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Retirement? Thank you SWF, Everyone...for Everything...


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
First off, I know this most likely doesn't belong here, and I understand if it doesn't... I just wanted to make sure everyone knows how much this community/smash have really meant to me... :(, and wanted to make sure anyone would get a chance to see this. If you wish to close this thread.. I understand...

Bio about my Career

You know... I remember as if it were just yesterday when I started off. Lol, I wanted to be the next Falco (Bombsoldier.) I had studied all his videos, and even learned advanced play off of youtube rather than proper training, mostly of him even, and I just would try to copy. I was so dumb.. I had no idea of other amazing Falco players such as Dope, Forward, Kaito, DA Dav3?, Lambchops, DSW, PC, Rob$, Zhu, PP, Axe, Sion, FalseFalco, Blunted, Mango, man I could go on for years. There are so many, talented players it's too difficult for me to keep up. Old school, new school. I'd want to name everyone, but I'd offend someone in the process, so for that I'm sorry, if I did not mention your name(s), but sooo many of you are so talented beyond belief.

I wanted to join the rank(s) of these players one day, and hopefully make a little resume for myself. I remember making multiple threads about myself, trying to make a name, and grab some attention, and build up hype. Such good times. SOOOOOO many of you, players, friends alike, helped me out w/advise, strategies, ideas to advance my game it was astounding. I was honored to even receive help from some of the ^above mentioned players, giving me the "light" of day to help me out...To make a long Falco story shorter... in due time, I had become a "solid" Falco player, ofc not as good as any of the forementioned names above, but a small little reputation, all because of the help I had received here on these forums, and ofc, the will to what I like to call the 3 Lessons that helped me advance, that I try to pass on to others that I've helped..


To me, this all goes in a COMPLETE circle, within one another. Winning didn't teach me as much as losing did. Winning does teach, I just think you get more out of losing. LOSING, opened up my eyes for weaknesse(s) in my game, which increased, and enabled my ability to LISTEN to the "veteran" player(s) that caused me to lose, players trying to help me/make me better and point out my flaws. And finally finishing off with LEARNING and adapting everything that they've taught me into my own game. This process alone is a mindset we all use alone to get better throughout our entire career. Of course repeating this over and over, until improvement is made, and of course maintained, and increased as we progress in our goals, each and everyday. :)

In due time I was the best in my city, and became a tournament director and organizer for our small town. Later on, I eventually met a player named Jeff, or as you all know him now as "Axe" Most of you know we are the closest of friends, however it didn't start that way... He hated my living guts. Ironic as it is, I was a "low tier hater" using my own "failures" with Yoshi/Mewtwo as guidelines to his. In short (I was overconfident, I felt as if I had gotten good enough at the game where if I couldn't do it, how could a player not as good as me could?) He was only a Pikachu/Fox player at this time. Funny, because he beat me in the set we played with Pikachu... You bet I felt embarrassed, I had also never lost a game (at this point in my career as well) He was my 1st sign of "realization" well that perhaps any character can be played at top level. Afterwards I trained/practiced and remained best in my city for about another 6 months or so.

During this time, I felt my 1st piece of "importance" I guess you could say, when Axe pretty much asked me to help teach him Falco. I was honored, and to make this part of it shorter... Many aspects of Axe's Falco are taken from my Falco, and things I've taught him. (Many people actually don't know this) He just made it cleaner/smoother/faster... and of course, I took parts of Falco from the ^above mentioned players, specifically Forward, and BS. Of course, there are strategies he came up with himself, and some movements etc, but I taught him the major idea of how the character is played. I felt accomplished as a player, and Axe now is considered one of the top players, and it feels good knowing I at least helped him get there... To THIS DAY, I'm still trying to catch up to the Falco players I have mentioned above... :)

My 2nd realization of low tier play was watching Taj's Mewtwo and his release of the combo video "ShadowClaw." It was here when I realized, that indeed ANY character can be played, with proper effort/mindset. Mewtwo was actually the character I wanted to use, but I barely knew how to play at the time and my cousin was a Sheik player, so I never won, and gave up on Mewtwo early, same thing with Yoshi (ironically I came back to these characters and they are arguably my two best characters now but i'll explain that later) Taj became, and STILL is, my inspiration, and rolemodel, and my favorite player to date. I wanted to be just like him, I wanted to rival him, I wanted him to acknowledge me as a player, I wanted his attention, I wanted him to respect me, perhaps even admire me as a player back. I wanted to join him as a Mewtwo legend. I began to study his videos, over and over, and over again, trying to imitate/duplicate lol I wanted to impress him. :)

Later on I finally met him at my very first AZ tournament, Axe, and I were both newcomers trying to show off our abilities. Both of us made a name for ourselves by placing rather well. (Funny, we both actually lost to a Young Link player that goes by the name of "Hanki" He's beaten all of AZ's Falco's actually. Forward, Axe, myself and all AZ's Falco's at the time. If he were to still play, he'd be AZ's Young Link. Joining, AZ's unique set of low tier players. Sadly, he left melee at the very top of his game, and I feel I'm doing the same. :( To this day, I still don't know the exact reason why he quit, so I'm assuming "Life" just happened? Anyway, I got to play Taj, and first thing he said to me was "Wanna be in ShadowClaw 2? so I played him using Falco on FD.... LOL BIG mistake. (To this day I STILL think he's unbeatable on that map in the Falco vs Mewtwo MU) I got worked so badly, I was so happy though, knowing that any character can be played with proper dedication/motivation.

Actually if you watch "Shadowclaw 2" i'm in the VERY first clip. I'm the blue Falco with the KROE tag.. ahh what an honor. :embarrass: I'm also one of the Mewtwo's he's owning as well. :embarrass:

As time progressed I seemed to catch Taj's attention, and my Mewtwo was impressing him, and he taught me many things. He'd watch me, help me, even learn some things from me. I never surpassed him like I had wanted to, but I was honored to be at least noticed by him. :) Axe and I got better, and better advancing another step, each month, each week, each day it was awesome. Eventually, we were able to hang with the likes of Forward, Taj, Wobbles, Light, and AZ's best players, finally fitting in with the more elite players of AZ. Sadly, I myself, NEVER really actually felt like I fit in w/this group of players. I actually felt Axe had pulled away, and I was just his shadow per se. for about an entire year straight. wherever he placed, I was right behind him in placing, but I never really got the type of "hype/recognition that he had received for becoming a known player. I was kinda the unknown player or The "Falco behind Forward" It hurt a lil, but I kept trying to improve ya know? :( Luckily, Axe always kept my spirits high, with compliments, and acknowledging my abilities. Even now to this day he just calls me an "underrated player" and in due time people will recognize. I hope he's right. :( Now, AZ's up and coming stars such as GG7, Tai, Silly Kyle, Okami, and Rubyiris are now the new generation of players and I'm so proud of them. :)

Years had passed, some players left, new faces arrived, and I had joined the military. My career was put on a major hiatus. I went smashless for a good 8 months or so, however this is when I discovered my love for possibly becoming a "video editor" producer of combo videos. I released my first combo video "Future Sight", and shortly after "The AXE Effect" during this time (a year later or so ShadowClaw IV, and Eggstinction") I later visit AZ on leave, and entered a tourney and was eliminated by Tai, a player 8 months ago, I had no trouble of beating.. This raised speculation pretty much in AZ, that I was pretty much "washed up" "A has been" and everything I felt I had worked for, completely vanished. Can't say I blamed them, I was losing to players I'd normally beat, many players were doing well vs me and I had 8 months of inactivity. Practice or no practice, rust, or no rust. It's not in my character as a person to "John" about anything, regardless of reason(s). I pretty much just used it as my motivation to get back to the top of my game. :)

Sadly, I never really got to "redeem" myself in that aspect, as my initial goals as a player changed, and I announced my desire to change my main to Yoshi and push Yoshi's metagame. Axe had with Pikachu, Taj had with Mewtwo, my own Mewtwo wasn't too bad, and I felt as if I could do the same with Yoshi, with the right determination/motivation. (my motivation was my Failure using Yoshi in the past when I had started, but Axe/Taj changed that for me and I can't thank them enough for that) not to mention Fumi has done this as well. :) so I set myself on a new goal.

I struggled at first, and had many flaws in my game (to this day I still do) like any player does. I joined the Yoshi forums, and received hype rather quickly. Videos of me were uploaded vs Axe and other players and I got good enough to where I'd start taking games off of him with my Yoshi. Success, and hype were coming quickly, and of course, players had doubts. I was "overhyped" or Axe was "staging" his matches with me and the players that thought I only would do well vs my own state. Players, thought I didn't know enough about Yoshi, because of my lack of experience, and I had only months of Yoshi experience, while the other Yoshi players had years on me, and I understand the doubters, to an extent. AZ players such as Taj, Axe, Rubyiris, hyped me up big time, and even some top players showed their respects, such as Hungrybox. It was an honor.

Time passed, and I got back to my form. AZ would see rare uses of my Falco, and I got back to the top of my game, however I had nothing to vouch for it, since I would go Yoshi at AZ tournaments to increase my experience/knowledge of Yoshi. It pretty much went to a point where "judgement was used on my part, and I was even ranked by character for a bit. lol. (i.e. 3rd Vman's Falco. 11th Vman's Yoshi) I was fine w/that. Placing well with Falco, had absolutely no value to me anymore, I wanted to prove it all with Yoshi. AZ gave me **** for months as my tourney placings stayed lower than my average, for multiple tourneys and I don't think it was COMPLETELY let go until I proved my worth at Pound V by making it out of Pools with Yoshi. Now, my goal(s) are to further pursue competition in my area, and teach/train/help players become the best they can be...:)

Retirement Thoughts?

Sadly, I've tried to come up with solutions to keep myself going I guess, (meaning playing melee) but atm in time. I can't think of anything...I'm going through a stage in my life that I don't exactly know how to explain. Symptoms seem to be the first stage of "depression" but i wouldn't be able to tell you. So at this time, I'm announcing my "unofficial retirement." Only thing atm I know i'll regret is me quitting at the very prime of my game. :( I say "unofficial" because i'm STILL going to be posting/contributing/helping the community. Helping any players who ask, hopefully new yoshi players come along that I'd LOVE to help. Maybe even be lucky enough to teach upcoming Falco/Mewtwo players. :) giving ideas, and perhaps (if admitted) my admission to the MBR, where I truly believe I can be useful to the community. :) I still want to make combo videos, I still want to contribute to the community I still wanna attend events and further increase my community and help anyone i can, not just in the state of AZ, but anyone who I feel I can help. n_n; I simply won't be playing myself as a player, despite regretting my decision(s) to do this, but for some reason this community is....different..somehow:bee:

Message to Community

As homo as this may sound, (and you all can lol at me or whatever, I don't care) all you of you guys/this community, I love you all as if you were family. Most would say this is an exaggeration, and to an extent, it is, but I really care about this community and you all so much. I freakin love you guys. It's tough for someone to show their emotions, but even as I type this, I can't help some tears that are coming out of my eyes right now. I've been a part of many other communities, but none quite like this one. I've never really been an "outgoing" person, life was rough for me during my younger years, and growing up, and it's difficult to trust people, that you've yet to lay eyes upon. I didn't have too many friends.. I feel as if i've gained not just friends in this community, but some family as well here. A unique family indeed, but family nonetheless. I've never felt that connection with a group of people in which I haven't even met ALL of you just yet, but I just know from my experience at Pound, just getting to meet MOST of you. Many of you all have good intentions. I don't think you guys will EVER understand how much of an influence/impact that's had on my career, and even my life... I envy so many of you, I don't know any other way to say it honestly. To something as basic, as MANY, and I mean MANY of you that helped me advance my game, with characters such as my Falco/Mewtwo/Yoshi, to more complicated aspects of my life such as times of crisis in my life, good times, bad times, even helped me travel across the country, to meet/play you guys, and hopefully my Yoshi not get worked... ><

There are players, groups, friends of every character, every race, and for the most part, most of us treat each other right... Seeing this ... is beautiful. I grew up in such a bad neighborhood, my outlooks of life early on weren't always positive ones, especially growing up in crime filled areas. Most of my family is either .... well let's just say not good places. I don't even wanna continue on. I'm not saying i'm the only one who's had it tough, I know many of us have. I'm just glad to be part of something good, since a "first impression" of things like what i've said above, can sometimes affect someone...for life. Seeing such positive in A COMMUNITY, when I couldn't even find it in my front yard, I'm grateful, I honestly don't think I can EVER thank you all enough.

I just wanted you all to know in a sense. ALL of you as a community are my "personal" heroes, and I can't thank you enough, I honestly don't know how else I can put it. You all mean so much to me..... Gosh, i'm gettin all teary again..... :(

I love you guys... ALWAYS...



Smash Hero
Apr 27, 2007
Don't worry, nobody really retires. And in your absence, we will continue to hold your place high in it's rightful spot. Good read, I hope you work everything out.


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD

Vman is awesome. Good thing this retirement is FAKE. You'll be back. No one ever leaves... except the great Ken. -.-


Smash Lord
Mar 21, 2008
Hopewell, NJ
How this thread goes:

Vman makes long emotional post.

Everybody comes in calling him the messiah and begging him not to retire, etc.

Vman decides to keep playing.


Gotem City Vigilante
Sep 25, 2007
The back country, GA
Wtf. Vman, take a break and do something constructive and non-smash related each day for a while... go mack on some ladies or something :) Don't swear melee off, you'll only be lying to yourself! Plus you have a ton of fans, but of course, any decision you make should be based on your own goals and interests. :) you ****, I had a lot of fun playing you at pound. (hotel the night before)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Don't worry, nobody really retires. And in your absence, we will continue to hold your place high in it's rightful spot. Good read, I hope you work everything out.
You're too kind...n_n


Vman is awesome. Good thing this retirement is FAKE. You'll be back. No one ever leaves... except the great Ken. -.-
I'm glad I'm awesome to you, I hope i come back. You need to realize also, i'm not everyone, i'm my own entity, as Ken is.

How this thread goes:

Vman makes long emotional post.

Everybody comes in calling him the messiah and begging him not to retire, etc.

Vman decides to keep playing.
My post was very emotional, You must have not seen KK's, Hax, Axe, many players have asked me to stay. Truth is i'm very touched, that people want me to keep playing. I feel honored...
Difference is, I don't feel successful as a person to some others I'm tryin to impress (not smash related) (career, real life related) :(

Remeber when Chu and Cactus retired?


The longer the retirement thread, the faster they come back.
As stated above, Chu, is chu, Cactus, is Cactus, Vman, is not a chu, nor a cactus. :(

Wtf. Vman, take a break and do something constructive and non-smash related each day for a while... go mack on some ladies or something :) Don't swear melee off, you'll only be lying to yourself! Plus you have a ton of fans, but of course, any decision you make should be based on your own goals and interests. :) you ****, I had a lot of fun playing you at pound. (hotel the night before)
I remember you man. I indeed had fun as well.

*sigh* I understand, it's hard to believe a player can just walk away from something, specially with the amount of players, that have said they'd quit, and have found a way back to the game. No lie, I hope that is what happens for me. in this case I WANT to be like them, however.... I don't think anyone understands the pain, I'm feeling, and I can't blame you nor expect you to. Perhaps i'm in my midlife crisis? Perhaps I'm not strong enough? I at least wanted to make sure I gave my respects to the community that helped me get where I am. :)

I know you guys/god, anyone, wouldn't give me a challenge, I couldn't handle.. *sigh* I just wish you all didn't trust me so much...


Smash Cadet
Feb 14, 2010
Although I have never actually met you, you and Axe really inspired me (and hundreds of other people) that matchup statistics matter very little…you guys turned this game on its head. All the best for your future man, I’m sure you have the ability and determination to achieve most of the things you would ever want. Its people like you who make anything in life that bit more interesting.


Smash Hero
Aug 16, 2007
SoVA 757
I refuse to believe this.

I'm going into the Navy and I'm still not quitting Smash. :glare:


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2006
Tuk House, WA
Hey vectorman I can see where you're coming from and i can totally sympathize since I've been in and out of smash a lot. But you know what I realized about melee that makes it so special? The people.

To quit smash is to quit on the people.

When im not playing melee i just dont hang out with all the cool smashers in my area (kaostar u know ^_^).

It's a social thing for me i guess, smashers are great people as you know.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Hampden, Maine
You mentioned depression. Depression can make people lose interest in things no matter how much they like them. I've gone through this and still go through it. If this is the case, don't worry. When things brighten up Smash will have that "brand new" feel to it when you become interested in playing again.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2008
Stockholm, Sweden
people who say they are going to quit say it to convince themselves... ppl who need convincing usually don't succeed.

just saying

gl tho


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
The World of Melee

Dear Vectorman,

Your post inspired me to write this, which I've been meaning to write for quite a while. I don't know how this is gonna go, guess I'll just freestyle it.

First off, I have a massive amount of respect for you. Axe told me when I played in AZ how good you were, so I too have known you were very underrated.

How do I even start this...Geez.

The world of Melee. To me, Melee is a separate world, an almost magical world where anything is possible. You have the "real" world, in which we play by a set of invisible rules or laws developed over the years. (If you don't get good grades and get a college degree, some people think less of you, if you don't have a car people think you're irresponsible, if you're "ugly" you might get made fun of, etc.) I hope you understand what I mean.

Then there's Melee, where the only thing that matters is how well you do. No matter which job you just got fired from, how bad you just did on your test, or how many girlfriends dumped you in a row, you will ALWAYS have Melee. You will ALWAYS be able to turn on your gamecube and continue your quest from right where you left off. Then you go to tournaments, prove yourself, gain respect, etc. There's a lot to it, but the point I'm trying to get at is, any true Melee player knows and understands this concept. Whether or not they'd word it the same as I have, I'm not sure. But every dedicated Melee player is part of this world.

It really is a quest/journey for some people. For me it is, and from the sounds of it, you too.

You've done something ridiculous dude, and I wanna take some time here and give you some credit.

It's funny, because whenever you want to give another player praise, you gotta be ready for everyone to call you a d1ckrider or somethin like that. I think that shys some people away from doing so, but I could really give a **** lol.

I think you deserve the credit because my Melee quest has been the hardest thing for me in the world. Never have I worked so hard and seen so little progress at times, so I really can't read your post without letting you know how ridiculous you are.

The first thing that you deserve credit for, is living up to the reputation AZ has.

Arizona, the Region of Low Tiers

Has a pretty cool ring to it right? Haha, no, but really dude, I had to go to AZ this summer and play Axe and Taj, and I even played Wobbles in Texas. You've joined the ranks of those players, along with Forward and some of the other AZ players who are awesome too. (GG7 comes to mind)

Where you play Smash in really does affect you a lot as a player. AZ has a reputation for breeding the best low tier players in the world. You don't need to play a low tier to be good in AZ, but the fact that right off the bat you had a passion for Yoshi...To me, if you live in AZ, or started your Smash journey there and you have a passion for a low tier, it's a slap in the face to all of the other low tiers that have been bred from AZ to now pursue that character.

That's just me, but regardless, you have my respect for doing with a terrible character what I have troubles doing with good characters, and even more respect for having to play through the shadows of AZ's great, all the way up until Pound.

Another thing I have an immense amount of respect for you too is your attitude. You remind me a lot of Axe, and that guy is just awesome as a person, and as a Smasher. I would love to sit down and play with you sometime for hours man. I bet I'd never lose to a Yoshi EVER haha. (Although Eggm's Yoshi did almost beat me in an MM vs my Sheik at ROM LOL)

Idk man, I guess the World of Melee is just super special to me, to the point where I think I live in it more than the "real" world sometimes, but having it be that important to me, I'm always looking at people's accomplishments. I know for a fact 5, 10, 15 years from now when Melee is STILL thriving, and the metagame has been pushed further than anyone could have imagined, you will definitely, definitely be in the history books as the greatest Yoshi player ever up until the point that you retired, and most likely for years to come after that.

And going down in Melee history, to me, is something I'd fight for (well, am fighting for actually) with my heart and soul.

Well with that out of the way, I kinda wanna ask you a few questions.

1.) How often do you practice a week would you say?
2.) What were the hardest parts of getting to where you are with Yoshi?
3.) What were some of the biggest breakthroughs?
4.) What hurdles do you currently face with Yoshi? Meaning, let's say you were planning on going to Genesis 2...What weaknesses/challenges would you say you NEED to overcome by that point to feel comfortable in tournament? Examples would be like, dealing with Marth's fair, edgeguarding Fox, etc...Things like that.

If you can't answer all of them, that's cool haha, but just thought I'd ask.

tl;dr - You're a beast man, and thanks for contributing what you have to the metagame


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Just like I said in the melee social thread.. there are always choices.. whether it's by how you feel or what you want to do. I've also gone through some depression phases every year but these days it's going away pretty nicely.. To me if you wait too long in things "that need to be done" meaning the things that fulfill you and make you happy then you'll feel incredibly bored and eventually you'll feel like ****. At least that's how it is for me.

To me also, the people is a major reason as to why I can keep going because it's a force in which I have to be the best I can possibly be because I don't think anyone wants to see a weakling. It's a force which forces my warrior side out at all times because I HAVE to be that way. It touches me to the core and its also because this is what I want. Follow your dreams right? =D


Smash Master
Jan 30, 2007
Rochester, NY
Also Vman, don't ever forget, being great at Melee IS an accomplishment, no matter what your parents, friends, family or co workers think. Your skill is more than just time in a video game; it's a part of you that grows and molds over time, as you get older and grow as a person. Hang on to your skill, cherish it and don't let anything external make you feel bad for doing something they could most likely never dream of accomplishing.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
Don't worry, nobody really retires. And in your absence, we will continue to hold your place high in it's rightful spot. Good read, I hope you work everything out.
This is such a good comment.

I ***n hate this layout.

But I ***n love you vectorman.



Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Kage- That's what life's all about man.
I really liked what you said about the generic society life when comparing it with your own dreams. It's like you see yourself as a being who is capable of something incredible and smash is definitely a way to do that. If you can prove to yourself that with enough effort you can achieve greatness then what's to stop you from anything else? Only yourself! =p

You create yourself to be something awesome surrounded by awesome people, what more do you want? lol. Which is why it's extremely important that we are all in this together because if not then there's no point in having secrets only for yourself, what's the point? lol.

And then once that's done.. then what? What other awesome thing can you achieve in life? It keeps going up and up if you do it right. It's really cool. Talking about this reminds me of Gurenn Lagann, keep spiraling up into infinity!!! lol. <3.

So ya, Vman.. whatever you choose to do from this point. GL <3. Listen to the light!

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
You have a good heart and a good skillset, Vectorman. Feel proud of what you've done and I wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors(whether they involve smash or not). =)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2008
Hey vman you dont know me and we never met or anything. but i just want to say its to bad you are retiring your yoshi was mad fun to watch. As others have pointed out other have quit melee then came back and i hope you do as well. Also just remember melee will always be here with a hot meal a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2004
Stalking Skler
At least now you can complain about these "young whippersnappers" in the melee scene and how "back in your day" things were a lot different.

You're always one of my fav melee dudes Vman. And oh man best combo vid maker. Good luck in life, keep in touch, etc.

yosh yosh


Smash Journeyman
Dec 26, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
. Also just remember melee will always be here with a hot meal a roof over your head and a bed to sleep in
^ I like this. It gave me a warm feeling even though I'm not the one "retiring".

But anyway, VMan, I really hope things work out for you, no matter what decisions you make. You're definitely an inspiration to many people and make Awesome Videos, to say the least.

Yoshi <33333


Aug 8, 2005
Richmond, Virginia
Yo Vman, it was a pleasure meeting you and running the livestream at Pound. :)

Hope you find what you're looking for, man. <3


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Smashers never forget legends/greatness that has been done in the community. If you do leave then we'll simply wait for your return.


Smash Ace
Mar 30, 2005
^ Kage will be waiting to give him a warriors welcome haha.

Vman, starting out as a yoshi player, I ended up moving to falco and ganon but I still love my yoshis. Your vids and placings with a char like yoshi are amazing man and I always watch every match I can find of you and Axe. Whatever you decide, your accomplishments aren't goin anywhere. Thanks for what you've done for the community.

PS I'm also in the service, and I know how things can get sometimes in regard to that. IDK if that plays a part or if its more like when you have a girlfriend and you just don't feel like playing and feel unaccomplished in general as far as things in life go... just keep making moves to progress as a player and a person, be proud of your accomplishments but by no means let them stop at smash.

You're awesome man, do what makes you happy and stay legit.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 19, 2010
America Town, USA
vman even though I don't know you well I've always had mad respect for you since I came to my first Tucson monthly (I didn't enter, just brought a 64 setup) and saw you ****** some sheik's **** with Yoshi. That moment was a pretty substantial reason as to why I only play Luigi, and will only ever play Luigi, no matter how many times Chris or Rob tells me to "pick a good character."
Hopefully you'll still stop by the TV lounge and I can one day experience the rapturous yoshi **** that you have wrought upon so many others.
Big ups.


Smash Lord
Feb 23, 2006
Sierra Vista, AZ
Whatever, you'll say next week you're not retired. :D

Serious note.

Tim, you're pissing me off with this. How dare you, really. You might not know this, but you're the person I look up to, even if I troll my hardest to make it seem like you are some mere player. That wall of text that you posted means quite nothing to me, because you are scared. You are scared of what it means to be good. Seriously, you get some odd 30th place at Pound 5 and announcing retirement? For what? Don't confuse me as being a complete ****** here. If you wanna quit competitive melee, that's fine by me. I'll still see you everyday. What really gets me though, is that you are contemplating retirement, before you even get started. Michael Jordan retired, but realized that he wasn't ready to quit yet. He though after a few championships, he was done. No, he was due to an even greater status. That's why he's a legend, because even when he though he was finished, his heart was not.

One thing I thought I would never confer to you is the fact that I saw/see you as a role model, little bro. Seriously, Forward was mine, but since the day he turned me down, I looked into myself to try to get better because no one else would help me, but you did. Shame that it took until the year 2010 for it to happen compared to 2007 when I wanted to get better. Bottom line, no, I am not taking this lying down as a person saying "Oh, I understand Vman. Take care in your retirement. I hope you do well." It's just a game, I know. But, you are not meant to quit now. Not by a long shot.

So, f this thread, f ur long *** post. My president is black, and my Lambo is blue, *****. As far as I'm concerned, If I was you, I couldn't be satisfied with 30thish place in a national tournament. Nah, I'd strive to be the best, and that is what I get from you, and I wish to emulate that. Lets go together, as Bros, and conquer this hesitation that's keeping you away from reaching your true potential. All in all, don't do this for me, don't do it for your Yoshi fans. Do it for you. This is your choice, and I will respect it.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
Melee is a living entity. After you've put enough time into the game to where making a retirement post is even appropriate, you can't get it out of you.
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