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SMASHPOCALYPSE:: SPOC IX in February? Link to SPOC VIII results in OP


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
lol spam your funny but your arguments really dont make sense. you usually just pick like one example of something and base your whole argument on it.
yeah dude i think everything you said like made sense, but it's wrong

it's like saying ok i paid 60 cents for a candy bar and 50 cents for these chips so i'm out 30 dollars. hahaha you present all the facts clearly and then the punchline is just like something from a weird al song
I hear this a lot :|. I've never seen a point in getting more examples to back up an argument anyone who is reasonably intelligent can see more examples exist(example: roy, ness, [insert garbage character here] can also be cped and get *****)
examples =/= point proven

your examples are exceptions to a rule

so like your examples almost prove you wrong
I would call 2 stocked at mid % assrape when its peach vs fox.

Jiggs does take away from the spirit of the game but why give the chance to take ALL of your soul and spirit by facing her on brinstar or mute city. <_<

The next paragraph started with pichu so I didn't even read it.

Imbalance can still be fun without having to pick gay stages to win.

Vidjo blows.
i agree with all this

vidjo does blows

also i'd ban jiggs sheik and peach if i could LOLOLOLOL


Smash Lord
Apr 17, 2007
Some boring suburb of, NY
no jiggs is by far THE most satisfying character to kill

listening to her scream jigglypuffffffffffff

yo i seriously mistyped jigglypuff as "jigglypuss"the first time i typed it. all three times


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
it's like saying ok i paid 60 cents for a candy bar and 50 cents for these chips so i'm out 30 dollars. hahaha you present all the facts clearly and then the punchline is just like something from a weird al song

examples =/= point proven

your examples are exceptions to a rule

so like your examples almost prove you wrong
See the point of the examples is to show that your "facts" aren't facts. You can't say "THIS is the way things are" when someone can take 2 seconds to show you, no, that's not the way things are. But w/e, just drop this and talk about how I **** you.

also i'd ban jiggs sheik and peach if i could LOLOLOLOL
You can. And I'd like that more than your ruleset even though this characters are bad



Smash Champion
Feb 4, 2007
West Chester, PA
Spam, do you remember at Smashtastrophe 2 when we were playing friendlies and then you just paused the game? Then I was like, "you don't want to play anymore?" and you didn't say anything and then you just unplugged your controller and walked away?

That was probably the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in Smash. I told like mad people about it and they all just cracked up.

You barely even knew who I was back then but it was still funny.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
Spam, do you remember at Smashtastrophe 2 when we were playing friendlies and then you just paused the game? Then I was like, "you don't want to play anymore?" and you didn't say anything and then you just unplugged your controller and walked away?

That was probably the funniest thing that has ever happened to me in Smash. I told like mad people about it and they all just cracked up.

You barely even knew who I was back then but it was still funny.
I don't think that was me bro. I don't remember ever doing that to anyone and I def know what you looked like at least.



Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
Bleh, I do not approve of this new stage selection. Only 7 stages is stupid. What will I do without my Mute City? :p... I'm not coming if this is the stage selection.


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I would call 2 stocked at mid % assrape when its peach vs fox.

Jiggs does take away from the spirit of the game but why give the chance to take ALL of your soul and spirit by facing her on brinstar or mute city. <_<

The next paragraph started with pichu so I didn't even read it.

Imbalance can still be fun without having to pick gay stages to win.

Vidjo blows.
Counterpick Sheik or Ganon on Brinstar or counter pick Peach on Mute City or stfu. If you don't have other characters in your arsenal of counterpicks then that's your fault and you will pay for it in the end. It's players choice to choose a character to main with in a tournament. If you lose because of a disavantageous matchup.. well what can you do? It's your fault for not having another character on par with your other characters.

Edit: I think people john too much about bad matchups just because they can't play other characters at a sufficient level. It's not right to cater to character specialists because they can't handle a bad matchup on a certain map. If you can't overcome a matchup then you don't deserve to win, simple as that.

Examples: Mango has Jiggs/Falco/Fox.. Azen has Marth/Fox.. M2k has Sheik/Fox/Marth... These players have characters for bad matchups. =P


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
And what about Kage, oh nvm

He works his *** off and learns how to deal with bad matchups instead of picking up an alt, like a true warrior!
I don't complain if I get CG or get camped.. I just fight until the end.. and its fun. That's all there is to it.. if you get camped then you are doing it wrong imo.


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
kage u coming to this ... ???

and also the question u been waiting to hear ...

are u going to smoke ... !!!! ????

u better have the answer i'm looking for with that awesome accent =]


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
kage u coming to this ... ???

and also the question u been waiting to hear ...

are u going to smoke ... !!!! ????

u better have the answer i'm looking for with that awesome accent =]
I'm not sure I'd have to talk with Vwins. =P He usually lifts us if he wants to go as well.

Why not? =)


Smash Hero
Aug 29, 2006
Neptune, NJ
Counterpick Sheik or Ganon on Brinstar or counter pick Peach on Mute City or stfu. If you don't have other characters in your arsenal of counterpicks then that's your fault and you will pay for it in the end. It's players choice to choose a character to main with in a tournament. If you lose because of a disavantageous matchup.. well what can you do? It's your fault for not having another character on par with your other characters.

Edit: I think people john too much about bad matchups just because they can't play other characters at a sufficient level. It's not right to cater to character specialists because they can't handle a bad matchup on a certain map. If you can't overcome a matchup then you don't deserve to win, simple as that.

Examples: Mango has Jiggs/Falco/Fox.. Azen has Marth/Fox.. M2k has Sheik/Fox/Marth... These players have characters for bad matchups. =P
Mango azen and m2k don't even pick CP stages (except corneria for m2k rarely). You know why cause their Fin GOOD players. Most of the really really great players don't pick CP stages. Cause they love the game practice a lot and know they are truly good.

Statistically peach probably if you went back and archived all the tournament matches ever played on mute city has like an 80% win rate. So according to you everyone should pick up peach just to counter that? You want to see all peach dittos on mute city all the time r2? That's the warrior spirit that adds depth to this game?

I realize your point that the better player should win and have other options / characters that help them do that cause of gay stages. And 90% of the time they do. But why not 100% and more exciting matches? Isn't it trying to get the better player to win 100% the reason we don't use items?

My tournament yesterday had grand finals and it was boring as hell everyone was watching but there were no "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHH OHHHH OHHHH" moments at all cause it was fox ditto camping on rainbow cruise and pokefloats and was boring as all hell. I think when scar says he is changing his rules for the spirit of the game is his main point. Not that he doesn't play other chars and can't win on CP stages he's still a very successful player he would just like to see this game be as exciting and competitive as possible. If you can look past the fact that you might not be able to do quadruple stomps into lava into fair anymore you might see our point on how it would help lthe spirit of the game.

Nø Ca$h

Smash Champion
Jan 15, 2009
Philadelphia PA
does scar need an explanation for the new stage system? no. hes running this show and hes not forcing anyone to show up.
nobody needs to come just to ***** about not using a gay stage.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
Yeah well, I think you need to pick more stages to make legal. For one, in Grand Finals it kinda doesn't work having only 7 stages legal considering after bans it comes down to 5 stages, meaning every stage gets played once. I don't see the point of getting rid of CP stages just because there are stages Fox can laser camp on. Japes, Green Greens (maybe), Pokefloats, and Rainbow Cruise are the only real campy cp stages. Though it would probably just be easier to consider camping like that stalling.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2006
Thunder Whales Picnic
Im always compelled to post it whenever ppl talk about stages:


dun care what no one says THISis sparta!!!!!!! was one of the most entertaining matches ive ever watched and I will miss things like this. Camping gets such a bad wrap. Its a shame cuz this was beautifully executed. oh well. I still havent decided which side of this argument I wanna be on. I really really hate green greens, mute, and corneria


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
For one, in Grand Finals it kinda doesn't work having only 7 stages legal considering after bans it comes down to 5 stages, meaning every stage gets played once.
i think grand finals will be fine, i really don't see the point in stage variety in the first place, who cares that we're playing on like a bunch of different stages, it doesn't end up happening anyways, typical grand finals are like this

jman vs tec0
r1 random neutral, jman wins
r2 tec0 counterpicks floats and loses
r3 tec0 counterpicks cruise and loses

MAYBE tec0 wins on one of those gay cp stages, and then jman picks random neutral and wins

and GOD FORBID tec0 wins on both of his gay counterpicks and then goes 1-2 vs jman on neutrals and wins the set

then my heart just breaks for the system that we have adopted and embraced as "best suited for competitive play"


Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
Stages are a big part of competitive play, that's why you can counterpick them. Certain stages greatly benefit certain characters over others, which is why I like a variety of stages to choose from. It gives me a lot of options on what I can do.


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
dk you play jiggs, so of course you're fine with the stage select rules, they benefit you so hard it isn't even funny

note that the PEOPLE on the opposite side of the argument are all players who abuse the CP system and have been afforded very much success by using them. i understand that you don't like it for yourself, but seriously try to think about the game and the value of those stages in terms of competition and see what you think then.

i don't like that stages benefit characters, then you get an advantage for literally nothing. wow congrats.
Stages are a big part of competitive play, that's why you can counterpick them.
this statement means nothing. like literally you have said 0 things.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
Like I've said, I hate maining Jiggs. I want a new main but I can't seem to get good with anyone else. I'd love to main Fox, Falco, or Marth but I suck with them even though I use them much more often than Jiggs. Even if I mained Fox, I'd want the same stage selection. I counterpick Green Greens with Fox cause I like that stage with him. Though Marth doesn't really need CP stages.


Smash Master
Jan 8, 2006
Good luck Mario
You want to see all peach dittos on mute city all the time r2? That's the warrior spirit that adds depth to this game?
....What kind of imbecile counterpicks Mute City against a Peach player that's better than them? No one. And if the Peach player is better than them, they're not going to lose R1 to cp Mute City.

I realize your point that the better player should win and have other options / characters that help them do that cause of gay stages. And 90% of the time they do.
LOOOOOOOOOOOL. Are you REALLY complaining that it's unfair that 10% of the time because people impose stupid limitations on themselves that they're put at a disadvantage?

Isn't it trying to get the better player to win 100% the reason we don't use items?
Items are banned because they spawn randomly and someone can get lucky/unlucky just based on where they turn up. Most CP stages aren't random.

My tournament yesterday had grand finals and it was boring as hell everyone was watching but there were no "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHH OHHHH OHHHH" moments at all cause it was fox ditto camping on rainbow cruise and pokefloats and was boring as all hell. I think when scar says he is changing his rules for the spirit of the game is his main point. Not that he doesn't play other chars and can't win on CP stages he's still a very successful player he would just like to see this game be as exciting and competitive as possible. If you can look past the fact that you might not be able to do quadruple stomps into lava into fair anymore you might see our point on how it would help lthe spirit of the game.
Translation: You hate camping. That's not a reason to ban anything. You might not like it, but it's part of the game(you can run the timer on neutrals too btw.)

Im always compelled to post it whenever ppl talk about stages:


dun care what no one says THISis sparta!!!!!!! was one of the most entertaining matches ive ever watched and I will miss things like this. Camping gets such a bad wrap. Its a shame cuz this was beautifully executed. oh well. I still havent decided which side of this argument I wanna be on. I really really hate green greens, mute, and corneria
Sherigami (2 weeks ago) Show Hide
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The most amazing part of this match is that his B button still worked at the end

pinkshinobi1 (6 days ago) Show Hide
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My new hero, Spamerer. :)

dk you play jiggs, so of course you're fine with the stage select rules, they benefit you so hard it isn't even funny
What? Everyone has the same options on the character select screen. The stage select rules don't benefit anyone. If you're smart, you'll use them intelligently, but if you aren't that doesn't make the rules responsible.

note that the PEOPLE on the opposite side of the argument are all players who abuse the CP system and have been afforded very much success by using them. i understand that you don't like it for yourself, but seriously try to think about the game and the value of those stages in terms of competition and see what you think then.
My apologies for being willing to spend 5-10 minutes practicing a stage so I'll never have problems with it instead of just complaining about CP stages being gay and never putting that small amount of time into the game to ensure I win.

Cmon Scar, it's not like you care about universal fairness for every character. You don't ban things that hurt low tiers.

i don't like that stages benefit characters, then you get an advantage for literally nothing. wow congrats.
Every stage benefits characters and everyone is allowed to use any character.

LOL, I excepted no less of a player like Spammer. Too bad he went to the dark side (brawl.)
Fun facts: I entered a Brawl doubles tournament on Friday night before Smashtastrophe 2. Instead of entering singles, I took the train to Philly to get picked up at Chibo's place by Eggm for the journey to Pittsburgh.

Last Brawl tournament attended: February 7, 2009(played almost 0 friendlies because Brawl sucks)

Last Melee tournament attended: April 18, 2009

I haven't liked Brawl since ~2 weeks after it came out in US.



Research Assistant
Mar 25, 2007
Convex Cone, Positive Orthant
i think grand finals will be fine, i really don't see the point in stage variety in the first place, who cares that we're playing on like a bunch of different stages, it doesn't end up happening anyways, typical grand finals are like this

jman vs tec0
r1 random neutral, jman wins
r2 tec0 counterpicks floats and loses
r3 tec0 counterpicks cruise and loses

MAYBE tec0 wins on one of those gay cp stages, and then jman picks random neutral and wins

and GOD FORBID tec0 wins on both of his gay counterpicks and then goes 1-2 vs jman on neutrals and wins the set

then my heart just breaks for the system that we have adopted and embraced as "best suited for competitive play"
This is a TYPICAL grand finals? :laugh:

I did all that as a joke to have fun.

And btw I WON on Cruise. Get it straight :laugh:


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Mango azen and m2k don't even pick CP stages (except corneria for m2k rarely). You know why cause their Fin GOOD players. Most of the really really great players don't pick CP stages. Cause they love the game practice a lot and know they are truly good.

Statistically peach probably if you went back and archived all the tournament matches ever played on mute city has like an 80% win rate. So according to you everyone should pick up peach just to counter that? You want to see all peach dittos on mute city all the time r2? That's the warrior spirit that adds depth to this game?

I realize your point that the better player should win and have other options / characters that help them do that cause of gay stages. And 90% of the time they do. But why not 100% and more exciting matches? Isn't it trying to get the better player to win 100% the reason we don't use items?

My tournament yesterday had grand finals and it was boring as hell everyone was watching but there were no "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH OHHHHH OHHHH OHHHH" moments at all cause it was fox ditto camping on rainbow cruise and pokefloats and was boring as all hell. I think when scar says he is changing his rules for the spirit of the game is his main point. Not that he doesn't play other chars and can't win on CP stages he's still a very successful player he would just like to see this game be as exciting and competitive as possible. If you can look past the fact that you might not be able to do quadruple stomps into lava into fair anymore you might see our point on how it would help lthe spirit of the game.
I don't need Brinstar to win matches or any "gay" stages for that matter. In that case, I'm just using my favorite stage to my advantage, it's called winning strategy or experience or the Art of CP. Everyone bans it anyway on me but I don't care I expect it to be banned because Ganon is ridiculous on that stage. Also, you just simply need to ban mute city and then your Peach problem is solved. Ban Corneria vs spacies.. etc. etc. At this time, I'm conditioned to do what's necessary vs certain players to eliminate disavantageous positions.. and it allowed me to do really well.

Who the hell knows what's gonna be in the GF.. it could also be Fox dittos on FD pew pewing and grabbing each other for 8 mins. Fox does not bring hype unless you do 80%+ combos or something very very fancy. The idea of hype seems heavily dependant on character choice or the player himself, stage selection is very little compared to that. But ya, I guess only neutrals is more fair for everyone as CPing a neutral only brings slight advantages.

DJ Nintendo

Smash Champion
Nov 4, 2005
Bronx, NY
I'm gonna win this. I don't care what the rules are. If I have to camp someone for 8 minutes and run out the time, I'll definitely do it. I don't give a f*ck lol.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
god these rules are stupid cant believe this is sitll going on.

defeating the whole purpose of counterpicking.

m2k goes corneria rarely cause he has FD for dumb spacies and most characters

this is just people johnning, not wanting to man up to a disadvantageous situation. (YA KNOW A COUNTERPICK)

which scrub beat anyone significant in a set because they got a cp? ppl act like this game is new, you dont know people's mains, you dont know which neutrals to strike, and who plays peach so maybe you should ban mc, against. -_-


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Does this mean you'll stop CPing Kongo Jungle against me?

Why should I, Ganon is amazing against Sheik on that stage. lol.

I'm gonna win this. I don't care what the rules are. If I have to camp someone for 8 minutes and run out the time, I'll definitely do it. I don't give a f*ck lol.
Nonono, I'm gonna punch your big*** out of here lol. =P

god these rules are stupid cant believe this is sitll going on.

defeating the whole purpose of counterpicking.

m2k goes corneria rarely cause he has FD for dumb spacies and most characters

this is just people johnning, not wanting to man up to a disadvantageous situation. (YA KNOW A COUNTERPICK)

which scrub beat anyone significant in a set because they got a cp? ppl act like this game is new, you dont know people's mains, you dont know which neutrals to strike, and who plays peach so maybe you should ban mc, against. -_-
Probably lack of experience vs Peach players.. people will usually ban Dream Land for some reason.. in which where Mute City is so much better for her. Did you notice NO ONE BANNED Mute City vs Armada? Just for that sole reason that I think he managed to get extremely high in the brackets because I've seen him use that stage many times. If everyone banned that stage vs him, it would definitely be different results. Though is it enough reason to change rules set completely? Meh not really.. just ban the correct stages next time and don't **** up.

If there's stage striking... I ban Mute City and strike FD vs Peach as a Ganon main, just to let you know.


Smash Ace
May 9, 2007
New Jersey
I thought the Genesis ruleset didn't allow stage bans because it used that silly stage elimination rule. I rarely go Dreamland and I main Puff. I hate Brinstar though. I really don't see how Puff has an advantage on that stage anyway. Sure the lava helps with combos but it also hurts Puff much worse since she's so light. The extra damage from the lava makes her die much quicker. I don't think I've ever won a match on Brinstar. Mute City is too good for Peach/Puff. I love not having to think hard about my ledge guards :D


Smash Lord
Dec 24, 2006
Changwon, South Korea
Why should I, Ganon is amazing against Sheik on that stage. lol.

Nonono, I'm gonna punch your big*** out of here lol. =P

Probably lack of experience vs Peach players.. people will usually ban Dream Land for some reason.. in which where Mute City is so much better for her. Did you notice NO ONE BANNED Mute City vs Armada? Just for that sole reason that I think he managed to get extremely high in the brackets because I've seen him use that stage many times. If everyone banned that stage vs him, it would definitely be different results. Though is it enough reason to change rules set completely? Meh not really.. just ban the correct stages next time and don't **** up.

If there's stage striking... I ban Mute City and strike FD vs Peach as a Ganon main, just to let you know.
I disagree with this statement.
He beat M2K's Marth with Peach on FD
i doubt he "needs" mute city


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I disagree with this statement.
He beat M2K's Marth with Peach on FD
i doubt he "needs" mute city
Are you seriously calling out M2k's only matches? What about Lucky, Shiz?? I didn't say he needs Mute City btw, I said it helped him a lot and used it to his advantage.

I thought the Genesis ruleset didn't allow stage bans because it used that silly stage elimination rule. I rarely go Dreamland and I main Puff. I hate Brinstar though. I really don't see how Puff has an advantage on that stage anyway. Sure the lava helps with combos but it also hurts Puff much worse since she's so light. The extra damage from the lava makes her die much quicker. I don't think I've ever won a match on Brinstar. Mute City is too good for Peach/Puff. I love not having to think hard about my ledge guards :D
You can't call a ruleset silly when over 300+ people used it and agreed to it. First off, Jiggs is great brinstar, not his best stage but ya you gotta learn how to use it. You should not get hit by lava at all, if you do then you fail. Jiggs can use the lava to his advantage much better than most characters which is why she's good on this stage. The lightness of Jiggs helps because youll only get hit by the lava once if you do get caught somehow. Fast fallers get hit 3-4 times at low % which is devastating lol.

So basically if you can't concieve something then you won't be able to realize something. A great player surpasses all barriers, are you a great player?

Edit: Maybe I hate EU for some reason which is why they hate me back, I want to beat the crap out of them lolll.. I am biased.
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