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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
Popularity was in reference to "boohoo more people like me than you"
And you make it out like you've said nothing more than "noob" this whole time when your previous posts clearly show the butthurt you've experienced.

You don't win in life until you move out of your parent's place.
Who moves out at 18 years old?

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
I dare say the "majority of the community" avoids these threads in the first place. Melee enthusiastics are pretty scary actually to a younger Brawl player...

I agree that Melee should have its place in tournaments...regardless if I want to enter the tourneys or not.

But what I've seen so far is this. Melee players talk more on the boards about loving Melee and hating Brawl than Brawl players do in return.

Brawl draws a bigger crowd.... so it can't just be that everybody's playing it just to play it... it would have gotten down a LOT farther in attendance than it has so far.

I, for one, don't feel that Melee is the better game. I don't feel that Brawl is garbage.

It seems like every time a broken tactic is found, the Melee fanatics (just the select few who make a huge noise about it) are like LOLOL BRAWL IS BORKEN EVEN MOOOOORE PLAY MAYLAY!!! and I have to wonder if they don't see the faults in Melee, too...

DDD has a great CG on many chars .... so did Sheik...
Ledgestalling NOOOO ... same in melee
Tripping!!! .... ok good point...
MK is unbeatable!!! .... uh...no he's not. not by far
Camping camping camping... uh, I remember watching a certain player put 500% on a random kid with Falco one tournament... and even besides that...have you ever watched Lunin's Fox, or Aniki? Or for that matter, Noucles or Lambchops?

I played Melee for a long, long time... and i still play it occasionally, but you can't just deny that melee had random faults, too

I want the games to be able to coexist without players on either side feeling the need to just outright bash one game or the other. : /
Chain grabbing isn't a fault, no Melee enthusiasts b!tched about chain grabbing.

No Melee enthusiasts complain about ledgestalling, either.

No Melee enthusiasts whine about MK, we all laughed when people were freaking out back in April/May.

Only Brawl n00bs complain(save for Seibrick), which is why these topics keep popping up.

It's just easy to make a 20 page thread when everyone either has to LOVE or HATE either game.

There is no medium.

Move to Sweden if you want to like both.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
the majority of people in the world. unless they live in Africa. cause there's nowhere to move out of.
Don't project your ethnocentric ideals towards every differing world view. Not every culture prides itself in Western individualism. African American culture in particular (I'm not Afro-American, as a side note), who's collectivistic ideologies can be traced back to the slave trade and beyond.

I moved out on my own at 18. Years later, when I epiphanized being regulated to a meaningless life of wage slavery sucked, I wanted to go back to school and couldn't afford it. Not every family has the opulence to support their child's ambitions outside the home.



Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
I dare say the "majority of the community" avoids these threads in the first place. Melee enthusiastics are pretty scary actually to a younger Brawl player...

I agree that Melee should have its place in tournaments...regardless if I want to enter the tourneys or not.

But what I've seen so far is this. Melee players talk more on the boards about loving Melee and hating Brawl than Brawl players do in return.

Brawl draws a bigger crowd.... so it can't just be that everybody's playing it just to play it... it would have gotten down a LOT farther in attendance than it has so far.

I, for one, don't feel that Melee is the better game. I don't feel that Brawl is garbage.

It seems like every time a broken tactic is found, the Melee fanatics (just the select few who make a huge noise about it) are like LOLOL BRAWL IS BORKEN EVEN MOOOOORE PLAY MAYLAY!!! and I have to wonder if they don't see the faults in Melee, too...

DDD has a great CG on many chars .... so did Sheik...
Ledgestalling NOOOO ... same in melee
Tripping!!! .... ok good point...
MK is unbeatable!!! .... uh...no he's not. not by far
Camping camping camping... uh, I remember watching a certain player put 500% on a random kid with Falco one tournament... and even besides that...have you ever watched Lunin's Fox, or Aniki? Or for that matter, Noucles or Lambchops?

I played Melee for a long, long time... and i still play it occasionally, but you can't just deny that melee had random faults, too

I want the games to be able to coexist without players on either side feeling the need to just outright bash one game or the other. : /
Honestly man, I see more pure melee players saying that the brawl players should give the above imbalances time to sort themselves out rather than banning stuff left and right when you're not even a year into the game's life. I know that's been my position. Most of the cry for bans and etc have been from the people who actually play brawl, or at least that's been my observation.

Like, name for me a couple of melee-only players that are calling for a ban on mk or ledgestalling in brawl. Sure, you'll see occasional snide remarks along the lines of "see, that ****'s broken," "I told you brawl sucks," or whatever. This thread is a giant collection of them. But at the end of the day it's the seibricks, overswarms, m2ks, ran iji's, and etc that are actually calling for bans.

Oh, and also:

uh, I remember watching a certain player put 500% on a random kid with Falco one tournament...
Dude, I was at that tournament too. He was playing against a kid who was terrible and toying with him. I know you don't like melee anymore, but don't tell me you're so disconnected from it at this point that you seriously think that'd have happened in a real match.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
Don't project your ethnocentric ideals towards every differing world view. Not every culture prides itself in Western individualism. African American culture in particular (I'm not Afro-American, as a side note), who's collectivistic ideologies can be traced back to the slave trade and beyond.

I moved out on my own at 18. Years later, when I epiphanized being regulated to a meaningless life of wage slavery sucked, I wanted to go back to school and couldn't afford it. Not every family has the opulence to support their child's ambitions outside the home.

Right, but as someone with experience with several different cultures internationally I can tell you that individualism isn't an American anomaly at all. Rather, the individualism found in the adolescent years is what separates Western cultures from others. Most European countries exhibit the same pattern of "coming of age" and "going out on your own". Italy is different though, some people live to be as old as 40 and still live with their parents (but Italians are lazy so that's a bad example).
In Japan it's normal to be closely tied to your family but being dependent on your parents is looked down on because it's seen as not pulling your own weight. Kind of like "leeching".

There are exceptions, but for the human race as a whole moving out is the norm.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Right, but as someone with experience with several different cultures internationally I can tell you that individualism isn't an American anomaly at all. Rather, the individualism found in the adolescent years is what separates Western cultures from others. Most European countries exhibit the same pattern of "coming of age" and "going out on your own". Italy is different though, some people live to be as old as 40 and still live with their parents (but Italians are lazy so that's a bad example).
In Japan it's normal to be closely tied to your family but being dependent on your parents is looked down on because it's seen as not pulling your own weight. Kind of like "leeching".

There are exceptions, but for the human race as a whole moving out is the norm.
Yes, but times are are as hard as ever. Also, either way, I have to stay to help with my sick father, but now since I have no job my mother is supporting all of us. I only hope I find a job.


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
I highly doubt that hacks will make it into Gigs.
Unless you meant in friendlies.

either way, I see the wavedash hack as a way to make some characters ridiculously broken (I hear Samus is suddenly ridiculous). S-canceling is acceptable. No tripping is a cop out. Melee air dodge= gonna get ***** by MK if you're dropping down


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Although, I think this would make it different then melee. I don't think it would make it melee 2.0 Just because of that. You know what I mean? Its still going to be slow, and most characters aren't broken, so its going to be something different. Although, I guess some brawlers would like that though.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 19, 2006
Orlando, Florida
I did mean in friendlies. For a start anyhow. It's quite fun. A lot of characters get huge buffs. Ike, Zelda, Link, Ganon, and even Snake gets a beastly B-air.

And it's not Melee 2.0 (unfortunately)
[its brawl 2.0]

You'd be surprised how much the game gets sped up. Like seriously, wavedashing in Brawl is absurdly phenomenally amazing.

There is also no lag during wavelands and wavedashes. Think of the possibilities...


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Oww, I can imagine Ike. D:< I still think Ike should be a little bit higher on the tier, but yeah. lol


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
Wasn't going to risk derailing the thread with another response, until I remembered this thread is pointless.

Right, but as someone with experience with several different cultures internationally I can tell you that individualism isn't an American anomaly at all. Rather, the individualism found in the adolescent years is what separates Western cultures from others. Most European countries exhibit the same pattern of "coming of age" and "going out on your own". Italy is different though, some people live to be as old as 40 and still live with their parents (but Italians are lazy so that's a bad example).
Firstly, "American" does not equal or exhaust the concept of "Western". Be wary of any subconscious ethnocentrism here. Secondly, Italy as well as most of the European world, are constituents of the Western world in which I've referenced. Finally, this formulation of self or "coming of age" phenomenon typical of adolescence is as specific to Western culture as a toddler learning to walk on his/her own -- which is to say, not very specific at all.

Of course, "going out on your own" is a widespread social norm in developed countries, but its value as a norm is definitely not similar in all cultures and world views regardless of situations, circumstances and "exceptions".

I've been told Mexican fathers do not like the idea of their daughters leaving home before marriage. If this rings true, an anecdote I'd read in a newspaper article a few weeks back detailing the plight of a young Mexican immigrant girl having to choose between being disavowed by her family and furthering her education at an OOS University, provides an elegant example of adventitious social values clashing with Western social norms.

Okay, sorry all. You may now return to your regularly, yet unscheduled b1tchfests.



Smash Master
Jul 17, 2006
Weston, Florida
wasn't Going To Risk Derailing The Thread With Another Response, Until I Remembered This Thread Is Pointless.

Firstly, "american" Does Not Equal Or Exhaust The Concept Of "western". Be Wary Of Any Subconscious Ethnocentrism Here. Secondly, Italy As Well As Most Of The European World, Are Constituents Of The Western World In Which I've Referenced. Finally, This Formulation Of Self Or "coming Of Age" Phenomenon Typical Of Adolescence Is As Specific To Western Culture As A Toddler Learning To Walk On His/her Own -- Which Is To Say, Not Very Specific At All.

Of Course, "going Out On Your Own" Is A Widespread Social norm In Developed Countries, But Its value As A Norm Is Definitely Not Similar In All Cultures And World Views Regardless Of Situations, Circumstances And "exceptions".

I've Been Told Mexican Fathers Do Not Like The Idea Of Their Daughters Leaving Home Before Marriage. If This Rings True, An Anecdote I'd Read In A Newspaper Article A Few Weeks Back Detailing The Plight Of A Young Mexican Immigrant Girl Having To Choose Between Being Disavowed By Her Family And Furthering Her Education At An Oos University Provides An Elegant Example Of Adventitious Social Values Clashing With Western Social Norms.

Okay, Sorry All. You May Now Return To Your Regularly, Yet Unscheduled B1tchfests.

Get Wrecked


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
@SynikaL: most developed countries in the world are "Western" but the general model is considered to be the US because everyone likes to blame their **** on us. Take a look at smashboards for 5 minutes and you'll see why.
Your argument is really well developed and you make some good points, yet this is a discussion of social science so there really aren't many concrete facts
I apologize for the lack of verbose speech, I just woke up

@Zoro: lol, leaving ignorant messages on my profile and then blocking me so you can hide in your cardboard fort

@Linguini: do you know what we're talking about? also, fettuccine ftw


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
This thread is such a good read, in it's entirety.
I have a lot I could say about a couple of people in this thread, but I'm going to refrain, because I'm working on being a lot nicer :)
However, please feel free to carry on arguing about Brawl, it makes for a wonderful five minutes of reading material.
Also, if you guys don't like Brawl as a competitive fighter, have any of you considered/tried to pick up a different fighter? Maybe Guilty Gear, 3S, CVS, SC4? I'm just curious if the frustration is coming solely from the fact that you have tried other ideas and just haven't liked them, or if it's because smash is something that you're already used to, and because of that (among other things), you aren't willing to give up on it so quickly.
I legitimately am curious. I know there are a handful of people that play various other fighters outside of smash, just wondering about those who haven't.

Carry on with the internet arguments!


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
I have a lot I could say about a couple of people in this thread, but I'm going to refrain, because I'm working on being a lot nicer :)
no fun =(

Also, if you guys don't like Brawl as a competitive fighter, have any of you considered/tried to pick up a different fighter? Maybe Guilty Gear, 3S, CVS, SC4?
exactly. Brawl is bad but I personally got tired of actually trying to bash it about a month after it came out. It's like whining about your eye color, nothing's going to change so ignore it and move on

Carry on with the internet arguments!
aye aye, whenever I find a way to spark more drama I shall


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL


yet this is a discussion of social science so there really aren't many concrete facts
May the wrath of a thousand sociologists descend upon youuuu!Their vengeance...will blot out the sun!

Seriously though, sociology is just as empirically based and subject to the scientific method as any "hard science" you can name. That's a whole nother' debate though.



doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
May the wrath of a thousand sociologists descend upon youuuu!Their vengeance...will blot out the sun!

Seriously though, sociology is just as empirically based and subject to the scientific method as any "hard science" you can name. That's a whole nother' debate though.
Hahaha, awesome.

But when it gets down to it, any self respecting natural scientist is gonna rofltao at a social scientist claiming to know facts or truths due to their science.

But then again I'm a mathematician, so I laugh at the validity of the rest of life's pursuits anyways. It's my job as an inflated ego (as all mathematicians are).

Plus sociology is common sense.

Sociology is to Mathematics as Brawl is to Melee.

XD worst analogy ever.

Also on an unrelated note:
**** Melee
LOL Who bashes which game?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 31, 2006
Baton Rouge, LA
I personally just think that Brawl didn't do everything that all of us in this community wanted it to do, therefore it just disappointed more people that I know than everyone, including myself. Sure I like Brawl more than Melee, but I still wish that there was a way to bring the 2 communities together.

Brawl did not do this. Melee people do not like the slow speed, lack of AT's, and the lack of combo's. Brawl people argue up and down that it's time to move on. There's a talk of banning a character now. There's talk of hacking in order to try to balance the game for a possible tourney scene in the future.

Pretty much it's all in turmoil right now.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah, Mocha is right. Maybe there is a way to say what our point is, and shake hands. Of course, I'm sure there is skill in Brawl, but its different, that is all. Not that I am an expert or anything... ^^;

Also, if you guys don't like Brawl as a competitive fighter, have any of you considered/tried to pick up a different fighter? Maybe Guilty Gear, 3S, CVS, SC4?
Well, they have waited many years for this, and are now dissapointed, and so am I. Although, I simply say I do not like Brawl and just stick to melee. I wouldn't mind playing Brawl from time to time, but I would rather keep practicing melee, I don't know why.

Well, of course, I can't even play mario well on brawl. : <


Smash Ace
Sep 10, 2008
Florida bwoyyyy
Yeah, Mocha is right. Maybe there is a way to say what our point is, and shake hands. Of course, I'm sure there is skill in Brawl, but its different, that is all. Not that I am an expert or anything...

Well, they have waited many years for this, and are now dissapointed, and so am I. Although, I simply say I do not like Brawl and just stick to melee. I wouldn't mind playing Brawl from time to time, but I would rather keep practicing melee, I don't know why.

Well, of course, I can't even play mario well on brawl. : <
i miss doc too


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yeah, and Pichu as well. I like Ganon in melee better, haha.

Btw, I'm one of the people who doesn't play any other fighters than smash, well, good I mean. ;3


Smash Lord
Sep 5, 2007
Tampa, FL where the hoes be at!
This thread is such a good read, in it's entirety.
I have a lot I could say about a couple of people in this thread, but I'm going to refrain, because I'm working on being a lot nicer :)
However, please feel free to carry on arguing about Brawl, it makes for a wonderful five minutes of reading material.
Also, if you guys don't like Brawl as a competitive fighter, have any of you considered/tried to pick up a different fighter? Maybe Guilty Gear, 3S, CVS, SC4? I'm just curious if the frustration is coming solely from the fact that you have tried other ideas and just haven't liked them, or if it's because smash is something that you're already used to, and because of that (among other things), you aren't willing to give up on it so quickly.
I legitimately am curious. I know there are a handful of people that play various other fighters outside of smash, just wondering about those who haven't.

Carry on with the internet arguments!
why doesnt anyone say MVC2!!! its wayyy better and really technical
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