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Rocky Shoutouts, Results, Photos & Videos - Nostalgia Thread!


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
For the dodgeball vid.

Very nice powershielding at 1:01 :p. Then he follows up with a side smash and gets punished hahhaa.

The left side was melee and right side was brawl right? Looked like the melee team was winning then.


Smash Ace
May 14, 2009
Where shadows dare to tread_
According to Unreon's read on Korea, gamers peak in their ability at 21 years old.
This explains everything_ I too am beginning to suffer from this horrible disease and am currently working on a time machine_ Be sure to come get you when it's finished_

Super hype_ After this, i'm sure W.A will be bringing as many as we can next year_

So you guys ready to get some grudge matches when we hold the Eastern Invasion_? ;)


Smash Cadet
Jun 28, 2004
Wow sounds like so much fun!! yet again i miss out coz im so bad at organising myself and such. I really wanted to meet everyone new and see some old faces too. Hehe well maybe theres next major or christmas/new years holidays if anything is happening then. Hope this goes on at least until i get myself together to come see for myself! Congrats Em and team-mate on the win in teams, (memory is bad sorry sorry sorry!), also all else who placed =)

Those who don't know me (most im sure) dont worry im no one ^_^

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
2nd shoutout post to the people I just remembered lol.

S.D in Brawl: tbh I was confident when I was put up against you first round. Then halfway through the first game of you ****** me I remember someone telling me your Diddy is almost as good as Tibs. Well done lol. Pit dittos are always great.

Unreon in Melee: Your falco is just amazing. I would hate to vs you 1v1, I wouldn't know what to do.

For the record, whatever team I played for in dodgeball were victorious lawl. Not that I made much difference until the very last game but just pointing that out hehe. Melee won every game until I switched sides, then Brawl won 3 times in a row.
Me lucky Irish charms~


Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Just wanted to send out a quick thanks to everyone for the fantastic time that I had - you're all such an amazing bunch of people :)

I would individually address people, except because 95% of everyone I talked to was new to me, I don't want to mess up names or forget someone lol...

Special kudos to CAOTIC though - for the brilliant job of organising everything!!!!!!


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
Wut Jei? U sure?

We had a warm up with no captains, Lost a game without you, Won a game without you, and then won a game THANKS to you. Right? Tell me Im not INSANE!?

Im not sure if you were on our team the 2nd game, actually, but like if we won 3 times in a row we won every game ^_^

Jei Jei

Smash Champion
Aug 10, 2007
Kings Park, Melbourne
I played on Brawl team for the last 2 games and both of them we won so yeah it wasn't the last 3 games sorry about that.
I remember changing to the Brawl team because Melee was ****** so hard and I don't remember Melee losing while I was on that team.

Note before the flaming starts, in no way did I take in any part of the **** for either side until the very last match where I (intentionally, thank you very much Splice lol) caught the ball thrown by the Melee King.

I mostly just moved slowly around trying to catch as many balls as possible, then giving it to the main throwers because I can't throw for ****. Although I got Jaz out with one throw that's it.

Props go to SD and Turtle once again for being amazing athletes.


Smash Hero
Mar 1, 2009
K Jei, i didnt notice you 2nd game. Too busy hiding. Good job winning everything sporty, i guess :)

I only threw the ball once, who saw it? I got myself out doing it, and it went about 2-3 metres.

Also I think at one point S.D tried mindgaming me by aiming from left to right, but looking at me, and then throwing right at me, and I think i jumped the ball. That was a good shot.

Dodgeball was so awesome, lets make ANOTHER rocky spin-off thread, yeahyuzz.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 12, 2008
Victoria - aka. DrixonSypher
I shall give More shoutouts If I find time, but I have a Few just for now.

Meteor master: Never seen a Ness attack and adapt so quickly. I call match up inexperience Johns > >... haha just kidding, But I'll definetly have to learn that Match up.

Meta Nova: I like Versing straight out Shiek Mains... Cause they struggle to kill. Zelda is Hacks, haha.

Bjay: I really enjoyed fighting your Wario. You are the least campy wario I've seen and you weren't afraid to attack which made it extremely fun to play.

DON: Real shame we never got those matches, but congrats on the underused Bonus Victory.


Oct 29, 2004
Choice photos by ThunderMistress (Day 1):

The owners of the STIGMA-B series, Jei and X. Super legit.

Vermy, Condog and Leisha. Melbourne smashers are cool.

Atlas and Dedu

Hovering around for pools. Hi Nay! <3

Unreon, Emily and Mic_128!

CAOTIC, X, Amaterasu

pwnsweet, Corpsecreate and Meteor Master!

The front two players are Earl and Nicks.

Jaz on the left!

Them trophies

Apollo, DJKaion, ViVa and Metanova

Mini Mic, ThunderMistress and Riciardos! <3

Kas and Billy! <3

Dekar in the front-left


Mini again!

Brawl Teams

Tak <3

Brawl teams

Nice rear shot


Apollo, Scabe, Smoking Puppy and Bryan!

CAO on the desk


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
awesome pics =D ide totally wear a suit.

the kas vest is there
also rare sighting of a moose.

which guy is corpse lol

also if i saw chu ide be all like Okaaay who are you bound to be?
and 2 conner it would go alittle like... ide pull out my snake and he would be like" mother! "*faint*
nice cosplay =D

mic kinda does look like gordan freeman... or american


Smash Journeyman
May 21, 2004
Melbourne, Aus
People are asking me if there will be a next time. According to Unreon's read on Korea, gamers peak in their ability at 21 years old. Since I'm 23, I'm on a downhill trend, so I don't think I'll be ****** anymore. So since my smash skills will eventually go down the toilet, I suppose I won't be playing as much as I used to. But rest assured, my days as a TO have really only begun.
Valle is over 30. You're just using your age as an excuse. XD

Tak is such a photo *****. Here I thought it was just the SF photos.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Free wubs to all.

Honestly the greatest tourney I've ever been a part of by several thousand country miles.

So wrecked right now - 2:30am home at last zzzz....

I'm hoping to get a chance to shoutout soon :)


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
Just got home a little while ago. Time for some shout outs!

Caotic: Undeniably Awesome Tournament you ran here, (see what I did there?) was great to see a turnout of almost 100 people for Brawl Singles. The venue was great, the organization was great, the instant online updating was great, the hype was great, the players were great the...... lets just say this tournament was excellent :) Props to you man, couldn't have been done without you!

Tibs: Dude. You're Diddy Kong is a beast, seriously no joke. I've seen vids of American players play diddy but I cant stop thinking that your better than them :) Our matches were intense man, I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did. Wish you're bro was able to make it to the tourney, would have liked to have a try against his Snake. The human mind isn't supposed to account for the potential 2 bananas, 2 bombs, a boomerang, 2 arrows and a peanut flying across the stage but somehow we managed to deal with it. Good job mate!

Amaterasu: Ahhhhh! Metaknight! MK is Toon Link's worst match up but thankfully I've had a lot of practise against a fellow MK player in Perth (Muzga, although he does play quite a bit differently to the way you do) so I'm pretty familiar with the tactics and tricks that he can pull out of his hat. We only really got to have those 3 matches, I would have liked to have some more with you but the flow of time had different plans :( Nice MK you got there mate, hope to verse you again sometime!

Tedeth: Just sad face. :(:(:(:( I know you really wanted to friendly match me man, I wanted to friendly you too. If someone was selling spare time at the tournament I'd have bought some to verse you. Hopefully we get another chance again in the future. Was nice meeting you and talking to you and I hope to see you again! Also, a job well done in doubles, you and Luke made a good comeback to win 2 sets of best of 5!

Luke Atyeo: While I am aware that your nickname isn't a Phoenix Wright reference, it should be ;) I enjoyed our matches together, I don't have much experience against Snake at all to be honest (Perth has no serious Snake main at all) but I have thought about the match-up in my head quite a bit and I think that helped me. Same deal as with Chris, would have liked to friendly you some after the tournament had ended but time ran out :(

Splice: Had fun talking to you about various smash related things. Our MM was actually a lot closer than I expected it would be. I personally hate fighting G&W when I'm Toon Link and it's also true to say that my TL was a little rusty since I hadn't played it since the week before but thats no excuse! I remember you said that you don't know how to play the game too well, but that you know how to play G&W. I reckon if you wanted to, you could learn any other character :)

Shaya: I think our situation was the most disappointing of them all. You were busy setting up stuff, drinking those power drink things and help keeping things under control while I was busy taking friendly matches from a lot of people and was moving in out of the room every so often for food and such. Both of us were stripped of any time we may have had and we never got to fight in a tourney match OR a friendly (the one friendly we did get in doesnt count :)). Really wish we had a little more time. Awesome guy, was nice meeting you and hope we get another chance to play some time in the future.

Excuse any possible spelling errors. My mind says to write this now while my body says to do it tomorrow after I have actually slept.

(will add people periodically until this message is no longer here)


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
great tourney, better then genesis (yeah whatup?)

The tourney would have gone much differently is toby and attila were there, but we all know the decideing factor was me decided to play snake instead of fox. I dont know why I bother with such a crap character really, he is so slow and heavy and his nair only does 28%, absolute hog****well.

anyway the news everyone is talking about is corpse's win over everyone, now lets be fair, he ***** pretty hard and only lost 2 whole matches the entire tourney, but I think toby's point about the matchups is quite valid, and corspe still needs to beat toby, ted and attila.
winning was hard sure, but keeping that status will be harder still for him, and anyone that thinks tibs is talking ****, will be surprized.
mark my words, he is down but not out.

this is also good for bringing us back down to reality, we are not smash gods and this is a good reminder that anyone anywhere can be better then you.
it came at a good time for me, my confidence was just starting to go beyond my ability.

and although we are all buthurt and have been forced to swallow our pride (and maybe other things depending on how you swing) I'm going to listern to the wise words of cao who has seen this kind of thing before.
he says its good for the scene and its going to make things better, so thank you corpse for ****** us you ****!

how win is this picture, I like how scoot is resting his arm on silfa, and silfa is smiling whilst thinking to himself "I'm going to kill you..." also metanova looks like he's going to shoot himself in the head.

this guy was planning on winning brawl doubles, but then he saw the walls of elysium

anyways shoutouts time!

my bro tedaphile: holy **** man, we actually pulled off one of the greatest doubles comebacks ever, although there was no doubt in your mind, that confidence really helped me out. it only gets harder from here (I am of course talking about my **** when I think about how much we ****) but we are a team, and we win and lose together, and I dont plan on letting you down!

woo look at us, we're winners, get ***** world!

SD: I <3 you man! and watching your ic's perform was the sex

silfa: top **** dude, I couldnt be more proud of you, you did really really well and even took it to shaya.
your fast approaching my level and I cant wait to be able to throw down with you as hard as I can and have it thrown back at me. plus your really coming out of your shell now and your a ****ing funny guy and great to hang around with. for all of you reading this at home this guy reminds me of toby quite abit, and we all know thats pretty much the highest compliment that can be given. - also he won a ninja turtles smash ripoff game by sending in a picture he drew in microsoft paint of a dinosaur holding a lightsaber. I still cant stop laughing about it.

scabe: sakabu-san, everyone was impressed with your mad pwn link skills, including me. its a shame you didnt make the bracket but you totally deserved to be in there. your also really funny and great to hang around with, I'm going to drag you along to heaps of tourneys now so you better be ready to ****.

splice: coolest kid right here guys, needs to be melbournes poster boy. your G&W is ****ing ****ed up man, you still use the key alot but its no longer spam, playing you I noticed that you think things through well and have lots of little mixups and tricks, you are going to turn into a top level player (well you pretty much already are) and bring the ****, next time I'm down in melbourne we're hanging for sure.

cao-sama: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 your ****ing awesome, thats all that needs to be said. great work on an awesome tourney!

toby: missed you! look out for my little shoutout to you in commentary!

ricky: man, any form of doubles matches involving you is always the highlight of my day. you guys played really well and it took everything we had and more just to win. its a shame we had to play in the bracket, we really needed you dishing out those ****ed up combo's on vic. but they were fun matches anyways and you really live up to your name, I know as soon as I go off the level I'm pretty much dead. your awesome!

Isaac: sorry we didnt really get to hang out and stuff, its a shame because I love hanging out with you and it feels like I dissed you (totally unintentional) lets get some **** going on this weekend. also thanks heaps for the support, I couldnt have won doubles without you guys backing me

Jambo: pretty much as above dude, plus you could have gone much farther if you'd been able to practice before rocky, but its cool, you'll get your **** back.

tibs ribs: thanks again for housing us dude, you go through alot of trouble and we really appreciate it, I'll return the favor anytime. bad luck with the grand finals but otherwise you were madt **** and great to watch. bro fist to high five!

attila: hows japan? its a shame you werent there dude, I could have performed better with my snake bro there to guide me.

shaya: oh man, I really enjoying playing you now, our matches are so much fun.

don: Terrance gangsta! your an awesome guy to hang around with, and your dk is made of pure win. lol at our doubles **** at n2c, with bowser no less, your just too good. hope I get to see you heaps more before you head back to the states, and we might even come visit you sometime next year.

ledge: you've got skills dude, put a little research into the snake oli matchup and you'll **** my snake hard, and probably attilas too. grats on 9th too, thats something to be proud of.

bjay: well you didnt win, but I thinks bjays comeback tour was pretty successful yeah? 9th is ****, and its just the beginning, I know you've got what it takes and all you need is a little more practice to catch back up to us and you'll be back to the old glory days.

scooter: lolololol not a great weekend for you huh?

dekar: we didnt really talk at all but it was great to meet you, and your tech chasing is ********, I think you got me with like 5 grabs in a row, holy ****.

condog: top **** dude, you did well and your a mad kid, we gotta get some more matches next time I'm down. also what happened to beating me by taking the snake hat and out camping me with nades? would have been a good start imo.

jei: :( I know, I havnt played you in ages, but we'll get there. you looked pretty **** pimp in your suit dude, but not as pimp as...

X: you look like you could be a kickass metal singer. I should have talked to you more, your pretty awesome. fox respect.

atlas: sook

corpse: rapist

leisha: randy. nah your alright, and I dont hate you, your pretty cool.

EA: we should have hung out more.

vermy: above statement, I didnt get to see any vermy at all :(

booker: good to see you again dude, I'll def's be at squat, maybe I'll get in a game of sf4 with you (be gentle...)

viva las marioso!: as if mario V luigi isnt like the best matchup in the game, shame you didnt make it through pools, but max respect for sticking with the old jumpman.

mic: it was great to finally meet the old 128, it was quite scary how often that number pops up. $50 says you live 128 glory filled years.

hotdogs: we'll settle this at squat!

... whew, did I miss anyone, sorry if I did, you were all pretty cool, (well most of you!) and I'd like to say a big thankyou to the crowd for all your support during my doubles matches, it was epic and made me feel pretty awesome (ok I'm not gonna lie, I was so focused on those matches I wasn't actually aware of anyone cheering at all, even though you were all going spastic).

feel the melburn!
also I had nando's (more like MANDO'S!) hot peri peri sauce and ****. it was ****ing win, now I know what all the hype is about.


Oct 29, 2004
Just a thought about how some people treated the projector setup. Some people absolutely wanted to play on it all the time, so they could get as much spectator glory as possible. Some others were terrified of it because of the attention it provided and tried to avoid it as much as possible... hahaha.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia

cao: the maddest dog gangster smash has ever seen. updates were very much appreciated. livestream next time though ;)

corpse: 2g man. 2 freakin g. cant wait for the vids.

tibs. hacksaw. dw though, ill be there to give you advice next time...

team elysium: winning teams? LOL.

ijyou desu.


Jan 17, 2002
Just a thought about how some people treated the projector setup. Some people absolutely wanted to play on it all the time, so they could get as much spectator glory as possible. Some others were terrified of it because of the attention it provided and tried to avoid it as much as possible... hahaha.
I played my first team match on it without even realising.....;x Probably better otherwise I woulda been terrified to know that everyone could watch. Hahahaa. :B


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2009
Blacktown NSW

i know i cant believe luke and ted won teams

i blame shaya for not going mk against them and causing amaterasu to take them out by himself.

u need double mk because it forces ted to use wario because in teds wolf gets ***** by 2 mks nado spamming and while wolf is getting nado spammed luke doesn't have his bodyguard and is open for ****.
i dont know how to beat the wario/snake team yet
fart is tooo good for mk ;-;


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
you guys are the gay.
we are a **** team that work together well and have won other tourneys before, attila is just trolling, he knows we'll beat team 7, and I lag your a pretty smart kid to figure all that out. almost as smart as figuring out that there will be no live streams after only asking for them about 10 times after cao said that there will be no live stream.

mk is a matchup I am comfortable with, so bring your double mk's so we can rub wario's balls all over their faces.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine

After failing to claim victory at Rocky, NSW smashers Unreon, S.D and Tim decided to take their frustrations out on Jaz.

Check it out here



Smash Ace
Jul 19, 2008
Melbourne/Gold Coast
Lol, what the hell was that vid o.O
Totally random lol, anyway, ted/luke deserved to win teams, they actually worked together well as a team unlike me and Shaya haha
The other QLDers were like 'you have to stop hitting Shaya' XD


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Lol, what the hell was that vid o.O
Totally random lol, anyway, ted/luke deserved to win teams, they actually worked together well as a team unlike me and Shaya haha
The other QLDers were like 'you have to stop hitting Shaya' XD
At the Screenworlds exhibition they had a matrix booth with the camera setup they used for that weird jump kick thing Trinity does/bullet time.


Oct 29, 2004
Unreon looks like he's flying in as an agent. Good stuff guys. :)

Chris, it's the Timesplice pod in Federation Square. You basically have a second or two to perform an action and 36 cameras will capture what you did in the same way the Matrix created Bullet-time.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Where to begin.

It was an amazing tournament. In terms of Australian Smash, this is quite possibly the greatest Smash tourney that has ever graced our nation, and I'm really glad I got off my *** and used some leave to come down. If I had missed this I don't know what I would have done. Probably the same boring **** like normal lol.

As Cao posted before, this tournament really is/was a turning point in Australian Smash, and I hope that everyone stays around a bit longer just so I can hang out with everyone <3.

As for Melbourne, loved it. Great to go back to the State I was born in. I got ****ing brofisted by one of the Youth guys that were hanging around Central on day 1. BROFISTED. ****ing should have got a picture with that guy. I was considering a move down to Melbourne in later years and this has only strengthened my resolve. Great town.

Guess I should look at shoutouts now though lol. This is in no particular order, just whatever came to mind first, so I better start out with a bunch of kids.

Zero, EA, Summoner: Much <3 lol, you guys were awesome. It was great to finally meet you all, sorry I actually sucked really hard at Melty lol. Kept pumping myself up as being awesome but it really wasn't there lol. I hope you had fun hanging around with me. Next time get some god**** money so we can stay in a proper hotel lol.

Myself: I realised how bad QLD is at Street Fighter 4 compared to NSW and Victoria. Being at this tournament really made me realise I need to play alot more. I think in general I lost out in singles early because I didn't know the matchups mostly, and I think that stems from the fact that there is not alot of different characters up here at the good old TZ. Even though he'll never see this, I wanna thank Jimmy for helping me out and teaching me some stuff which I hope will be useful in the future of my gamestyle. It was great hanging out with you man, and I hope that I can make more casual meets up in Bris so I can get some hardcore practice with the (Not so) Pro's of Brisbane lol. Although there was a big loss, I felt like my game improved at the tournament and for that I'm glad.

Kas: OMMMMMMMMGUUUUUURRRRDDDDDD WUCAWIWOOOOOOO~!!!!!!! LOL. Nah man. I said you had it in you. Lol, sorry about spouting out random useless motivational quotes during your match with Cao lol, I just wanted you to win so much. And you did. I said you would lol. Grats on the win btw, one of the most amazing final sets ever played. Too bad we didn't get to play DDR, but we can play back in Bris lol.

Cao: Man, that was a ****ing amazing last set with Kas. You truly are on a different level to others when it comes to Melee, and I feel priveliged to have just seen that match, it was that ****ing amazing. I had a great time at the tourney, so thank you for making it all possible. I will definitely be back for more of this, might even play some Melee next time lol.

Ryan: Bad luck on no wins this time lol, but a 3rd in singles and a 2nd in doubles is nothing to scoff at. You still are one of the powerhouses of our State, and the country. I hope I helped in some way on your way through the brackets, be it super loud cheering or matchup advice. You've come a long way from that Samus, and even after all the other characters you've learned you can still play her competitively. Gratz on the wins.

Turtle: You are a ****ing legend lol. Thanks for the matches in Melee, I felt like I started playing like I had 2 years ago during them. We def. need to go out and get smashed sometime lol.

S.D: Another ****ing legend, it was nice to meet you man. Your IC's were pretty tank, and a couple of times I had people come up to me worrying about having to go you in the brackets. Keep this **** up, and you can be our Australian Chu Dat lol. You should totally buy that I am King **** and rock up to a tourney on a jet ski wearing a suit lol. Also, post those pics of you in the blazer up lol.

Unreon: Nice to finally meet you man, your Falco was tight. I didn't realise just how good at Melee you were lol. Should have some matches next time. Also, more Street Fighter matches aswell lol, you did really well in teams. We have to go shopping next time so you can help me be stylish lol.

Jaz: "Oh Sieg, **** man, I haven't seen you in two years, we've both grown like, 2 meters taller" Lol. It was great catching up with you again Jaz, you've always been awesome. As the sole founder of NSW Melee, you will always be one of the greats in my book, just like your Falcon. Good work in Melee Teams with Cao. Next time I see you, either in NSW or QLD, we'll have to go out for more Chinese lol. Also, more Melee friendlies. I must learn from you.

Vermy: Man, I was surprised when I first saw you lol. Mad *** style lol. Thanks for showing us around the first day we were there, would have been a bit more lost if it wasn't for you. Although I didn't get to see your PT at Rocky, I did see it at N2C, and it made me wanna play Brawl PT lol. You've really fleshed out your playstyle, and it works well. Thanks man.

Atlus: Bwhahahahahahaha. You interest me lol. ****ing look behind me to see you coming up on my *** at dodgeball, I was like "Oh ****, Atlus is after me!" Bad luck on getting owned after though lol. Good times.

Hotdogs: Lol, how good was our commentary. Needed more classic QLD though, and my voice was so ****ed that I could barely talk lol. Bad luck about Nick and Billy ditching you in SF4, but I did say you should team with me numerous times lol. We need to get some more/go to more casual meets with the Bris guys to get a bit better.

Billy: Man, we should have hung out more lol. Could have gone around town being like "Yeahyuz!" Ah well man, I hope you had as much fun as I did here. And you STOPPED FLICKING THE GOD**** STICK. Finally listening to me are you? Haha.

Amaterasu (Chris): I'm sorry man, I didn't want to put any pressure on you, but I probably did with my joking style. Sorry about that. I should have come cheer more aswell, but I was really occupied with SF4 Teams, trying to learn alot of stuff. I wish I had come cheer more, I reckon you could have taken Tibs, but he was playing well. Although I don't like telling you how to play, I would love to see you playing a new chara for the next tourney. I think you could become a much more well rounded player with a totally out there character to back up your crazy Metaknight lol. I'll be at SQUAT cheering you on lol.

Kaion: Bad luck in pools man. Playing the Bowser probably wasn't the best way to go lol. But I think it was also a blessing in disguise because it shows you how differently the states play to each other. Hopefully you took something out of this tourney and you can use it to become EVEN MORE POWERFUL for next time :D.

D0N: Man, you are awesome. In like, everything lol. "I used to play MvC2 a bit" Then you come in and **** so hard that the Dreamcast stopped reading the disk lol. Too bad we didn't get to continue down the teams path, but I'm sure you would have dragged my *** up the placings in that lol. Also, gratz on your Underused bonus man, you deserved it. King Kong from QLD would be proud of your DK rep.

Redact: I have to admit, when I first saw you post on the forums, you were a bit of an *** in my eyes lol. But you really know your stuff. Mad rep in the BB man, you stayed solid on Iso's Tager even with all those pressure comboes, it was an amazing match to watch. Sorry about that Melee Teams match aswell. I feel so bad that I couldn't finish that Peach. I was actually quite surprised that we finished so high considering I was only there because Tibs was asleep lol. I would love to have some BB matches/online matches next time we see each other, I have much to learn.

Tibs: You are a sexy beast man. That was a really nice Diddy you've got there. And to beat Chris again just shows how much of a true player you are. Bad luck on the TL, but I think we were all a bit surprised at how much of a player Corpse was. Keep reaching for that win man.

Mic: Oh yeah, now I can say I've met the legendary Mic_128 and lived to tell about it. Too bad you didn't stay with us, but it's understandable with our small *** room lol. Your hat is awesome, and I think you need a G-man suit to finish it off lol. I want to see your number plate one day lol.

Iso: Nice to finally meet you man, even over your SF4 hate lol.


****ING GODLY. I don't care how bad you felt after that loss to Redact man, you keep playing that way when CS comes out, and you're going to be winning BB tournaments. I think everyone was surprised when you pulled that thing out of NSW. No one was expecting it, and you beat some of the top players, like Desuu, without even breaking a ****ing sweat lol. Teach me how to BB and GG lol.

Splice: I'm not going to eat you lol.

Corpse: Man, I commented two of your matches, both matches you knocked the two top seeds for the tourney into losers. Your TL is amazing, and it makes me reminisce on when TL was once considered the Top tier character of this game, that's how good it was. I would love to see you at future tournies because now the rivalry has begun lol.

Tedeth and Luke: I have to admit, I was going for Corpse and Meteor going into that last round, but you guys held tough even in the face of coming back from losers to win. You earned that win and you should be very proud of what you achieved.

J4: JOEY JOE JOE!. Bwhahahaa. Nice to meet you man. We didn't do much, but I know you're awesome. I could tell the first time we met lol. Hopefully I'll see you again later down the track.

Ricky: Bad luck on doubles man. You came so close. But it just shows you how good you can become if you stick to a character you love. Your Ness is amazing. Like, amazing amazing. Keep it up man. Move him up the tier list! Thanks for trusting me to borrow your controller and not throw it to the ground in a rage.

Shaya: I'll throw a controller at you one day.

Tak: Sorry that you caught me at a bad time lol, I didn't mean to be all gay at you. And we didn't even get to go to the arcade :( Next time. I shall be back. And we shall play IDv3. And we shall race into the night~!

isthattim?: Nice to meet you man, although we didn't do much lol. We did have a good watch of the matches and I got to chat to you for a bit. Also, Melty! Need to play more lol.

Broomers: How the **** did you not kicked out after that Bohemian Rhasphody lol.

I think that's mainly everyone I talked to. Sorry if I forgot you, I might edit this later.

If you weren't here, we probably didn't talk as much as we should have, and that probably my bad as I was juggling about 12 different games. I promise I'll try and chat to everyone next time lol.

This tournament has really made me want to play Smash again, and although I'm pretty bad, and Ryan keeps pointing out the fact that I am (apparently) indeed really bad at Smash, I may play some more at SQUAT. The level of play I saw here was amazing, and I have to thank everyone I saw for coming and giving me the oppurtunity to see it.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 30, 2008
atlas' super special aweseomness shoutouts

Melbourne Crew: guys u are me best mates and i had a real nice time, i dont think the'll b another like that

Sydney melee crew: you guys are awesome thanks for the rough up thats was fun as

Sydney brawl crew -luke: u guys are funky cant wait to play you again!!

shaya: i dont really wanna take ur spotlight dude i want you to embrace everyone in smash as a mate!!

luke_ateyo : i dont care if im a sook and i ain't gonna change for you but i'll brawl and best you another time, also notice i did not insult you and stayed out of ur way most of the days.

Hotdogs: u an me for commentary spot grand final next time dude!

qld crew: you guys are the soul of smash!!

Vyse: hope to see you next time dude

SEIG you are FlU CKin tops man

TIBS: you give me the strength to keep on keepin on brother!! peace homey

ill b bringin the **** next year!!

4 people who dont really know me and for those that rail me please do so via pm your an embarrasment to yourself and you dont deserve to be called a smasher more like a bully

4 those who tried my pancakes hope they were good...although we were missin toppin!!!

Cake: yay for first timers in melee teamz we sure tore it up yayz

earl: hope ur study goes 10 times better than normal this year

joey an toshi: u dudes are the "deus of CALAMITIES" WOOO


Smash Lord
Feb 7, 2007
Finally home, wow what a tournament i'll write some shoutouts later, but would once again like everyone else just like to say thanks to cao for running such an awesome tournament everything was so good to watch on the big screen even and especially the brawl finals, tib is the king of the world and its a shame he lost. But so much hype and i really enjoyed it thanks to everyone xo


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Ok, my job interview has been changed to Friday, so I'm going to use this time to write up some shoutouts for the biggest and bestest tournament Australia has ever seen. <3 to everybody.

CAOTIC: Australian smash would be nothing without you. Your time, effort, patience, all the behind the scenes work, TOing, organising side events, taking care of OOS people and managing a billion things at once is above and beyond the call of duty and is a reflection of your personality. Thanks so much for everything you did to make this tournament happen, you are king. Smash wise - grats on 2nd place. You're a monster and the most professional player we have, watching you play is definitely inspirational. Was great catching up, wub wubs for everything <3


Kayuuuuz: Nice to finally meet you Azen Kas, you certainly lived up to your rep. Stupidly good at the game and really clutch when it counts. I enjoyed our set a lot, you pressured me into making some mistakes, and whenever I did you brutally punished me for them. Your Marth is the business, as are all your chars and watching grand finals was something else. Congratulations on first place you deserved it. And sif you don't sandbag - I saw you in pools XD wub wub.

Ryan: GET SOME BOI - haha awesome seeing you again, you're a funny dude and we won commentary doubles - I think we should get a prize for this. You **** at melee, you have a lot of diversity in terms of characters and play hella smart and fast. Enjoyed all our games, I was disappointed with how I played in our tournament set, but you made the smart choices and fully deserved the win. Grats on 3rd - GG's in dodgeball + marathon and big <3's, you definitely added a lot to this tournament. Will have to try and scrape some funds together and get to QLD sometime.

Chris: Great job in Brawl - I saw a lot of your matches and was probably cheering for your opponents most of the time (sorry) but you really impressed me. Bad luck losing to Tibs, that was so close and was a highlight of the tournament - even for a melee guy like me :) It was nice to meet you, but alas, no games outside melee doubles, next time!

Seig: <3 was great to finally meet you and spend a bit of time catching up. You're a lot of fun. Let's go jetskiing in suits together sometime k?

Hotdogs: You're a cool guy, thanks for the couple of games we had and commentary was lolz. From what I saw you were rate good at brawl too <3

Sydney Hostel Melee

We didn't win guys, but we had fun anyways XD <33333333 times infinity. Making this trip with you guys really made the journey for me. So many fun times packed into such a short space of time, you guys are the best.

Jason: World's nicest guy and always great to catch up with. Your Falco is so beast, you were right at the top of your game for this and were super impressive to watch. It's a shame it had to come down to us at some point, but I enjoyed our set and had to play out of my skin to get the win. Mad sf4 skillz too, me and Tom were blown away when you ***** on the big screen. Hostel was funsies, sorry we kept you awake with our ****.

Jaz: Bad luck on bracket ****, but I know that smash wasn't really your priority and I hope you enjoyed everything nonetheless. It was awesome hanging out with you, you always make me laugh with your random nonsense. So many fun times had, the elevator moment was a highlight - as were the occasional Sean Connery sightings. Make sure you call that girl, I hear she was hot. I hope that you don't fade off the smash map anytime soon, we would miss you muchly <3

Turtle: Well, we didn't defend our Brawl title, but we actually played pretty well and could have placed high if a few things had gone our way. But then again, who cares lol. Melee teams we did well, but fell apart when it really mattered. We really need to work on our team play and start thinking a lot more about strategy. Somehow the unpleasant duty of knocking you out of tournaments fell to me yet again, which sucks, but you know me so well and could easily have sent me packing if not for a few critical errors. Gj stopping Cao from making brackets in Brawl XD. Aside from smash what can I say, you are king, we should have bought you some fragrance. Much lolz at our drunken escapades - if only we could have obtained a printout of the CCTV shot, get some bread son. Dodgeball, commentary, chilling, smash, everything was great - much wubs <3

Daz: You won't read this.

Tim: I barely saw any of your matches, but it sounds like you did well. I saw you guys win on the floats too, thanks chansey. I hope you took the opportunity to play games with a wide variety of people, as that is the best way to improve. Awesome hanging with you, hostel was funsies and so was owning Jaz Matrix styleeeeeee.


Corpse: Wow, just wow. I don't think I was alone in my skepticism that a TL from the West would do well. How wrong I was. You showed a level of skill in Brawl I've never witnessed, and it was inspirational to watch. Congratulations on winning, you certainly earned it and it was incredible to watch unfold. You're our Brawl Armada I guess lol. Thanks for the melee games, you're beast at that too, with great tech skill. If you ever decided to brush of the rust I'm sure you could **** just as hard at that game too.

Mic: Nice to finally meet the legendary mod. Never played you in smash but it was fun talking to you, commentating and staying at the hostel. <3


Dekar: Yeah I'm never taking that MM - Jiggs on FD = ****. Great to see you again and thanks for the hugsies, esp day 1. Good job in melee, I know you would have liked to place higher but I think any of the top 10 or so could have won if things went their way. You are hella good, teams finals was just a constant orgasm for me watching you destroy everything in sight. 2gud bro, shame we didn't get to play much, but when we did it was a lot of fun, you're a very smart, patient player <33333

Emily: Great to see you again! Even though you didn't remember meeting me the first time :( lol. It was a lot of fun hanging out with you in and outside of smash. Grats on your results, teams win was very well deserved, and you are incredibly good at the game. I felt helpless against you with every character aside from Ice Climbers, and once you figure them out I'm sure I'll feel helpless again. WE MUST PLAY MORE NEXT TIME! Dw I'm sure you will get your revenge against Jaz one day... :)

Jei: Thanks for your efforts as part of the TO team, you guys did an excellent job with this tournament. GGs in brawl, was the only time we played and as always your Pit bested mine. Luckily for me I had some new tricks up my sleeve this time and managed to get the win. Wingdash more vs Diddy, it repels bananas and also automatically picks them up if you're close enough, its the key to winning the MU w/ Pit imo. Awesome seeing you again and best of luck with the little guy/girl you're bringing into the world. If you're as successful a parent as dodgeball player you'll be a great Daddy wubs.

Tak: Great catching up again man, thanks for staying with us in the hostel it was a lot of fun. So many great stories, you had me in stitches many times. Nice work with melee, I can see you've improved infinitely since we last met - now just l2 waveshine and you will be beasting the universe. I wub you - thanks for hanging out and putting up with us Sydney freaks.

Tibs: NOOO! So near yet so far! Grats on second man, I know you would have loved to have won but your placing is amazing and something to be immensely proud of. Corpse is just the business, a little MU exp and you might get him next time. Your a madt dog and I wubs you muchly, shame we didn't get to hang out more, we must consume lots of alcohols together next time. Commentating with you was fun as always, your diddy is ultra impressive and I hope that some of my advice helped a little, although you were probably just humouring me because I'm sure you knew it all already.

Ledge: 2gud bro. I thought I was in with a good shot at winning after the first game, then had to resort to camping game 2 (sorry XD) then you just ***** me game 3! Well done man, congrats on your placing - **** OLI!!!

A': You weren't there. Shame on you.

Splice: Melbourne wasn't kidding when they said you were awesome. Hope I didn't come off rude or anything, most everything I say is in jest. It was great to meet you, you're a cool guy and playing in your pool was a lot of fun. Your G&W is legit, I thought you would be tough but I didn't realise just how good you really are. 13th belies your ability, because you are clearly a far better player than me. Gj in dodgeball - most elusive King of all time! I always love meeting people in smash who can actually hold an interesting conversation, thanks for being one of them <3

Pony: Didn't play you, hardly saw you, but you seem like a cool guy. I wanna watch you play Turtle in DKR it would be mad close.

Toshi: Wow man, you really surprised me in melee, I hadn't heard of you before but you definitely gave me a lot of trouble and played an extremely tight technical game. I found it very hard to find openings in your very solid offense, but I got some help from the big gun on Corneria lol. I was very impressed by you and think you can do well with a little more experience.

Condog: LUCASSSSSSSSSSSS, sorry I didn't get much of a chance to talk to you or hang out or anything, I always seem to be busy for some reason zzz... nice to meet you though and sweet outfit.

Leish: Great to see you again Leish! Thanks for sandwich hugs and wubs after I lost, it made everything ok :) I saw you beasting Cao on the big screen with the hammer of justice - Good job! You're definitely a great player and improving rapidly. Hopefully see you again soon <3

Devil: GGs man, hadn't seen you in forever and we didn't get to play much but when we did it was a lot of fun. Your wolf made my Lucas hurt :(

X: Another guy I barely got to see, but you're a cool guy and it was fun playing you in melee. Don't underestimate yourself, you sort of lost in your head before you even played me lol. You remind me of Axl Rose :)

Vermy: Nice suit man! Very classy way to do the Rocky experience. Commentating with you was a lot of fun, shame we didn't get to talk much outside of that :(

Ugly: Same as above - I only met you after everything was over :( It's sad how there isn't enough time to talk to everyone.

Atticus: GG's man. I miss the fro and the keyboard, but you're awesome and it's great that you made it along.

Phil: Wub wubs, I hope you found your controller :( Great to see you again, you is awesome <3 Thanks for lending us the cube and for being a top bloke all round. No smash between us this time, which makes me sad :(

Atlas: I think you're a little misunderstood, but you don't help the cause at times with your attitude. Remember that sometimes you need to sacrifice your own interests at times for the sake of the community.


You Canadians are hella good, it was really fun playing you in singles and doubles. Monkeybear, I know you were disappointed with our bracket match, Ice climbers are the kind of character that can be very lethal when you haven't any experience against them. I'm sure if I had played any other character it would have been extremely close and you might have pulled out the win. Vash I only played in doubles but your jiggs was scawy. You guys are really cool and hopefully I'll get another chance to see you before you go back home.


Shaya: If you teamed with me you would have won. Lol nah I prob would have weighed you down and got you last or something lame like that. Thanks for running Brawl, I know it isn't easy when you have a million people at you at once and you're trying to get everything done. Don't be disappointed with your placing, you did extremely well and just lost the close matches, which is more your state of mind than anything to do with your ability, because you certainly are good enough to win. I got free Boost when I got yours so thanks :) Thanks for supporting me in melee and letting us record with your stuff. Shame about the Boost videos but we needed the epicness of Rocky to be captured.

Ted+Luke: I wubs you guys, congrats on winning teams, nobody could break through those fabled walls. Ted is good at rubix cube. Luke is good at being a madt dog. Well done on your singles placing guys, dont be upset about 5th Ted, it was a very good result at a very hard tournament. There's no shame in losing to chris and tibs.

Silfa: Legit. I don't really know how I won vs you, you were ****** me so hard I felt like you probably deserved it more. No D3 vs DK this time, and it showed that you had the skills when I didn't have a 100-0 advantage XD

Scabe: Nice hat. Barely saw you, didnt play you, but i wubs you.

Meteor: Can't remember the last time we played. Lol at you ****** scoot with MK. Great job in teams, that **** was truth. I love watching your Ness, its so dynamic and incredibly good. You made the crowd go nuts so many times, and seriously **** TRIPPING, it cost you that match. Nearly got us in melee too, your jiggs is really really good and very hard to hit.

Bjay: Why bail on the hostel :( Was great seeing you and wow 9th is a very good result in Brawl! Very quiet achiever indeed :) We didn't see too much of each other this time which was a shame, but it was great to see you as always and I'll see you next tourney.

Gords: Sorry about all the confusion on the last day, we were moving around a lot and I'm not very good with navigating Melbourne, but you found us eventually :) Nice work in melee, saw you beat Dekar on the big screen, very impressive stuff. I decided Pit was a far better choice for me in brawl vs diddy, and my decision turned out to be right, sorry about all the f smashes, its a pretty good move.

Zero: Where were you? Sorry I hit you so many times in dodgeball. Good job in brawl, I know you were a little disappointed but sometimes it just doesnt work out on the day. Next time :)

Sum: Same to you, I barely saw you Novodudes. You guys give me no wubs :( <33

Iso: Legit, sorry I helped Turtle in the pool matches, your pool was so ****ing hard it wasn't even funny. Congrats on your placing, you're a cool guy and it was nice talking to you when we got the chance. Sorry if I seemed a bit distracted I was overwhelmed by everything that was happening. Very nice oli <3

D0N: I wubs you - was cool catching up with you and I'm sorry we didn't let you sleep on your last night, it must have been pretty bad going straight home then to uni with no sleep so I apologise there. I hope you had fun with us anyway, despite the **** we went on with. Congrats on your Brawl results! You did so well and could easily have gone further if things went your way, saw you **** tibs on japes and YOU WON $100 which is better than 3rd anyway :) Gl with the book and uni and everything, and can you believe it.. Rocky is over and we STILL HAVEN'T PLAYED!!! Wtf!?

Been writing forever so Ima stop there, shoutouts to anyone I missed, I wubs you all anyways. Cao is the man, he does so much for us all and I can't thank him enough. Kas and Ryan are sayuxx wub wub wub <3333333333

Rocky was win. Can't wait to do it again. I hope that everyone (exp the melee guys) hang around for a few years yet. This community wouldn't be the same if you all faded away.

Edit: This post is 2 times the length of the essay I am supposed to be writing.



Smash Apprentice
Oct 12, 2009
Oh, I forgot to say that if anyone is missing a nunchuck (someone is) - let me know and I'll post it out to you. There was a mix up while packing up :)


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
Everything about this tourney seemed professional, even from the beginning when Jei walks up to me in a suit to take my brawl teams info lol. I'm glad to be a part of it, if it was affordable I'd come back next time around but the chances of that are pretty slim.

My shoutouts. The order is random.

Tibs - You got me. I didn't even feel the win coming my way after the first few bananas. I though I would win my counterpick but knew you could pick after that and just didnt feel like I would beat you that day. Nice job doing so well, its a shame about some of the mistakes you were making in GF.

Sieg - We're undefeated in Marvel Teams lol. Its a shame the game couldnt handle us. It would have been fun to see how far we could have gone.

l3oOkeR - You were right, Blanka is moving up lol. It was great hanging out with you on the SF4 side. I thought we played a nice set. I can't believe a Blanka won the tourney against a Balrog... and he even came from the loser bracket. Great job pulling together a group for Marvel, even though it didnt go so well.

Corpsecreate - Your too good with your projectile game, and I suck at getting past a good projectile game. After like the first 20 seconds of the first match I could really tell it was gonna be a pain to get past lol. I almost won one game in our MM but couldn't pull it off. Thanks for giving me a good match, thats what I made the MM for :). Congratz on first, you do some really impressive things and it was well deserved.

Amaterasu - Its been a real pleasure meeting and playing you. Everything I heard about how good you were was true. I may have won the MM, but it coulda gone either way. Im happy to have had such a great set with you. Congratz on 3rd. Sucks we both had to leave at like 6am, but it was all worth it.

Silfa - We finally got to play! We had some fun matches. And you played so well in the tournament. If I had not been there, the underused bonus would have been between you and Zero.

Bjay - I told you that you would make it out of pools :).

Siyro - I could have learned from playing your fox. I only really got to watch your fox go against Bjay, and though you lost it was really impressive. To bad we never got the chance to play.

Enigmalik/Pirate - We had some nice matches. You got me with some craazy bike combo in one match lol. Its a shame you didn't make it out of pools.

Shaya - When I Sd'd in such a "WTF" way my jaw dropped and so did my controller. It was such a facepalm moment. You got soooooooo lucky :mad:. Its all good though, nice set up until the end.

Tedeth - We both could have done better. Thanks for helping me warm up, although I lost the first game after that lol. If I hadn't played you though I may have lost the set. Its kinda ironic how we both SD'd to get knocked out the tourney :ohwell:. Congratz on doubles.

Hotdog - Our MM was kinda one sided, but I still enjoyed it. I thought it was funny when you were like, "im gonna roll and theres nothing your gonna do about it" lol. To bad about what happened to you in SF4, I was actually looking for you and was gonna watch a few of your matches.

Condog - Thanks for the compliments. I meant to show you some nice DK stuff, but never got to. I can't believe you took me to Japes in teams and won lol. I knew kirby was good on japes so I understood the counterpick, but even so I go to comfortable and you made me pay for it. Nice lucas outfit.

Leisha - You beat me in teams. I didn't see that coming. I watched some of your other matches to and you just kept winning everytime I looked up. Nice work. Next time we play in teams though, im taking you out quick so you don't sneak up on me. Nice ness outfit

Scoot - We have some terrible team chemistry. It's so bad, I didn't even want to really work with you in teams after our first loss. I may have been a bit rude about it, sorry if I was. Don't take this the wrong way, your still cool in my book lol.

Luke - Your a great team player. I had fun teaming with you in friendlies and seeing that first hand. Bowser + Snake was doing too good, but you and Ted were unstoppable. Its always great seeing you and congratz on doubles.

Zero - NIce to finaly meet/play you. From our matches and watching you play meteor, I can tell you have some real skill. I like how all the matches we played were female chars only lol.

Splice - I'm really sorry I never had a serious match with you. I feel pretty bad about since you even asked before Rocky, hope it didn't leave you with a bad impression. I was saving it for pools or when we met in tourney. I didnt want you catching on to my tricks just yet. Maybe you can take that as a compliment lol. You definately were better than I was told.

CAO - Well run tourney. Its a shame we never got that MM, but very understandable why it didn't happen. Your TO style is really insirational, dodgeball and an underused bonus were great ideas. I'm almost a fanboy lol.

Meteor - Your such a creative player. Watching you play is always a thrill, and so is playing you. I could never use the chaingrab/infinate on someone I respect so much. Only the grab release lol. You had me scarred in our set, especially on delfino.

Earl - We had some good matches. It was a pleasure playing you.

Jei - I was planning on hyping myself up by beating you and Accelerate first, but that didn't happen. You crushed my spirit and made me doubt myself for a bit. Good job with that, I expected you to play well but really didn't think id lose 0-2. We had some fun friendlies with random chars after. I don't actually use sonic I just like to play around with him, ike, bowser, and some others. Glad you liked him though lol, I thought of using him as a secondary once.

Afropony - You almost took me out. It gave me a good scare.

Accelerate - Nice to see someone using bowser. Too bad we didn't play more, we could have done some bowser dittos. Congratz on high melee placings.

Ugly - Im a little surprised you didn't try out your wario against me. Ganon is always respectable though.

JoeyJoe - Good games in pools.

Lycan - The end of our set was pretty epic lol. Nice playing you

Viva/Jambo - Its always a pleasure meating mario mains. I mean, I am a DK main lol. Mario is like my natural rival. Fun matches against you both, though I didn't play Jambo that much.

S.D+roomates - Omg you guys are crazy. Well that part was mostly S.D and Turtle stealing bread and stuff and maybe a little goes for Jaz lol. Thanks for offering the spare bed I never really used. I had a busy morning afterwards, but it was fun staying with you guys when I did. Im probly only gonna be in Australia once so thanks for helping me enjoy it. I got an extension on the book thing without even asking lol.

Vash - Awsome how we met in Australia lol. Too bad you didn't know much about brawl and I didnt know as many canadain melee players as I thought.

Scabe - Your link never dies in teams. Im surprised you went out so quick. Always cool seeing you and watching/playing your creative link.

Hope I didn't forget anyone, sorry if I did. There are some other faces I remember, but I can't remember their tag.


Smash Champion
Jan 13, 2009
like dekar im horrible @ da shootouts

firstly my VIC madt dog gangster

CAOTIC: wub wub, so good to have you on my team, a reliable tank. yeah this tourny was like amazingly amazing, atmosphere was sooooo epic, everyone was going crazy! best tournament in aus history and i thinhk will be for a very long time (well atleast until melb hold another one). with melee singles....i siriasly (lol) thought you had kas...i was going for you cheering you on every time you hit him =). the 3-0 in the first set was just fantastic was just *****. i dont know if kas played better or you played a little worse in the 2nd but anyway was sooo good to watch, makes me wanna play doc more lol....anti-climax was the timer running out though....

the cheering duo:

splice: yeahhh thanks for losing your voice for me buddy i think it helped me to be chris. i was wondering who was cheering so loud haha but yeah thanks. bad luck in singles, i dont know who you lost to but one thing i do know is that you're a genius, seriously 14 and knocking the more exp. players out. just to good man. soon you'll figure me out and own me =(.

J4: you're a such a nice guy, i only met you/spoke to you like 2 or 3 stigma's ago and yeah you're already like one of the really cool guys haha =) thanks for cheering with splice for me, was much appreciated. the win against chris was for you guys. keep up the snake, i remember you telling me that you shouldve won against someone good? im not to sure but yeah keep at it and you'll beast it up.

melee peeps yo

dekar: you are one lucky mofo. wtf bthrow? even though i have dthrow -> fair...massive choke/fail. and i wanted to verse accelerate to dam*, next time i guess. you're as sexy as ever though ill give you that haha. and omg i was in awe when i heard that rest sound like 5 or 6 times in quick succession seriously one of the best if not best team player. you and em just ***** so hard VIC ftw

em: still beasting melee and no one expects a 'girl' (lol) to do so well, i was proud to come from the same state as you. you beat accelerate? i think or came close and i was like omg this chiks hella legit. yeah some friendlies at the next cw and you're a really nice person to =) congrats on teams

redact: if we teamed, we woulda beasted so many people. why no tell me for haa? i came =9th with you thats messed up, you're so much better than me lol. lucky brackets i guesssss. still good shiz son and will see you @ cw

atticus: yeah my doc is getting up there i hope. i heard you were a gaming genius and then you pciked marth and i was like ahhhhh mannn this is gonna be gay lol. but yeah somehow managed on top (thats what she said). and taking out melty? sick effort and hope you grow the fro back. seriously was hard to find you =)

fellow brawltards

toshi: i didnt see you play so cant really say anything =( you lost to earl though i think? but i hear it was close, and thats pretty good. earl is pretty **** so good job

earl: i forget who you lost to lol either way 7th at a national when starting this year (like me) is a great effort. hopefully its inspired you to keep up with brawl and spesh melee (coz we still need to team for melee when we get good lol).

jei(if you are a brawler lol): yeah you're a sick dog. so gangster lol. ***** pools and ***** d0n which is soooooooooo very hard to do. and then i hear you lost to the great man SD, yeah hes pretty legit, i apporve of his diddy skills. but you have to learn the MU then you'll ****. just ask afro he does so well

afro: meh you're and ok guy i guess :p. hahhaa nahh you're pretty cool, madt friendlies even though i was sandbagging XP. MK is so gay since you know how to gimp and you spam 2 smashes before my fsmash comes out?? wtf seriously....anyway i wanted to see you verse shaya wouldve been good. if you played on the big screen you woulda won though. so many people going for you and shaya tends to choke in tense situations lol

X: lookin hella sexy as ever. i didnt see you play at all either.........sigh next time. how did you go in pools and stuff? no matter how you went i still <3 you =).

leish: you werent as hyper which was good =) good job with beating the d0n and scoot, you guys are pretty legit. and versing you're gnw was like ahhhh jsut die already lol. if you had the full bucket it woulve been soo hard for me to win luckily you didnt =Pand wearing the ness costume was epic as, shouldve been more cosplay

c-dog: you're sucha good bloke man,lucas costume was good and kirby was soooooo gay. and you made it to brackets? thats sooooo good from coming like last in a few tournaments back and now making top 20 or whatever thats such an improvement

Viva: you're a good bloke, i seriously thought you'd make it through you're pool. you;re mario is so legit good to watch and scary to verse. see you next time buddy

haydino: omg i didnt know how broken gnw was on brinstar...seriously that was like wtf. ***** me on it. =(. you're improving all the time. so good, we have the best gnw's down here. such ****.

alfa: wario in teams is just so frustrating. i knew what you would do but i had no space =(. wheres da boozer at?

bryan: nawww thought you'd make it through pools. seriously maybe it was the pressure imnot sure. you're really good just a bit predictable at times. i saw you lose to kas' ike and i was like wtf kas is pretty legit it was close though. next time.

bendigo boys: thanks for coming all the way down from that horrible place =P always good to see you guys so cheerful. you boys love your smash which is so good. tanmans 'old school' tee was pretty **** i enjoyed it.

i think thats it for my state????

NSW boys:

shaya: you came soooooo close to beating chris, spacing was soo so good. unlucky in the end though. you wouldve probs done better than i against corpse, since im just bad lol. crews @ n2c next time yeah? =) so we can **** you. anyways you were lucky against d0n he sooo had you its not funny.=) great at organising loved having you down.

SD: you are soo cool! to cool for any of us i think with this headband and this singlet haha 2g my friend. epic commentary and a **** diddy! you should write an article in this newspaper thing about rocky. =) pity about melee, ryan hard countered you but you still stood up to the plate. **** ic's they are hella legit. HMW would be proud ;) see you guys when i come down there. and yea loved commentatiing with you =)

turt: this guys soo cool aswell. you and sam are so good as a team, i watched you get ***** by cao and jaz though lol. yeah as everyone says you have madt tec skill but need to mix it up =) nair after the ledge hop haha "he needs to reverse upb" bahahaha. 2g you're obssessed with that. and with diddy you've got the tec skill just need to stop rolling and start to combo more with nanas =). loved seeing you again seeya later.

ted: staying at my house again after knowing how stressed out i get about hosting!!!! ahhhhhh! you won doubles comprehensively. and then this bro fist to high five = worst combo ever. i dont think i could sink that low ;P nah you're cool come over anytime great to have. great player. great looks. great french accent. great everything =) <3 ted.

unny: you're so nice =) i wanted to play you! even though i would most-likely get *****. falco has improved from the last time i played it and yeah you're so cool and nice. hope you had fun down here =)

D0N: my heart like stopped when you SD'ed at the bitter end of that set...i was like OMG OMG OMG. shaya was sooooooooo dead and then it wouldve been you verse chris which wouldve been good to watch....you're a really cool guy. good to see you americans =) and have gyro's LOL that was so funny haha good shiz son.

thats all i remember.......

QLD boys

mr.metaknight: omg dont ever scare me again! as soon as you said "brinstar" im like oh crap, im out. but i was lucky enough to have the crowd behind me and win! if that dsmash didnt kill you i wouldve cried lol. its always close as you said. i know the matchup a little better and how to not get owned by nado as much. and good stuff against shaya and corpse i thought you had corpse, was so close every match. next time we will get him ehehe =). yeah sorry about going nuts after i beat you....i shouldve just shook your habd straight up...but i still <3 you

kas: beating cao, hella legit. i thought cao had you figured out after 3-0ing you...and then 2nd set was like tippa after tippa, was just ****. and yeah beware at squat ill get you haha. didnt speak to you was kinda weird after trash talking lol. will defs speak at squat =) once again congratz

sieg: ohhh what happened with sf4? you said you were legit but got owned lol, nah was good to meet you and you're a nice guy, come down more often!

ryan: ***** me in like every match we had. so good, your samus is ****! and your commentary was just lol so good. and i heard you did some crazy shiz in dodgeball haha, thats good as. see you @ squat.

tahts like all the qlder's i know of...

ACT boys/ my home boys

Lukie: such a top bloke and player. such fun to have you down playing battle star DON with goku bahhahahaa. you're obsessed with asian food and stuff though lol. yeah no worries about housing come down anytime whenever=) love you long time buddy!

silfa: the quiet achiever, DK is such **** as luke said at mine, jsut learn the matchup and practice with bananas and you will **** so hard! loved having you down ***** in mariokart64 lol and jump! come back down whenever! and next time dont get $4 beans with like icycle bits on them haha

scabe: this guy is soo funny, looks like the typical hobo with the beanie! haha. scabe your link is amazing so much tec skill loved watching it. it was a pity you didnt get through pools, wouldve liked to see you verse some top players with linky boy. loved having you down come back

the man from perth

Corpse: yeah you are the best in aus! congratz on the 1st place didnt drop a single set and only dropped like 2 games thats some sort of record no? i will verse you again at squat and hope you enjoyed melbourne and the tournament as much as everyone else did. as sd said you are the brawl armada no one saw this coming. TL with so much skill wtf...lol. yeah the matches were pretty tight stock after stock!
good stuff man

im not sure if i missed a person or a whole state, this took me 4ever to write =(



Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2006
Adelaide, South Australia
Switch FC
1787 8077 0889
Sounded absolutly awesome. If its on again next year Ill probly come and try to bring an SA crew.

In the meantime I hope lots of you come down for Reloaded here in January


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine

Jaz + Cube

Jaz vs. cube

Jaz beats cube

Jei suits up

Teddy bear <3


Leish from Onett




Ryan v Jaz


Family wubs

Coin purse we couldn't open...

I am King

Still the King

I have a couple of dodgeball vids and one of the lineup day 1 I'll put up on the tube.
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