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Renegade Presents: VBrawl/BBrawl 6/26, Indianapolis Indiana


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2009
SoCal :I
Dayums Count. So close :] Gotta hilp you with that Oli mu tho. :B

Shouldn't be losing to whaLe. ;I

Edit: WTF @ da mn being censored. :|


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
Fixing that now sir AVP

Thanks for the props Choco. L is just too good for me. I was pretty close one game but then pretty much got stomped by him game 2, whereas I go last hit with Kryz. L's just amazing.

Also, Choco, I almost lost to shiek! But not just any sheik, you should really see Judo's! I was extremely fortunate to win.

Shoutouts tomorrow probably :)


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC

:mad: :mad: :mad:

As soon as Kryz gets the vids to the dropbox and we upload ~1/2 the important vids Forward Smash will have its launch! Shoutouts tomorrow too.


Smash Champion
Jun 30, 2007
Rockford, MI
Brawl Singles:

1. Ally :popo:/:metaknight: $105 - Good stuff at the tourney. xD Fun car ride too lol!
2. Krystedez :wario: $48 - Maaaan, your wario is too good! Nice job beating Judge too! You adapt really quickly. Definitely one of the most underrated players out there. Keep it up! GGs.
3. Judge :metaknight: $30 - GGs Judge! I feel like our matches get closer everytime. You always set very high expectations for yourself, so I understand why you feel disappointed. Don't give up though, you're still one of the best players in the country!
4. L Cancel :olimar: $18 - Wifi Olimar.
5. Count :diddy: $10 - GGs! Your Diddy is really good. xD You were really clutch in your matches again Judo! Nice seeing you as always. =)
5. Renegade :snake:/:ike: $10 AHHHH THAT U-SMASH :3. Lol GGs Ren. Our set was really intense! Really fun tourney too, and nice seeing you again. =)
7. Judo :shiek: - Maaaaan, we'll play eventually! lol Good stuff though against Judge, watching your sheik is amazing.
7. Kel :metaknight: - GGs in pools! I always wanted to play you. xD
9. Smash64 :ness2: - Doubles! We did pretty well! I think you're right that we could have done better. I would love to team with you again sometime. =)
9. Asdioh :fox:/:kirby2: - GGs in pools. Don't worry, just keep working at the Oli MU! Also it was nice meeting you!
9. JoshKip :sonic: - GGs in pools! Sonic vs Oli is difficult for sonic. x__x Nice meeting you!
9. clowsui :falco: - Always nice seeing you Chi. I appreciate all of the help you gave us! GGs in our friendlies!
13. KassandraNova :metaknight: - It was nice meeting you! Maybe we'll get to play next time.
13. RogueBlades :sonic: - I don't believe we chatted. =o
13. Demp :dk2:/:lucario: - Thanks for the car ride! I had a lot of fun at this tourney. Next time we won't use google maps... lol.
13. Sorasin :falco: - GGs in pools! I hope my advice was helpful. Sometimes I'm not very good at explaining things :urg:

Had to leave early..had 2nd or 3rd seed in pools: Avarice :diddy: - Nice meeting you! Maybe next time we'll get to play!

Drowned in pools:
Calebyte :mario2: - I don't believe we chatted. =o
Composer :samus2:/:wario: - Nice seeing you! Loved hanging out! Too bad we didn't get that ICs/Oli training in.... Oh but that (sun) though? :3
Thinkaman :jigglypuff: - Bbrawl was funner than I expected. U-smash! GGs in pools. Your Jiggz is pretty scary! xD
Triforce :link2: - I don't believe we chatted. o:
Sovereign :marth:/:metaknight: - GGs in pools! Nice chatting!
LoZ :dedede:/:toonlink: - It was nice meeting you n__n

If I forgot anyone I'm sorry! It's easy to do! D:


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
I wasn't cheering against you in pools Avarice. I think what you are referring to is me standing next to Bri and saying "boooo, YAAAAAY" whenever Ally got hit or hit someone in teams Grand Finals.

I don't root for people unless it's a regional and the other region is rooting first. It also is known to mess Kassandra up.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
On second thought I relinquish all responsibility for whatever went wrong. Ultimately it was Ren's tournament and I really should be apologizing solely for bracket-related issues...which there were none whatsoever. Count and I ran a great ship, finishing 4 events in ~13 hours. Five if you count singles pools as an event.

As for Project: Forward Smash, as soon as Krystedez uploads 1/2 the videos to the dropbox and we upload to Youtube you can expect to see the launch to this amazing little project. Caleb and I are hard at work on the site and hopefully we'll see a positive response. Launch is tentatively Wednesday or Thursday of this week.

Thank you so much for coming out guys, this event was a lot of fun and despite the fact that I got home at 3:00 AM I would do it all over again. Sadly I can't come to any of Ren's house events any more due to parental complaint issues, but I'll probably be back for ISA2!
Brawl Singles:

1. Ally :popo:/:metaknight: $105 - Thanks for putting up with the money issues. You're a really great player, I'm sad I didn't get to friendly or MM you. Until next time, then! :)
2. Krystedez :wario: $48 - Kryz! You played so well during this tournament, I'm speechless. Thanks for letting us use your recording setup, and thanks for the MM. Guess I gotta figure out the Bike matchup :laugh:
3. Judge :metaknight: $30 - Nick <3 Sorry you didn't beat Elliot. Your Metaknight is gay LOL Guess I gotta use Marth and not Falco.
4. L Cancel :olimar: $18 - Da bess. I'm not gonna look like Arty next time...when we meet in bracket it's over you punk :) Thanks for commentating too btw.
5. Count :diddy: $10 - Thanks soooo much for all the help TO'ing this event. Hilarious and fun as usual. Stop downloading my Falco before we play in brackets, I can't even come close to beating you that way =__=. To be fair that just means I gotta work harder at adapting though. Good stuff @ 5th, thanks for letting us interview you. See you sometime.
5. Renegade :snake:/:ike: $10 - Thanks for the venue. Sorry for all the $$ issues and the spillage and whatnot. Wish we could've played but it's all good...I gotchu next time.
7. Judo :shiek: - Eff Snake and ROB. I got this next time! Your Sheik is still amazing, shame I didn't actually get to play it this time around. Hope to see you sometime soon...maybe in brackets :3
7. Kel :metaknight: - Thanks muchly for the ride. I'll be sure to find you as much as possible for practice...I need that MK + Snake experience. Better luck next time v. Krys and Ren eh? You got this!
9. Smash64 :ness2: - We'll work on Sheik v. Ness, lol. We didn't friendly at all but I'm sure I'll see you at a smashfest sometime soon. Team with L_Cancel more often, you guys have huge potential.
9. Asdioh :fox:/:kirby2: - Screw Balanced Fox.
9. JoshKip :sonic: - Fun seeing you, wish we could've played 'cause I heard you improved. Nice job beating Kassandra.
9. clowsui :falco: - Just gotta work on adaptation. You have everything, just need experience and more playtime.
13. KassandraNova :metaknight: - K-nee! Wish I could've seen more of your matches/played you. You've improved lots, I can tell. See you at a smashfest sometime.
13. RogueBlades :sonic: - Don't kid yourself, I would've beaten you even if you hadn't SD'd ;)
Just kidding. You've improved a LOT since March, good stuff dude. I got really lucky 3rd game...I don't know how I got Larry Mode all of a sudden o_o
13. Demp :dk2:/:lucario: - LOL @ the irony. If you had CP'd better you prolly would've won. Good stuff to your Lucario, thankfully I figured out how to fight him and I adapted to your individual tactics :) Sucks that you had to drive so much xD Can't wait to play you next time.
13. Sorasin :falco: - Pew pew! Didn't play you only watched some of your matches. You're getting there!

Had to leave early..had 3rd seed in pools: Avarice :diddy: - Your Zoot is garbo but your Balanced MK makes some sick combos. Forget Diddy C0ck, what a dumb character - gives you wins when you shouldn't win and gives up wins when you should. I got you next time Marth v. Diddy...keep practicing that MU, otherwise my much more experience Marth compatriot will beat you soundly :p Fun meeting you, thanks for writing the interview questions. I'll be sure to contact you again soon for more of those.

Drowned in pools:
Calebyte :mario2: - The other half of the Forward Smash team! Great hanging out with you at this tournament. I think we could've done a better job covering the event but hey, it was our first time xD I wanted to play you some and help you out but you were playing pools matches or I couldn't find you during the occasions that I was free. Hope to see you sometime soon.
Composer :samus2:/:wario: - "Good thing Olimar wears a helmet." LMAO Best color commentator ever! Wish we could've played, I wanted to see how I am vs. Samus xD Let's commentate together again sometime.
Thinkaman :jigglypuff: - Thanks for bringing BBrawl. I don't like it but it's probably because I don't practice it enough. Also thank you for making the drive. Sorry that so much of the pot bonus couldn't be recovered.
Triforce :link2: - Didn't play you, but your Link looks alright. Keep playing w/ Sov.
Sovereign :marth:/:metaknight: - Your Marfa ain't bad, you just gotta work at it. Wish we could've played more.
LoZ :dedede:/:toonlink: - DEM GORDOS!!! Your DDD just needs to not get grabbed, otherwise it's not bad at all.


Aug 26, 2007
Madison, WI
On second thought I relinquish all responsibility for whatever went wrong. Ultimately it was Ren's tournament and I really should be apologizing solely for bracket-related issues...which there were none whatsoever. Count and I ran a great ship, finishing 4 events in ~13 hours. Five if you count singles pools as an event.
Which you should; a lot of people can't run pools right for some reason and with typical pool sizes it takes just as much time as a double elim bracket of the exact same size. Pools is basically running a second tourney.

We had so many setups at this tourney that we could have done a full ladder for all events. Still it ran smoothly and was well done.

Ally - Good stuff as always, didn't get to play you except in doubles though. :( Hope you enjoy your bonus pot! :)
Krystedez - It was pretty hilarious to have to play you first round of bbrawl losers, and by hilarious I mean stupid. :p
Judge - You are very amusing at 5 am. Golden Girls for life.
L Cancel - This is the part where it is revealed that the power of the u-smash was inside you all along. Go forth and prosper!
Count - We never got to play! :( Perhaps this is best, for me to maintain this facade of terror.
Renegade - I don't think anyone expected Link, ahaha. Good to see you again, and good tourney.
Judo - I didn't get to play you or your amazing Sheik... :( Fun to watch though!
Kel - whooshwhooshwhooshwhoosh-PING
Smash64 - GOD KAIS
Asdioh - I can't express how angry I am about those Falcon dittos. RAAAAAAGE.
clowsui - Thanks for running everything so smoothly, you really kept it all on task.
Demo - Fun doubles, thanks for teaming with me.
Sorasin - So much Falcon, and yet never enough. ALSO JAPES HATES ME.
Avarice - Great stuff, you've gotten really good. Want to paly you mroe for sure, I could certainly use the Diddy practice!
Calebyte - Good stuff, enjoyed playing you.
Thinkaman - Wow, way to screw around in pools when you know there's going to be elimination. Falcon? Seriously? Lern2Pools scrub.
Triforce - Good matches man, good to meet you.
Sovereign - Stick with it, you are too cool and too good to not be around.

Probably make another recap post in general in a bit.


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
As for Project: Forward Smash, as soon as Krystedez uploads 1/2 the videos to the dropbox and we upload to Youtube you can expect to see the launch to this amazing little project. Caleb and I are hard at work on the site and hopefully we'll see a positive response. Launch is tentatively Wednesday or Thursday of this week.
I'll get up early tomorrow or work on it late tonight in bed. The videos are a fairly sizable amount going by the gigabytes to boot, so it may take a bit. I wouldn't expect it any earlier than Thursday. If done right I can get each video down to about anywhere between 50 MB ~ 200 MB each. Depends on content (by that I mean how many matches were in a single recording...etc)


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Okay guys, I just noticed I'm missing a Wii remote... The back comes off really easily, and it has a rechargeable battery in it. If you happened to pick it up, please let me know.

Thanks in advance.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2009
Muncie, IN
yoyo oreo those games were real close. If only you were there. No johns though! Good **** everybody. Maybe shoutouts later.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri

1. Ally :popo:/:metaknight: $105-You're a good person and I enjoyed playing you at this. Grats on making that money, sorry that turnout wasn't better. I hope you had fun.

2. Krystedez :wario: $48-Our games are always soooo close! I thought I should've had game one, but that's how it goes sometimes I guess. I hope I get to see you again before you go on vacation. Thanks for repping Indiana <3

3. Judge :metaknight: $30-Tough luck vs kryz especially on that SD. Good seeing you again.

4. L Cancel :olimar: $18-Ah you seriously beat me worse than anybody in the midwest. I know you're better than me, but I also think I need to reevaluate the olimar matchup. Looking forward to seeing you guys again. Come to ISA! Good stuff in every event btw, sorry that you missed out on like $9.

5. Renegade :snake:/:ike: $10-Ahhhh I hate bbrawl link. Up b Kills at 95 WTF. Good job at your tourney!

7. Judo :shiek:-Oh my godddd I got so lucky against you, especially game 2. I have no idea how I won. I'm pretty sure you'll get me next time. There are sheik matchups, and then there are Judo matchups. Looking forward to next time.

7. Kel :metaknight:-Thanks for teaming in doubles, I thought we did pretty well for never teaming before. Sucks we beat ren+kryz in winners and then lost in losers. Tough luck in singles but you'll bounce back, you're too smart and always do!

9. Smash64 :ness2:-Ugh I'm sorry we didn't get to play, but I'm glad we didn't play in bracket. You're super smart. Come to ISA!

9. Asdioh :fox:/:kirby2:-Sorry we didn't get to play, haven't played fox offline in ages.

9. JoshKip :sonic:-Wish we coulda done more friendlies, nice sonic like always!!

9. clowsui :falco:-Downloaded or not I didn't want to play in bracket. You're way better at gimping diddy from the chaingrab. Good stuff helping me and Jake run the tournament/basically running it :). Too good like always.

13. KassandraNova :metaknight:-Sorry we had to play first :( seeding the bracket was tough after thinking about location, and who you played in pools, and seed from pools. I did my best. You've gotten better, looking forward to seeing you again, come to ISA!!

13. RogueBlades :sonic:-Good stuff, your improvement is obvious. You're great at reading, now fix those habits!!

13. Demo :dk2:/:lucario:-Nice DK/Lucario hope you had fun despite the ****ty trip. Thanks for the Mike's hard as well, we'll play next time.

13. Sorasin :falco:-No friendlies at this! Insanely tough bracket btw, you and Chi's skill level is insanely close. Hope to see the Knees of Justice at more tournaments! Come to ISA!!

Had to leave early..had 2nd or 3rd seed in pools: Avarice :diddy:-So sorry you had to leave, glad I didn't have to play you again. Can't believe I 0-deathd you in bbrawl lol. Thanks for the interview, and hope you had a good time even though you left early. Hopefully see ya soon.

Drowned in pools

Calebyte :mario2:-Had fun playing with you all weekend, you got better throughout the weekend. Work on reading and fixing that ledge habit. You can show people what mario's capable of, I just know it! Don't be afraid to switch characters to one that more fits your style, though. Can't wait to see you again.

Composer :samus2:/:wario:-Good stuff beating Caleb, and your commentary is way too good. Sorry I can't make it to J5. It'll be a great tournament though!

Thinkaman :jigglypuff:-Glad I didn't have to play you, Bbrawl was fun btw. Stinks you had to play Kryz in losers in it. LOL @ all the olimar buffing stuff ^_^. Hope to see you around the midwest again, come to ISA!!

Triforce :link2:-Nice Link, you're quite good it stinks you play such a poor character haha. I'd definitely be scared to play you in bracket. Hope you can make it to more tournaments, come to ISA!!!

Sovereign :marth:/:metaknight:-Stick to ZSS!!!! Or somebody haha. You're too **** talented to not have made it out of pools at this. That balanced ganon was scary btw. I'm glad I didn't have to play it.

LoZ :dedede:/:toonlink:-Good seeing you again sir. Rep that d3. Close games vs joe, our pool was pretty tough. Wish I could make it to j5.

Thanks for coming out guys, everybody come to ISA. I had lots of fun at this!!


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Chi if it was gonna be a problem you could have stayed with me or probably Ed. You gotta tell us what's up.

This was my lowest placing tournament for a really long time. It's pretty discouraging and makes me feel like everyone's getting better and I'm getting worse.


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@Kel it wasn't really that big of a deal. The next day Mom just asked me why I was so late coming back home and I woke up feeling annoyed at what happened the day before since I felt directly responsible at that point for all tournament issues. So I was entirely honest, as usual, and I told my mom everything that happened at the event w/ regards to money and timing and stuff like that and my mom said "k you're not ever going back there again if Ren's going to be hosting", and that was that.

We'll get you back up to the top placings ASAP. Tell me when you're available to play this week and I'll see if I can get something scheduled.

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
Does ren even know this thread exists? He hasn't made a post in it at all. He really needs to read some of these comments :/


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2008
Louisville, Ky
1. Ally :popo:/:metaknight: $105- good **** like always man you are tooooo good :D

2. Krystedez :wario: $48- KNEESTEDEZ! i am glad we got to do those friendly doubles games cause WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK WE ARE!?

3. Judge :metaknight: $30- it was fun talkin to you about random stuff in the kitchen.

4. L Cancel :olimar: $18- you got a great olimar dude i am glad i got to play you but i just hope i will get the olimar matchup down so i can actually stand a chance against you and give you a run for your money

5. Count :diddy: $10 - thanks for the friendlies i just wish we could have done more so you could tell me what sonic can do against diddy.

5. Renegade :snake:/:ike: $10- thanks a lot for the housing and stuff man you are a cool guy i hope to see you at more tournaments so i can test out your snake

7. Judo :shiek: - DUUUUUUUUUDE DONT LET IT GET TO YOU. you did well you got to judo chop count a few good times and it was just bad luck during the match when you transformed to zelda.

7. Kel :metaknight: - thanks for the bracket match man even though i knew i wasnt gonna win i had fun.

9. Smash64 :ness: - dude i have no idea why we are always in the same pool its sooooo freakin weird but i always have a god kais in my pool :/ go me!

9. Asdioh :fox:/:kirby: - glad to finally meet you face to face man and yes i am the one and only sonic the hedgehog!

9. JoshKip :sonic: - this guy....this guy......*points finger* is the best sonic main in the inky area! :093:

9. clowsui :falco: - friendlies would have been pretty fun man

13. KassandraNova :metaknight: - such close games you have gotten a lot better kassandra dont doubt yourself

13. RogueBlades :sonic: - it seems we know who the real sonic the hedgehog is *smirks*

13. Demo :dk:/:lucario: - were you the one guy who plays wifi a lot? cause if you are good stuff man friendlies were awesome! ^_^ come to more tournies

13. Sorasin :falco: - Believe in yourself, not in the me who believes in you; not in the you that believes in me. BELIEVE IN THE YOU WHO BELIEVES IN YOURSELF! FOR YOUR LASER IS ONE THAT WILL PIERCE THE HEAVENS!

think about it :psycho:

Had to leave early..had 2nd or 3rd seed in pools: Avarice :diddy: - good diddy man we need to play more cause i would have had you that second friendly

Drowned in pools

Calebyte :mario: - you had me worried during pools man! STOP IT!

Composer :samus:/:wario: - i was actually wanting to fight your wario that i heard about but ggs man

Thinkaman :jigglypuff: - SONIC SHOOTS.......... HE SCORES!

Triforce :link: - didnt get to play you, i did see you however, but if we run into each other i hope to play your link

Sovereign :marth:/:metaknight: - dont do the ditto thing man just pick a character and stick to him. lol

but if you need some sonic help just ask anytime

LoZ :dedede:/:toonlink: - good seeing you sir. hopefully i will be at J5 and i will bring my fighting games we will have a ball.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Ren didn't even know his own rules. The rules he used were NOT the rules posted. Things like EC starter set (5 flat Diddy stages) and LGL were implemented at the last minute. This affects me a lot, especially when I CP Kryz to Norfair and we have 2 minutes left on the clock =(


Awaken the Path
Feb 22, 2010
Colorado Springs
wait wut?

You didn't grab ledges enough during the match to really matter enough from what I remember Kel, and even still I think you coulda easily timed me out if you wanted to. (I think LGL is 45 or something instead of 35 at Norfair, right?)

Wario can throw his bike/tires but it wont stop "scrooging" on this stage and just gliding around all over the place if you got a decent lead, which you happen to get decently well at the start of a match.

Also I suck at avoiding grabs so lava hazards woulda put me in a perfect position for you to grab me for free damage and to make me get behind more.

But regardless, what do you mean 5 flat Diddy stages? Like...FD, SV I understand, maybe BF? But Lylat and Yoshis? I hardly consider Yoshi's a good diddy stage except against Wario lol. I wasn't aware of any last minute implementations regardless, I figured we were doing the normal 4 + Lylat and not PS, with the regular standard of CP's minus Pirate Ship and Green Greens or w/e other weird ****.

I dunno. I think things went pretty smoothly for the most part. Just the issue with the money, and the operating of the tourney in general. If things truly were changed then I dunno, I guess just don't go to anymore tourneys at Rene's until things get done a little more organized. I enjoyed having a full day of brawl, doing friendlies and seeing everyone, and would gladly come again.


Banned via Administration
Apr 30, 2008
*'~-East Coast/Quebec/Michigan-~'*
WAIT... if i remember..

I SAID MY NAME WAS MAPLE SYRUP CANDY AND NOT ALLY, This tournament is a failure now, shoutouts:

1. Ally / $105 ********fock
2. Krystedez $48 god **** yo, stepping it up, defending indiana's holy ground! keep improving and I assure you that I do not want to go Snake vs Wario anymore at all. ;)
3. Judge $30 dont be such a giving-up-saddy-pants, you got the potential, yes it got much harder to win but seriously dont quit, this game gets you money and not everyone can do that. stay safe boi.
4. L Cancel $18 lmao at Up smahs up smash combo, nice trip dawg.
5. Count $10 ur diddy is impressive and I can see you place higher in a close future with the improvements, just mix it up a bit more.
5. Renegade / $10 Thanks for this, hpefully ill come down one day again and good set i guess lol!
7. Judo gj with shiek dood, i wish she cood kill lol fun friendlies.
7. Kel YOU LIL, I KNEW U WErENT IN MY POOLS, I'll smack ur face next time if u do it again!!! fun friendly lol.
9. Smash64 barely talked but lol.
9. Asdioh I dont think i talked to you.... I think.
9. JoshKip :O if u were the sonic i played, sorry for going ICS, but i need to play with chars i have fun now =l
9. clowsui thaks for helping with directions and such and hosting and such, see ya soon soon.
13. KassandraNova Aw sorry girl, happy belated bday and dont feel bad about losing to me, think about beating the **** out of me next time or something close to that!!!!!
13. RogueBlades did I talk to you? not sure if not, swwy
13. Demp THANKS for all the crap uve been through, i appreciate not being screwed up and **** and it was still a smooth ride, REMEMBER, Maps can be the best thing in da world, da bess ;).
13. Sorasin I dont think i played you nor talked

Calebyte dont think me talked to you
Composer and you
Thinkaman thanks for the pot bonus, hope it didnt hurt your wallet.
Triforce did i play u ? u were prob the link player i played in friendlies and bracket
Sovereign :O rematch didnt happen
LoZ Legend of Zelda.

BB was fun i gues but its the same still with nerfing and buffing :O.

I enjoyed Ren's bed, which is where I stood durin most of the tourney and slept.

overall, goooood ****ttttttttttttttttt cept this tourney fails for not putting me as Maple Syrup Candy!!!!! MAPLE SYRUP CANDY

- MAPLE SYRUP CANDY - :mad::mad::mad:


Not Asidoh
Jun 23, 2008
oh, M S C.

I didn't know what it meant so I had to come up with my own acronym.

My guess was "Midwest Sucks ****"

How wrong was I?

DtJ Hilt

Little Lizard
Feb 28, 2008
Minnow Brook
I dunno. I think things went pretty smoothly for the most part. Just the issue with the money, and the operating of the tourney in general. If things truly were changed then I dunno, I guess just don't go to anymore tourneys at Rene's until things get done a little more organized. I enjoyed having a full day of brawl, doing friendlies and seeing everyone, and would gladly come again.
Issue with the money?

Renegade TX2000

Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
lol I fell in love with the shoryuken forums XDD, anyways Kel I just tend to forget the stage list I knew the rules. btw there wasn't a LGL your prolly on something on that one. ANYWAYS guys gg's had fun.

"kinda hard remembering all the rules when you play".

Madden/soul calibur 4/nba2k10/ssf4/halo/and some modern warfare tournaments

and you have to remember each rule lulz. JUST SAYING...

anyways it was a fun tournament regardless.


Sep 4, 2009
Cincinnati, Ohio ; Land of Happiness and Kindness
I'm glad Ren did BBraw before vBrawl, because if it was hosted afterwards, no one would've stayed to participate, and see how the game works. I think quite a few people found the game fun. I know I did. <3 :ganondorf:

Also, I didn't use ZSS at all this tournament. I used MK and Marth, and played pathetically. I don't really plan on playing vBrawl much, anymore. Brawl- and BBrawl are where it's at for me. Especially since my favorite character can actually be used in both games.
Ren shouldn't have done BBrawl before vBrawl. I heard from the KoJ that they hated it, too and were really mad. Which kind of sucked because they drove all the way from Cincy to Indiana to play Brawl but didn't so they decided to not even enter.
The reason why it's a bad idea because of time. If this was going to be a regular Smash tournament then that's what it is. That's like me going to a Smash tournament expecting it to start at noon and then there's Tekken for the next five hours. Time was tight (From what I'm hearing) therefore elimination pools had to be done. Elimination pools with like 15-20ish entrants? Sounds kind of ridiculous if you ask me. Side tournaments are meant to be placed last and the main event always go first. I think this should be Chi/Count Presents. XP Speaking of which, did you guys make any money from all the work you did?
All in all, I wasn't here so I can't say much. I just know people were upset and these issues were the reasons why KY didn't go. But I hope it was fun seeing everyone which is always a good point!! I just think this honestly needs some work on by the original TO.


Smash Champion
Mar 11, 2008
St. Louis, Missouri
We did BBrawl first because its what Ren said, I'm sorry to anybody that was upset >.<.

edit: ally sorry i forgot about the maple syrup part. haha. thanks for the compliment on mah diddy kong.


Smash Lord
Oct 4, 2009
Santa Cruz, CA
1. Ally :popo:/:metaknight: $105 - Didn't get to play you, but congrats on winning! ^_^

2. Krystedez :wario: $48 - Thanks for the advice and tips! It's great seeing you as always. You played really well at this tourney, it was a blast to watch you! Good stuff getting second.

3. Judge :metaknight: $30 - Don't think I talke to you either but congrats on 3rd!

4. L Cancel :olimar: $18 - Your Olimar is awesome.

5. Count :diddy: $10 - Had a ton of fun hanging out this weekend! Thanks for all the many friendlies and advice. I love hanging out at Snu. Good job at this tourney, as well!

5. Renegade :snake:/:ike: $10 - Thanks for the venue. Also, BBrawl Ike is broken.

7. Judo :shiek: - Great to see you again! Man, I love your Shiek so much, it's insane how good you are. So much fun to watch! GGs in pools and good job in bracket!

7. Kel :metaknight: - Sorry you were having an off-day. :(

9. Smash64 :ness2: - I love your Ness! It's so good! I had fun in our pools match. I'm no XeroXen yet, but hopefully I can give you a better game next time! :)

9. Asdioh :fox:/:kirby2: - Never give up! Trust your instincts!

9. JoshKip :sonic: - Duuuude, great pools match. Man it was close. Good games.

9. clowsui :falco: - Good seeing you! We'll figure out how to cover events better as we get more practice. You're an excellent commentator!

13. KassandraNova :metaknight: - Sorry I startled you with the beautiful sounds of my vuvuzuela.

13. RogueBlades :sonic: - Good job, you just keep getting better! Don't beat yourself up for losing a close match, it happens. You'll get your breakthrough soon!

13. Demp :dk2:/:lucario: - Hrm, don't think I played you.

13. Sorasin :falco: - Good seeing you, too bad I didn't get to play you.

Had to leave early..had 3rd seed in pools: Avarice :diddy: - Sucks you had to leave. :(

Drowned in pools:
Calebyte :mario2: - *****

Composer :samus2:/:wario: - Man, I never want to play against a Samus again, not ever! :mad: You did a great job though...and your color commentary is the best ever.
Thinkaman :jigglypuff: - Don't think I played you, but it was good meeting you.

Triforce :link2: - You're Link is super legit! So awesome. I had fun in our friendlies.

LoZ :dedede:/:toonlink: - Good to see you again!!


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@ren: on some of the sheets that were lying around it said "MOST IMPORTANTLY, don't forget that there is a ledge grab limit of 30..."

We ran BBrawl first 'cause it's what Ren wanted us to do. I was skeptical but went along with it. To be fair I said "let's judge by the number of entrants" and I forgot to do the judging part as soon as I sat in the TO chair, but since Ren wanted BBrawl first it was probably the better decision w/ regards to Ren's wishes.

Renegade TX2000

Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
OH SNAP yo clowsui you guys should have brought that to my attention that was last months tourney I just never got rid of all those papers with the old current rules...

Hilt what do I have to apologize for? that's what happens when people don't speak up to me INFRONT OF ME before it's too late but i guess theres no need to talk about it anymore, what's done is done. lol

"lol that rule sheet wasn't even meant for the tournament it was old". ugh speak ppl lol.

If I have to apologize atleast apologize to me first about how many times I had to throw things away since other peeps couldn't throw their own trash away.


If people came to me about the subject on bbrawl starting first tbh... I would have made it last, but again no one said a word to me... Around here you don't say anything to me, nothing will happen the way you thought it would happen

Renegade TX2000

Smash Ace
Mar 23, 2008
yea clowsui, the rule sheets were from a month ago, I didn't even realize you guys thought those were the rule sheets until just now AFTER the fact...


Game Reaper
Nov 10, 2008
Indianapolis, IN
Ren shouldn't have done BBrawl before vBrawl. I heard from the KoJ that they hated it, too and were really mad. Which kind of sucked because they drove all the way from Cincy to Indiana to play Brawl but didn't so they decided to not even enter.
The reason why it's a bad idea because of time. If this was going to be a regular Smash tournament then that's what it is. That's like me going to a Smash tournament expecting it to start at noon and then there's Tekken for the next five hours. Time was tight (From what I'm hearing) therefore elimination pools had to be done. Elimination pools with like 15-20ish entrants? Sounds kind of ridiculous if you ask me. Side tournaments are meant to be placed last and the main event always go first. I think this should be Chi/Count Presents. XP Speaking of which, did you guys make any money from all the work you did?
All in all, I wasn't here so I can't say much. I just know people were upset and these issues were the reasons why KY didn't go. But I hope it was fun seeing everyone which is always a good point!! I just think this honestly needs some work on by the original TO.
Excuse me? No... KY didn't go because Hilt didn't go. I don't even remember you saying you couldn't go. I'm barely scratching the surface with what I want to say, and I'm going to keep it that way before feelings get hurt. And so if Ren host vBrawl first, what would've happened to the BBrawl attendance? You guys don't give a **** about if the attendance for that game flopped to hell, and had only 5 entrants.

Also, I don't see anyone complaining about this tournament, volunteering to help TO, anything.

EDIT: And Day, why would they make money for volunteering to help run a tournament? This isn't MLG. I helped Ren setup the place, and helped clean it up, after everyone left trash and **** all over the place. I didn't ask for a cent, seeing as how it's my friend and I'm doing this out of kindness. Money shouldn't be an incentive to do something.

You have no reason to apologize for anything, Count. Ren, however, does.
Apologize for what exactly? What did Ren do so wrong that requires him to say sorry to anyone on this board?


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC

Look it's more than just Ren's error. It's my error also; I was the one who told Ren that I would judge whether BBrawl came first based on the number of entrants. I forgot, so BBrawl happened first. The tournament was originally BBrawl but ppl convinced him to have vBrawl, so BBrawl definitely deserves to be treated as a "main" event. To all the Knees of Justice, at the next tournament that I host you guys are all exempt from venue fee for my drastic error. If you bring a full setup I will also exempt you from half of one event's entry.

Obviously Ren could have done something about the money issues but that also has something to do with me not being careful enough with the money while running it; I should have been more organized and asked for more cups as well as kept better track of the paper pockets that I used instead of envelopes.

People have no excuse for not picking up their trash. That's highly disrespectful and I didn't notice only because of how good Ren was at making sure the venue was clean.

However, Ren has no excuse for not being prepared for the TOs.
There is an expectation that if you are going to host a tournament but not run it then you provide adequate supplies for those who ARE going to run it:

A way to label TVs
Accurate stage lists for at least half of the setups
Paper and pencils for pool sheets and registration
Envelopes for money, NOT cups

And it is also expected that you provide the following:

An idea of the schedule and how you want to do things for TOs to follow
A well-organized space for the tournament ( we had a few rooms to expand into but some of the TVs were too close together + it would've been a hassle to move them; it was my mistake for not speaking up)
A cut of the venue fee for TOs that are running the tournament should you be keeping the venue fee

I had to deal with not having any of these things, pretty much.

These are simply my demands/expectations; I'm sure others have differing opinions. At this point the tournament is over and what we should do is offer an effective and constructive reflection upon the experience so that Ren can host more tournaments for us to go to next time and enjoy even more than this one. Sorry for my lack of initiative when it came to certain things, if it's any consolation - I should have remembered my skepticism even as I began to help run the event. What I'm not going to apologize for is the way I ran the tournament - I think Count and I did an amazing job given the circumstances, and if you want to argue against that then please post as such.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2009
Indianapolis, Indiana
Either way, one of the games would have flopped in attendance, and either way it would be unfortunate.

This was originally supposed to be a BBrawl tourney, but it was delayed and then changed to vBrawl due to more people wanting vBrawl and lack of potential attendance for BBrawl. On one side, I think it's fine that Ren hosted BBrawl first because that's the primary event he wanted. He never had to change it to vBrawl in the first place.

HOWEVER, because it was changed to vBrawl, most people came to this particular event for vBrawl and traveled how many hours with the intent of entering a vBrawl event and leaving, so it's obvious that quite a bit of people would be disappointed. While maybe if BBrawl was a side event after vBrawl, it would have less attendance, there was already less attendance for the vBrawl event as apparently most of KoJ and some other people had to leave early, I had to leave early, and then there were inconveniences such as Cincy not getting home until 3 AM and Clowsui not being able to come to another one of these events.

Also, there's the issue of nobody knowing about BBrawl doubles until the day of. It was my understanding that it was just going to be a BBrawl singles side event (which I entered). I didn't bring money for BBrawl doubles and it wasn't even until 2-3 PMish until BBrawl singles started. I didn't say anything about it because, well one I didn't have as much of a say in things as others, but two I wasn't aware the tournament would run so late. Had I known I'd definitely had said something.

And Sov, Count and Clowsui were both doing most of the actual tournament organization as far as registering, brackets, and pools. Ren hosted the tournament and they "TO"d it.

These are just my observations of what I know of.
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