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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
fox boards would know better, but i'd say it varies given the current situation the fox is in. shine off stage, nair at non-cc percents for priority, usmash at kill percent, etc.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Fox vs falco?

Mehhhh definitely in fox's favor >_<

I'm realizing more and more that fox's punishment game is honestly just as good/better than falco's. Falco also has an insanely HUGE issue getting solid hits on the fox, if the fox is trying his best to avoid them. This doesn't mean the fox has to camp, just avoid all the major hits that lead to combos and he's good. On the other hand, like half his moves lead into a combo on you; so its just as good of a punishment game, better at avoiding getting hit, and you have more setups into combos...

Fox is broken.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
I think the matchup is even. Falco wants to stay mid screen and choose his battles until he can get that laser -> grab, cross up shield, or in some way start a safe offense. Fox wants to stay on top of Falco, pressure, shine him/otherwise knock him down, and never let him regain solid footing. Whoever gets what they want ends up winning most of the time.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
I think the matchup is even. Falco wants to stay mid screen and choose his battles until he can get that laser -> grab, cross up shield, or in some way start a safe offense. Fox wants to stay on top of Falco, pressure, shine him/otherwise knock him down, and never let him regain solid footing. Whoever gets what they want ends up winning most of the time.
Who has an easier time doing that though? I'd definitely say fox has significantly more ways to start up the stuff that gets him to a winning position.

Fox's OoS game is pretty amazing, so he can stop a lot of falco's standard stuff. Falco's grab gets you stuff sometimes, but usually not an extended combo. Falco's laser grab is shieldgrabbable, or you can just shine OoS with relative safety.

Can you elaborate on this safe offense?

*Summon PP*


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
on the whole topic of friendlies counting/not counting, i just wanna say that personally, if im at a out of state/country tourny and playing friendlies vs people i never get to play, I usually play moderately serious.

2 reasons are because for one, im likely in a rotation and losing means i wont get to play for 3-4 rounds. and Second, you only get a chance to compete vs a very limited amount of people in tournament matches. for 99% of people you meet at a tourny, your only gauge of your skill vs theirs is friendlies and sometimes MM.

i personally like to know where relatively where i stand vs people so if i've never played them before, i go like 80% try hard in friendlies.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
I think ultimately what Fox is doing to beat Falco is harder than what Falco is doing to beat Fox (Tech chasing vs DI reading).

Any mistake on the Fox's part during his punishes will cost him half his stock.

Meanwhile any mistake Falco makes punishing...shouldn't be made...it's easy and the other player has much less influence over the situation than in reverse while being tech chased.

Falco's edgeguard is more consistent and reliable imo. With a good read you might get a cheap shine with fox but other than that you need to ledgehop bair and stuff which takes time and setup which you don't have in every spot. Falco standing on stage and lasering and eventually punishing whatever pretty obvious/necessary recovery Fox needs to do in response is pretty solid.

Falco also has pretty solid defenses to Fox's combo starters (CCing, smash DI), where as Fox doesn't really have that or if he does it's much more situational to me at least.

Just feels like what Falco does to Fox provides better consistency than what Fox does to Falco.


Smash Hero
Jun 13, 2007
College Park, MD
Can you elaborate on this safe offense?
What I mean is that Falco just has to wait until he locks Fox down with one laser. After you get Fox to shield or force him to land by lasering him in the air, you get free "hit confirms." E.g., shine his shield and wavedash backward out of shine. Jab -> grab his shield. Cross up his shield with a dair or nair. Late laser -> grab. In any of the situations when you could grab you also could substitute an instant dair to keep Fox honest so that he doesn't try to stuff future grab attempts.

Let me know if this makes sense. It might be incoherent.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
the problem with fox is "shoot more lasers" isnt the solution :(

plus his out-of-shield game is on crack so even when you "lock" him in his shield he doesn't afraid of anything.
and grabbing him doesnt lead into anything reliable or combo worthy. when fox grabs you its ggs

and about falco having the historical advantage, i hoenstly believe there has just never been a fox main as good as any of the falco mains. Falco has always had amazing rep from top players who main him. Fox has never had a forward/shiz/bombsoilder player until RIGHT NOW with jman and lucky.

like who they had? M2k? he played marth vs falcos. and you cant even count PC cuz pc played falco too. Falco only has the historical advantage cuz falco players > fox players in the past


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
We never had a pro fox like Kdj m2k or pc chris


I'm not gonna get into stcky number bs but druggy's post was full of stupid in a lot of places lololol


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
I'll give you Kdj. im torn over PC cuz he played both and became famous with falco then switched to fox

but M2k definitely doesnt count because he played marth vs falco since the beginning of time, so that doesnt factor into falco's dominance in the matchup.

Jman and lucky didnt just "get good" but what i meant was that only in the last ~2 years have we had fox mains = falco mains in skill.

i stand by the statement that falco mains have just happened to be better players snce the beginning of forever.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
jman dominated zhu sunday at DGDTJ. 3-0

this is a fox that knows the falco matchup VERY well.

it's hard for all of us to judge this matchup without bias, because at lower levels its just flat out easier for falco imo. and then people say crap like oh well it's harder for fox to be more precise and get the combos blah blah, but thats what top level is. precise, not messing up very often. i think it's silly as **** to say it's clearly falcos favor.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Well, no.

Tech chasing has inherently much smaller margin for error than guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow.

It's also very situational, because often there will happen to be an option that can't be covered based on timing and positioning and if the falco happens to choose that then he escapes. The same doesn't apply when fox gets shined.

Plus top players are human and still make TONS of mistakes. Nobody is even close to playing this game perfectly yet...

And once they do, every matchup will be even right? Cause everything's being done perfectly so nothing is harder than anything else.

Edit: I will say for Fox, though, that while his follow ups are more difficult and there is more Falco can do to help himself than Fox can do to help himself in Falco combos, there may be a bit more upside to Fox's combos. Falco combos seem pretty solid and consistent, but rarely is it like full stock ****. If Fox manages to get some good momentum going the potential for a heavier punish than Falco is capable of is there imo.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
even at a low level, fox beats falco if they know what they're doing. Players with good DI and movement can make it nearly impossible for Falco to start anything until relatively high percentage, avoid most lasers, and get in on falco more easily.

Fox's tech chase game is as good, if not better than falcos since fox's run speed isn't slow as molasses, making most of fox's tech chase opprotunities at low/mid % very easy, and it's much easier for fox to get hard knockdown with his moveset.


Smash Master
Aug 13, 2006
Seattle, WA (slightly north of U-District)
How is the history skewed in favor of Falco as much as you guys are implying?

Jman/Lucky have traded sets with PP at the majors in the past year or so
Lucky vs. Zhu has gone back and forth, Jman vs. Lambchops also.

Well, no.

Tech chasing has inherently much smaller margin for error than guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow.
guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow only works for 40% or so. After that Falco has to get a read on techs or trick the Fox's DI somehow. It happens regularly enough, but Falco's guaranteed combos don't really come close to taking Fox's stock.

Fox gets a chance at punishment off pretty much any hit or knockdown though. Even if he can't follow it up directly, it'll put Falco in a disadvantaged position where it's more likely Fox can keep the pressure going and eventually get a hit.

It's harder for Falco to land a combo starting hit, since doing an aerial with the intent of linking it to shine is a pretty big commitment for Falco compared to the things he can do with lower risk.

It's also very situational, because often there will happen to be an option that can't be covered based on timing and positioning and if the falco happens to choose that then he escapes. The same doesn't apply when fox gets shined.
This pretty much never happens. Often Fox can't cover every option on reaction, but it's very rare that there's an option that Fox simply can't reach in time. Fox's run speed is a lot faster than tech roll speed...


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
even at a low level, fox beats falco if they know what they're doing. Players with good DI and movement can make it nearly impossible for Falco to start anything until relatively high percentage, avoid most lasers, and get in on falco more easily.

Fox's tech chase game is as good, if not better than falcos since fox's run speed isn't slow as molasses, making most of fox's tech chase opprotunities at low/mid % very easy, and it's much easier for fox to get hard knockdown with his moveset.
lol, hate to break it to you ruby, but those foxes were just better than you. no one seriously argues about the matchup at the low level, Falco ***** Fox when the players don't really know what they're doing.


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
lol, hate to break it to you ruby, but those foxes were just better than you. no one seriously argues about the matchup at the low level, Falco ***** Fox when the players don't really know what they're doing.
i wouldn't assume like that, he plays both characters, he plays the matchup as fox vs falco really well for his his/our level. he also said 'if they know what they're doing', and you said the opposite.

like, i'd feel more comfortable against his falco vs my falco over his fox. he knew the fox vs falco matchup as fox decently well.

but i dont play against fox ever so that could've been why.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
We never had a pro fox like Kdj m2k or pc chris


I'm not gonna get into stcky number bs but druggy's post was full of stupid in a lot of places lololol
Do tell

Also, @ everyone else

Something being harder doesn't really mean much to me. If it's guaranteed, its guaranteed. Sure, fox's combos are "harder" than falcos, but honestly at a high level of play this shouldn't make a difference.

I honestly think fox's tech chase is more guaranteed than a lot of falco's combos. On platform stages SDI'ing shines completely messes up falco's shine-->waveland game. At low percents, SDI'ing falco's dairs behind him can force the falco to change up how he's approaching the combo game completely. At higher %s where dair hits fox into the ground, its a 50/50 between tech rolling (which falco can wait for and guaranteed hit afterwards) or tech in place/not teching.

What does fox do? Get falco on the ground, then watch where he goes. Not to mention, if you want to be specific, fox usually needs less hits on his combos to get the same damage output; this allows for a larger margin of error on falco's combos than fox's. If fox gets two upsmashes and a nair (and messes up afterwards so no more hits) he gets 46% on falco. That hardly takes any effort, compared to falco's repeated shine dairs which can be made more difficult as described above.

Edgeguarding? At least fox can tech the majority of falco's standard edgeguards. Once again, sure falco has it easier by just laser--> dsmash/dair/bair whatever you want. On the other hand, you can't really tech fox's stuff, and he has a better chance overall to gimp falco by getting shines/double shines near the edge.

Then stuff winston said.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
shut up fox is ****ing free
For you

Who has an easier time doing that though? I'd definitely say fox has significantly more ways to start up the stuff that gets him to a winning position.

Fox's OoS game is pretty amazing, so he can stop a lot of falco's standard stuff. Falco's grab gets you stuff sometimes, but usually not an extended combo. Falco's laser grab is shieldgrabbable, or you can just shine OoS with relative safety.

Can you elaborate on this safe offense?

*Summon PP*
There's more you can do to stuff that, but people don't know.


I think ultimately what Fox is doing to beat Falco is harder than what Falco is doing to beat Fox (Tech chasing vs DI reading).

Any mistake on the Fox's part during his punishes will cost him half his stock.

Meanwhile any mistake Falco makes punishing...shouldn't be made...it's easy and the other player has much less influence over the situation than in reverse while being tech chased.

Falco's edgeguard is more consistent and reliable imo. With a good read you might get a cheap shine with fox but other than that you need to ledgehop bair and stuff which takes time and setup which you don't have in every spot. Falco standing on stage and lasering and eventually punishing whatever pretty obvious/necessary recovery Fox needs to do in response is pretty solid.

Falco also has pretty solid defenses to Fox's combo starters (CCing, smash DI), where as Fox doesn't really have that or if he does it's much more situational to me at least.

Just feels like what Falco does to Fox provides better consistency than what Fox does to Falco.
Yeah it probably looks harder because Foxes make it harder than it needs to be.

Any mistake on Fox's part costs him half a stock, okay. Any mistake on Falco's part should be his ENTIRE stock anywhere on the stage. Maybe not always, but Falco will take a TON of damage at the least.

Falco's edgeguard is nowhere near as good as Fox's wtf. Fox is FAST. Falco is SLOW. Fox's recovery is BIG. Falco's is LITTLE. Falco gets some nice side B recoveries because of its gayness in the middle every so often, but overall things are much better for Fox. Falco gets to control Fox's height with lasers, but that's difficult because Fox can switch between side B and up-B as long as he keeps getting hit. He can also choose to drop instead of do one of those at any time, and if Falco ever double lasers then Twitch has started to take the first hit, drop a little, and side B under me as the second one is coming out and hitting me/being safe. Fox on the other hand can run everywhere and anywhere to hit Falco's recovery, including out at him, because it's not like Falco's up-B has protective flames or anything....

That next line doesn't say a lot. Fox can space Bairs and beat CC'ing. He can dash in and shine to beat CC'ing/SDI'ing. He can bait defensive attacks and punish with his **** speed.

Fox can shine OOS/Usmash OOS to beat shield pressure, Usmash OOS to beat spaced moves, and just WD OOS/jump OOS/take the hit to upsmash or something to deal with lasers. Also Fox Upsmash trades with Falco Nair, so if you CC the Nair then you get a freeeee comboooo

Feels to me like Fox's don't do their jobs well enough.

falco ***** fox. proof: history.

falco players QQing over fox pisses me off to no end. You should be begging to fight fox every round at every tournament, and fox players never want to play falco.

No QQ'ing here but I'll be darned if I enjoy missing a tough tech chase in a high speed combo and then I get Uthrow reaction tech chase to anything I can do.

Fox players need to step it up then.

jman dominated zhu sunday at DGDTJ. 3-0

this is a fox that knows the falco matchup VERY well.

it's hard for all of us to judge this matchup without bias, because at lower levels its just flat out easier for falco imo. and then people say crap like oh well it's harder for fox to be more precise and get the combos blah blah, but thats what top level is. precise, not messing up very often. i think it's silly as **** to say it's clearly falcos favor.
Zhu hasn't been playing this game....and neither has Jman.....soooo I don't care much about that set to be honest.

Jman hasn't been keeping up with metagame because he hasn't been playing.

Ugh why is lower level being used here.

Well, no.

Tech chasing has inherently much smaller margin for error than guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow.

It's also very situational, because often there will happen to be an option that can't be covered based on timing and positioning and if the falco happens to choose that then he escapes. The same doesn't apply when fox gets shined.

Plus top players are human and still make TONS of mistakes. Nobody is even close to playing this game perfectly yet...

And once they do, every matchup will be even right? Cause everything's being done perfectly so nothing is harder than anything else.

Edit: I will say for Fox, though, that while his follow ups are more difficult and there is more Falco can do to help himself than Fox can do to help himself in Falco combos, there may be a bit more upside to Fox's combos. Falco combos seem pretty solid and consistent, but rarely is it like full stock ****. If Fox manages to get some good momentum going the potential for a heavier punish than Falco is capable of is there imo.
Fox's need to show you guys how to tech chase better then. They only have to get like 1...maaaybe 2 good guesses/reads that are relatively easy to hit and peace out Falco.

How about when Fox is past 40% when he's getting comboed/shined?

I'm counting mistakes in my estimation of the matchup.

Lol dawg Fox is the best, tied with Bowser at perfect play. That ain't what this is about though.

They take a couple more reads sometimes, but they're not really any harder.

How is the history skewed in favor of Falco as much as you guys are implying?

Jman/Lucky have traded sets with PP at the majors in the past year or so
Lucky vs. Zhu has gone back and forth, Jman vs. Lambchops also.

guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow -> guaranteed follow only works for 40% or so. After that Falco has to get a read on techs or trick the Fox's DI somehow. It happens regularly enough, but Falco's guaranteed combos don't really come close to taking Fox's stock.

Fox gets a chance at punishment off pretty much any hit or knockdown though. Even if he can't follow it up directly, it'll put Falco in a disadvantaged position where it's more likely Fox can keep the pressure going and eventually get a hit.

It's harder for Falco to land a combo starting hit, since doing an aerial with the intent of linking it to shine is a pretty big commitment for Falco compared to the things he can do with lower risk.

This pretty much never happens. Often Fox can't cover every option on reaction, but it's very rare that there's an option that Fox simply can't reach in time. Fox's run speed is a lot faster than tech roll speed...
K this is cool.

yea, falco ***** everyone at low-mid level


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
happy to know that PP and DruggedFox got my back on the Fox beats Falco debate.

God that match up makes me upset as Falco. :(


Smash Apprentice
Sep 30, 2009
PP list these chars in ur opinion of who is hardest for falco;

shiek, marth, fox, peach, jiggs, samus, ganon

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
It's annoying partly because fox can be so damn evasive, makes it a chore to catch him.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.

Ganon if ur dumb
Peach if ur dumb
Ganon if ur smart
Peach if ur smart and the peach's name isnt armada.


Smash Ace
Jan 17, 2010
Where amazing happens
This looks like a bad timme. oh well :) are falcos moves after the Shine DI dependant? because i am having trouble landing shine dair and shine bair am i not fast enough or does DI play a big part in this?

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
well depends on the scenario/character

grounded shine or shine in the air? fastfaller/floatie? percent?

too vague of a q

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
PP list these chars in ur opinion of who is hardest for falco;

shiek, marth, fox, peach, jiggs, samus, ganon
I hate Samus and have no idea where she goes lol.

Hmm alright I can do this.

Sheik, Puff(could be switched with Sheik totally not sure), Marth, Peach, Fox, Samus, Ganon

That was really hard and I could change some of it around.

It's annoying partly because fox can be so damn evasive, makes it a chore to catch him.
He can turn around and hit you when you try to come in a lot, but if you play too slow to bait that then you're pretty easy to run circles around. lol mccliggins


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Wait PP... you don't think marth is the worst matchup for falco ever? Or are the other matchups so equally bad for falco that they out-terrible falco vs marth?


Nah I'm just kidding, but you on AIM?


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
okay so just to clear up what actually happened in history:

the only elite-class fox mains we've ever had were KDJ and M2K. KDJ's fox lost to PC's falco, and so did M2K. M2K switched to marth, tore PC's falco a new one, and then PC started playing fox. He almost never used fox before around that time. I don't remember KDJ's fox ever winning a set to PC's falco, and I remember him losing at at least one best of 11 which seems pretty conclusive to me.

So basically historically, at the top level, falcos beat foxes. You can't mix and match.
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