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Something bothering you?

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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
@smurfy - it sounds like he's being very straight forward towards you so you should do the same. "Hey these girls are ugly, let's go!" "Hey quit being a ****ing **** block I think she's beautiful!" It will also score points with the girl for sticking up for her.

Another situation is that he's gay and has a thing for you and if he can't have you no one will. (I've been in that situation before with a girl I was friends with... it's a very strange one. >.>)


Smash Master
Nov 5, 2007
Ahh, well I'm not the most out-going person in the world but just say hi. :laugh:

Talk about something on hand and you're set.
I guess it'd be because I've only been going to tournaments as of recently, so naturally I'd be nervous.



Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
I'm not sure if I have OCD or something, but I hate anything that isn't in order. I even have the folders neatly arranged on my computer desktop. ANYWAY, in my smash gym thread, I put emoticons before and after each section title on the OP. The right emoticon is askew.

I have a compulsion to edit bad grammar when I see it too. Reading bad grammar burns my eyes. Even if I'm the one who wrote it. >:(

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Smurfy, i can only give you the obvious and bluntest answer: Just tell him whats on your mind. Just bluntly tell him that he's being kind of annoying and that you're interested in talking to girls, no matter what he thinks.
If he's your friend he should understand.
If he doesnt, tell him that a friend would understand.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2009
Napa, California . . . .Grapes For Miles
Well I missed a few days of school because I was sick with the Flu, and now I have to go to school tomorrow. I hate getting sick, and missing so much. I missed a very hard class for two days, and we have a history test tomorrow, and the last two days were all review about the test which I missed. They also did an in class assignment that is going to be part of the test. I have to make up work for that class, and take a test I'm sure I am not ready for. I also missed two of my college classes, so I feel like I'm going to be lost in pre-cal tomorrow. Not to mention I missed my Chemistry class so I'm going to not no what to do on the lab on friday. **** I have a Spanish test tomorrow.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Well I missed a few days of school because I was sick with the Flu, and now I have to go to school tomorrow. I hate getting sick, and missing so much. I missed a very hard class for two days, and we have a history test tomorrow, and the last two days were all review about the test which I missed. They also did an in class assignment that is going to be part of the test. I have to make up work for that class, and take a test I'm sure I am not ready for. I also missed two of my college classes, so I feel like I'm going to be lost in pre-cal tomorrow. Not to mention I missed my Chemistry class so I'm going to not no what to do on the lab on friday. **** I have a Spanish test tomorrow.
I took 4 ap classes in highschool and contracted walking pneumonia for 2 weeks. I still have nightmares from the work. :laugh:

Not kidding. Really... I woke up the other night from a dream where I was in Ap Physics :urg:

DtJ Jungle

Check out my character in #GranblueFantasy
Jul 29, 2008
At Tiger, it's okay everyone has little things that they are anal about

I am realyl anal that all things that i organize are symmetric.

Trust me, that gets to be a huge pain but it just...HAS to be.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Getting sick just sucks in general. When ur young, it's ok cause most of the stuff u do in school doesn't matter. High school and up: You miss a lot of info and have to work hard to catch up.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
I have a rant, and I typed it two days ago.

Here it is: man it may be a bit long.

Ok, so let’s see. Am I crazy, or is my mother? Or maybe she doesn’t listen? Well, I will let you in on the situation, and you can find out. I just think its miscommunication, but maybe its just me.

So, I am finishing class. I don’t have my book(s) as of yet. Well, I don’t have it because I don’t have money. (I had financial aid and loans only cover the tuition, not my choice >_>) So, my mother arrives to pick me up. She calls me and I ask her to wait a little bit so I can acquire some copies of the book, so as to keep up with school work. (this school is accelerated) I must so that I can start on a 13-15 page project which is due on the 6th, or 13th, but must be done before that. Then, she yells at me disregarding the thing I’m doing. She is still mad that I am late. She then states I didn’t get my book because I didn’t simply ask for it in a different way or tone. (As if I’m being stepped on) . She only thinks that I’m an idiot, and believes I’d agree to anything. I asked them about it, they said they didn’t know and to call the financial aid department. I call them, leave a message, and get a call back a few days later. They tell me that I must call the business office to get a book voucher (which would be around $200 or less. I left a message, and they haven’t called back. Also, our phone is about to be cut. I tell her all this and she repeats what she said. “Maybe you should go ask again, but make sure you don’t back down (etc blab blab)”<so I say yes yes (as to get her way a little so that we may not fight, but I say “Well that is why I was doing that because they haven’t gotten back to me yet mother” and then she says “Well I didn’t tell you not to do it you idiot” (But my point was not to get mad for me being a little late, since it was a big help to me, as I think about it) and it went on from there. Insults, being thrown at me.

She starts telling me not to talk back to her etc and I was telling her you don’t understand (I’m 19, soon to be 20 in nov, I’m tired of this) She doesn’t want to listen, only hear what she believes, and withdraws to her room and closes the door, with the volume at max. She tells me to be quite as for the neighbors not to hear me (she always does that, as if I’m talking loudly, I’m whispering so you know) She then says I’m crazy and that I need a psychologist. I’m not the one who gets enraged. I’m calm, and here I am typing this out to let SOMEONE know how I feel. I don’t like fighting, and I just want to be understood. *sigh* ;_______ ;

She then feels like talking when she starts to break down and ask me ‘why do you say this etc etc’ and if I do say something she’ll just scream and stuff… >_> I’m only trying to make her understand, that’s all. Its unacceptable. And then they tell me to shut up. I am jobless, so they support me. And I will always remember that, but its demeaning to me. I’d rather be independent and not treated like a child, I want out. Not a stupid way out, just life getting better. Get a job, apartment, etc. (which is why I’m studying, they don’t seem to understand that either ;___ ; ) So I must leave, if they can’t understand me. People tell me its hard, but I’d rather work really hard and find better ways of living. I’m seriously too old for this crap. She believes what she wants to believe, , and it seems I am untrustable to her, since I am an idiot to her. So be it. I want to leave, even without her support. I do not want stress, I do not want unhappiness due to little things… I know I must work hard, and here I am studying for a better future. I won’t let it get me down, after all this I still have much work to do. But, I do not know what to do about this, the biggest little problem I shouldn’t be having. So what do you think? Am I approaching it wrong?

It seems as though I may be a little detached from reality, from life. Because, I am a loner. And when I say that, not without a girlfriend (well actually yes, but I mean just like without friends and stuff) So I think a lot, talk to myself at times. I may be weird to others. I am objective (I try to be subjective or pretend to be subjective and keep quite about my objectiveness, as not to get disapproval from family) also at times I am naturally negative, but my self esteem is great. I want to be the best, at smash. Anyways, I was always kept inside as a kid, and was given videogames to occupy myself. So, I played them. That’s all I thought about. When I got older, I played videogames with friends. (and I’m glad I do)
I can be random at times, and also silly, which is why I might be thought as an idiot. I will not pretend my values are directly given to me from my parents. I would try and understand (and listen to) my children, if I ever have any. xD
I mother tells me if I want the neighbors to hear us fighting, and I say no, I WANT U TO HEAR ME! (Since she closes the door I must say what I have to say) She then pretends like she understands (or something) and tells me “go ahead. Do whatever you want. No srsly, go ahead! Don’t worry about me.”

I still have work to do. >_> Plus, we fight in Spanish. I’m better in English then Spanish. You could say I might be sending he wrong message. I really hope I don’t have these problems with a future wife or something. Because of all this, family (parents and sister) seem to get closer, and I get farther, as if I’m the enemy. Sure, today is another day, and we aren’t fighting now. But, it always happens, so it might happen again, over a little misunderstanding. Maybe it is getting to my head in some indirect way, although I will be positive and try to do my best by studying, looking for a job (to help my family no matter what) and hope its only miscommunication. But at times I begin to harbor a smidgen of doubt, and it worries me. This is why I write this, so that you may understand my situation, and let me know what you think. So that I may understand, because I don’t.

The way I am, is probably the result of how I was raised. But I am not blaming anyone, its never good to do that, I have learned. Although, its as if my parents were late to a class and missed an important instruction/discussion. It was how I grew to be some ‘monster’ in their eyes. They say I am doing drugs because of what I say. I would never do anything stupid, just because of how I feel. I’d only write, and continue to do things I like, for example, videogames. Thanks for listening, or reading rather. Almost 4000 words. Oh, lol, I mean characters. xD Funny, I’m listening to Coldplay – Amsterdamm. :] (my mom said I started the fight) >_>

Life is so complex, even the little things. ;[


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
I'm bothered by that thread "What wouldn't you do as a man?" It's just degenerated to people posting pictures of girls they wish they could sleep with, meanwhile decreasing the self-esteem of any real woman they interact with. So far their view is that if a girl's not Megan Fox, she's not worthwhile. My goodness...not even a video gaming website is safe anymore.

Edit: Sorry, sumo, I didn't get a chance to read yours just yet. Will do in a little and will edit in a response.


Smash Legend
Feb 10, 2008
Switch FC
SW-0654 7794 0698
Actually, I wouldn't really care if Megan Fox was left out of the Transformers movies, I just want to see the action. Of course, I would never set the bar of expectation to high, and I hope girls don't either. :]

Edit: Thanks Proverbs. I know its a little long though, but thank you. :]


I gotta a little problem I was hoping ya'll could help me out with :3

Okay, so I'm currently A Junior in High School, and this year, I'm feelin real good about myself, got the nicer clothes, different attitude, hanging out with ladies more... But, I knew it was too good to be true...

I have this friend, and he ALWAYS WANTS TO BE WITH ME... I don't have any time to myself... I don't hate the kid, I like him... But I have my own life, different friends... and I need to talk to girls...I can't always be with him... He always **** talks all the girls I like, he wears the same clothes, and is just overall kinda of a **** blocker...

I met this really cute girl, and I was talking to her alot and hanging out with her at school, avoiding my little shadow. But he found me, waited til I came through the door, and followed me and the girl... It was very awkward, and the girl left... I WAS PISSED, I TOLD HIM TO GO AWAY... all he did was giggle...

I met another really cute girl, who has a bunch of cute friends... I hang out with them in the morning outside the building, but shadow caught on and started appearing out there too... It still feels awkward, all he does is says "EW! Those girls are gross!" I want himm to go away... I want to be with them, not him all the time... But every time I try and tell him to go away, he say "AWWW, Sebastian... But you're ditching me! You always ditch me for those whores!"

It irritates me so BAD, but I don't want to say anything to try and not hurt his feelings... He doesn't have any other friends... I'm basically his only friend...

I was talking to this girl that i think is hot, named Robin... we we're talking and getting a little sexual with the conversation, when the Shadow came up and said "HEY SEBASTIAN! LET'S GO, THIS GIRL IS UGLY!" She and I stood in silence... She walked away... I felt horrible... I'm trying to talk to her again... but I always have to keep looking out for my Shadow...

IT SUCKS SO BAD! I'm starting to hate it! He always comes to me with his problems, and I have to listen, and I have to help him... But he can't give me some peace...

I know I'm not amazing looking... But i'm not bad... (Baby you could do a whole lot better! But you could DEFINATLEY do a WHOLE LOT worse!) I've been told I'm really cute :3... and girls like talking to me... But WHEN HE COME AROUND THE CORNER, IT'S LIKE.... IT'S LIKE.... JUST, INSTA COCKBLOCK!

Please help, It's already kinda awkward talking to girls right now... andI don't need him making it worse... Much thankies :3

Please help me... PUH-LEEZ!
Dude, think of it this way. You are a junior. Now, after highschool, you'll be starting to get OLD. So, take the time to think. All that time wasted, because of that guy. Just look at the equation

does Shadow > Cute girls or
Cute Girls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shadow?

Act quickly my friend! If you don't, you'll end up regretting it. Plus you'll probaly never ever see him again anyways.

(Sorry I'm being objective, not subjective)


I took 4 ap classes in highschool and contracted walking pneumonia for 2 weeks. I still have nightmares from the work. :laugh:

Not kidding. Really... I woke up the other night from a dream where I was in Ap Physics :urg:

Oh, I know how you feel, except I'm talking about a chocolate Factory. I'm slow literally, so I have to make sure I can keep up with the line. So, works done, and then, at home I'm thinking "oh I better get some more boxes" or "gotta fold this box here and put it over there"

So I'm thinking of what to put where and what I'm missing to get more of it and couldn't rest because of it. Man, that sucked.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me

Just... wow.

Ok, I don't know much about human behavior, but I seem to have some basic ideas of how things should go down:

1. If you're arranging to do something with someone, YOU STICK TO THE PLAN.
2. If you don't like someone, you probably ought to TELL THEM STRAIGHT UP instead of just screwing them over time and time again.
3. Combining 1 & 2, if you don't like someone, you DON'T MAKE ARRANGEMENTS WITH THEM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

So... here's what went down that bothers me so much.

Thursday night: I'm walking back to class with this one guy (hereafter referred to as "J" for anonymity purposes) and his roommate. Now, I've known J since last semester. He used to play competitive Smash, and even though he didn't host Smashfests or tournaments, he still had Smashers over on a regular basis.

Anyway, we get near our apartments (where we have to split), and just as we start to leave I ask him when we were gonna meet up to start a co-op file of Tales of Symphonia. He asks if I'm gonna be busy Saturday or Sunday, and I tell him no. So we both agree to meet up Saturday.

Friday night: I'm staying up late even though I know that I have this arrangement tomorrow. Stupid of me, right? But I figure since we didn't agree to a time or anything it'd be alright as long as I didn't show up TOO late.

Now: It's a couple of hours since I left to go to J's place, and I'm back here at my apartment because J had his Smasher friends there. They all said "Hey" and after awhile J invites me to sit on the bed (since there's not a lot of room). I watch for a bit and then I ask J if I should come back another time and he says yes and also tells me to come back Sunday afternoon. So I left after a little while and here I am, wondering what to do now.

Really, what do you guys make of this? He's evidently known the Smashers longer than he knows me, so as far as priorities go I'm probably in his junk pile. Still... I don't get it. Why not tell me in the first place "Hey, can you come back Sunday?" instead of waiting for ME to bring it up? Heck, why bother inviting me, the "bottom-of-the-garbage-can" kid, AT ALL?

Right now... I'm just facepalming and headdesking until I draw blood.
This was about from a few weeks ago. And... since then I've had this thing (now changed on a whim to playing Tales of Abyss) postponed about 4 times now. It's frustrating me to no end. And I can't put my finger on it.

It can't be about race, because I was born in Texas and my parents were born in Texas.
It can't be about mental disorders, because I'm perfectly healthy in that regard.

What's this about then? What about me makes it perfectly okay for me to be entirely shrugged off by someone who hasn't yet expressed an ounce of hate for me?
Jul 13, 2009
Why is everyone posting threads about their first day of high school?

I just came into Year 9 as well, but I don't really care.
Get good grades, don't be too social, that is what I live by, really.

And my parents do not force grades upon me, I strive for good grades anyway.

It bothers me to see that so many people are overreacting to their first day of high school.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
Omni, that comes from people that have high school over-hyped. The only thing high school is good for, really, is getting you into college and drama. Keep up the mentality you have and just ignore those people. Basically everything you do socially in high school, which is what most people seem to care about, is pointless and stupid, and most of all, high school's not hard >_<
Sorry, that's something that bothered me for four years.

Nintendoman, just call him out on it, but do it in a friendly way. Say something like, "look, you're cool and all, and I really want to do *X* with you, so why do you keep blowing me off, man? If you don't want to, just let me know, but don't blow me off." Something like that, or however you would say that.
Jul 13, 2009
Omni, that comes from people that have high school over-hyped. The only thing high school is good for, really, is getting you into college and drama. Keep up the mentality you have and just ignore those people. Basically everything you do socially in high school, which is what most people seem to care about, is pointless and stupid, and most of all, high school's not hard >_<
I agree with you on that.

So many are dramatic and overreact to everything in high school, it discourages me from going near such people.

*sigh* Must I attempt to raise myself above them?


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
Lol good luck! For me highschool was a heart attack though due to the fact that I REALLY wanted to get into med school despite the fact my parents had no money for it. >.>

So I literally spent every freaking day perfecting EVERYTHING(no social life). Senior year I got captains spot on the lacrosse team, #3 in the class, and a full ride into medical college.

Now, I'm having heart attacks memorizing textbooks >_>"

My blood pressure is going to go through the roof...

Edit: I played Golf too... I stunk :urg:


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
My first day of high school wasnt bad at all. I decided to focus on my grades while I'm going through it.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I never had a "first day of high school" because I was placed on a fast track program and did 8th, 9th, and half of 10th in one year. >.> I suppose my "first day of high school" was when I started the semester in the 10th grade? *shrug*


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Well I never had a first day because my school is a **** prepatory mraning I have to switch from middle to the highschool right next to it. Ive been switching since the eigth grade so sadly Im never gonna have a first day of highschool :cry: T_T


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2008
Wherever you want me to be... If you're female.
I hate the fact that my Lysol container says "kills the flu virus." Get a clue. You can't kill a virus!
Also a Waste Management commercial said "creating energy, day by day." Get a clue, you can't create energy!
Also, a women's skin care product says "exfoliates all 7 layers of skin." Get a clue, there aren't seven layers... >.>

It is absurd! Or maybe I am for getting so irritated about this...


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
I hate the fact that my Lysol container says "kills the flu virus." Get a clue. You can't kill a virus!
Also a Waste Management commercial said "creating energy, day by day." Get a clue, you can't create energy!
Also, a women's skin care product says "exfoliates all 7 layers of skin." Get a clue, there aren't seven layers... >.>

It is absurd! Or maybe I am for getting so irritated about this...
^ Hahaha, this is amazing.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Well I happen to resent my mother these days. My parents are divorced... and my dad got custody of me in court and mainly because I chose so :chuckle: anyways I resent her for some things... first I dont like to talk about this but I learned that she never showed up at the court case over who gets custody and never signed her divorce papers. She also couldve been a better mother. When I was a little kid my grandparents would say that she got veeery impatient... she wouldnt want to take me to the bathroom when I really needed to go and when I pissed myself she yelled at me. The first year or two she used to call me (she lived in canada) but after she would never call anymore. She sent me a supposedly expensive cologne which was just one of those cheap imitations that you buy in drug stores... I dunno Id list more but thats just an idea of how much resentment Im feeling at the moment. I really want to forgive her but its hard. I know shes just human but still I just still havent found a reason to forgive her

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
@:roacherman: forgiveness is the best medicine.... Ok I made that up but if you don't forgive her how can you expect other to forgive you? Even if they're little things.

I'm not saying that what your mom did wasn't bad but there are worse situations than that trust me.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Sigh Ive tried I have tried but I havent been able to find it within me to do it yet... I thought Id post here for a solution to my problem


Smash Hero
Jan 3, 2006
just remember that she dose love you even if she doesn't show it. nothing can break the bond between a mother and her son.
This is cliche' nonsense and you know it. There are plenty of mothers who don't give two ****s about their children.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
NorCal - San Fran
I have a friend who got one of those kinds of mothers pregnant. She cares more about partying than she does her daughter... And its to the point that her parents are going to take the child away and give full custody to the dad (my friend) until she cleans her act up, if ever.

That's something I have a problem with. If you got a girl pregnant once and her mom made her get rid of it because she was 16, don't you figure you know how it happened so you wouldn't get her pregnant a second time?! And now you got a kid with a 16 year old girl who gives two ****s about the kid.


The Old Lapras and the Sea
Mar 20, 2008
roacherman, you forgive her because you don't know what you would do in her situation. not necessarily her exact one, but relatively. you don't know what events shape lives, and how you would end up if your life had been undergone/undergoes similar things. and a lot of people don't even get a phone call, ever. or even hear a word, much less receive a present.

Chronodiver Lokii

Chaotic Stupid
Aug 11, 2009
Well, today I was sitting on the computer and checking/lurking random sites when suddenly, i hear some people yelling outside. My house is in a neighborhood surrounded by 4 of the main roads in my city AND over the fence in my backyard, i see the back alley of a bar, a navy recruitment office, and some random loan place. In the alley, these idiots were arguing/talking about who knows what and Obama...using the word f*** every other word. There are a few families that have little kids in the neighborhood plus we don't really want to hear idiots yelling behind our house.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 17, 2009
Lol thats funny. Id just go over there amd tell them to shut the **** up or call the cops... and about my mother.... welll Im gonna try to get rid of my resentment one way or another...

SKy Angel

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2009
Somewhere in Paradise. XD
@ Elder sister: D:... Work Noooo!!!

If no on understands what I'm saying then don't bother responding to me. If someone knows what I'm saying then just answer it the best way you can, : D : If you know what to say. ^__^

So.. my rant begins.:

Omg.... I just want to ask something here... D :...

Why is it that every time if someone tells you. "Your good at marth, Keep up the good work, don't play kirby."

then... The next couple of weeks or so they go. " Your gay at ffa (or group battle fights.)" Because you often win and what not?

I mean someone makes you feel like your good, and then next they want to make you feel like crap. Then what's more funny you say that you treat brawl like a game, but your bother by the way people fight, I'm just saying. I don't get it...

Probably don't want to care, but just wondering.
Jul 13, 2009
At SKy Angel:

That seems a little contradictory, how first they tell you to keep playing Marth and then weeks later they tell you to stop because you keep winning?

I really don't know why Marth has such hatred around just because he seems feminine, he doesn't really.

It seems that quite a lot of people end up being hypocrites at this game, considering that they say that it's 'just a game' and then suddenly they are bothered by the way people fight.

Just have fun with it, and follow whatever you think is right; you don't always have to take people's advice, unless they are a professional at Brawl and give you reasons to stop playing (which never seems to happen anyway).

I'm going to start posting here, I've seen so many minor (SKy Angel) to major (roacherman) problems in people's lives and I guess I would just like to help.

Sephiroths Masamune

Shocodoro Blagshidect
Nov 21, 2008
In Sephiroth's hands.
@ Elder sister: D:... Work Noooo!!!

If no on understands what I'm saying then don't bother responding to me. If someone knows what I'm saying then just answer it the best way you can, : D : If you know what to say. ^__^

So.. my rant begins.:

Omg.... I just want to ask something here... D :...

Why is it that every time if someone tells you. "Your good at marth, Keep up the good work, don't play kirby."

then... The next couple of weeks or so they go. " Your gay at ffa (or group battle fights.)" Because you often win and what not?

I mean someone makes you feel like your good, and then next they want to make you feel like crap. Then what's more funny you say that you treat brawl like a game, but your bother by the way people fight, I'm just saying. I don't get it...

Probably don't want to care, but just wondering.
You know that maybe he was just kidding the second time because they get worked up in the game.

When I play my friends I usually say man that was gay or why do you always do that? That was cheep! But after the game I say that they play great, also, you play a good.....

What I'm just saying is not to take people too seriously because they sometimes don't know what they're saying.

SKy Angel

Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2009
Somewhere in Paradise. XD
Thanks Omnicron & Sephiroth,

( Just I'm an old school brawler, and honestly D : I just think your advice's or tips are helpful. )

I just wanted to see if anyone had the same problem like me, but yeah this really helps a lot. At first I didn't know what to do because some people just like to lecture you-- ( Just because you can fight good, or just as equal as the same person. )

Either way thanks guys, I'll enjoy my battles I'll keep that in mind, and what you said as well Sephiorth thanks for telling me about what you say to your friends.

You guys are great despite how small silly problems may be, They do help a whole lot, especially if you understand what anyone saying on here. XDD <-- like muha. XP


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
I'm flipping scared right now.

I was coming back from the store about about 9:00 at night, when I ran into the back of a guy's car. I saw the car, I saw the red light, and I was driving a little less than the speed limit (it was raining lightly/drizzling/whatever), but I lacked the depth perception at the time to see that I was actually closer to the car than I thought, so by the time I hit the brakes, I'd hit him.

We were both okay and it seemed like both of our vehicles were in running shape before and after, so this may not be as big a deal as I'm making it but... it's my first accident. Well, the first where I'm at fault.

So we both get out, and the guy in a somewhat stern tone of voice asks me for my info (insurance, driver's license, address of residence, etc.), and I'm complying. The problem is... I sorta failed on my part because I was so freaked out by the whole thing. After all, I was supposed to get HIS info as well, right?

Anyway, it takes him awhile to get stuff down because it's dark, but thankfully everyone was watching and didn't make the situation worse by causing a chain collision. One guy DID stop behind us, but he got out just to check and see if we were okay or needed help or anything. Around that time the guy I ran into was done writing things down and he got back in his car and drove off and I did after that.

I'm... not sure what happens now. My parents were okay when I called and told them about it, and they gave me some idea of what might go down but... well, I'm still scared over the whole thing.

Yeah, yeah, I know, a 20-year-old ADULT being SCARED. I need to grow up already. >_<

Things that I'm thankful for:
-Traffic moved around us, so the situation wasn't worse
-Both me and the guy I ran into being alive and being able to drive away
-The guy who stopped and offered to help (even though it wasn't necessary)
-The guy I ran into being an older man instead of some road rage punk/gangster/etc. that solves everything with violence/bullets to the head.

Things I'm still worried about:
-Having any kind of credibility whatsoever with people in general, but more specifically with my parents
-The guy having my address, meaning it wouldn't take much effort if he felt there was some "unfinished business" with me
-Going to sleep tonight. It's already 3 AM.
-Whatever's gonna happen to my parents' insurance since I'm under it. Scholarships have served me well in college, but I hate to do anything to make my parents have to pay for what stupid stuff I do.
-The fact that my friends don't have anything to say about it.


Smash Lord
Apr 25, 2008
The Forest Temple
I'm flipping scared right now.

I was coming back from the store about about 9:00 at night, when I ran into the back of a guy's car. I saw the car, I saw the red light, and I was driving a little less than the speed limit (it was raining lightly/drizzling/whatever), but I lacked the depth perception at the time to see that I was actually closer to the car than I thought, so by the time I hit the brakes, I'd hit him.

We were both okay and it seemed like both of our vehicles were in running shape before and after, so this may not be as big a deal as I'm making it but... it's my first accident. Well, the first where I'm at fault.

So we both get out, and the guy in a somewhat stern tone of voice asks me for my info (insurance, driver's license, address of residence, etc.), and I'm complying. The problem is... I sorta failed on my part because I was so freaked out by the whole thing. After all, I was supposed to get HIS info as well, right?

Anyway, it takes him awhile to get stuff down because it's dark, but thankfully everyone was watching and didn't make the situation worse by causing a chain collision. One guy DID stop behind us, but he got out just to check and see if we were okay or needed help or anything. Around that time the guy I ran into was done writing things down and he got back in his car and drove off and I did after that.

I'm... not sure what happens now. My parents were okay when I called and told them about it, and they gave me some idea of what might go down but... well, I'm still scared over the whole thing.

Yeah, yeah, I know, a 20-year-old ADULT being SCARED. I need to grow up already. >_<

Things that I'm thankful for:
-Traffic moved around us, so the situation wasn't worse
-Both me and the guy I ran into being alive and being able to drive away
-The guy who stopped and offered to help (even though it wasn't necessary)
-The guy I ran into being an older man instead of some road rage punk/gangster/etc. that solves everything with violence/bullets to the head.

Things I'm still worried about:
-Having any kind of credibility whatsoever with people in general, but more specifically with my parents
-The guy having my address, meaning it wouldn't take much effort if he felt there was some "unfinished business" with me
-Going to sleep tonight. It's already 3 AM.
-Whatever's gonna happen to my parents' insurance since I'm under it. Scholarships have served me well in college, but I hate to do anything to make my parents have to pay for what stupid stuff I do.
-The fact that my friends don't have anything to say about it.
Yikes. Well, good thing everybody's okay. Don't worry about being scared. Growing up and being an adult isn't about not being scared. It's about knowing what to do when you are. As for your worries, eh. A lot of them are unfounded, and tomorrow you'll think they're silly. That guy isn't going to hunt you down to finish any business. As for credibility, you don't suddenly lose all of it just because of this. Your parents may be hesitant to let you drive, especially in wet weather. There will be consequences that you will have to deal with, including financial ones. But that's not the end of the world. It's only money. Just be glad that you and the other guy are both fine.


Smash Cadet
Sep 11, 2009
Hey dudes
my english is not really good but I will try to tell you about my problem
There was a girl... after one great evening with her everyone told me that I'm in love with her but i didn't believe.
But when everyone told me the same: you are in love with her... I started to believe...
And I wanted to show her that I love her and I did. Then she told me that she isn't interested in me and I realised that I'm not interested in her too. But we were good friends and I knew becuase of my mistake we will never be so good friends as we were before I did this BIG mistake.
And now she distances to me and we didn't talk very much but I'm not sad about this.
It's the opposite: I hate her...but I can't told her because her best friend is my best friend and I don't want to hurt her or my best friend or both.
So what should I do? I need help...
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