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Should Metaknight Be Banned? The Poll (LISTEN TO THE SBR PODCAST!)

Should Metaknight be banned?

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Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
If you actually believe that, you're a stupid biased MD/VA prick like chillindude829.

It's a PROBLEM that I got better and can win more now?

Wow, you're terrible.
The question is, if you switch back will you continue winning (more)?


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
I'm using Snake and Marth tomorrow. I'll still win.

At worst, I will get 2nd to Atomsk...which happens with MK anyways.
Which will only mean something if there's a third person there who's even close to your skill level. If you're just stomping on people noticeably worse than yourself, anybody who doesn't get a 70:30 against you should be beatable.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Which will only mean something if there's a third person there who's even close to your skill level. If you're just stomping on people noticeably worse than yourself, anybody who doesn't get a 70:30 against you should be beatable.
Yes! and Keitaro are going to be there. I think BlackWaltz is coming, but I'm not entirely sure. dmbrandon and Ether, if anyone still counts them, will be there.

I'm 4th rank in NJ. Yes! is 10th and he got 3rd last weekend with Snakeee(best ZSS), Shadow(a top MK), dmbrandon, and Pierce7d(8th rank) there. Keitaro is 6th and BlackWaltz is 5th.

Yes, other good players will be there.

Snake doesn't even have a 70:30. He has...a 55:45 loss to Dedede??? I guess. He's too good.


Smash Champion
Nov 16, 2002
Yes! and Keitaro are going to be there. I think BlackWaltz is coming, but I'm not entirely sure. dmbrandon and Ether, if anyone still counts them, will be there.

I'm 4th rank in NJ. Yes! is 10th and he got 3rd last weekend with Snakeee, Shadow, dmbrandon, and Pierce7d(8th rank) there. Keitaro is 6th and BlackWaltz is 7th.

Yes, other good players will be there.
Then we will indeed see what happens :)


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
^ wow, you're really dumb

online revolves around super simple strategies. Press B with MK, press B with snake, press B with pit. F tilt. Spam moves, you can't react to them online, you can just spam them. Horrible to ever consider it.
Statements like this not only insult my intelligence but everyone who plays online competitively. When was the last time you were even in an online tournament? Your statements are so cookie-cutter to the common stereotypes about online play that I'm almost completely convinced that your online experiences has consisted of mostly "anyone" matches. Simply because YOU can't adjust to the timing online doesn't mean that competitive online play consists of people spamming attacks like ******* and praying to God that they actually hit something.

Overall, it's a different environment with a different mindset based on the lag (which, ideally, is supposed to be about .05 seconds on a good connection). In my personal opinion, if you do good in one of these environments, your skill level will either be slightly better or slightly worse in another instead of being vastly different like the stereotypes say. For example, Zeonstar, a fantastic Ganondorf player who has won two of my tournaments, usually ranks in offline tournaments too. With this being said, if you were to join one of my tournaments, you'd more than likely still dominant no matter which character you used.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2008
Gilroy CA
Statements like this not only insult my intelligence but everyone who plays online competitively. When was the last time you were even in an online tournament? Your statements are so cookie-cutter to the common stereotypes about online play that I'm almost completely convinced that your online experiences has consisted of mostly "anyone" matches. Simply because YOU can't adjust to the timing online doesn't mean that competitive online play consists of people spamming attacks like ******* and praying to God that they actually hit something.

Overall, it's a different environment with a different mindset based on the lag (which, ideally, is supposed to be about .05 seconds on a good connection). In my personal opinion, if you do good in one of these environments, your skill level will either be slightly better or slightly worse in another instead of being vastly different like the stereotypes say. For example, Zeonstar, a fantastic Ganondorf player who has won two of my tournaments, usually ranks in offline tournaments too. With this being said, if you were to join one of my tournaments, you'd more than likely still dominant no matter which character you used.
Not only did you get owned by thee M2K, but he was right on the money.
What intelligence is there to insult?

Allow me to get my "Pills" Because your post is too blinding.
F ucking Hypocritical Jacka ss.


Smash Hero
Sep 12, 2005
Middle of nowhere. Myrtle Beach
not only do I suck M2K's **** despite him being completely wrong, but I also have the stupidity to censor bypass.
Fix'd your quote.

online doesn't compare to offline play but by no means is it anything close to what m2k stated.

And it's really sad how this is a reality. =[
This is stupid.
Sorry but no.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
Then we will indeed see what happens :)
ill be paying very close attention as well...

btw inui, you said you were playing all snake for this tourney, WTF dude, the only reason your not playing MK here to begin with is to prove that Mk isnt broken, if you have to switch off snake to marth, than thats counter productive to what you are trying to prove, is it not?

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Frankly. Nobody cares how M2K "feels". Feelings have no place in competitive gaming (waahmbulance). 5 year olds and the elderly should be 3-stocked with no mercy. Meta Knight will or will not be banned. Your feelings are not important what so ever. Objectivism is the only single route.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Not only did you get owned by thee M2K, but he was right on the money.
What intelligence is there to insult?

Allow me to get my "Pills" Because your post is too blinding.
F ucking Hypocritical Jacka ss.
Look just because the NAACP cries everytime you open your mouth doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. :p Also, this is coming from a guy who has a video on You Tube beating an online Lucas and then going into a tirade acting like he's the greatest Peach in the world. Hypocritical indeed...

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
frankly. Nobody Cares How M2k "feels". Feelings Have No Place In Competitive Gaming (waahmbulance). 5 Year Olds And The Elderly Should Be 3-stocked With No Mercy. Meta Knight Will Or Will Not Be Banned. Your Feelings Are Not Important What So Ever. Objectivism Is The Only Single Route.

The Real Inferno

Smash Hero
Jan 22, 2008
Wichita, KS
Look just because the NAACP cries everytime you open your mouth doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. :p Also, this is coming from a guy who has a video on You Tube beating an online Lucas and then going into a tirade acting like he's the greatest Peach in the world. Hypocritical indeed...
Actually I really like that video.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Frankly. Nobody cares how M2K "feels". Feelings have no place in competitive gaming (waahmbulance). 5 year olds and the elderly should be 3-stocked with no mercy. Meta Knight will or will not be banned. Your feelings are not important what so ever. Objectivism is the only single route.
This, this, and some more of this.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
im afraid to ever do anything anymore. Like, if I win, then MK is broken, but if i lose, said player is better.
Hardly... if you went back to King Dedede, you'd still more than likely clean house like you usually do. Why? Because you're a talented player and could probably handle most of the cast just as well as someone like Azen or Ninjalink. That's the thing, all in all, it's not just YOUR Metaknight that people have a problem with. You are only brought up constantly because you currently have the best one in the country. Even though I lean more towards a ban, I hope you don't feel like this is a witchhunt towards you specically based on your victories.


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2008
Gilroy CA
Fix'd your quote.

online doesn't compare to offline play but by no means is it anything close to what m2k stated.

This is stupid.
Sorry but no.
His second thingy, is true though.

Except, I think he should give credit to Plank. I think Plank showed WC What Camping can really do.

To be honest, I've never seen some good M2K matches, I guess I never looked.

Does he camp to win?


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2008
Gilroy CA
Look just because the NAACP cries everytime you open your mouth doesn't mean you have to take it out on me. :p Also, this is coming from a guy who has a video on You Tube beating an online Lucas and then going into a tirade acting like he's the greatest Peach in the world. Hypocritical indeed...
Beating an Online Lucas...?

Oh, haha, when I got that lucky turnip, and killed his PK thunder?
Dude, you really need to lighten up, seriously. I understand that you don't get satire, but you don't have to express your ignorance here. Seriously.


And, You also don't know the meaning of hypocritical, as I think you used it wrong.

@ inferno: Thanks. :]


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2008
Gilroy CA
Scond thingy?
What thingy.

Go watch some m2k vs dojo.
K ty. :3

Hehe. I just don't understand the hardships that come with fighting against Metaknight. >_<

He's a *****, Sure but...

Well, I guess if he got banned, I wouldn't like, do anything drastic. Probably just shrug it off and keep going to tournaments. I think anybody who doesn't main Meta feels the same.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Beating an Online Lucas...?

Oh, haha, when I got that lucky turnip, and killed his PK thunder?
Dude, you really need to lighten up, seriously. I understand that you don't get satire, but you don't have to express your ignorance here. Seriously.


And, You also don't know the meaning of hypocritical, as I think you used it wrong.

@ inferno: Thanks. :]
Actually I used it right. M2K said that online play takes no skill and you agreed with him basically out of spite. Basically, you would be hypocritical because you go on and on about how amazing you were in the fight even though it was still a close match. In your view, online play doesn't take any skill so, yes, taking any pride in the victory would be hypocritical because online victories are based almost entirely on luck due to the lag (at least, according to you).

Satire? Jonathan Swift's "A Modest Proposal" is satire. It actually has wit and thought put into to address a serious issue. What are you satiring exactly? "Suck it up or suck a d*** like the rest of them", as you basically put it, is satire of how to become a better Brawl player? :. No, as I've said both here and on You Tube, you took advice, almost word for word, from people like Gimpyfish62 and Mookierah and then passed it as your own. Do I also need to mention that Gimpy even has a video with the advice in it on You Tube. Nah, you probably knew long before I did...

Add in:

Bleh... you are even arguing that Metaknight's a problem because he camps so I don't know why I even bother with this... Heck, even Mario can camp harder than Metaknight by using reverse short hopped fireballs. As said earlier, Metaknight doesn't even need to camp simply because few characters can effectively counter him when he goes into a full out onslaught. He has high priority on most of his attacks, close to no lag on most either, and he has some of the best approaches in the game; camping is usually the last thing on the mind of a good Metaknight.


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
There is no such thing as serious online Brawl competition. Good players can exist in online matches but it doesn't autotranslate to too much else. That aside Ally is good.

Did Puffball64 only recently become an internet toughguy?


Smash Journeyman
May 5, 2008
Rockville, MD
Watching the Yuna stuff on Metaknight earlier in the year he seemed more subdued maybe due to Yuna's stage presence, and personal stuff didn't look like it came up much.

lurk lurk lurk

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
puffball learned from me...lol

anyway about plank and camping.

plank proved something really important to me,

regardless of what people think, hes a good player...
but th thing is:

when M2K or dojo wins, they play agressive Mks, when plank wins, hell, he got a tactic named after him because he camps so hard, that doesnt matter too much to me as the fact tha Mk can...

he CAN win being aggresive...
he CAN win being balenced...
he CAN win playing defensively...
basically what plank taught me is that you can use Mk with any kind of style and still win.

the only thing Mk cant do is projectile spam...
and other than that, any thing Mk does is great...
theres no wrong way to play Mk because all of his attack have some kind of ******** good property to them. this does not bode well for the future of Mk


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
There is no such thing as serious online Brawl competition. Good players can exist in online matches but it doesn't autotranslate to too much else. That aside Ally is good.
Well, not yet anyways. It mainly has to do with the lack (or should I say, complete lack) of good money tournaments. At this point in the time, the most I can offer is VC/Wii Ware games due to not having a reasonable way to create "pots" without taking money completely out of my own pocket. My fourth 64 man online tournament starts tomorrow and, in real life, the pot for a tournament that size would probably be like 200-400 bucks, right? I'm definately not taking that out of my bank account every three weeks. :laugh: People have talked about using Paypal but it seems too impractical and it would be way too easy for things to go terribly wrong if credit cards/mailed checks were involved.

Also, Ally is very good. I'm glad I got to fight him in a tournament about three months ago.


Never Logs In
May 21, 2008
I agree that GW is better in teams than MK. In fact, he's probably the best teammate you can have (as long as you have some energy attack), for the obvious reason of bucket. Dsmash -> bucket = x_x As for Snake, I'd have to disagree. All of the Snakes I play with on teams, many of which are great in 1v1, take full advantage of the FF being on, to my expense. It's not impossible to get around, but is a blatant disadvantage, and thus MK in general is better in teams.

Dsmash will do nothing but knock them away.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Well, not yet anyways. It mainly has to do with the lack (or should I say, complete lack) of good money tournaments. At this point in the time, the most I can offer is VC/Wii Ware games due to not having a reasonable way to create "pots" without taking money completely out of my own pocket. My fourth 64 man online tournament starts tomorrow and, in real life, the pot for a tournament that size would probably be like 200-400 bucks, right? I'm definately not taking that out of my bank account every three weeks. :laugh: People have talked about using Paypal but it seems too impractical and it would be way too easy for things to go terribly wrong if credit cards/mailed checks were involved.

Also, Ally is very good. I'm glad I got to fight him in a tournament about three months ago.
Haha, mailed checks wouldn't work well at all. Since they'd have to arrive by whatever time, and you wouldn't be able to start. And nobody likes to play with credit carps over the internet.

Unless an online tournament was being run by a proper company with guarantees, I don't think I'd ever pay to enter a grassroots online tournament. Plus it makes match disputes a splashingly bad experience when you're juggling with a person's money.

When there's an online dispute, at least usually there's no money involved..

It would just take one thing to screw up and you'd be in the proverbial karp ****.


Smash Lord
Jun 2, 2008
Westchester, NY ; Cornell University in the school
Some quick thoughts about online play:

I play a lot of online brawl against very capable opponents, and through my experiences I have concluded that WIFI SUCKS. And I still play it mostly because it's still fun sometimes and I don't have much irl competition atm. Does it help, yes, but you often can't get into the technical aspects of the game; at least, you can't take things at face value. I have enough experience and knowledge offline (I have a smash mentor that plays at a pro level offline and helps me out, plus training mode and offline tournaments and the rare good connection) to know what should happen. Online helped me greatly with general strategies and mindgames, however. And since college apps are done, I'll be going to a lot more offline tournies in the upcoming months. The truth is, you can never be sure that an online brawl is accurate. Once I was playing teams and it came down to my friend and someone else in a 1v1. He dsmashed and dthrew Sonic at 150% and it DIDN'T KO. I forget if we won. Another time I had an orange connection and the opponent had no lag. This individual believed that the character's bair could get out of Ike's standard a combo. However, when it was tested w/o lag this proved false. People don't realize how much it affects the course of a game. Sometimes I wonder why Sakurai put in a L and R button when I play online, I can't dodge a darn thing. I never miss a lightning kick that I try to hit (i.e. not used for spacing/mindgames/etc.) offline. Let's say a lightning kick fails b/c of lag and then I get hit into a string of attacks (lol combos in Brawl) because I can't dodge, then get KO'd. Or, a more concrete example, if I miss into DDD's fsmash. Seriously, it affects everything. The outcome may or may not be accurate, but the one thing that is certain is that the WAY we got there would NOT be the same offline. Of course, there are times when it is OBVIOUS that someone is better, even online. But at higher levels, that doesn't work.
But I digress, this isn't the point of the thread. =P

Edit: The Sonic deal was with Charizard on FD. That's kinda an important fact that I left out.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Haha, mailed checks wouldn't work well at all. Since they'd have to arrive by whatever time, and you wouldn't be able to start. And nobody likes to play with credit carps over the internet.

Unless an online tournament was being run by a proper company with guarantees, I don't think I'd ever pay to enter a grassroots online tournament. Plus it makes match disputes a splashingly bad experience when you're juggling with a person's money.

When there's an online dispute, at least usually there's no money involved..

It would just take one thing to screw up and you'd be in the proverbial karp ****.
Yeah, again, the online Brawl competitive community is young and we probably won't come up with anything practical for another year or two at least. I've been tossing around a few ideas with a few other online directors here and on other sites in an attempt to come up with something realistic. My goal for the lifespan of Brawl is to eventually make it seen as a viable form of competition (doesn't have to be as much as offline play, mind you) instead of, as Mew2King basically said earlier, people spamming projectiles and smash attacks and achieving victories against obviously more skilled players on a regular basis.
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