Animal Buddy Votes:
1 - Squitter
2 - Ellie
3 - Hoofer
Ally Contact:
Elite Captain Quartet
A reskin of the
Infantry and Tanks Assist Trophy. Led by Captain Goomba from the Bowser's Minions add-on of the Superstar Saga Remake, their movement pattern, as well as the projectiles of the Hammer Bros and Fire Bros., function the same as Infantry and tanks. The only difference is that when certain enemies make contact, they will be shown doing an actual attack instead of just damage by touch. The Tailed Boo's will swing their tail for example.
Item or Ally Contact from the 1993 Super Mario Bros. Movie:
Devo Gun
A beam gun type item that shoots out a stream of energy that deals non-flinching damage to an opponent. When a fighter is at 100% damage or higher, being struck by the beam for a long enough time will melt them into a puddle of slime. Causing an instant KO at the end of the animation.
Dr. Mario Taunts:
Forward - Dr. Mario holds a stack of mega vitamins in his hand. Which then dissolve as they would when completing a row in Dr. Mario
Up - Dr. Mario will put his hand to his forehead and look around as if trying to inspect for something. If the Bucket alt is active, Dr. Mario will first lift the bucket off of his head just enough to show his face.
Back - Dr. Mario will pull out a frying pan and start to cook a mushroom on it. Complete with flipping it in the air like a pancake.
Down - Dr. Mario will drink some water out of a canteen. Will heal 1.6 percent if this game allows extra effects for taunts. Otherwise it just plays the animation.
Dr. Mario Victory Animations:
1 - A pile of items that change depending on the costume will fall in place to form a box that Dr. Mario appears from behind of and gives a smile. The items are Mega Vitamins for Dr. Mario, Coins and Gems for Explorer Mario, Blocks from Mario & Wario for Bucket Mario, and Ingredients from Mount Volbono for Chef Mario.
2 - Wanda from Mario & Wario will create a road of blocks that Dr. Mario runs across to reach a Power Moon.
3 - Dr. Mario will be cooking some Stupendous Stew when a Virus emerges from it, laughing and surprising Dr. Mario. The Virus will then run away as Dr. Mario looks angry.
4 - A Toad sick with Bean Fever from Superstar Saga is shown on screen and Dr. Mario throws a Megavitamin at him from off screen. Curing him of his sickness. The camera then pans out to show Dr. Mario and he and the Toad wave at each other.