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r.i.p bx weekly. it was ok while it lasted.... on to better and bigger things.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
good. More For me and Anti. We come to weeklies for fun and to socialization regardless how far it is. Hell, anti comes from Deeper than the boroughs and dont complain lolz.... (to my knowledge)


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
good. More For me and Anti. We come to weeklies for fun and to socialization regardless how far it is. Hell, anti comes from Deeper than the boroughs and dont complain lolz.... (to my knowledge)
that long island is where i come from:) i probably wouldnt come to these if bum wasnt such a nice guy and split with me if i get 2nd


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY

Anti's chance of winning money has increased by 20%
Ur worried about me goin? lol/ Ur playing for chump change Anti. Go out of state for once.

step it up lol. Get good TVs. Wifi tourneys = suck.
They're not Wifi tournies, M2K. They're plasma TVs.

But if I had an extra TV to bring (and I lived in the BX), I'd bring it. CRTs all day.
Wit those Tvs it sure feels wifi. Since Anti plays wifi all the time he doesnt care.
good. More For me and Anti. We come to weeklies for fun and to socialization regardless how far it is. Hell, anti comes from Deeper than the boroughs and dont complain lolz.... (to my knowledge)
'Good' as in Good that im not coming? I'm deeply hurt. More for u and Anti? More what may i ask? Sorry i can go out of state for all of that and get more of that, being its more ppl and ppl i dont see every week.........even though i been to MD/VA 3 weeks in a row LMAO. Getting home 6 am in the morning after seeing kids get beat up on the train. Not exactly something fun to do.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Staten Island, New York
i get where d1 and nl are comin from >_> comin home 3am isnt good for me and i didnt even stay for the whole thing, might come to a few more but like.... if i really got nothin better to do, it was pretty cool goin but i dont like bein in the bronx waiting for a train at 2-3am, + if i stayed for the whole thing i would've gotten back at like ****in 6, which would be like really bad. ill still come once in awhile but...rarely if only to get my 5$ back from anti in a MM lol


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
'Good' as in Good that im not coming? I'm deeply hurt. More for u and Anti? More what may i ask? Sorry i can go out of state for all of that and get more of that, being its more ppl and ppl i dont see every week.........even though i been to MD/VA 3 weeks in a row LMAO. Getting home 6 am in the morning after seeing kids get beat up on the train. Not exactly something fun to do.[/QUOTE]

na menz don't be offended. cuz if u would of seen my tone i done men any harm. Its like im saying the tournament would be less difficult and that a complement when you make tournaments harder lolz. na my dudez dont be offended


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
'Good' as in Good that im not coming? I'm deeply hurt. More for u and Anti? More what may i ask? Sorry i can go out of state for all of that and get more of that, being its more ppl and ppl i dont see every week.........even though i been to MD/VA 3 weeks in a row LMAO. Getting home 6 am in the morning after seeing kids get beat up on the train. Not exactly something fun to do.
na menz don't be offended. cuz if u would of seen my tone i done men any harm. Its like im saying the tournament would be less difficult and that a complement when you make tournaments harder lolz. na my dudez dont be offended[/QUOTE]

Aight lol

*listening to SMRPG OST*


Smash Master
Apr 4, 2006
I jog NY
Shoutout: Homalon: I forgot, sorry. you were really cool with me, and you and VaNz were like OD. and sorry if i seemed Stalker-ish lol

TG: You beat me. im mad @ your falco.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
$20.00 peach ditto money match?? i'm usually very modest when in comes to giving you credit for your character. but just because you ONLY use Peach does NOT mean you have the best one. You said the same thing back when you used to compete with me for best melee peach. to go through this same cycle again would just be a headache, so lets just get this over with.
And I am also nice to people until they give me bull**** for no reason. Wether I beat you in a ditto wont mean anything. Wether you beat me in a ditto won't mean anything.

And dammit for the last ****ing time people, learn to comprehend. I never said I was better than you or anyone else cause I only use Peach. I have the damm tournament records that show it. tournaments matter. And No Peach in this state has out placed me. So It makes it official. Not BS.

But oh wait. I understand why this is happening. its called I am Dark.Pch. The emo 20 year old who just want's attention. You ****ing people always thing one can not change or ever see me up there in smash. I get tired of this **** from you all. I work my azz off here and still get this bull****? Are you kidding me? Are you all seriously kidding me.

Just WTF I gotta do to end this bull**** from you all. Traveling around the EC for brawl does not mean ****. Placing well in tournaments I go to don't mean ****. Beating and going even with the people I have in tournament matches don't mean ****.

This is not 2007 and not ****ing melee. Hop off that freaking image. Then you wonder why I don't play around N.Y tournies. "nah it's just Dark.Pch being emo, it's not us, its him" BS! It is you people. I play mostly alone or wifi and do the best I can. And I am freaking proud of how I have done so far in this game with Peach in tournaments. People always wanna take something good away from me. Well guess what, FU-Q people who wanna be like that. Straight up real now.

Oh and don't worry. This is not me talking from my depression. I ended that **** a few months ago. And it is about time too, had it for 8 years and I finally took care of it. This is the real me talking now and this is how I feel. Anyone else gotta anything to say bring it out now. I love to put you in your places cause I got some **** to say to a few people that I have been holding in for a long time. Tired of you 2 faced people. Now it's my turn so let's go or else shove it. Tired of ****ing being nice and calm with people and they wanna take advantage of that ****. Well all this bull**** comes to an end.


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
Dark Pch, I'm gonna say this just once and I want it to drop. I don't need to read anymore stuff coming from the void.

Your mind is saying one thing. But your mouth/typing of words is saying another. The more you keep talking like this, the more people is gonna breath down your neck. It's getting pretty frustrating to some people. If this keeps up, people is gonna just straight up ignore you. You might be considered the 'black sheep' of NYC.

Dark Pch. I know you're trying to say one thing, but your choice of words in that subject is bad. That's why people get on you. Also

And I am freaking proud of how I have done so far in this game with Peach in tournaments.
If you was so proud, you wouldn't have complained/said that Peach won't ever win a major tournament. Nor the fact of both how you're placing meh on tournaments or how you lose stupidly (like that incident at C3 with the rolling Lucario). If you was actually proud of your placings, you would've worked extra hard to place first in tournaments everytime, regardless if it's a small tournament or a big tournament.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not gonna sugar coat it either. You need to choose your words of actions or the **** is gonna hit the fan


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Rockin has spoken... Oh and Rockin good friendlies

Other stuff:

Bum I don't think I'll come to this for a while, I can't seem to do well at that venue. So I'm going to go off and look for New talent (Like you say it.)

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187
i hear what you're saying dark


Here's what everyone else is saying

just because you do really good going all one character doesnt make you the best with that character. just means you use that character alot

Wes tried to use this point against me to say i wasn't best so and so...

but his basis was strictly off of playing his crew members.

you are not being played/attacked/disrespected wes... i'm saying this cuz i'm not in the mood to 5 more posts stemmed from lack of comprehension

in melee's later years chu dat started using pika more and more in tourney along with othr characters. He was able to beat top players using the little rat. so even if i place well at tournies it never changed the fact that chu was more effective with pika when he did actually use him.

that's why i think the whole idea of character mains is stupid.

i didn't before but now I do.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Bum I don't think I'll come to this for a while, I can't seem to do well at that venue. So I'm going to go off and look for New talent (Like you say it.)
yo we need your 5 dollars in the pot you must come every week to donate to the winner of this tournament dont be a cupcake and stop coming.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I hope u kno u are the only peach main in NY that takes brawl to some level of seriousness.
Hope you know as I was thrown with the info a while ago Vanz, D1, Rockin (I think) and even you? (I have no damm clue on this one) Play her. So I don't wanna hear that crap. Also, lets say we go by this. You just ended all this crap stating I am the best one. Done.

Dark Pch, I'm gonna say this just once and I want it to drop. I don't need to read anymore stuff coming from the void.

Your mind is saying one thing. But your mouth/typing of words is saying another. The more you keep talking like this, the more people is gonna breath down your neck. It's getting pretty frustrating to some people. If this keeps up, people is gonna just straight up ignore you. You might be considered the 'black sheep' of NYC.

Dark Pch. I know you're trying to say one thing, but your choice of words in that subject is bad. That's why people get on you. Also

If you was so proud, you wouldn't have complained/said that Peach won't ever win a major tournament. Nor the fact of both how you're placing meh on tournaments or how you lose stupidly (like that incident at C3 with the rolling Lucario). If you was actually proud of your placings, you would've worked extra hard to place first in tournaments everytime, regardless if it's a small tournament or a big tournament.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I'm not gonna sugar coat it either. You need to choose your words of actions or the **** is gonna hit the fan

First off..........YOU PEOPLE NEVER FREAKING ASK! you always assume and thinking you are so right with what I have to say. How hard is it to freaking ask. When I had this debate with NL, it sound like he was saying him and D1 could outplace me in tournament. And guess what I did? I asked him. So wtf can't others do it huh?

Also my opinion on Peach winning a tournament has nothing to do with this. Nor C3. One tournament I fawk up on. Like NinjaLink and the others from VA/MD told me. It was one tournament. don't mean ****, come back stronger. So don't come off to me saying I am BS'ing my sucess from one tournament. I was pisased about how I did in VA. I have the right to be pissed about a tournament just like others do. the hell am I different for.

You can't dare come to me and tell me otherwise.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
now that i think about it going to this wasnt really worth it other than playing melee and saying hi to people.. i ****ing hate taking trains from the bronx back at like 3 am. i almost passed out on the way home.. i wouldve been dead just like that guy me pb malcolm and branden found on the 2 train LOL

we should all go back to melee




Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
yo we need your 5 dollars in the pot you must come every week to donate to the winner of this tournament dont be a cupcake and stop coming.
Once I'm back and all the T.Vs don't lag I'll be donating to myself...

MELEEEEEEEEE like hax said. Just because I love melee, all the days playing alone in my room practicing At's and playing computers...

Oh and get at Def for taking my spot in brackets.


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
exactly. now thats a game where i can actually have a decent time playing the computers alone.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Computers in this game are boring, Melee computers are funnier. Ganon's warlock punches and Up tilts lead to pk flash, it gave me confidence along with something to laugh at.

It was fun to play computers in Melee.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
onli thing i like doing in that game is Side B to Knee with falco the rest is alright.

i'd rather play Call of Duty 4 n Marvel Vs Capcom 2


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
i hear what you're saying dark


Here's what everyone else is saying

just because you do really good going all one character doesnt make you the best with that character. just means you use that character alot

Wes tried to use this point against me to say i wasn't best so and so...

but his basis was strictly off of playing his crew members.

you are not being played/attacked/disrespected wes... i'm saying this cuz i'm not in the mood to 5 more posts stemmed from lack of comprehension

in melee's later years chu dat started using pika more and more in tourney along with othr characters. He was able to beat top players using the little rat. so even if i place well at tournies it never changed the fact that chu was more effective with pika when he did actually use him.

that's why i think the whole idea of character mains is stupid.

i didn't before but now I do.
I have stated before using them 3/4 in tourmament is good enough. you don't need to main them. But using them alot in one tournament matters for your status with that character. Here is an example.

I could go hey (out of the top of my head) Ref. And say "hey ref, my ness is better than yours." He uses Ness in tournaments alot. I have not done that. That right there makes it BS. I have done nothing to prove my Ness is better. If I wanna be known as something, It has to be proven and seen. until then, it won't be official. I have not proved at all that my Ness is better than his. Wether people like it or not. This matters. And if one want's to do this with me then they gotta do what I have done. What I done made this official.

People compare me, Edrees and Niko (from Canada). They do it with our tournament results. it shows I am better than Niko and Edress is better than me. the facts are right there. There is no Bull**** and it is official. I don't care who is better than me. i just don't like being denied of what I worked for. People can't BS that from me like they love to do.

As I said many times before. one wants to prove they are better than me with my own character. Go beat my tournament results.It should not be that hard since people here think my Peach is nothing. So what is there to worry about? go beat my records easy. Or else no one step up to me with this bullcrap.


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
Thing is Dark.Pch lets say two people play Peach, and one only uses here once per a tourney and when they do they beat top level players. Meanwhile the other person goes only peach but cannot beat the top level players... Who then has a better peach?

It'd be the one who in this case uses peach only once per a tourney because when they use her they can beat higher level players.

The thing you are trying to get at is that a person who only plays 1 character plays it because that 1 is all they need. However it doesn't make them better than someone who plays the same character less but can beat higher level players.

Now lets say something different. Lets say someone uses peach but only beats the lower level players and whips out Zelda to take out the higher and places better than the other. Mean while one person only uses peach but takes out higher level players but doesn't place as well as the zelda and peach.

In this case the peach who takes out the higher is better than the one who places higher. This is what I feel you are basing this whole 1 main thing.

In all going 1 character in tourneys doesn't make you better than one who goes 2 but can take out better players, with the character...

This is what people are debating with you. They are trying to explain this, which if you look at it, makes the more sense. It's all about who you defeat with the character not how much you play it.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Thing is Dark.Pch lets say two people play Peach, and one only uses here once per a tourney and when they do they beat top level players. Meanwhile the other person goes only peach but cannot beat the top level players... Who then has a better peach?

It'd be the one who in this case uses peach only once per a tourney because when they use her they can beat higher level players.

The thing you are trying to get at is that a person who only plays 1 character plays it because that 1 is all they need. However it doesn't make them better than someone who plays the same character less but can beat higher level players.
Goddammit, this is not about someone just maining one character. Jesus fuking......

Also as M2K says. being consistant matters. It could be the other way around for me in this case. I could go to a tournament and **** it, and then not go to another one for 2 months. And say I am better than the other person cause I did better than the other person in one tournament in months. I can just BS someone just like that. so that means nothing.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
All i'm sayin is, No one is taking ur hard work away from u. No one said ur peach is bad. No one here is making a big deal about status with characters. Ppl were just joking around. Just leave it. As i said u still are the only peach main in NYC. No one really cares about status. We're in a split state of melee and brawl. No one really cares at all. Ur taking the stuff being said too seriously.

All i do nowadays is telling ppl to stop telling ME who i main which is no one. I really dont give a **** anymore. I'm so close to just banning smashboards altogether and stop posting and only use it to get housing etc. Its just what i do to get money. And thats that.

HI REF!!!! ^_^

Look at this happy video guys http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/9asXuBTMEjrSGsZ4#/owner/9asXuBTMEjrSGsZ4


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
so i guess that's a no..

"Best Peach in N.Y and none of you can tell me other wise."

that line was taken directly from your post.. so there was no misinterpreting on my part. it's one thing to be angry, but when you get angry, you say things that usually target any number of people (even those who've done nothing to you, like myself)

it's like ron said, your placings look better because you use her more than anyone else. But i think if you ask everyone which of us is the more difficult opponent, the majority will say that it's me. /HonestOpinion


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
The video is hilarious, Hi NinjaLink. I'm going to other tourneys because I'm doing poorly at Bum's hopefully I can get out of state like I used to. That is where I started. I'm probably going to go to that Castle Smash Fest 2 it's great getting out to see new players, I will hopefully go all the way there both in doubles and Singles.

What VaNz said is really all I have, my Ness is a much more difficult opponent than some of the other players / Nesses. That's really all I have right now to prove myself good unless you count the inconsistent results that I placed twice, once pretty well and once really well...

It's actually sometimes a big factor in proving a player better than the other.

Oh and why are we up this late?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
All i'm sayin is, No one is taking ur hard work away from u. No one said ur peach is bad. No one here is making a big deal about status with characters. Ppl were just joking around. Just leave it. As i said u still are the only peach main in NYC. No one really cares about status. We're in a split state of melee and brawl. No one really cares at all. Ur taking the stuff being said too seriously.

All i do nowadays is telling ppl to stop telling ME who i main which is no one. I really dont give a **** anymore. I'm so close to just banning smashboards altogether and stop posting and only use it to get housing etc. Its just what i do to get money. And thats that.

HI REF!!!! ^_^

Look at this happy video guys http://elfyourself.jibjab.com/view/9asXuBTMEjrSGsZ4#/owner/9asXuBTMEjrSGsZ4
Now you see where I am coming from with your problem and why I don't play in my own home town state. it's freaking sickning how I can't feel calm and have fun in my own state without bull****.

so i guess that's a no..

"Best Peach in N.Y and none of you can tell me other wise."

that line was taken directly from your post.. so there was no misinterpreting on my part. it's one thing to be angry, but when you get angry, you say things that usually target any number of people (even those who've done nothing to you, like myself)

it's like ron said, your placings look better because you use her more than anyone else. But i think if you ask everyone which of us is the more difficult opponent, the majority will say that it's me. /HonestOpinion
And here is mine.

People in this state hardly play me. As I said I hardly play in N.Y. We can't be compared like that so easy. I play mostly out of state than N.Y and I stated why.

And Yes I was pissed and should have not target you at all. or all Peach players in this state. But I seriously get tired of this crap. And tournaments> friendlies. It's a fact, a givin. All I am saying my tournament records show what is up and what I have done with the character. That is more than enough info needed to show where it all stands. That's how it always has been.

In melee as much as I wanted to say I was the better Peach, you was cause your tournament records with her were better than mine. I was just some emo kid wanting attention and to show I was somebody in melee. Your tournaments>Me and nothing I could say could change the fact that you was better. I was a stupid whinny fool.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
The only thing I know is....Dark Pch. is using a very annoying font color. ^_^

And lol @ the best Peach.

This is getting ridiculous.

I do think the most notable player will have the best record but it doesn't say anything at all about who is actually the best. The best player is not the one who wins the ditto either, it just means you're better in the ditto matchup as Ninjalink and Wes has said previously. The best way to determine the best is to just give up, embrace christianity and ask God. He shall bless the best Peach player with Metaknight pwning skills and that Peach will go on to win the next Gamestop tourney with Peach while taking out Metaknights left and right. That player will get peach banned from further tournaments and..........ok I need to sleep, this is crazy. *goes to bed*



Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Dam this guy is fast.

Gamesages.com [1998]
Cheat codez

How to unlock Dark Pch.
Step 1. Post

Step 2. Wait 5 seconds

Step 3. Refresh the page

CONGRATULATIONS you have unlocked Dark Pch.!
LMAO now that was funny:laugh:


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Ur worried about me goin? lol/ Ur playing for chump change Anti. Go out of state for once.

Wit those Tvs it sure feels wifi. Since Anti plays wifi all the time he doesnt care.

'Good' as in Good that im not coming? I'm deeply hurt. More for u and Anti? More what may i ask? Sorry i can go out of state for all of that and get more of that, being its more ppl and ppl i dont see every week.........even though i been to MD/VA 3 weeks in a row LMAO. Getting home 6 am in the morning after seeing kids get beat up on the train. Not exactly something fun to do.
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