- Joined
- Jul 30, 2007
- Messages
- 15,494
- VenusBloom
- 3DS FC
- 0318-9184-0547
Welcome to the Smashboards Creates Discussion & Brainstorming Thread
Have you wondered if your idea would be received well? Have you struggled to understand why your thread isn't doing as well as you hoped? Have you participated in a Smashboards Creates thread only to find it missing that particular something? Let's talk about all the fun, joy, sadness, and frustration that comes with running and participating in these threads. This can serve as a way to connect to other thread owners and participants and can be used as a way to bounce ideas off from each other. Please remember this isn't a place to advertise a thread but can serve as a place to get advice, ideas, and help for your own thread. If you are considering launch a game, gauge others interest here. This could make better threads that are more engaging and active.
Have you wondered if your idea would be received well? Have you struggled to understand why your thread isn't doing as well as you hoped? Have you participated in a Smashboards Creates thread only to find it missing that particular something? Let's talk about all the fun, joy, sadness, and frustration that comes with running and participating in these threads. This can serve as a way to connect to other thread owners and participants and can be used as a way to bounce ideas off from each other. Please remember this isn't a place to advertise a thread but can serve as a place to get advice, ideas, and help for your own thread. If you are considering launch a game, gauge others interest here. This could make better threads that are more engaging and active.