my posts dont talk to me and go enjoy your tornado spam and chaingrabs. ***s
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