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r.i.p bx weekly. it was ok while it lasted.... on to better and bigger things.


das kwl
Feb 18, 2007
Top of the Tier List
there was this beast *** lucas player who used a wiimote + nunchuck at play and trade.. i have know idea who he was though..

also, i needz a partner


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Staten Island, New York
im still coming that aint changed >_> but i didn get much sleep last night so dun expect an all-star performance -_- lol i aint gonna be stayin like really late unless i like actually win or somethin lol, btw anti MMs still on we'll get that done as soon as i see you lol ill look for the guy that looks like lil bill


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
YO ... ya gonna see mah lucas son ... ya thinking i'm joking son ... nah ... son ... son son .... mah lucas is pro .... uhhh son

and mah ike ... o man .... the king of the sea is coming ... and he is thirsty fo blood mah dudes =P

i'm bored ... and i hope everyone goes i haven't seen them in a minute =]


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
this thread is mad funny lol well its proves that u really dont knwo the ins and outs of brawl nl cause lucas is good and he has safe moves ur bugging lol keep thinking that and you will lose to an good lucas lol mark my words mister banana boy. Anyways i noticed something boys and girls in order to have the crown of mister know it all you have to basically win it all just because ppl win **** doesnt mean they know the " ins and outs" i guess i have to do the same and just make up random comments on characters and thier matches. Let me start off this now so when i start winning ppl will already b use to the bs theories lol. Ok so lets begin SOnic is the best character in the game he has the most proirty and speed and he also is the strongest too u have to hit with the sweetspot of all his moves and you will kill at 80 percent. lol
U think his moves is safe. Have fun using lucas against chars that has longer range than u. U dont even use lucas so how would u know? I've used lucas in tourney before. Lucas has safe moves on shield but if ppl saw his hitboxes they can just ftilt everything u do or marth can just fair u out of everything. Why are we even discussing this in this first place?


Smash Hero
Jan 16, 2007
U think his moves is safe. Have fun using lucas against chars that has longer range than u. U dont even use lucas so how would u know? I've used lucas in tourney before. Lucas has safe moves on shield but if ppl saw his hitboxes they can just ftilt everything u do or marth can just fair u out of everything. Why are we even discussing this in this first place?
wat if i PK FREEZE YOU!!!

its over ....

or i bust a NUT ON A N!GGA!!!!! (u smash)


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
this thread is mad funny lol well its proves that u really dont knwo the ins and outs of brawl nl cause lucas is good and he has safe moves ur bugging lol keep thinking that and you will lose to an good lucas lol mark my words mister banana boy. Anyways i noticed something boys and girls in order to have the crown of mister know it all you have to basically win it all just because ppl win **** doesnt mean they know the " ins and outs" i guess i have to do the same and just make up random comments on characters and thier matches. Let me start off this now so when i start winning ppl will already b use to the bs theories lol. Ok so lets begin SOnic is the best character in the game he has the most proirty and speed and he also is the strongest too u have to hit with the sweetspot of all his moves and you will kill at 80 percent. lol
so...ike can kill at 50% -_- and he's not the best character in the game. . .


Smash Champion
Jan 14, 2008
New York,
I'll be there at 5 or so don't start without me...

Why are we discussing characters?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Ur basically saying i dont play smart at all. Thanks alot.
No he is not. Just like people always wanna be honest with me and all. I am gonna do the same with you. This is me being real

He is saying until you abuse these characters alot in tournamts, you can't really go on saying you are this and that with them till you prove it where it counts, and that is in tournaments. showing off and people beating in friendlies don't matter. You once said a while back that you thought D1's Peach was better than mine. I go all Peach in tournaments, he brings her out once in a blue. I place well in tournaments going all Peach.

So something like this states facts that I am better with Peach and no one here can change that or say other wise unless they do what I do and beat my tournament records with her. You can say you are godly and know it all with a character all you want. If you got nothing to show for it, then it does not matter and makes you come off as arrogant all because you don't have a main. That is what people are saying.

I told you this before with your ROB and I think Zelda. You wanna be known as top or one of the best with them? Whip them out alot in tournamets. 3/4 times is good enough usage with them in tournaments. till then it won't matter and people will see you as sounding all high and mighty.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
I Am Starting To Like This Guy

No he is not. Just like people always wanna be honest with me and all. I am gonna do the same with you. This is me being real

He is saying until you abuse these characters alot in tournamts, you can't really go on saying you are this and that with them till you prove it where it counts, and that is in tournaments. showing off and people beating in friendlies don't matter. You once said a while back that you thought D1's Peach was better than mine. I go all Peach in tournaments, he brings her out once in a blue. I place well in tournaments going all Peach.

So something like this states facts that I am better with Peach and no one here can change that or say other wise unless they do what I do and beat my tournament records with her. You can say you are godly and know it all with a character all you want. If you got nothing to show for it, then it does not matter and makes you come off as arrogant all because you don't have a main. That is what people are saying.

I told you this before with your ROB and I think Zelda. You wanna be known as top or one of the best with them? Whip them out alot in tournamets. 3/4 times is good enough usage with them in tournaments. till then it won't matter and people will see you as sounding all high and mighty.

NUFF SAID anyways its funny i just bring the ****ing evil shin akuma out of ppl when i post nl why are you even talking about this lol idk its the animosisisisty u have for my posts lol.

anyways also home alone you are funny it was as joke about sonic ppl take online talk to literal anyways good post dark pch keep up the good posts and good playing you will be the best peach in new york not unless mike g or hein comes back to the scene lol then ur done but right now you seem like the best peach in new york.

Right now i call myself the best snake along with kubuu and best sonic along with malcolm and one of the best robs along with dires in new york.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
No he is not. Just like people always wanna be honest with me and all. I am gonna do the same with you. This is me being real

He is saying until you abuse these characters alot in tournamts, you can't really go on saying you are this and that with them till you prove it where it counts, and that is in tournaments. showing off and people beating in friendlies don't matter. You once said a while back that you thought D1's Peach was better than mine. I go all Peach in tournaments, he brings her out once in a blue. I place well in tournaments going all Peach.

So something like this states facts that I am better with Peach and no one here can change that or say other wise unless they do what I do and beat my tournament records with her. You can say you are godly and know it all with a character all you want. If you got nothing to show for it, then it does not matter and makes you come off as arrogant all because you don't have a main. That is what people are saying.

I told you this before with your ROB and I think Zelda. You wanna be known as top or one of the best with them? Whip them out alot in tournamets. 3/4 times is good enough usage with them in tournaments. till then it won't matter and people will see you as sounding all high and mighty.
so explain what this means then

Wes' posts are mad funny lol. NinjaLink, just win a weekly or at least get close to winning one going mostly or all Lucas and that's it. Not only in singles, but in teams too.

This is the perfect example: Wes mains Sonic, Alukard mains Ike, and I main Bowser right? I bet you most likely know way more sh*t (like you say, ins and outs) about those three characters than Wes, Alukard and I. Although, I bet that we're all definitely better at fighting with our main characters than you because we're smarter. Now you probably may be a bit better at using our mains in certain matchups. I say that because you most likely know more about matchups than us and you know alot about the game, its characters, etc.

Anyway, if some Melee players (lets just say NY) were to take this game super, and I mean super seriously, we would **** hardbody.
This wasnt ur business or his business to begin with. Going all one character in tournament doesnt make u the better player using that character. U can be best at maining a character but it doesnt mean ur the best using that character. Totally different. I dont care about best of titles. Ppl were joking about it so i decided to join in. But of course like ALWAYS ppl take my posts uber serious. All wes said was none of us used lucas well and that isnt true. I remember Alukard and Dionis did the earthbound team and placed high. Im not doubting him or ever said i put him down nor did anyone said i did. Godot's lucas is funny LOL

And Wes it was a joke. U just always run a train with it. Not that serious.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2008
cmon guys lets not get our panties in a bunch. lets just use what u got in tournies and see what happenes. you got to believe in yourselves in order to fly


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
so explain what this means then

This wasnt ur business or his business to begin with. Going all one character in tournament doesnt make u the better player using that character. U can be best at maining a character but it doesnt mean ur the best using that character. Totally different. I dont care about best of titles. Ppl were joking about it so i decided to join in. But of course like ALWAYS ppl take my posts uber serious. All wes said was none of us used lucas well and that isnt true. I remember Alukard and Dionis did the earthbound team and placed high. Im not doubting him or ever said i put him down nor did anyone said i did. Godot's lucas is funny LOL

And Wes it was a joke. U just always run a train with it. Not that serious.
What did you just say? That makes no sense. You mean to tell me (in this case Peach) You or D1 would out place me in tournaments going all Peach? Cause thats how it is sounding right about now. Tournaments do matter. The people I beat and my tournament results speak for themselves. People say "friendlies don't mean much, tournaments is where its at" for a reason. That's a comment of arrogance right there. If that is the case tell me what I have to do to prove this logic to you? Since tournaments and what I have done don't matter.

- I use that character alone, in tournies
- I know the match ups
- I know the pressure and experience in tournaments with the character.

experince+ work shown for it>what you just told me. And this is not even to get at you or D1, this is not a attack post.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
What did you just say? That makes no sense. You mean to tell me (in this case Peach) You or D1 would out place me in tournaments going all Peach? Cause thats how it is sounding right about now. Tournaments do matter. The people I beat and my tournament results speak for themselves. People say "friendlies don't mean much, tournaments is where its at" for a reason. That's a comment of arrogance right there. If that is the case tell me what I have to do to prove this logic to you? Since tournaments and what I have done don't matter.

- I use that character alone, in tournies
- I know the match ups
- I know the pressure and experience in tournaments with the character.

experince+ work shown for it>what you just told me. And this is not even to get at you or D1, this is not a attack post.
Not what im saying. I have an example. Neo who uses Roy as third character plays a better roy than the ppl who main him. Azen's Link and Luigi. Same thing. We all knew Azen had no main in melee. He used who he wanted and still placed high. Its starting to get like that in brawl also. I've been to MD/VA 2 weeks in a row seeing azen barely use lucario anymore. Alot of marth. He used jiggs, D3, GW, Kirby and diddy. Is Azen disrespectful cause he doesnt main anyone? Of course not. I'm not comparing myself to these ppl but the situation is similar.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I get that. But my point being is you can be good with the character and what not. But if you got nothing to show for it in tournaments, you can't make a statement to me like that. nor does it officially say you are that good against someone who use that character alot in tournaments and places well with them.

You don't main diddy correct? But there was times when you used him alot in tournaments and did well. Now this shows to Diddys mains you are better than they are with their main. you just proved that. The other diddy mains have not done better than you in tournaments with diddy.

This is what I am telling you.


Wise Hermit
Dec 20, 2006
Teaneck, North Bergen County, NJ, USA
I see what you're getting at here. I didn't read the whole thing, but just to kind of diffuse the tension, I'll take it to this example.

I ONLY play Marth in tourney . . . ever. Marth is my main, and I know just as much about Marth as any other player out there. However, contrary to popular belief, I also play other characters in friendlies when I'm not at a tourney (come to my house *****es, lol). My Mario is very good, as well as my Falco. Now, I have a friend that mains Falco (I'm not naming any names). This player does go to tourneys, and plays all Falco, however, he still agrees that my Falco is better than his. You don't have to main a character to be better. I'm just a better player in general, have a better knowledge of basics and fundamentals, and I do know HOW to play with Falco, despite never having used him in tourney.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
I get that. But my point being is you can be good with the character and what not. But if you got nothing to show for it in tournaments, you can't make a statement to me like that. nor does it officially say you are that good against someone who use that character alot in tournaments and places well with them.

You don't main diddy correct? But there was times when you used him alot in tournaments and did well. Now this shows to Diddys mains you are better than they are with their main. you just proved that. The other diddy mains have not done better than you in tournaments with diddy.

This is what I am telling you.

Ok. Still ppl are picky about stupid crap like that. I got overswarm telling me im a not a good ROB player even though i used ROB prolly more than any other character in tourney and place high. This is why i dont care about such things. Pierce basically gets what im saying.

I've won a tourney without using diddy at all and they put i used him. Its sickening.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I see what you're getting at here. I didn't read the whole thing, but just to kind of diffuse the tension, I'll take it to this example.

I ONLY play Marth in tourney . . . ever. Marth is my main, and I know just as much about Marth as any other player out there. However, contrary to popular belief, I also play other characters in friendlies when I'm not at a tourney (come to my house *****es, lol). My Mario is very good, as well as my Falco. Now, I have a friend that mains Falco (I'm not naming any names). This player does go to tourneys, and plays all Falco, however, he still agrees that my Falco is better than his. You don't have to main a character to be better. I'm just a better player in general, have a better knowledge of basics and fundamentals, and I do know HOW to play with Falco, despite never having used him in tourney.

That example kinda screws over. You say that he told you your falco is better. And you also say you don't now how to play falco. That's not a good combo for this debate.

Also who places better in tournaments (if you boys even use falco alot in tournies)

Scissors Sir

Smash Ace
Jun 28, 2006
Queens, NYC myspace.com/15453187

That's why when people ask me if I main pika I say "No. I still use him though"

The whole character main bs is stupid.

Who cares if you go all one character and win oe use various and do the same thing? A win is a win.


That's why I can't even be mad at people like inui switching characters over and over to find the perfect fit(s)


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Why am I gettin bashed on? I actually think if I go all Peach in tourney I can outplace you but w/e.

I main Falco/Marth/Peach/DDD/Snake. I use all those chars almost everyday that I play smash. No one else feels good...only char I have yet to pull out in tourney consistently is Samus I used her a few times but not as much as my main main chars.

Falco gets alotta airtime just BECAUSE the chars that I fight Falco *****, but if I saw an opportunity to go Peach I'd use Peach. I even use Peach alot in teams as well.

Sorry if I don't main ONE char >_>. I guess I'm a loser and that means all the chars I use suck because I don't stick to one <_<.

*leaves in disgust*


Smash Journeyman
Aug 24, 2007
Bronx, NY
You guys made a good point quit arguing. We all know yall nice so be quiet. The point is stick to a character you fell most comfortable with. If your comfortable with everybody, the you main everybody, if you comfortable to certain characters only, then you main that one character, If your comfortable with one character then Main that one character. The thing is, you get better respect for sticking to one character. The thing is its the norm when you can kick everybodys with won character then have ppl meat ride you when you make an appearance. I like Luigi, cuz i feel he can best any character but that dont mean Im the best Luigi (I WILL BE...), becuz i still lose to certain people. NinjaLink even you said back in melee days, Dark Pch you can account for this too. You guys said "who the **** mains Luigi? and that i had an annoying Luigi" To you guys, I'm known for having a gay Luigi and I like that title. I respect all of yall too. But my point is Comfortability is the key. Also for those that use multiple characters, the point for them is that they just want to win...may not be true but thats the way how i see it. Those who main one character feel that they must challenge themselves and its more enjoyable... PSYCHOLOGY MY DUDEZ!!!! NOW EVERYBODY STOP BASHING EACH OTHER!!!!



Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
1. Bum - 85$
2. Anti - 60$
3. Keitaro - FREE ENTRY

Mini-Team Results
1. Blackanese + Snakeee - 80$ 40 Per Person
2. Bum + Jman - 25$
3. Anti + Basic Sausage - FREE ENTRY :(


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Staten Island, New York
finally came, had some good matches, had to leave early lol
seriously tho anti im gettin that 5$ back next time lol
Bum, never seen a DK 3-stock me before, wanted to get back at you for that o_Oness
Snake, reppin staten island lol
sucks i had to leave early, i was doin good i better not like...lose points or somethin for gettin out early lol
seriously didn think i'd be there till 1am lol my parentsz was buggin lol still good games ppl, and i gotta get better @ doubles lol
(btw, its a ***** to get back on staten island at 2am)


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Why am I gettin bashed on? I actually think if I go all Peach in tourney I can outplace you but w/e.

I main Falco/Marth/Peach/DDD/Snake. I use all those chars almost everyday that I play smash. No one else feels good...only char I have yet to pull out in tourney consistently is Samus I used her a few times but not as much as my main main chars.

Falco gets alotta airtime just BECAUSE the chars that I fight Falco *****, but if I saw an opportunity to go Peach I'd use Peach. I even use Peach alot in teams as well.

Sorry if I don't main ONE char >_>. I guess I'm a loser and that means all the chars I use suck because I don't stick to one <_<.

*leaves in disgust*

LOL @ D1's post.


Those two words don't quite go together when you're posting them.

The day D1 uses Samus vs someone GOOD in tournament is the day I learn to ride a skateboard and aspire to be the next black Tony Hawk....seriously LMAO keep me posted. I'll drop out of college too :laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

But seriously guys, can't we all just get along? The fact is this....

D1's Samus is crappy LMAO!! Nah seriously seriously let's get to the point. Even though I think D1's Samus is crappy, he can still probably beat me in an Ike vs Samus....because he's just that much of a better player. So if he says he can outplace Dark Pch with Peach...well maybe he can. Does it mean that he plays Peach better? Possibly..just because he mains other characters doesn't mean he doesn't have the better peach. :ohwell: Same goes to his Ike, but I really think D1's Ike is crappy too. LOL We will see.

*waits for D1 to call Ike ditto money match....* :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Oh and GG's Malcolm and Eli. I had to leave early cuz you know...I kinda didn't feel like waiting hours for singles to start, not to mention get butt ***** by a group of guys on the way home since the tourney would end at 1 or something. :confused:


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
well ill do my shoutouts

Basic Sausage - beast teammate we messed up a few rounds but overall we still are beasts.

Bum - sick tournament had a great amount of people thanks for the split

Yes! - dude you gave my falco mad trouble your too good keep it up bro

Eazy - funny a$$ dude kept my dying lol we gotta play sometime

Sneak - beast player nice stuff i seen u do in doubles

Izumi - fun doubles matches

Keitaro - Losers final set was epic i got revenge after losing to you in losers semis good ****

Blackanese - good stuff on getting first in teams yo

Snakeee - lol i prevail against you once again you did some amazing stuff in teams good stuff.

TGWarrior - nice money matching you 5 dolla for me

Ref - nice money matching you 1 dolla for me

GFE - nice money matching you 1 dolla for me

all the other people good stuff.
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