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Something bothering you?

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Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I heard last night that the girl I might very well be in love with could have a crush on some other guy. I know he likes her. It's not hard to see. That's not what bothers me, though. What bothers me is that guy isn't what she needs in a man. He's not the type of guy that could take care of her. She needs a much stronger and devoted man than him. Not to say that I'm in a better situation--I don't even match up to my own standards for her--but I believe I could one day, and I'm working on getting there. It's only a rumor, but it hurts.

But backing off would be what a Marth main would do. I main Falcon, I'm winning this woman over. I didn't spend a year figuring out she was the one for me to fail now.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I heard last night that the girl I might very well be in love with could have a crush on some other guy. I know he likes her. It's not hard to see. That's not what bothers me, though. What bothers me is that guy isn't what she needs in a man. He's not the type of guy that could take care of her. She needs a much stronger and devoted man than him. Not to say that I'm in a better situation--I don't even match up to my own standards for her--but I believe I could one day, and I'm working on getting there. It's only a rumor, but it hurts.

But backing off would be what a Marth main would do. I main Falcon, I'm winning this woman over. I didn't spend a year figuring out she was the one for me to fail now.
First off, Marth has a hot wife. Also, just because this other guy doesn't conform to your standards of what this girl needs doesn't mean he doesn't conform to hers. I don't know you, him, or her, so I don't know. But if she wants to be with the other guy, that's her choice, even if you don't think he's worthy of her. Also, you know she's the one without ever having been with each other? I've known people who dated for 4+ years, were planning on marriage, and then broke up because they just weren't meant for each other anymore. You're putting all of your hope into a relationship that doesn't exist at all yet, and that's how people get hurt.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I've known people who dated for 4+ years, were planning on marriage, and then broke up because they just weren't meant for each other anymore.
This was me! OMG!

As to the rest of what you said, I agree. If you've never been with someone, it's very difficult to know they're "the one". A lot of people in relationships are usually a lot different than they are in relationships. Are you friends with this girl? Do you have any kind of an intimate relationship with her (not sexual but on a deep friend level)?

I've known people who met people and said "OMG SHE'S THE ONE!" And then they dated and regretted that decision.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
:/ Homecoming is in two weeks and the girl I was going to ask got snatched up from under my nose.

I might go solo, but things may get a bit awkward seeing as I'll be there with no date. I probably won't be the only one in that situation, but still.

And yes, I really didn't want to ask anyone to homecoming except that one girl I mentioned. Picky?

I don't even know why I posted this.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Underload, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. If you care so much about having a date, just take a friend. I wish that's what I had done at my prom. Haha, oh well, just have a good time and maybe you'll hook up with some cool chick while you're there if you do go solo. Good luck.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
Or maybe her date will turn out to be a total loser and you can steal her out from under his nose.

There really is nothing wrong with going by yourself. It gives you the chance to dance with anyone you want to... Plus like I said, you can dance with her and maybe convince her she would have had a better time with you.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
Homecoming wasn't a big deal at my high school (the terrible football team didn't get much attention). But with prom, I went with a friend in one of my two experiences. And going with a friend is just fine. There's a lot less pressure to impress and everything than with a date. When we went, good times were had by all.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I love this thread. It feels like everybody's life around me is absolutely stress-free, but then I come here and see that other people have problems too. It's a nice feeling, in a sick, sadistic sort of way.

Anyway, I've been diagnosed with advanced Hidradenitis suppurativa. (Don't look it up if you're squeamish) It's affecting my personal life in ways I'd rather not describe here.

I know there's a support group for the disease, but everybody is so whiny and *****y about their condition. I mean, it's better than being blind or missing a limb. Who wants to receive advice from people who are incapable of coping themselves.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
I love this thread. It feels like everybody's life around me is absolutely stress-free, but then I come here and see that other people have problems too. It's a nice feeling, in a sick, sadistic sort of way.

Anyway, I've been diagnosed with advanced Hidradenitis suppurativa. (Don't look it up if you're squeamish) It's affecting my personal life in ways I'd rather not describe here.

I know there's a support group for the disease, but everybody is so whiny and *****y about their condition. I mean, it's better than being blind or missing a limb. Who wants to receive advice from people who are incapable of coping themselves.
I used to have advanced Acne Vulgaris... Bad times. I've since then cleared. These kind of problems really suck, don't it? But its great that its diagnosed and being treated! Best of luck!


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
I love this thread. It feels like everybody's life around me is absolutely stress-free, but then I come here and see that other people have problems too. It's a nice feeling, in a sick, sadistic sort of way.

Anyway, I've been diagnosed with advanced Hidradenitis suppurativa. (Don't look it up if you're squeamish) It's affecting my personal life in ways I'd rather not describe here.

I know there's a support group for the disease, but everybody is so whiny and *****y about their condition. I mean, it's better than being blind or missing a limb. Who wants to receive advice from people who are incapable of coping themselves.
Ooh.. I agree! >~<! Good idea for a thread! I love listening to peoples problems and trying to help and be there for them! -Gives huggles.-

D'aw! I'm sorry about your condition! I hope your personal life gets better, though! Try not to let something like that get you down!! >~<! You're right, it's better than being deaf or not being able to walk, but people have their problems and it's okay to whine about it every so often! -Huggles.- I hope you get better, though! Try to not let it stress you out, I heard it gets worse when you are stressed.. ah-- yeah, good luck again!! -pat pat.- Fight fight!

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Im happy I didnt go to homecoming...sounds like too much drama/stress that i really dont want.
And dressing up is not fun.
Im happy in a pair of jeans and my awesome YuGiOh shirt kthx.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I used to become anemic every time that time of the month rolled around. I would be too weak to get out of bed for almost two weeks because of blood loss. >.> Now I have a really low immune system and get sick very easily. I maybe go two weeks before I get a cold or a stomach virus or something.

Lots-o problems. :p Yaaaay for problems! Haha.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I think I have egzima. Yeah, and I have no cream for it. :[


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Yes! *puts hand up for group hi5*

I'm tired of all this itching. My face, my legs, my arms. GAHHHHH. And I don't have an appointment until next week. :/

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
Yah I had it for like 2 months or something before i ifnally did something about it.

IT sucked.


Bulletproof Doublevoter
Apr 11, 2006
Nashville, TN
I used to become anemic every time that time of the month rolled around. I would be too weak to get out of bed for almost two weeks because of blood loss. >.> Now I have a really low immune system and get sick very easily. I maybe go two weeks before I get a cold or a stomach virus or something.

Lots-o problems. :p Yaaaay for problems! Haha.
do you take daily vitamins, or supplements, or have you thought about it? :]


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I take birth control. It fixed everything and got rid of my cramps and most of my menstral migraines. I still get a few but not for the whole length of time. Only for maybe 6 hours or so.

And I dunno what to do about the immune system. I've tried to yogurt and the drinks and the cereal and whatever else "boosts" and I still fail. :p


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I take birth control. It fixed everything and got rid of my cramps and most of my menstral migraines. I still get a few but not for the whole length of time. Only for maybe 6 hours or so.

And I dunno what to do about the immune system. I've tried to yogurt and the drinks and the cereal and whatever else "boosts" and I still fail. :p
I'm not a female, but I used to get sick at least once a month and I almost always had some kind of congestion. That was up until about a year ago, when I stopped eating meat. It gave my immune system a huge boost and I haven't been sick since. You could try something like that. It works better to eliminate things that bring your immune system down, such as meats, rather than to try to bring your immune system back up with vitamins and what not.


Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
I'm not a female, but I used to get sick at least once a month and I almost always had some kind of congestion. That was up until about a year ago, when I stopped eating meat. It gave my immune system a huge boost and I haven't been sick since. You could try something like that. It works better to eliminate things that bring your immune system down, such as meats, rather than to try to bring your immune system back up with vitamins and what not.

I've heard that this actually helps for a lot of other things as well, and it can tone down menstrual symptoms a whole lot. The more meat you eat, the heavier an impact each cycle will have on a woman. At least that's what I've read and heard.

Anyways, wow I'm readin lots of skin issues and such on here. I feel really bad for you guys that are ill in some way quite often. I hate when anything goes wrong with my body. Guess I'll throw my minor woes in. I'm allergic to quite a few things, just skin allergies. I get hives and rashes and sores when certain things come in contact with my skin or even if they are in the air. Irritating as heck but they usually don't last too long.

Had one of my vacations kinda ruined by it lol, my friend was helpin me out by doin my laundry for me. I was drivin her around when I started gettin REALLY itchy and had to pull over, and then I realized, I was like what laundry detergent did you use.... She said Downy - noooooooo!!! Lolz, was completely covered in hives. Ug so unpleasant. Downy and Snuggle are the devil.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I completely understand!!!! I am the same way! I can't use certain laundry detergents either! But I'm also allergic to dust, so that's a super fun one. On top of all of that, I'm allergic to a whole lot of foods. It's really bad.

And actually, I only eat poultry and seafood, and even that isn't all that often. I like sushi though. My dad is Vegan and my moms Vegetarian so there isn't a lot of meat around my house anyway.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I completely understand!!!! I am the same way! I can't use certain laundry detergents either! But I'm also allergic to dust, so that's a super fun one. On top of all of that, I'm allergic to a whole lot of foods. It's really bad.

And actually, I only eat poultry and seafood, and even that isn't all that often. I like sushi though. My dad is Vegan and my moms Vegetarian so there isn't a lot of meat around my house anyway.
I don't know how to multiquote XD

but yes, a vegan diet does help with that all of that stuff too. one of the main reasons being the mass amount of hormones that they put into animals to grow them as quickly as they do. poultry is actually the worst one. it's probably the second worst meat to eat,next to swine. there are so many hormones put into chickens it's ********, so many, that you have an over-sized chicken in 7 days. that's like a fully grown human at 2 years old! and one of the hormones, i don't recall exactly, but it's either estrogen or has extremely similar effects to it, which partially explains why sometimes girls will start menstruation as early as age 8 and why the average age in america is 12 compared to, i believe, 16 in japan. but yeah, i say you lay off the poultry and you should notice differences, maybe not right away, but in a few months at the very least.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
I don't know how to multiquote XD

but yes, a vegan diet does help with that all of that stuff too. one of the main reasons being the mass amount of hormones that they put into animals to grow them as quickly as they do. poultry is actually the worst one. it's probably the second worst meat to eat,next to swine. there are so many hormones put into chickens it's ********, so many, that you have an over-sized chicken in 7 days. that's like a fully grown human at 2 years old! and one of the hormones, i don't recall exactly, but it's either estrogen or has extremely similar effects to it, which partially explains why sometimes girls will start menstruation as early as age 8 and why the average age in america is 12 compared to, i believe, 16 in japan. but yeah, i say you lay off the poultry and you should notice differences, maybe not right away, but in a few months at the very least.
I for one am definitely against hormones being put into animals, however in America hormones are not allowed to be used in raising hogs or poultry by federal law. Therefore, there are none!


All meat is good for you, as long as its not tainted. Although I understand if your body can't tolerate meat.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
I am a gullible tool.

That's basically what I read.
Please explain to me how you get buffalo wings. Do they randomly have people watching out for chickens that randomly grow large wings? Gah, don't make me go find my research. All meat is not good for you. Very little of it is, the only one that could really be considered is fish, but the mercury levels in water screw that over now. Read a book like The Jungle or Fast Food Nation one of those dirt-digging books, or whatever the term is. Seriously, look at the garbage that most of the animals you eat eat (pigs eat literal slop). By the way, the FDA also allows a certain (not-so-small) amount of parts per million of rat hair and crap in chocolate, their standards don't rise much higher for meats. It's a hell of a lot easier to find your supportive information, by the way.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
That's basically what I read.
Please explain to me how you get buffalo wings. Do they randomly have people watching out for chickens that randomly grow large wings? Gah, don't make me go find my research. All meat is not good for you. Very little of it is, the only one that could really be considered is fish, but the mercury levels in water screw that over now. Read a book like The Jungle or Fast Food Nation one of those dirt-digging books, or whatever the term is. Seriously, look at the garbage that most of the animals you eat eat (pigs eat literal slop). By the way, the FDA also allows a certain (not-so-small) amount of parts per million of rat hair and crap in chocolate, their standards don't rise much higher for meats.

I also assume things, by the way.

If you had bothered to read what I said above, I said, "All meat is good for you, as long as its not tainted." Duh, I didn't say go eat everything on the grocery store shelves. Most of the stuff sold is gross.

Natural diets that the animals would have eaten are not slop. I agree that pigs shouldn't be fed that ****, however there are plenty of farms that don't do that. Also for example, some organic farmers feed their cows grass and don't pump hormones into them. I agree with your fish comment though, since industrial dumping has caused mercury levels to rise in waters. Although Alaskan sockeye salmon(wild) has been proven to have reduced levels of mercury ;).

I am in NO way defending the FDA. They pass lots of drugs that shouldn't be on the shelves, however, they don't lie when it comes to hormones in poultry. It is just not allowed. I only said that to nullify your statement that American Poultry is hormone ridden(I'm assuming you're from America).



The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008

If you had bothered to read what I said above, I said, "All meat is good for you, as long as its not tainted." Duh, I didn't say go eat everything on the grocery store shelves. Most of the stuff sold is gross.

Natural diets that the animals would have eaten are not slop. I agree that pigs shouldn't be fed that ****, however there are plenty of farms that don't do that. Also for example, some organic farmers feed their cows grass and don't pump hormones into them. I agree with your fish comment though, since industrial dumping has caused mercury levels to rise in waters. Although Alaskan sockeye salmon(wild) has been proven to have reduced levels of mercury ;).

I am in NO way defending the FDA. They pass lots of drugs that shouldn't be on the shelves, however, they don't lie when it comes to hormones in poultry. It is just not allowed. I only said that to nullify your statement that American Poultry is hormone ridden(I'm assuming you're from America).

*sigh* i'll be back in a few days with facts from the real world. yeah, they don't allow it, but it doesn't mean it follows through well.

and yes, just take a look at how the swine flu came about, it shows you how disease ridden a pig can be. many animals have scavenger lifestyles naturally, they are able to house diseases and toxins without being affected, however that is not the case when humans eat these animals. you can't rightfully justify that eating pig is good for you other than by saying it helps keep the economy stable or something along those lines.

and beside, why not just skip the meats and go straight to the grains? just like an energy pyramid, all you're doing is wasting energy the more bodies it has to travel through and causing yourself undue risk.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
@TigerWoods: Hah! I just now got your name since I finally saw your sig! That's brilliant!

On topic: I have a problem with it being brilliant. :p


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
*sigh* i'll be back in a few days with facts from the real world. yeah, they don't allow it, but it doesn't mean it follows through well.

and yes, just take a look at how the swine flu came about, it shows you how disease ridden a pig can be. many animals have scavenger lifestyles naturally, they are able to house diseases and toxins without being affected, however that is not the case when humans eat these animals. you can't rightfully justify that eating pig is good for you other than by saying it helps keep the economy stable or something along those lines.

and beside, why not just skip the meats and go straight to the grains? just like an energy pyramid, all you're doing is wasting energy the more bodies it has to travel through and causing yourself undue risk.

Blah, we're not in the debate hall, so I'm going to say "I love you" so I don't get in trouble. :laugh:

Inter-species diseases have come about time and time again since the dawn of disease. Swine flu probably came about from a viral adaptation to also infect human cells. Even the common flu that humans get all the time today originated from birds.

Pigs are naturally about as disease ridden as humans. There has been no linkage of non-human introduced toxins reaching people from consuming pigs. Of course, I am against high density pig farms where the pigs are truly sick and given antibiotics.

Although grains have its benefits, grains do not provide(or provide adequately) all the necessary nutrients a human body needs. I understand that the foodmarket is a bit tainted now-a-days, but there are plenty of small organic farms that do not use antibitoics/feed pigs slop etc. Humans are designed as omnivorous creatures.

Some benefits of eating pigs:
Omega 6 Fatty Acids

By the way, grain is a much larger source of money than pork. ;)

EDIT: To stay in line with this thread.... Uhmmm this debate is bothering me so I'm going to debate about it? I think...


@Ladybug: hehehe.. GOLF CLUB FTW!


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
I really don't understand what's wrong with having debates in the pool room, as long as you actually debate and don't resort to calling people gullible tools.

My $0.02

One of the things that really bothers me is people's lack of willingness to accept a sound argument or engage in debate. I think it's creating a lot of problems for our society when people just believe things for no discernable reason.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I've heard that this actually helps for a lot of other things as well, and it can tone down menstrual symptoms a whole lot. The more meat you eat, the heavier an impact each cycle will have on a woman. At least that's what I've read and heard.

Anyways, wow I'm readin lots of skin issues and such on here. I feel really bad for you guys that are ill in some way quite often. I hate when anything goes wrong with my body. Guess I'll throw my minor woes in. I'm allergic to quite a few things, just skin allergies. I get hives and rashes and sores when certain things come in contact with my skin or even if they are in the air. Irritating as heck but they usually don't last too long.

Had one of my vacations kinda ruined by it lol, my friend was helpin me out by doin my laundry for me. I was drivin her around when I started gettin REALLY itchy and had to pull over, and then I realized, I was like what laundry detergent did you use.... She said Downy - noooooooo!!! Lolz, was completely covered in hives. Ug so unpleasant. Downy and Snuggle are the devil.
Yeah and mine has been lasting me for quite some time. Since the beginning of time I have experienced this, and didn't know why. :/ I'm tired of it! Its like this (I mean I have always had similar syptoms earlier in my life, but didn't have the money to get a dermatologist, and still don't :/ plus around this time its just getting worse and worse ):

I get itchy > I scratch > ARGGH SO ITCHY > SCRATCH SCRATCH > OWWWWWWWWWW > I stop knowing its not good > ITCHHHY > repeat

I just want to somehow escape my body, to a better body with no skin allergies or other things.

Hahaha snuggle only wants to hug you. :[ AND MAKE YOU ITCHYYYYYy


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
I really don't understand what's wrong with having debates in the pool room, as long as you actually debate and don't resort to calling people gullible tools.

My $0.02

One of the things that really bothers me is people's lack of willingness to accept a sound argument or engage in debate. I think it's creating a lot of problems for our society when people just believe things for no discernable reason.
If you're really that upset about it, apply to be a Temp Debater.

My two cents.


Smash Master
Oct 1, 2006
Perhaps I'm not being clear: I think it's bad for any location to shield those in it from having to participate in rational discussion.

I can obviously apply for Debater status (I haven't because CK hates my guts) but that won't stop others from covering their ears and singing whenever a disagreement is broached. If we shut down debates in any forum, then we encourage this behaviour.

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
The problem with debate in the PRoom is that it does eventually turn into personal attacks a lot of just unsound reasoning and logic.

Thus, we have the debate hall, for those that truly really want to have intelligent discussion without those people that ruin the debate for other people.

It's not a form of elitism, but it gives the people who want to have serious debate a place to be without having to worry about..well, idiots.


Mar 6, 2009
Halifax, Nova Scotia
First, the DH doesn't shield people from rational discussion. It's there for anyone to see and it's open for anyone to apply to.

Second, trolls will be trolls. It's the interwebs, and people are free to disagree idiotically. And that's a pretty good reason to shut down debates, because it encourages that kind of behaviour. You'll never get a serious debate started in the PRoom because it won't last as a serious debate. And really, that's the problem. People can't take serious debates seriously.

All I'm saying is, if you want to debate, go to DH. That's what it's there for.

Oh, and CK isn't the only one in charge of admissions for the DH. If I recall correctly, Zero Beat approved my application for Temp Debater. And anyone can get accepted to the Proving Grounds, and then it's the Debaters themselves that vote for admissions of Temp Debaters. The opinion of one person does not necessarily equal the opinion of all.

EDIT: Ninja'd! :mad:
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