the thing with mango trashtalking on commentaries about him is just personal rivalry and disrespect, but that goes deeper than hungryboxes playstyle.
the community then hates on hbox cause mango does, so much fanboy....
but really, he plays good and it is fun to observe his matches, because he often covers a lot of options and makes smart decisions (and awesome rest accuracy. =D) but he just doesnt show that much techskill (cause he's puff, im not judging) which kinda produces less hype around him (to an extent, hes kinda like a snake that tranquilizes the victims with a poison, the poison being his slow but effective way of playing, which is hard for people to read these days it seems, so in a way not his puff but his playstyle is using sing), but i dont get why everyone is mad/hating on him.
I agree, i really love watching him play, he's the best puff for a reason and it's really impressive to see why, but yeah i think people expect more techskill outta him then even possible, jigglypuff can only do so much. He's basically playing the DR.PP of puffs, but of course PP plays falco so it's okay to the community.
Hungrybox is incredibly smart and is likely one of the few people in the world that can do what he does. The closest is Darc, and from there, there's a huge gap with Jigglypuffs. It's the same type of thing Taj does with Mewtwo really, only that Jigglypuff is naturally a good character, so Hungrybox becomes one of the top players in the world.
The community is just dumb.
I agree with you, cept i think it's kinda pushing it saying puff made him top in the world, he might not have been able to get that far with a different character, but certain characters suit the player best.
Hbox might be annoying to play vs (I wouldn't know, never done it, likely never will), but I think he's really fun to watch. It depends on who's perspective you watch the match from. If I focus on Hbox during the match then it's quite a treat because he's so consistent.
Those gimps/walls of pain/rests/never getting hit/baiting sprees are just so good. I was kinda annoyed (mildly) by all the *****ing people were doing during the DGDTJ matches which I just saw.
Btw if anyone gives a serious response to PoundSlap they lose 10 cool points.
Playing vs. him gives you an even better perspective on his super effective style. And yeah , when I was at DGDTJ, I hated watching him vs. mango. the entire crowd would yell and scream anytime mango got even a couple hits in, but when hungrybox would get anything, a stock, a match, or even the entire set for the win, it was dead silence, besides the people hating on him still.
it's a pretty scrubby mentality to hate on him like people do, expecting more flashy out of him.
kaostar said:
I dont think anybody expects anything out of the whining. I also dont think anybody doubts that Hbox is a good player, he just plays mad gay. At the end of the day, nobody really cares, but while its on da youtubes, nobody tryna see dat ****. I also hear matches with him take a toll on your ****ing soul.
In terms of smash being a spectator sport, Hbox is the opposite of a crowd pleaser. Thats really all there is to it.
I also dont think that ppl are impressed with his "smarts" imo its more just playing incredibly safe, and never taking a risk. You kinda have to play "brawl" vs him cuz hes just throwin out back airs man. His style is no doubt effective, its just mad gay. Only Mango thinks he is a bad person lol.
Lol Kaostar everything you're stating like fact is a matter of opinion. Mad gay to you is amazing to me. I search his matches all the time to observe/learn, he's one of the best players in the world, i'm amazed more people don't enjoy watching him regardless of how fast/entertaining he is, just so you can see WHY he's the best. It's not like anyone else is/can do[until proven] what he does.
He pleases me in the crowd, that seems to defy that.
Honestly kao i don't think you understand why he's so good. The fact that he manages to play the way he does at the top level is infact incredibly smart. Lol never taking risks would he imply that he doesn't go off the ledge for offstage kills, never approaches[which he does? go find me any video where he doesn't take plenty of risks] and to say 'he only throws out back airs' sounds incredibly ignorant as if you've never watched, and only heard things about his style. go watch one of his games and actually watch not thinking he's gay. you'll see how incredible his style is.
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