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Question to the community: Why Complain?

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Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
So basically everyone cries about hungrybox daily. Whether it's mango being a *** on the mic blabbering about hbox being gay, or the community/ TONS of comments on youtube complaining about his style, he's boring, gay, etc.

So my question is, what do you all expect from the *****ing/whining/johning?
When you play smash and you're trying to win, you do everything you think is best in each scenario to win. So when you whine and ***** about him, it's like you're expecting him to like, change his natural flow of play, and do something LESS efficient to make everyone happy. Like, you want him to play flashier just to be more appealing, even if it means he'll be playing worse on purpose. Can you honestly expect that out of someone who's trying to maintain a win? To be like, "wait I could bair again here, but then the community might not like it, maybe I should do something less good"

It just makes no sense, that the community expects him to play worse to appeal to everyone else. It's honestly the most immature and SCRUBBIEST thing i've seen in the community since day one for me.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
I think the new generation of smashers just love watching techskill/speed, instead of smarts.

Watching hungrybox **** people is watching melee for me. What's entertaining in this game is obviously a matter of opinion

and @veetaak, i'm aware he's very good and that doesn't need to be proven, but it's like sooo much of the community provides literal HATRED towards the player, not just dislike.

If people were liek 'eh i don't enjoy watching hungrybox, doesn't entertain me' or something like that, that's cool. But in this community it's like, '****ING THANK GOD THAT GAY *** PUFF IS NOT IN FINALS GET ***** ******'


Smash Apprentice
Jul 19, 2010
yea. all the hbox hating is pretty old now. i think most people can see that hes great, gay style or not.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I dont think anybody expects anything out of the whining. I also dont think anybody doubts that Hbox is a good player, he just plays mad gay. At the end of the day, nobody really cares, but while its on da youtubes, nobody tryna see dat ****. I also hear matches with him take a toll on your ****ing soul.

In terms of smash being a spectator sport, Hbox is the opposite of a crowd pleaser. Thats really all there is to it.

I also dont think that ppl are impressed with his "smarts" imo its more just playing incredibly safe, and never taking a risk. You kinda have to play "brawl" vs him cuz hes just throwin out back airs man. His style is no doubt effective, its just mad gay. Only Mango thinks he is a bad person lol.


Smash Master
Sep 27, 2010
Thank you Based Mimi.
Yeah the Hbox whining is really annoying... but I think a lot of it might be a joke anyways. People are just salty when they lose to Bair i think hahaha


Smash Hero
Apr 16, 2009
Question to trahhSTEEZY regarding this thread,

What do you hope to accomplish with this thread *****ing about *****ing? Do you expect to change the minds of idiot youtube trolls who have never have or will accomplish anything? If so, why do you care? Are you making this out of rage? If so, you let the trolls win.


ps i love typing posts in letter form.

Dark Hart

Rejected by Azua
Mar 25, 2008
Death Row, North Carolina
The main problem is that most people don't understand his play style, I've played him a little bit and I don't get it at all.

What we can see is that he uses a gimmicky character, he bairs a lot, and he gets a lot of rests.

So the majority see this, take a few seconds, and then "ARRRRHGHUDFOSIHNLVj843($W#*&FHJ9hr89h soooo gaayyyyy hbox has no skill he just abuses puffffff geerrrrrrrrrrrrr." ... or something to that effect.

It may not always be the most entertaining to watch, but the better I get and the more I analyze it the more I see a very distinct method to the madness.

He's a very, very smart player and is well versed in all aspects of Melee.

He's earning his wins, whether youtube likes it or not, so let's leave it at that.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2010
Los Gatos, CA
the thing with mango trashtalking on commentaries about him is just personal rivalry and disrespect, but that goes deeper than hungryboxes playstyle.
the community then hates on hbox cause mango does, so much fanboy....

but really, he plays good and it is fun to observe his matches, because he often covers a lot of options and makes smart decisions (and awesome rest accuracy. =D) but he just doesnt show that much techskill (cause he's puff, im not judging) which kinda produces less hype around him (to an extent, hes kinda like a snake that tranquilizes the victims with a poison, the poison being his slow but effective way of playing, which is hard for people to read these days it seems, so in a way not his puff but his playstyle is using sing), but i dont get why everyone is mad/hating on him.

edit: i heard people dont like him cause he needs 72% less skill than armada to win big international tournaments?

t3h Icy

Smash Master
Jun 12, 2009
Hungrybox is incredibly smart and is likely one of the few people in the world that can do what he does. The closest is Darc, and from there, there's a huge gap with Jigglypuffs. It's the same type of thing Taj does with Mewtwo really, only that Jigglypuff is naturally a good character, so Hungrybox becomes one of the top players in the world.

The community is just dumb.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 17, 2010
while hungrybox can do what he does (edgeguard, bair, utilt+rest) there is still to wonder if hes really skilled. a lot of people dont actually know how good armada is and a lot of his smart and techskilled moves are often overlooked. but lets assume that armadas peach skill could be transfered onto jigglypuff. he would be way better than hungrybox and thats the important point. other players are way more skilled and smarter than hungrybox because jigglypuff needs less skill to be good with.

Deleted member

Hbox might be annoying to play vs (I wouldn't know, never done it, likely never will), but I think he's really fun to watch. It depends on who's perspective you watch the match from. If I focus on Hbox during the match then it's quite a treat because he's so consistent.

Those gimps/walls of pain/rests/never getting hit/baiting sprees are just so good. I was kinda annoyed (mildly) by all the *****ing people were doing during the DGDTJ matches which I just saw.

Btw if anyone gives a serious response to PoundSlap they lose 10 cool points.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
the thing with mango trashtalking on commentaries about him is just personal rivalry and disrespect, but that goes deeper than hungryboxes playstyle.
the community then hates on hbox cause mango does, so much fanboy....

but really, he plays good and it is fun to observe his matches, because he often covers a lot of options and makes smart decisions (and awesome rest accuracy. =D) but he just doesnt show that much techskill (cause he's puff, im not judging) which kinda produces less hype around him (to an extent, hes kinda like a snake that tranquilizes the victims with a poison, the poison being his slow but effective way of playing, which is hard for people to read these days it seems, so in a way not his puff but his playstyle is using sing), but i dont get why everyone is mad/hating on him.
I agree, i really love watching him play, he's the best puff for a reason and it's really impressive to see why, but yeah i think people expect more techskill outta him then even possible, jigglypuff can only do so much. He's basically playing the DR.PP of puffs, but of course PP plays falco so it's okay to the community.

Hungrybox is incredibly smart and is likely one of the few people in the world that can do what he does. The closest is Darc, and from there, there's a huge gap with Jigglypuffs. It's the same type of thing Taj does with Mewtwo really, only that Jigglypuff is naturally a good character, so Hungrybox becomes one of the top players in the world.

The community is just dumb.
I agree with you, cept i think it's kinda pushing it saying puff made him top in the world, he might not have been able to get that far with a different character, but certain characters suit the player best.

Hbox might be annoying to play vs (I wouldn't know, never done it, likely never will), but I think he's really fun to watch. It depends on who's perspective you watch the match from. If I focus on Hbox during the match then it's quite a treat because he's so consistent.

Those gimps/walls of pain/rests/never getting hit/baiting sprees are just so good. I was kinda annoyed (mildly) by all the *****ing people were doing during the DGDTJ matches which I just saw.

Btw if anyone gives a serious response to PoundSlap they lose 10 cool points.
Playing vs. him gives you an even better perspective on his super effective style. And yeah , when I was at DGDTJ, I hated watching him vs. mango. the entire crowd would yell and scream anytime mango got even a couple hits in, but when hungrybox would get anything, a stock, a match, or even the entire set for the win, it was dead silence, besides the people hating on him still.

it's a pretty scrubby mentality to hate on him like people do, expecting more flashy out of him.

kaostar said:
I dont think anybody expects anything out of the whining. I also dont think anybody doubts that Hbox is a good player, he just plays mad gay. At the end of the day, nobody really cares, but while its on da youtubes, nobody tryna see dat ****. I also hear matches with him take a toll on your ****ing soul.

In terms of smash being a spectator sport, Hbox is the opposite of a crowd pleaser. Thats really all there is to it.

I also dont think that ppl are impressed with his "smarts" imo its more just playing incredibly safe, and never taking a risk. You kinda have to play "brawl" vs him cuz hes just throwin out back airs man. His style is no doubt effective, its just mad gay. Only Mango thinks he is a bad person lol.
Lol Kaostar everything you're stating like fact is a matter of opinion. Mad gay to you is amazing to me. I search his matches all the time to observe/learn, he's one of the best players in the world, i'm amazed more people don't enjoy watching him regardless of how fast/entertaining he is, just so you can see WHY he's the best. It's not like anyone else is/can do[until proven] what he does.

He pleases me in the crowd, that seems to defy that.

Honestly kao i don't think you understand why he's so good. The fact that he manages to play the way he does at the top level is infact incredibly smart. Lol never taking risks would he imply that he doesn't go off the ledge for offstage kills, never approaches[which he does? go find me any video where he doesn't take plenty of risks] and to say 'he only throws out back airs' sounds incredibly ignorant as if you've never watched, and only heard things about his style. go watch one of his games and actually watch not thinking he's gay. you'll see how incredible his style is.


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trahhSTEEZY, Oh So Steezy,


Smash Ace
Dec 25, 2009
My heart drops when HBox gets off. Like when mango is ****** him and mango ****s up once and gets a stock took off of one move it makes kid cry. Then its just it just a standard *** puff. Pound 4 GF's made commentators go to sleep lol.

HBox wins = Nobody cheers, nobody claps, kids cry hell i think ive cried.

only thing I like about HBOX matches is to air horn to wake People up lol jk

(much love for HBox he's mad good)


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I didnt say that he wasnt smart. I said, I dont think ppl are necessarily impressed with his "smarts" he just plays incredibly safe.

going off stage as a puff for an edgegauard is a very minimal risk so I dont know what ur talking about. hella pounds and 6 jumps LMAO oh **** how will he ever make it back.

I Acknowledge Hbox as one of the best players, I ALWAYS have(since he got off).

FYI-a crowd pleaser usually gets cheered for not booed. You cant say he pleases crowds when its like u and 5 of ur friends yellin ...ye go Hbox, and then 200 ppl are jocking the **** out of silent spectre.

When Im stating matters of opinion I like to use words like "I think" and I throw in a couple "imo" just so there is no confusion. Read a little more carefully.

I told you WHY that ***** gets off. He plays extremely safe. its hard to hit that dude, its hard to kill that dude. Jiggz has stupid recovery and a super strong punish game, aka 1 mistake is a stock. Not to say he doesnt have innovation, or that he doesnt have hella skill. But when ur just licking their shield with bairs all game it gets kinda old after awhile. Yea I still like when Hbox busts out like 3 rests and removes all hope in the first minute of the game. But whenever somebody decides they wanna compete with that dude, snooze fest. They are now forced to play mad gay just like he does.

I wouldnt say **** about his style if I hadnt seen it myself. And when I didnt exp it first hand I wrote "I hear matches with him take a toll on your soul". Smh. Anyways, when **** hits the fan for Hbox, yogi and boo boo are spotted all over the ****ing place. I never said there is anything wrong with his playstyle, and in a serious manner I never will. Im not gonna argue with results.

Bottom line his style isnt entertaining to most ppl. Its just not appealing. Its effective, but alot of ppl dont give a ****. You cant really argue with this because you just made this thread asking why doesnt hbox's style appeal to most of the the smashers. I also dont think ppl enjoy playing that *****, but this has nothing to do with him as a person or anything dont get me wrong.


Smash Lord
Jan 9, 2009
Cleveland, Ohio! my homeplace but for now living i
why do you care so much

everyone respects the matches for what they are but you cant make people like something

trying beyond respect is stupid... take what you have and continue on...

remember that and your conscious will be much better off sometimes

hes good and he seems good natured but his style is gay as ****

i personally dont mind puff dittos cause it teaches you to space that gay ****

but is it so wrong that fox vs falco is much more visually appealing to look at
well it is!


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2006
San jose
isnt there a rule against making threads about swf members?? This thread is pointless anyway


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2006
Canton, Ohio
lol @ OP taking youtube comments seriously. Hungrybox's play can be exciting. When I was watching that one match of him vs zhu at Genesis (I think), I saw that Zhu had a 3-1 lead and that there were 30 seconds left and had that "meh, obvious outcome is obvious" feeling... Then Hbox rested. And rested again. And rested again. I almost fell out of my chair. Definitely as exciting as Tang vs Lunin imo. Jigglypuff gets lots of low percent kills, so I enjoy watching puff.

It's just not exciting when Hbox plays another puff, because that matchup has limited options (especially killing potential... You can't really rest or gimp). Then again I don't really find dittos that exciting, I'd be just as disappointed to see double marth or double peach or double sheik. Falcon/spacie dittos are probably the only exception. Not every character is as fast as fox/falco/falcon, get over it guys.

I guess another problem people have with puff matches is that the OTHER person can't do flashy stuff either and has to do stuff like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlZ85p5yyxY

Youtube commenters are ********, Hbox is hella legit, haters are just jealous.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 31, 2010
Los Gatos, CA
isnt there a rule against making threads about swf members?? This thread is pointless anyway
It's a thread about the hating in the community, we just use hungrybox as an example cause, well, no one else gets hated on that much for winning and being good. it's imo interesting to watch him play and youtube commentaries have the drawback of taking attention from the match itself. a commentated match will always create the feelings in you that the commentators were having the time they recorded the video, and since there really isn't much to say about puffdittos... you get the idea


Smash Rookie
Dec 15, 2010
Of course no one is gonna cheer for hbox.. Playing cool gets you the crowd
Playing not cool gets you nothing except your 2 friends who cheer for you hahaha


Smash Ace
Jul 23, 2008
yea this thread is definitely pretty pointless lol it's all perspective/perception and how you view the game

he wins so some ppl see him as mad tight/exciting

he wins so some ppl see him as mad weak/gay

haters gon' hate


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
I think when people think of melee they think of playing for the "honor", excitement, and love of the game. Unfortunately Hbox's playsyle doesn't really cater to this general ideology therefore creates a false image of his character. I guess when people call Hbox's playstyle gay, they question his honor. Hbox plays to win so be it, no one is forcing people to like it. Personally I don't like his playstyle, but thats how I feel. To each his own I say. I think JB said this on stream,"Just because Hbox plays like a ***** doesn't mean he is a ***** in real life". People often confuse the two.

I honestly don't believe puff is gay, I mean mango beat jman without resorting to rest at Winterfest


Smash Journeyman
Jun 10, 2006
Kingston, ON
I'm a little sleepy right now from some meds, so if my flow is confusing or if my grammar sucks, then I'm sorry. Oh, and if my thoughts seem disconnected in any way, or if my logic fails.

I think that HBox is a phenomenal player and a very honest and cool guy to play with and to talk to. I occasionally become incensed when I see people bash him, and hoping that he ****ing fails or some crap like that. No need for such hate in this community. We all play hard to get better, and we all want to get better; we are all just people playing a game with the same mindset. So when HBox trained hard to get better with Puff and we all watched him succeed, I find it pathetic that he get trashed talked to such an appalling degree, that some begin to dislike him in real life.

tl;dr We are all just people playing a game with the same mindset i.e. to get better, so it is absolutely ridiculous to punish a man who has excelled at our own philosophy. The notion is ridiculous.

If this made no sense or anyone finds what I said objectionable, I'll be back tomorrow.

p.s. I found an American penny from 1910 in my coffeeshop till today!

AXE 09

Smash Master
Dec 3, 2006
Avondale, AZ
When you play smash and you're trying to win, you do everything you think is best in each scenario to win. So when you whine and ***** about him, it's like you're expecting him to like, change his natural flow of play, and do something LESS efficient to make everyone happy. Like, you want him to play flashier just to be more appealing, even if it means he'll be playing worse on purpose. Can you honestly expect that out of someone who's trying to maintain a win? To be like, "wait I could bair again here, but then the community might not like it, maybe I should do something less good"
I just wanna point out that you CAN play with a style that appeals to the crowd while being just as effective, or even MORE effective. For example, look at Hbox's Jiggs compared to Mango's Jiggs. Both of them seem to be equally as effective, except I'm sure that a majority of people would agree that Mango's jiggs is much more entertaining. Just because you play flashier/faster does not mean that you're playing worse or less effective.

Gay does not equal good. Likewise, flashy does not equal good. You are only good if you play gay EFFECTIVELY, or play flashy EFFECTIVELY. Whether you play gay, flashy, or somewhere in between just depends on whatever works for you the best.

Also, I'm gonna be honest. I seriously do not enjoy watching Hbox play, but at the same time, we have to thank him for proving the point that you do not have to play flashy to win. You have to play SMART, not just flashy, gay, fast, or slow. Whether you play flashy, gay, fast, or slow just depends on whichever one suits you the best. Any variety of those can be equally as effective.

Just as a side note... Although I don't like the way he plays, I've never taken any credit away from him. I think he's extremely smart, and I personally think he's the 2nd best player in the world right now. He's an awesome guy irl and he's shown that he cares a lot for our community, so I'm very happy to have a top player who helps us so much. His skill shows just like any other top player, in that nobody is able to mimic what he does and get the same results. I hate how people think he doesn't have much skill because "he just spams Bair." There's a reason no other player in the world has been as successful doing that. Hbox is just a genius, and a large portion of the Melee community can't understand that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 21, 2009
I have a theory that us complaining and being butthurt about hbox's style only adds to his prowess (and arousement). If we accept and maybe even encourage his playstyle he may lose some of his power, and some of the more exciting players will start beating him.

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
I just wanna point out that you CAN play with a style that appeals to the crowd while being just as effective, or even MORE effective. For example, look at Hbox's Jiggs compared to Mango's Jiggs. Both of them seem to be equally as effective, except I'm sure that a majority of people would agree that Mango's jiggs is much more entertaining. Just because you play flashier/faster does not mean that you're playing worse or less effective.
I'd be willing to argue that Mango's Puff was in no way flashier than Hbox's. In fact if anything the only reason that Mango's puff ever seemed more interesting to watch is because he's just so stupidly much better than most of his opponents. If you ever go back and actually watch Mango's puff it's basically just Hbox's puff with better reads and fewer mistakes. Its not interesting to see at all and abuses Rest and Bair just as much, its just that no one on WC will ever admit to that cus it's mango(and then EC just takes it to the super extreme and does nothing but ***** about it)

Also, Flashy equates to unnecessary movement. Efficiency is the opposite of flashy, its the few movements to equal out to the greatest rewards. Flashy equates to movements with no actual meaning behind them, its movement for the sake of movement. It's more opportunities to screw up with literally no amount of added value to it. Flashy efficient doesnt exist simply because efficiency cant be flashy.
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