Way to completely miss my point. It's dumbfoundingly obvious by now, as we've nailed it like a cross into the ridiculous crucifixion that this thread has become that we all hail Melee as the superior game. A good majority of us that go to Brawl tournaments still play and prefer Melee. You can call out N64's faults when comparing it to Melee, or any predessessor you prefer. It's irrelevent, no game can compare to the previous game. Brawl is an entirely different game and must be treated how it is. If you treat how it is, though it has its limitations, it has its enjoyabilities as well because it's an ENTIRELY different metagame.Wrong, it isn't a decent fighting game.
If Brawl is truly to be a decent fighting game, we'll have to do it ourselves.
For everyone that spends 'effort' playing brawl, almost every single one of you called Brawl out as NOT the better game.
>.< Does that not imply that we should all be playing Melee?
While the majority of the community play Brawl, and while the majority of the community call Melee the better game, there is EVERY REASON TO CALL OUT BRAWL'S FAULTS.
Yes, I have to agree. Camping makes the best fighting game ever. oh wait....
Renth had every right to make this thread. Zoro had every right to make his kick*** posts. Sure, you have every right to say you don't agree with his points, but you fell into the trap that everyone else falls for. You're all playing a noticeably worse game than its predecessor. As far as I can tell, the majority of winning brawl players aren't wholly satisfied with the games they play. They win money and leave empty-handed.
LoL at tournament standings being "all that mattered" at the end of the day. What kind of bull**** is that?
The REAL Smash community that I knew was one that held emphasis on the excitement of an experience, not a rank. It's absurd to think that all that matters to you is a top ten placement. >.<
I would rather enjoy the experience of a SMASH COMMUNITY.
The community that existed before barwl gasped for breath not out of what it takes to win money but for the oxygen of friendships and enjoyments and the dedication to improve. Melee takes effort - real effort of time and practicing. We all agree on that.
But what I see is the decadence of not only Smash, but of how we come together to play it. It's hard for me to understand how winning is all that matters - especially for a game that almost all of us agree is INFERIOR!
While we sit here agreeing on which is the better game, I see no reason for the argument to cease.
**** Barwl. Viva la Melee! Zoro rules.
Many of you fail to realize that as Brawl progresses, it's not becoming more campier. Camping is being founded around, I use to camp with Wolf quite a bit, and although I do still camp randomly in the match as a mindgame (and then switch back to aggro to mix it up.) Camping against higher level Snakes (Chops and Afro) DOES NOT WORK. Thanks to the power shield and the fact that generally playing defensive campy DOES NOT WIN, top level players such as Afro and others that have consistently won have even told me that "Brawl is generally a more aggressive game" than it leads off to.
There aren't combos in Brawl, such as Melee, where it's automatic xyz situation in this situation automatic combo button pressing this wins. I'm not saying Melee isn't more complex, it is, and it's way more beautiful. But Brawl's peak of the metagame is different, instead of combos, we have logical though connections, like a web, logical continuations such as walling, to stop walling, to dthrow, to run up shield Rock Paper Scissors react spot dodge, to a single jab mixup games. As the metagame progresses I'm realizing there's more options in Brawl than people realize, mix up jabs, and just a simpler version of Melee.
Don't get me wrong, Melee wins. But Brawl's simpler elements are still good and different when viewed as its own game. And yeah, you can insult Brawl all day. And I can defend it all day. I don't give a ****, and I'm not insulting anyone either. And once again, way to misunderstand my post. I'm not placing a high importance on tournament rankings, I'm claiming that consistent victors shows signs of a learning curve and progression and LEARNING (all that Melee had, prove me otherwise) that the community would experience if didn't have the same high expectations they did for Melee. Melee tournaments will recommence sooner or later, anyway.
lmao what trap? A trap that where I already had prior knowledge that Melee was already better? So the **** what? Deny the fact that there's learning curves in the inferior game regardless, the view of it as being strictly campy is also a common illusion, as camping no longer persists as the dominating strategy. Brawl still requires spacing and intelligence of mixup, and reading, no matter how you look at it. Your or anyone else's counter post of it being less complex than Melee is generally correct bu useless in the discussion, as they are still two separate games with some separate elements regardless.