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Smash to the Future on hiatus for the summer!


Smash Hero
Jan 25, 2004
youreee a ****ty attitude :p.

but on the real, ppl should get madd. itll make them better, or show them that they shouldnt be playing this game....simple as that....noww getting mad and HITTING something is a diff story.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
i agree with wayne. its good when people get mad because it means they tried hard and really wanted to win.

but those feelings must be internalized or brought out in an acceptable manner. its ok to yell, whine, complain, punch a wall or do whatever you have to do to calm down as long as it does not violate anybody else. it is not acceptable to take out our rage on people or their property.

also, i 2nd what metroid said.


Smash Lord
Nov 17, 2006
Chicago, Illinois
i agree with wayne. its good when people get mad because it means they tried hard and really wanted to win.

but those feelings must be internalized or brought out in an acceptable manner. its ok to yell, whine, complain, punch a wall or do whatever you have to do to calm down as long as it does not violate anybody else. it is not acceptable to take out our rage on people or their property.

also, i 2nd what metroid said.
agreed. no matter how upset you get when you start messing up others people's stuff it becomes a problem. And Big C, telling people that they shouldn't bring their stuff if they don't want it to get broken is just crazy. never should there be a time where someone's property should be in jeopardy because other's can't contain their emotions.

Edit: lol Oro. The sig is too good.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
I'm not saying that he should accept what happened well, I'm just saying someone hit a table that his TV was on and he's somewhat blaming that on why his TV messed up. While that could be a problem I doubt it is the main reason his TV is getting messed up. It's like me saying someone kicked a chair in the room and now my wii is messed up it is the guy who kicked the chair's fault.

And GGs to people who think it's a ****ty attitude. I used to bring setups to tournaments alllll the time when I went, then people decided that it was cool to steal my controller so I stopped bringing stuff to tournaments. I'm just saying if you can't manage the risk of a giant tube of gas messing up don't bring your stuff. Trust me it doesn't take a lot to break one of those tv's one of mine got messed up and my mom still blames me to this day for taking it to tournaments.

It's a simple matter of risk over reward, if you want to pay a $3 venue fee or w/e then don't bring a setup. If you don't want to pay the venue fee then man up and take the risk of your stuff getting messed up. Because face it we are in an anonymous community whether you like it or not, if someone messes up your stuff they aren't going to say anything about it. I've hosted plenty of tournaments in my home where stuff was broken and heard nothing about it from anyone.


this is also not me saying people don't have to respect other people or their things. but, again the inherent risk is already there. it's like me leaving a McChicken on my table and not thinking that my cat is gonna eat it because she is going to. Murphy's Law beehatches.


Smash Lord
Nov 17, 2006
Chicago, Illinois
I'm not saying that he should accept what happened well, I'm just saying someone hit a table that his TV was on and he's somewhat blaming that on why his TV messed up. While that could be a problem I doubt it is the main reason his TV is getting messed up. It's like me saying someone kicked a chair in the room and now my wii is messed up it is the guy who kicked the chair's fault.

And GGs to people who think it's a ****ty attitude. I used to bring setups to tournaments alllll the time when I went, then people decided that it was cool to steal my controller so I stopped bringing stuff to tournaments. I'm just saying if you can't manage the risk of a giant tube of gas messing up don't bring your stuff. Trust me it doesn't take a lot to break one of those tv's one of mine got messed up and my mom still blames me to this day for taking it to tournaments.

It's a simple matter of risk over reward, if you want to pay a $3 venue fee or w/e then don't bring a setup. If you don't want to pay the venue fee then man up and take the risk of your stuff getting messed up. Because face it we are in an anonymous community whether you like it or not, if someone messes up your stuff they aren't going to say anything about it. I've hosted plenty of tournaments in my home where stuff was broken and heard nothing about it from anyone.


this is also not me saying people don't have to respect other people or their things. but, again the inherent risk is already there. it's like me leaving a McChicken on my table and not thinking that my cat is gonna eat it because she is going to. Murphy's Law beehatches.
I don't think he's upset that his t.v went out. I think it's more so that when you start hitting tables like the way Dart was it's easy to see how the vibrations could have ruptured something in a t.v. especially an older one that's been through alot. And you can't compare a cat to a human. I wouldn't be so pissed if a cat ate it. But if another person knew it was mine and still ate it then we'd have problems.

I don't think people bring setups and hope that no one messes their stuff up. People just have faith that others will respect their equipment since without it, there would be no tournament. Telling us to not bring it will hurt more than help.


Smash Grimer
Aug 16, 2005
Ann Arbor, MI
Poor logic, Big C. There's a chance the venue could collapse due to a massive earthquake, so obviously we shouldn't take the inherent risk to attend, right?


Civilized behavior should be expected. Especially for people who are educated and fortunate enough to be playing Smash in their free time.


Smash Master
May 12, 2010
East Peoria, IL
Serious post:

Don't mistreat other peoples stuff. Whether it's tvs/Wiis/computers(no one should probably be touching it without Chris' permission) or even controllers, it is not yours. My tv is on the fritz now. Not sure if it has anything to do with people mistreating it at tourneys, or just wear and tear, but the fact that it crapped out after Dart hit the table means something. I am pretty hesitant with bringing setups anymore because I don't want my stuff to be treated like ****. I was really damn worried when my Wii almost got punched after a set (2 times I saw)

If it is really that hard to contain your emotions, then you should take the money you would use to enter a tournament and go to ****ing anger management. Other than the hassle of bringing a setup everywhere, now I feel there is even less incentive for me of going out of my way to ensure events run faster. If I see people mistreating someone else's possessions at a tournament I run, I WILL kick you the **** out.


On a less serious note, tourney was fun. Didn't perform well but had fun playing the whole day. See everyone at the next one.

Kels and Tink teaming ruins any teams hype, especially when it costs 10$
This is laughable. You're tv isn't broke because of me. I don't have Fist of the North Star power. Nor is your wii in danger. I swear this community.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Moving a console while the disk is in it is a quick way to damage the disk drive. I think Oro has every right to be worried about his Wii when the table its sitting on is being slammed. Not to mention, what if something happens and either the Wii is hit or falls off the table because of the force?

There really is no reason to be getting so angry that you are hitting stuff. We've all outgrown diapers.


Smash Master
Jul 20, 2004
Salem, WI (West of Kenosha)
I'll get a hold of some new small tube TVs and bring a couple setups. If anyone is gonna break my sh*t due to rage, its gonna be me. So everything works out. Right..? Right??


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
Poor logic, Big C. There's a chance the venue could collapse due to a massive earthquake, so obviously we shouldn't take the inherent risk to attend, right?


Civilized behavior should be expected. Especially for people who are educated and fortunate enough to be playing Smash in their free time.
It's not poor logic it's the 100% correct logic. There is an inherent risk in moving any piece of technology going all the way back to days of LAN tournaments and **** where people moved desktop computers to have tournaments. **** breaks when you move it. I even said it's nothing about not respecting other people's stuff. I'm off of the whole the table was hit stuff. I've already stated the massive amount of doubt I have that, that is what happened to the TV.

But, back to the point when you take your stuff from your house as soon as you take it from where it sits you are risking dropping it, running it into something, or w/e drastic event could happen. Therefore, if you are so worried about something getting broken/stolen don't take the risk. Risk over reward is my whole point. If you want to pay a venue fee stop bringing setups or risk the integrity of your stuff.

Your example was a huge over exaggeration of what I said. Yes that could be applied but that's not what I'm saying. If you're gonna come on here and call someone out for messing up your TV for hitting a table obviously you shouldn't be bringing your stuff to tournaments. Because get 50 people together and see what happens to stuff. People get angry and yank controller cords out of Gamecubes this can destroy controller ports or just plain old yank gamecubes off of tables, which I have seen people do at tournaments, yet I have never once in my almost 7 years in the community, seen someone say anything about. And that's my point, yeah I'd be pissed if I was out a TV but I wouldn't come on here and be like I saw Quaz punch the wall next to my TV so Quaz must have done something to mess up my TV. <3 Quaz he replaced me as the incredible hulk of the MW for awhile.


And civilized behavior? Really? This is a professional sport whether people realize it or not. So question, have you ever seen a professional basketball game where all the players were civilized? Hell no. why? Because PRIDE is on the line. Once you have pride involved in intense competition rationality and civilized behavior go out of the window. Throw money in there and it's just a whole cluster****.


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2004
And civilized behavior? Really? This is a professional sport whether people realize it or not. So question, have you ever seen a professional basketball game where all the players were civilized? Hell no. why? Because PRIDE is on the line. Once you have pride involved in intense competition rationality and civilized behavior go out of the window. Throw money in there and it's just a whole cluster****.
There's PLENTY of penalties in professional sports for going overboard.


Smash Lord
Nov 17, 2006
Chicago, Illinois
It's not poor logic it's the 100% correct logic. There is an inherent risk in moving any piece of technology going all the way back to days of LAN tournaments and **** where people moved desktop computers to have tournaments. **** breaks when you move it. I even said it's nothing about not respecting other people's stuff. I'm off of the whole the table was hit stuff. I've already stated the massive amount of doubt I have that, that is what happened to the TV.

But, back to the point when you take your stuff from your house as soon as you take it from where it sits you are risking dropping it, running it into something, or w/e drastic event could happen. Therefore, if you are so worried about something getting broken/stolen don't take the risk. Risk over reward is my whole point. If you want to pay a venue fee stop bringing setups or risk the integrity of your stuff.

Your example was a huge over exaggeration of what I said. Yes that could be applied but that's not what I'm saying. If you're gonna come on here and call someone out for messing up your TV for hitting a table obviously you shouldn't be bringing your stuff to tournaments. Because get 50 people together and see what happens to stuff. People get angry and yank controller cords out of Gamecubes this can destroy controller ports or just plain old yank gamecubes off of tables, which I have seen people do at tournaments, yet I have never once in my almost 7 years in the community, seen someone say anything about. And that's my point, yeah I'd be pissed if I was out a TV but I wouldn't come on here and be like I saw Quaz punch the wall next to my TV so Quaz must have done something to mess up my TV. <3 Quaz he replaced me as the incredible hulk of the MW for awhile.


And civilized behavior? Really? This is a professional sport whether people realize it or not. So question, have you ever seen a professional basketball game where all the players were civilized? Hell no. why? Because PRIDE is on the line. Once you have pride involved in intense competition rationality and civilized behavior go out of the window. Throw money in there and it's just a whole cluster****.
Big C, I get where you are coming from... But you make it sound like people don't have the right to complain about their **** being put in jeopardy because of the actions of others. your logic is like saying "It's your fault you got hit by that car because you decided to drive" That's bull**** man. And you keep bringing up venue fee like that's why we bring setups but i bet that over half the people who come could give less than a damn about a $3 venue fee. It just helps the tournament run smoother.

Let me ask you this.. If somebody punched the **** out of(and broke) your gamecube, you are telling me that it would be okay because you understand that they were just taking out their frustrations? lol i doubt it. You would be like man why the **** didn't you just punch the wall or something? It's cool to get angry but you can't use it as a reasonable excuse to **** someone's **** up.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 30, 2010
St. Charles, IL//Peoria, IL
I'm not really sure what Big C is talking about, a cat eating a McChicken is way over my head.

There is no venue fee for these CoD tournaments, bringing a setup is a rarity, and everyone should give their full 100% respect to all the tvs and cubes provided because those are the things that make a tournament possible. The community has no responsibility for ensuring the safety of people's things though, this is important to understand.

Here is a much more reasonable example which does not use cats and McChickens to convey a point. If I sit at the TO's laptop and I spill a soda on it, I have absolutely no legal obligation to replace the laptop. If I hit a table and it breaks a wii, I am not responsible for replacing the wii. I am however, responsible for breaking the wii. I am the cause of the accident, but I have no obligation to replace what I damaged. Moreover, the venue has rules of their own, which everyone must legally abide to if they wish to use the facility. I've read the rules for CoD. The rules clearly state that CoD is not responsible for any lost /stolen/damaged items, everyone is responsible for their own stuff. It also states that inappropriate behavior and/or damaging school property can result being banned from the venue with the possibility of further legal actions.

Handling a situation like this shouldn't be confusing. If anyone thinks a person is damaging stuff, have the TO ban the person from future tournaments. If the TO says no, or the player continues showing up anyway, you have two options. Option one, go to the local police, which in this case is the College of Dupage police. They have cameras in the venue, and they will have no problem with kicking someone out of the venue if they think a person is causing any sort of disruption or damage. Option two, kick their ***. Personally. if anyone ever hit a table and broke my wii, I would first thank them on breaking the ****tiest game console every created, and then I would make sure that they paid me for what they broke. We live in an unfair world where usually the only person we can trust is ourselves, and the only person who can rely on to handle an issue is us. So instead of chosing between options 1 or 2, I present a 3rd option, for those of us who do not like to deal with all of this nonsense. Option three, DON'T BRING ANYTHING TO A TOURNAMENT THAT YOU DON'T WANT DAMAGED OR STOLEN, INCLUDING SETUPS. I understand that a tournament cannot run without setups, but no one should ever feel guilty for not providing a setup, especially in a community, and world, in which things are stolen and damaged on a regular basis. Saying, "I'm not bringing a setup because I don't want someone to break it", is a reasonable and honest argument.


Smash Ace
Nov 11, 2005
Wow, I cannot believe how long this discussion has carried on as if it's really that complicated to take responsibility for your own actions. Guys, just don't be ****s.

If you're going to be a **** regardless, expect there to be repercussions such as people calling you out for it, other people no longer wanting to bring setups, and tournaments running longer as a result. Simple as that.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
Kels I wouldn't be okay with it but if I did bring something up about it it would have been right when it happened not on the boards. And the point isn't that it's Oro's fault. My point is why ****ing complain about it? It's not like Dart or anyone for that matter is going to be like sorry bro here's some money for your TV. Just like Dart did he was like I had nothing to do with it. So why even complain on the boards? If you are going to complain about something that you can do nothing about wtf is the point of saying anything?

I have already said on multiple occasions that I am not talking about the matter of respecting people's possessions, because I completely agree everyone's stuff should be respected. What I don't get is that all of you act like this is the first time someone's **** has got broken at a tournament, and it's not, and no one has ever tried to blame someone. It isn't Oro's fault that his T.V got broken but just the act of moving your T.V puts it at risk of being broken. And, my point is if you can't handle that risk don't bring your stuff. Or bring your stuff and risk it being broken or damaged in some way.

I've had stuff stolen, broken, and lost at tournaments, if I lost it I post something in case the T.O randomly found it at the venue. If it was broken or stolen I may have *****ed, because yeah it is ****ty to steal someone's stuff or break someone's stuff. But there is no reason to blame someone for hitting a table that doesn't belong to you.

I just don't understand why someone hitting the table is getting blamed for this honestly, yes if Dart had something to do with it he should step up and admit to it. But, honestly I'd venture to say that the car ride home had more to do with the T.V messing up than Dart's punching the table. I'd understand if Dart was like some massive guy and he was hitting the table and making the TV pop up off of it or something, but I've seen Dart before and I don't think he is capable of such a feat of strength.

Big C, I get where you are coming from... But you make it sound like people don't have the right to complain about their **** being put in jeopardy because of the actions of others.
But it isn't put into jeopardy by the actions of others, it's put into jeopardy as soon as you pick it up and move it, these are your actions, in the end it is your choice. Yes the actions of others heighten the risk. But you, yourself are CHOOSING to put YOUR stuff at the risk of being messed up by moving it and putting it into a room full of strangers. Tell me something Kelly if you just bought a brand new 50" HDTV would you take it into a room full of strangers and leave it there for 12 hours? I highly doubt it as it is too valuable to RISK it being broken or anything happening to it. and that is my point if you don't want your stuff at risk then don't bring it.

But after this post I'm done clogging up the thread with debate.

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
Big C ur missing the whole point. He never complained, he was just giving people a warning about respecting property. In fact I think he said a few times he doesn't blame the damaged TV on slamming the table and that his real concern was his Wii (which is a very legitimate concern). I think the idea of respecting other people's stuff is definitely something that should be imposed onto our local scene. I don't want to see this continue.


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
i think both parties share some responsibility if something gets broken, but the person who broke it is FAR more accountable than the person who brought it, and should probably compensate them somehow. we shouldn't be blaming the victim here; people who bring setups help the melee scene thrive and don't deserve to be blamed for the actions of others.


Smash Master
Oct 24, 2004
Distributing justice 24/7.
Big C ur missing the whole point. He never complained, he was just giving people a warning about respecting property. In fact I think he said a few times he doesn't blame the damaged TV on slamming the table and that his real concern was his Wii (which is a very legitimate concern). I think the idea of respecting other people's stuff is definitely something that should be imposed onto our local scene. I don't want to see this continue.
Serious post:

Not sure if it has anything to do with people mistreating it at tourneys, or just wear and tear, but the fact that it crapped out after Dart hit the table means something. I am pretty hesitant with bringing setups anymore because I don't want my stuff to be treated like ****. I was really damn worried when my Wii almost got punched after a set (2 times I saw)

If it is really that hard to contain your emotions, then you should take the money you would use to enter a tournament and go to ****ing anger management. Other than the hassle of bringing a setup everywhere, now I feel there is even less incentive for me of going out of my way to ensure events run faster. If I see people mistreating someone else's possessions at a tournament I run, I WILL kick you the **** out.
This part of his post is 100% complaint not 100% directed towards Dart but the community in general. And I agree, but all I'm saying is getting 20-50 people, playing for money and pride, to not be angry and not let it show is quite possibly the most laughable concept I've ever heard of. He then ends with a threatening statement which has encouraged me to never go to an Oro hosted tournament.

If you're nice enough to bring it, they should be nice enough to respect it.
Once disrespect occurs you should be a **** right back and stop being nice.(I'm not saying never take a setup to a tourny ever again. Just take it out of the line of available set-ups for the time being.)


Smash Lord
Jul 19, 2006
Lol this thread is pretty funny. I don't really know what happened with the table hitting stuff, but I still feel it is pretty ridiculous for people to get physically angry at tournaments. Come on guys we aren't the D&D kids.

Sorry I had to john out of this, I was feeling pretty sick and didn't think I could drive 6+ hours and play in the tournament as well. I am wondering though, did you guys figure out what you are doing for housing for APEX? If you guys have space I would love to split cost with the Chicago people. Let me know.


Smash Hero
Jan 25, 2004
yooo...if i can get like, 30$ bux in donations from the MW(and dart has a spot in his car open) i can go 0_o.....can anybody help a brother outt o_0?!?


Smash Lord
Mar 20, 2005
instead of donating to Tink you should donate to rat. I'll use it to eat at taco bell.


Smash Ace
May 19, 2010
St. Louis and Rolla, MO
someone seriously needs to beat this guy
Damn Kels did you get that much better or is everyone else just taking forever to catch up. Last time I played you, I refused to fox ditto you and you constantly 2 to 3 stocked me. Then I fox dittoed you and finally, (barely) beat you somehow. Maybe people should try fox... maybe


Smash Ace
May 19, 2010
St. Louis and Rolla, MO
man you mention that one friendly everytime i see you post.

Like dude, you don't understand how much better than me he was. He didn't use to just 4stock me when I met him. I would barely get him past like 50% during the same match. Then one day a miracle happens. Now I feel like there's hope to beat him in tourney one day cause I've gotten way better since then. Also he's always saying he needs a rival. I'm not a rival to him, but he is definitely a rival to me. So I like mention it.
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