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r.i.p bx weekly. it was ok while it lasted.... on to better and bigger things.


Banned via Administration
Sep 14, 2006
Piscataway, NJ
lol @ letting Keitaro do that well in NY

Come on, NY. Keitaro sucks. :p


What happened in teams? Any full results?
Here ya go :p

Bracket: http://i33.tinypic.com/kbzs6w.gif


1: Bum ($80)
2: Anti ($60)
3: Keitaro (Free Entry)
4: Malcolm
5: Yes!
5: T-G
7: Basic Sausage
7: DJ Nintendo
9: Izumi
9: Sneak
9: Snakeee
9: Blackanese
13: Homalon
13: Vanz
13: Eazy
13: X-0
17: Will
17: PnD
17: Shin Bowser Meow
17: GFE
17: CBA
17: Def
17: Rockin
17: G-dubz
25: Eli-mination
25: GP
25: Bman
25: sebk
25: PB&J
25: Q-Blunt
25: AB

Anti has the most indifferent style I've ever seen

Malcolm is the man

Rhyme was cool to meet

And Bum is God. More shoutouts later. Got home an hour ago. I'm going to sleep.

Allisbrawl page: http://allisbrawl.com/ttournament.aspx?id=3811


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Why am I gettin bashed on? I actually think if I go all Peach in tourney I can outplace you but w/e.

I main Falco/Marth/Peach/DDD/Snake. I use all those chars almost everyday that I play smash. No one else feels good...only char I have yet to pull out in tourney consistently is Samus I used her a few times but not as much as my main main chars.

Falco gets alotta airtime just BECAUSE the chars that I fight Falco *****, but if I saw an opportunity to go Peach I'd use Peach. I even use Peach alot in teams as well.

Sorry if I don't main ONE char >_>. I guess I'm a loser and that means all the chars I use suck because I don't stick to one <_<.

*leaves in disgust*
I get tired of trying to be nice with people and they wanna go turn the other cheek cause they always take what I say the other way. Then when I act the way I do its a emo/rant/attention post. Give me a break. So Now I will offiically say the hell with people. Take my post the wrong way all you want. Call me w/e you like, emo/ etc. I officially don't give a **** anymore cause you people never seem to get what I say and turn it to someting else cause you freaking assume so much.

First of D1, I said that my post was not an attack on you. NinjaLink got that, why why did you not get it? He also got the point of my post in general. I did not bash you. You wanna be bashed? Now I am gonna give it to you. You think you could out place me? Go ahead. I like to see you try it, you have alot of work to do. I till I see this, don't tell me otherwise. And I am gonna be a tool and say I don't think you can. Fight bull**** characters in tournaments with her and beat them. Get 7th or better at every tournament you go too then, come back to me.

Do you even understand what this was about? Did you read it all fully? Or are you letting your anger blind you from what is going on? I never said it was bad that you don't main one character. that does not mean anything to me. I main one character cause I choose too. It's how I choose to play. I never said I was better than you or anyone else for maining one character.

My point here is if you wanna be known as one of the best and such with that character whip them out in tournaments alot and do well. That's it. And you wanna talk my post to a level it was not even close to going.

- MalcomM does it with Sonic
- NinjaLink did it with Diddy
- Ron did it with Pika

Now I think its time I be a tool so it can give people a reason to bash and get at me. Time for me to be arrogant and bring out the hate in people. Untill I see one person in this community In the state of New York use Peach 3/4 in tournaments and beat my records, no one in this state surpasses me with Peach. If you think you can go to the N.Y rankings and look up my tournament records. Then get to work. Until then, Best Peach in N.Y and none of you can tell me other wise.

I work my azz off here and people still wanna be duncecaps. Just excatly what do I have to do to get approved around here or end all this bull**** for doing well? This is seriously stupid to get a comment like D1 or anything to that relation. Give a man his credit and quit. BS'ing him cause you fail to comprehend what he says. Get sick of this crap. Now bring on the hate, not that I forced it out of you, none can thing you are in the wrong or made a mistake, now I force it out of you people so bring it. I'll Give you this Dark.Pch you people see so much now. Now it will be official.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
- MalcomM does it with Sonic
- NinjaLink did it with Diddy
- Ron did it with Pika

and Keitaro people tell me i play smash like a ********. good **** on 2-0'ing me in winners-semis i didnt know what was i doing.

and to TDAP i want that 10 dolla money match


Smash Hero
Sep 5, 2006
GG's to all (this is Yes! btw)

1: Bum ($80) - good matches man. gj winning again lol
2: Anti ($60) - very nice game; sorry i went fox xD
3: Keitaro (Free Entry) - keitaro time!
4: Malcolm - double fart tooooo gooood :laugh:
5: Yes! YES!
5: T-G
7: Basic Sausage - *whispers* now! gg dude @_@
7: DJ Nintendo - nice meeting u man
9: Izumi - yay gj dave :D
9: Sneak - you're stepping it up alot man
9: Snakeee - rawr @ you :laugh: gg :D
9: Blackanese - we didn't play wtf xD
13: Homalon
13: Vanz - you had that set man. gg and nothin but respect
13: Eazy - falcooooo
13: X-0
17: Will
17: PnD
17: Shin Bowser Meow
17: GFE - keep at it man :D
17: CBA
17: Def
17: Rockin
17: G-dubz
25: Eli-mination - nice job in teams man
25: GP
25: Bman
25: sebk
25: PB&J
25: Q-Blunt
25: AB

Edit: Moar Shoutoutz

Hax: Your snake is really good man. and your falcon too. Sorry but Pink/White is mine if we ditto again :laugh:


Smash Master
Jan 22, 2007
203 nuggaaaaaaah
My first Bx Weekly. Not too shabby. Sure I could complain about the whole spectator/venue fee difference, but whatevs.

Good shi
t to Bum for running this. And get at my godly Tio images, preventing you from a massive headache. Too good.

Special shoutout to Hotbox aka Travis aka creator of "DI is ON/OFF!" for showing up and just chilling upstairs. Too good, my dude.

In other news, I failed completely yesterday, having been my first Brawl day since DJ's QTLOTLGP-TSM. I would say No Johns, but that's a dam
n fine john. Oh yeah, and that those TVs lagged. Hella lag.

Shin Boooz - Sorry to hear about your experience yesterday. It woulda been nice to team but, it's all good. I got in mad friendlies. Speaking of which, your Link was kinda beasting on me yesterday. You gotta get at me letting my little light shine so much yesterday.

Yes, Izumi, Sneak, Keitaro, Eazy - Awesome that I've never met you guys before. Definitely need to get out more. Good stuff for basically making the Tio bracket impossible to make. We had to spread you guys out as much as possible.

Anti - This dude Anti is WACK! But seriously, good stuff on taking second. Too good, beating Keitaro.

Alex - Thanks for walking me to the train station because I was a scared little white boy. I'm gonna try to hype Cris's and your Events as much as I can around NYU. Hype Hype Hype.

Crismas - Yay for showing up. Tekken 6. Miguel is homeless and Eddy is best used not by button-mashers. Good luck to you and Alex with NEC.

Eli - Yo Falcon is godly. It didn't hurt that I was being uber-predictable all day yesterday. God I always feel like such a scrub when I fight you, man. Good sh
it though, man.

X-O and Will - Nice meeting you guys. You dudes are solid.

Rhyme - Didn't even recognize you without the hat. Thank god, because the last thing I wanted was another Olimar ditto.

C4 - Pull Your Pants Up, Son!

All the heads who I thought I was ZOMG from GameBattles - Quit.

Rockin - Way to show up and steal my teammate, meaniehead.

Leo - Your hair is mad long. Also get ***** by Blackanese in teams. I saw that.

Blackanese - Metro-card!!! Proxy-doo-doo talk is the best. Also get at my mittens that steal your powers.

Vanz - We should never do teams ever again. We just don't seem to be in synch. I also team-attack like a mofo, and I'm sorry for that.

PhD - ROB Wars Pt. 1!!! That was some intense stuff, but we were way too similar. There should be nowhere near as many dreidel-clashings in midair as there was last night. Also, glide-toss up is my move. Stop using it. It was getting you killed by Ron.

Ron - ROB Wars Pt. 2 needs to happen soon. Those were some heavy matches against PhD that I did commentary on.

Snake - I may say you're wack, but that's because I'm uber scared of ZSS. Seriously, that bi
tch you wield is heavy.

DJ - Next smashfest you have, I want to do Smashville Balloon Fight. $20 MM.

Malcolm - I saw you do some crazy Sonic stuff yesterday, like riding up the side of FD like you was ANTI-GRAVITY. Awesome.

Jesus - Your Falco is mad good, but obviously not as good as your Fox. I gotta start getting back into Falco in Melee because mine is so wack.

Aziz - Wanted to play you in Melee but nooooo I was too busy. No Johns/Dumplings.

Brian - No singles, but the highlight of the night went to F-Smash to Taunt-pause on Ike going "BIG DI
CK!" Too effing good, my dude. Also, what is with you and ZRO going Earthbound Twins? That was kinda godly.

ZRO - Team Beep All Dai. Even if Beep = ROB + Ike now. Ike is SMEXY in teams.

And I think that's it.


Smash Champion
Aug 14, 2006
Queens, New York
Why is Jman not listed on the singles results? I know he played. Did he drop or something after he lost? lol

Be like me and take your terrible placing like a man, lol

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
Shin Boooz - Sorry to hear about your experience yesterday. It woulda been nice to team but, it's all good. I got in mad friendlies. Speaking of which, your Link was kinda beasting on me yesterday. You gotta get at me letting my little light shine so much yesterday.
yeha i'll admit you gimped me rather swell... only on Link though ~^.^~ we'll team sometime soon.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Staten Island, New York
lol i wish i didnt have to leave i was like 2 matches away from the grand finals :( but if i stayed i woulda literally fallen asleep like right there lol (oh and btw next time put my name as tGwarr10r lol T-G doesn't feel right)


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
I don't exist... Some guy named Def took my place... I'm so sad...

I can't do shout outs because I don't exist....



I did worse because I don't exist but if I did I would have gotten the same place as you....

I think I'll go to my corner...

I'm so bad at this I got a place worse than last because I don't exist.

I hate you Def.

I'm also upset I had to go and I didn't get to play Melee.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
lol @ Def!
ahhh i missed a packed weekly >.<
lol whenever i go its only like 10 people!!


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2006
I jog NY

Auntie - Never played you >.> messed up.

Crismas - Thanks for selling me a sticker(Olimar)

Eli - didnt talk to you but you falcon was beast in bums ditto.

C4 - What HAB said.

All the heads who I thought I was ZOMG from GameBattles - Quit.
LMAOO. sorry bout that.

Blackanese - LMAOO youre too fun

Vanz - GGs you were cool with me and you enforced my HATE for kirby. nice melee peach.

Snakeee - never played you but your ZSS is incredible


BUM - Your DK is TOO GOOD. "ANYONE HAVE A Wii? ANYONE? NOBODYS LISTENING TO ME!!!" LMAOO. thanks for that $1 MM (that you won)

Alukard - You ***** me in teemz.

The kid i played in R1 and mad friendlys - GGs, nice Ness, and Good Ganon.(my bad, didnt ask for gamer tag)

Anyone i didnt play, thanks for showing up and showing support to the smash community.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
I get tired of trying to be nice with people and they wanna go turn the other cheek cause they always take what I say the other way. Then when I act the way I do its a emo/rant/attention post. Give me a break. So Now I will offiically say the hell with people. Take my post the wrong way all you want. Call me w/e you like, emo/ etc. I officially don't give a **** anymore cause you people never seem to get what I say and turn it to someting else cause you freaking assume so much.

First of D1, I said that my post was not an attack on you. NinjaLink got that, why why did you not get it? He also got the point of my post in general. I did not bash you. You wanna be bashed? Now I am gonna give it to you. You think you could out place me? Go ahead. I like to see you try it, you have alot of work to do. I till I see this, don't tell me otherwise. And I am gonna be a tool and say I don't think you can. Fight bull**** characters in tournaments with her and beat them. Get 7th or better at every tournament you go too then, come back to me.

Do you even understand what this was about? Did you read it all fully? Or are you letting your anger blind you from what is going on? I never said it was bad that you don't main one character. that does not mean anything to me. I main one character cause I choose too. It's how I choose to play. I never said I was better than you or anyone else for maining one character.

My point here is if you wanna be known as one of the best and such with that character whip them out in tournaments alot and do well. That's it. And you wanna talk my post to a level it was not even close to going.

- MalcomM does it with Sonic
- NinjaLink did it with Diddy
- Ron did it with Pika

Now I think its time I be a tool so it can give people a reason to bash and get at me. Time for me to be arrogant and bring out the hate in people. Untill I see one person in this community In the state of New York use Peach 3/4 in tournaments and beat my records, no one in this state surpasses me with Peach. If you think you can go to the N.Y rankings and look up my tournament records. Then get to work. Until then, Best Peach in N.Y and none of you can tell me other wise.

I work my azz off here and people still wanna be duncecaps. Just excatly what do I have to do to get approved around here or end all this bull**** for doing well? This is seriously stupid to get a comment like D1 or anything to that relation. Give a man his credit and quit. BS'ing him cause you fail to comprehend what he says. Get sick of this crap. Now bring on the hate, not that I forced it out of you, none can thing you are in the wrong or made a mistake, now I force it out of you people so bring it. I'll Give you this Dark.Pch you people see so much now. Now it will be official.
$20.00 peach ditto money match?? i'm usually very modest when in comes to giving you credit for your character. but just because you ONLY use Peach does NOT mean you have the best one. You said the same thing back when you used to compete with me for best melee peach. to go through this same cycle again would just be a headache, so lets just get this over with.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
yo C4 was SO **** HIGH yesterday lol he was randomly patting his legs dancing to weird **** i was just staring at him lmao


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
The key to winning tournaments is to match your character's colors with the walls. It's official Malcolm and me have a lot of evidence.

That is why if I go to this again I'm going green and orange Ness. Malcolm did well because he went Green and Blue sonic so he had 2 color powers.

How did Def get listed but not me... He probably played Lucas... Oh well good job Def whoever you are...


Alex - Nice seeing you there

Anti - your playing style is weird, good job placing that high.

Bum - Thanks for running it,

Blackanese - I know you sandbag in singles. Stop it and you can start placing high. You save it for doubles only.

Def - I don't know how you got there or who you are but I'm guessing you play Lucas.

DJ - What was on your fingers?

Easy - That text message was funny.

Eli - Nice seeing you there too bad you did so poorly, it's the venue you have to match Wario with the walls, I need to do that too but with Ness.

Sneak - Good games.

Shin - Nice meeting you good job in teams.

Will - Nice seeing you again.

VaNz - It was fun teaming with you, good friendlies as usual, I hope you learn to use Ness. I wish I could have played melee.

Malcolm - good matches, and the way you explained our matches were amazing, and it's the colors, it's official. So yeah I'll do better next tourney by going green and orange. Also It's funny how the game knew you there there. That is how I knew I was going to lose. Who knows how that happened... The game basically said who is that Ness? Who cares I want Malcolm to win.

Whoever I missed - Thanks for coming.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Time for some shoutouts

Easy - I'm sorry...I remember faces, but names are bad for me at times....=/

Crismas - stop laughing at my Peach... ;_; lol jk Good 30 seconds of Brawl friendlies. Way to use your head :p

Hab - When I came in, you pretty much witness what both Alex and Crismas feels...that I have a knack for 'bad timing.' :D

Shin - Sorry I was sucky on the first few matches. Good games though. I'll be sure to do better next time. Thanks for the Wiimote

Malcom - I definitly got a Wii in my pocket :p Wish I played you. We have to play some more

Vaaaaaanz - Our friendlies were fun. I need to know how to play Peach better with some matchups. Those two vids you recorded were funny as hell. Your Sonic is beast. You kept constantly trying to short hop back air me. lol. Thanks for showing me how to edgeguard better. I sometimes get scared of how to edgeguard cause I don't want to get killed/gimped off. and with something like Ness Up-Bing himself constantly, that was gonna be approched with caution. lol

Blackenese - always fun to hear your commentary. You have to admit free for all is fun

Anti - good games ^^

DJ Nintendo - I hate the fact that you took me to Brainstar and kicked me out of toury as Mario. Jerk. lol Good games ^^

Bum - You owe me 2 dollars.

Ref - Good Ness. Stop abusing the Up B so much lol.

Alex - Thanks to you and PB&J about Game and watch's bair. For some reason, I have a hard time Up-Bing out of shield when I'm attacked. lol In anycase, I'll make sure to come to the meeting.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
biggest shoutout goes to myself for bringing the ONE melee setup there and having not only a big d!ck but a beast falcon, and 2nd biggest shoutout goes to yes! for taking not only my money but my color


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
also in response to dark.pch's post:
why all this for one of the worst fighting games ever invented? play melee.


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
O_o Pot was relatively small.


...well glad everyone had fun.

And I already sent you my message Dark so no need to reiterate.

I'm happy people are showing interest in the weeklies finally at least.

Who knows? Me and NL may show interest and show up again (the last couple weeklies we attended would have small turnouts -_-...it kinda killed our urge to go.)

Good stuff to Malcolm btw hard work ma d00! You give hard work, you receive good rewards in the end ^_^.


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
It's much better than not playing at all and losing to people you are far better than.
Don't worry I'm playing, just at venues w/ good TVs. Thats all. (Sucks that in NY this is nonexistant...at least there are smashfests in our state and outta state tournies).


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Don't worry I'm playing, just at venues w/ good TVs. Thats all. (Sucks that in NY this is nonexistant...at least there are smashfests in our state and outta state tournies).
I really do hope you and NinjaLink are playing. I don't like seeing a top player like yourself lose to randoms.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
D1 come to this sometime and you can camp the lag free T.V like I do.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I dont think neither of us wants to camp a tv with low payout that ends late thats very far from our house.
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