The reason i get out of it is SDI +ASDI + buffer roll. The thing is, I don't think it's possible to do it more than 50% as ICs, even if they're perfect, because if I DI out, in the direction of the dair knoackback, they have to move fairly far in that direction, but if I DI in, i end up behind popo, and the buffer roll happens nearly right away, meaning the IC player has to guess which way you'll go.
You also might be able to SDI up and get out of it, but I haven't tried that.
btw, if I wanted to talk about things other than falcon, i wouldn't come to the falcon discussion thread lolz. Coming in here and talking about other **** is like going to a presentation about a new product or something and asking the presenter what they though about Avatar. It's not what the presentation, or the thread, is for. If you want to make a "falcon mains talk about everything and anything" thread, do it :D