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Scar talks Lean Melee [2012YotF]


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Yeah I totally understand
Just curious, thanks for the insight

I dunno, I'm thinking preemptive stuff needs to be toned back a little more
But I wanna do some tests with that before I really say anything about it


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Dash attack to knee [and to a lesser extent, anything to knee] is easily comboed
Your opponent just has to press the direction at a 45 degree angle up and towards you

So yeah
Went to a tournament today

depending on whether my tech skill was on point I was either ****** or being *****
So a word of advice

Practice tech skill
So that when it gets to the point where it's "get this knee or lose"
Get the knee

If you haven't done so already
I lost to some people I shouldn't have and that really made me realize just how much I had neglected it due to laziness and other things.
So do it. Don't be lazy. Be active in your tech skill things. Try edgecancelling and mixing up recovery and what not. Just do things.


Smash Champion
Apr 13, 2008
Gold Coast - Australia
i hit back on the control stick (not down because down makes you fast fall), then flick it up and inwards and let go and press A. Not much to it besides practicing the timing man. gogo practice practice.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
I used to not be able to do it, i used to think it was the hardest thing in the ****ing game. You just gotta practice, its not too hard at all in reality.

And i just wanna brag on myself a little bit here. @ the big house my gentlemans were on point, i only remember messing up 1 gentleman all day. (I probably missed more than 1, but not very many)



Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Can someone give a few pointers on how to ledge release => nair/uair? Thanks!
Basically this is what you do

While holding the ledge
Press down/away

You just do it really fast
As in, instead of "down, jump, uair"
It's "downjumpuair"

Does that make sense? Just try pressing it as quickly as possible
And then go back to making sure you can hit different heights

And i just wanna brag on myself a little bit here. @ the big house my gentlemans were on point, i only remember messing up 1 gentleman all day. (I probably missed more than 1, but not very many)
Good stuff Reneblade :D
Gentlemans are kind of hard for me, which is frustrating me because I feel like I'm pressing the same timing every time but it just goes "eh not this time"
But I'll figure it out.

Things I learned from the tournament I went to:
1) Just HOW GOOD uair is.
I know that all I do is talk about how good Falcon is and I'm going to continue doing that

Because as I continue using him, I really start understanding just how good everything is. So uair [and this will be old news to most of you, or even if you've heard it's versatility I urge you to go ahead and try to figure it out for yourself, like play one match with only uairs] can be used for pretty much anything. As we've talked about before, it can edgeguard, combo [forwards and backwards], be used as a keep-out spacer, scoop missed techs, shield pressure, beat the **** out of low tiers and floaties, outspace a whole lot of moves, stop a lot of counter pressure [such as when people try to stomp you], and just plain hit people really hard.

As I'm continuing to use Falcon, I'm beginning to see just how versatile he really is, in a way I hadn't before. S2J obviously uses all of this stuff really well, I'm just now getting there myself :bee:

2) How important having perfect tech skill is to tournaments
Now that's kind of an overstatement but the effect is clear. I used to think I'd be fine just playing every now and again, but mostly playing people. I was wrong. Like wenbobular has told me multiple times, playing fast and precise is playing well. The more on point you are, the more options you have, and the more likely you are to take over the match and therefore the set. So practice all that silly stuff like edgecancelling or powershielding, because sometimes that might be your only option and you want to be able to use it.

3) How much of Falcon's game really is punishing
In a certain aspect. Falcon can really punish well, but especially against space animals, moving forward without a definite plan forward is just a bad idea. In friendlies I like to approach a lot to try out different things and that was just a horrible plan. Falcon is like Marth, [well I guess all characters are like Marth, just some are more prevalent than others] once he commits to an action, you had better outspace whatever move they're about to use. Or hope you can get away when you miss. So playing with that spacing is really important [especially against Marth]

4) There is no cure all for things.
Now we all know that there are two types of DI: Anti-combo and Survival. Anti combo being down and away, and survival being up and in. Now you know, if you're being comboed, you use anti combo and survival when you're about to die. Well what I learned against Marth yesterday was that sometimes, you have to change up that DI even when you're being comboed and not finished. What I mean by that is this: say you're in the air being uptilted. Whenever I anticomboed, I got fsmashed, because of the situation that I was not going to hit the ground before that fsmash came out. However if I DI'd up, or with the utilt, a lot of times I could get out of the combo by having the Marth chase me with a uair or something and being able to avoid it. Basically, even though that DI isn't technically correct, it's correct if it works, so you have to do what you can. And abuse the player's habits as well as the character. Of course I'm not saying to always DI that way [considering the title of this rule] but knowing that holding down and away doesn't always get you out is valuable information to know.

5) Marth has really weird hurtboxes and Falcon's grab is the basis for his existence.
So we all know that Marth is slow, and that we should wait until after he swings to do anything, right? Well that's great, until you realize his hurtbox moves into an entirely different location. And I mean I knew this, but never really fully understood how weird it was. Marth's fsmash is a particular example of this, if you stand right next to him he'll literally put his hurtbox behind and below you, then get back in front of you. It's really frustrating to fight him not where he is, but where he's going to be in jusssssssst a second. Also, Falcon's grab ***** everyone. Like, everyone. Like, EVERYONE. Again, something I knew, but didn't really realize. If you're having a bad stock, grab them. Suddenly, you're in the best position for Falcon to be in ever; them in hitstun waiting for you to hit them. And while it's sometimes frustrating for you if you didn't really get a combo off on them [like when you slide through Marth with a nair] that's fine because now the momentum's in your court and you can do whatever you want with them. The loveliness of Falcon's momentum game.

6) :falcon:'s really good
**** the haters


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
To gentleman all u have to do is hold down the A button(after the 3rd A press) and dont let go until youve already dashed out of it. Thats what i doish.



Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
I do too but I dunno, it just doesn't like me. I'm gonna mess with it some in the coming days.
Jeapie you play really strangely :p


Smash Ace
Feb 7, 2011
Portland OR
In SSBM, anything* is possible!

* DI dependent. Not everything may be possible.
Nice disclaimer

Holy **** Jeapie, you have the most unique falcon ive ever seen, you up-b out of shield a lot.
Also Amsah never seemed to tech chase if he did at all, is that a European thing?


Smash Lord
Mar 22, 2009
These PAL games feel weird...I can't quite place my finger on it. It also feels like their gentlemen is more versatile.

Definitely stealing stuff from Jeapie's style.


Smash Ace
Aug 30, 2009
PAL sheik is not faceroll after grab like in NTSC :p
Yes, she is. It's still guaranteed and really really easy to do. The only real difference (which can be pretty big of course) is that falcon can DI of the ledge from a dthrow close to it.


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Through bad DI anything is possible.

I am a follower of the bad di faith. All other religions are blasphemy. Only if you follow the path of bad DI can you become youtube famous.



Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
I've been playing with the idea of using uair to get around lasers
I haven't really been able to apply it yet because I haven't played a Falco player yet but I should on wednesday


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Why don't you get to in between tournaments?
That's like the best time to play if you don't go very often

You just have to refocus every few weeks


Smash Lord
Aug 21, 2008
Boone, NC
Just tech skill practice
Then find someone you would want to play at all and play them every now and again just to practice the stuff in person

General Heinz

Smash Journeyman
Jul 5, 2011
Kalamazoo, MI
Just tech skill practice
Then find someone you would want to play at all and play them every now and again just to practice the stuff in person
That's basically what I do. During the summer when I'm home I can smash with my buddies but when I'm at school I just have one person to play against maybe every week-ish and just practice my tech skill at random, somewhat infrequent intervals outside of that.

What's your ideal solo techskill practice look like though? Of course it depends on what you decide you need to focus on, but what methods (stages, exercises) do you use for specific skills? I'm trying to find more efficient ways to practice.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2007
Concord, CA
Sheik is a patience and a speed test. I feel the MU is pretty much even these days. I feel like the only advantage she has is her combos and edgeguarding are easier but whatever, just **** her.
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