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Super Smash Brothers Brawl.

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Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I have played it, but I sucked at it, sadly.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
why doesnt anyone say MVC2!!! its wayyy better and really technical
As technical as it is, it's been said that to pick up MVC2 competitively now is almost a waste of time, because it's impossible to catch up to people like Justin Wong in skill level.

I wouldn't know for sure, just what I was told. It is a pretty interesting game to watch, though. However, if you just want to play a game for fun then hell, even I'VE considered playing a little MVC2 :laugh:


Smash Lord
Feb 5, 2005
New Orleans
You say that, but people have pulled those kind of stunts in melee before. Maybe you've heard of mew2king? No one else had till the last season or so of mlg (or next to last, I forget which - somthing in the 05-06 range), at least not as a serious contender. Same can be said for shiz, who wasn't really considered to be one of the very top falco players till about 1.5-2.5 years ago, and certainly wouldn't have been expected to go neck and neck with m2k.

People who jump in late can still compete. You just have to be willing to put in the work.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
That's a valid point.

Like I said, I'm not really speaking as if I'm any sort of authority when it comes to the competitive aspects of MVC2, I wouldn't know any better, it's just what I was told. Could be disinformation for all I know.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
People who jump in late can still compete. You just have to be willing to put in the work.

Yep, I agree. I haven't been playing Melee since it came out, but around 2005 was when I started. Of course, I am willing to put out as much effort to get good. Although, with Marvel Vs Capcom 2, I don't even know what the heck I'm doing. (Mostly button mashing, hehe ^^; )


Smash Journeyman
Apr 11, 2007
Miami, FL
o snap

i jumped into melee pretty late (like late 2007 late) and i do well at tournaments since i started 3 tournaments ago i'm just tired of walking away with 5th all the time


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2005
Colver, PA
Well, it's nice to know this has turned into a casual chat thread :laugh: Brawl still sucks a lot though. I've been playing melee since it came out competitively since 05 when i met the cape


Smash Champion
Jul 9, 2005
Orlando, FL
I play guilty gear and i think im ok for being a noob

i take that back i probably super giga suck at gg


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Me too, I wish I could get better at that. :3 Smash is the only fighting game I KNOW how to play. Haha, oh well, there are one player games to play as well, I guess.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
Hahaha, awesome.

But when it gets down to it, any self respecting natural scientist is gonna rofltao at a social scientist claiming to know facts or truths due to their science.

But then again I'm a mathematician, so I laugh at the validity of the rest of life's pursuits anyways. It's my job as an inflated ego (as all mathematicians are).

Plus sociology is common sense.

Sociology is to Mathematics as Brawl is to Melee.

I'm actually quite surprised at you, Exarch. I expect you to know better than to marginalize forms of knowledge that do not rely on the rigors of mathematics.

Truth of the matter is, mathematics is simply an abstract form of expression just like any other. I could easily dismiss mathematics as "common sense" when I point to two sets of two apples and equate them to four apples (or, 2+2=4). Likewise, and more esoterically, I could articulate the various theories of relativity with mathematical equations, or articulate them philosophically with conventional languages more familiar to the average intellect.

Sociology is anything but "common sense". If I were to explain the details of Whorf-Sapir's hypothesis of language that dictates because of cultural differences, mankind as a whole can never exist on the same conscious level because grammatical syntax is humanity's primary tool in interpreting sensory experiences; I could lose mathematical and average intellects alike.

That is, unless I chose to express the concept to each class of individuals in a manner more privy to them (I tried to find a mathematical equivalent of the theory for substance to no avail. I'm sure one exists somewhere).

All sciences are an articulation of realities and attempts to understand/interpret those realities. Application of the scientific method is the only necessity when considering something to be scientific. We, here, in this very community treat the Smash games like a science. It just isn't "institutionalized" or formalized to be seen as valid science by outside or mainstream entities.

And that's really the crux here: perception. Einstein writing abstract symbols on chalk boards or chemists marrying beakers in lab coats and goggles is just that much more foreign to the mainstream than the field-work observations of many other sciences. Fact is, mainstream media, just for example, would be nothing without Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Economics and many other "Soft Sciences".

Mathematicians may have gotten man to the moon, but when the day comes to colonize it, well, that's a sociologist's job.



Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
I play guilty gear and i think im ok for being a noob

i take that back i probably super giga suck at gg
I'm terrible, too. It's still a great, fun, game though!

I'm actually quite surprised at you, Exarch. I expect you to know better than to marginalize forms of knowledge that do not rely on the rigors of mathematics.

Truth of the matter is, mathematics is simply an abstract form of expression just like any other. I could easily dismiss mathematics as "common sense" when I point to two sets of two apples and equate them to four apples (or, 2+2=4). Likewise, and more esoterically, I could articulate the various theories of relativity with mathematical equations, or articulate them philosophically with conventional languages more familiar to the average intellect.

Sociology is anything but "common sense". If I were to explain the details of Whorf-Sapir's hypothesis of language that dictates because of cultural differences, mankind as a whole can never exist on the same conscious level because grammatical syntax is humanity's primary tool in interpreting sensory experiences; I could lose mathematical and average intellects alike.

That is, unless I chose to express the concept to each class of individuals in a manner more privy to them (I tried to find a mathematical equivalent of the theory for substance to no avail. I'm sure one exists somewhere).

All sciences are an articulation of realities and attempts to understand/interpret those realities. Application of the scientific method is the only necessity when considering something to be scientific. We, here, in this very community treat the Smash games like a science. It just isn't "institutionalized" or formalized to be seen as valid science by outside or mainstream entities.

And that's really the crux here: perception. Einstein writing abstract symbols on chalk boards or chemists marrying beakers in lab coats and goggles is just that much more foreign to the mainstream than the field-work observations of many other sciences. Fact is, mainstream media, just for example, would be nothing without Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology, Economics and many other "Soft Sciences".

Mathematicians may have gotten man to the moon, but when the day comes to colonize it, well, that's a sociologist's job.

I love reading your posts so much.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
You take me too seriously sometimes, Kye.

Unfortunately you dismissal of Mathematics is inaccurate, because you have only shown that that group of two apples added to that other group of two apples is four apples in that case. You could prove that two plus two is four by exhausting all possible combinations of objects, but that might take some time. The only individual example used to prove something is that of a counter example, which is only used to disprove something.
Otherwise to prove 2+2=4, logic and some method of proof is necessary, and believe me the proof of this is not easy.

The difference between mathematics (which is a science itself) and other sciences is essentially this:

Or put differently,

xkcd.com is too good.

I respect the other sciences, but from time to time intentionally overweight the worth of mathematics (although that's hard to do XP). Mainly because mathematicians are (in general) the most elitist people you'll meet. But actually that's a statement a sociologist should be saying.

And Brawl is bad.

Blatt Blvd

Smash Ace
Oct 19, 2008
Blatt Blvd
Ginger likes black guys.

And Kye likes little tiny white girls.

That's about as Western as it gets you two.

Let's keep the boards rated G, please.


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
lol WUT
I guess there's no in between, I have to either be flaming someone or else I'm hitting on them.
. . .I DO like intelligent men, however ;D
Okay, this is getting too weird for me.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I read books also. ;3 I can't stand Paranormal Romance, though. I feel as though the writer is describing how the hero LOOKS while fighting, then the actual fight. :/ Maybe its just me, you know.


Smash Lord
Mar 15, 2004
Boynton Beach, FL
You take me too seriously sometimes, Kye.

Unfortunately you dismissal of Mathematics is inaccurate, because you have only shown that that group of two apples added to that other group of two apples is four apples in that case. You could prove that two plus two is four by exhausting all possible combinations of objects, but that might take some time. The only individual example used to prove something is that of a counter example, which is only used to disprove something.
Otherwise to prove 2+2=4, logic and some method of proof is necessary, and believe me the proof of this is not easy.
Firstly, let's be clear that I am not truly "dismissing" mathematics; I'm merely illustrating how the expressive example can be easily construed as "common sense" to the average intellect when using "common sense" principles.

With that said, I'm going to avow that I'm not 100% secure in my understanding of your logic: the bolded portion in particular. The language is very confusing.

Are you saying that in order to prove 2+2 = 4 and will always in every scenario equal four I need nothing short of tangible evidence to prove it's eternal and universal truth?

If so, you're diving into the rational theories of metaphysics engendered by the likes of Descarte, Spinoza and Immanuel Kant. This is not strictly mathematics.

As for the cartoon, it's funny looking at it, because it could easily be argued that the base lies in favor of the sociological spectrum, since prevailing social theories argue all knowledge is composed of a variety of social constructs -- Tabula Rasa is merely a start, here.

And Brawl is bad.

Brawl's okay.



Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
@ Kage:
Bowser isnt a bad character, do not speak on things you know nothing about.


Smash Ace
Aug 31, 2008
I didn't say that. But MK > Bowser for sure. Don't make assumptions about my implications
Not really if neither player knows the matchup, its similiar to D3 vs MK....

Just stop posting and making yourself look stupid...


Smash Journeyman
May 8, 2008
Jacksonville UNF
Not really if neither player knows the matchup, its similiar to D3 vs MK....

Just stop posting and making yourself look stupid...
either way, what I was referencing was that he got wrecked, in reply to him commenting on what Synikal and I were discussing.

Stop replying and looking like an @sshole.
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