Hey guys. I was going to make a thread about this but I decided to just post it here. It's just what I personally think of "sick johns".
Top smashers getting sick at tournies is nothing new. I remember hungrybox getting food poisoning at Pound 5 and Peepee was sick at Genesis and Apex and whatever. It's really unfortunate and unlucky, because getting sick impacts how well you play. However, I personally don't accept being sick as an excuse for doing poorly at a tournament. That's because I think staying healthy is an element of preparation for a big event, just like practice and researching potential opponents.
Imagine studying for midterms. The night before the midterm, you catch a cold and you have a headache. You didn't sleep a lot because you still had a ton of studying to do and you end up bombing the test because you felt like crap and couldn't concentrate. Whose fault is that? Maintaining your body (getting enough sleep) and studying are both components of preparation. Yes, random accidents happen. You can't do too much to prevent catching a cold except mitigating the risk by allotting extra time to sleep. No matter what, YOU are responsible for the ultimate outcome. YOU have to overcome obstacles in your way instead of blaming your failure on other things. That's just how I've always been taught to approach preparing for something, I hope this makes sense.
Back to Melee. Peepee getting sick at Genesis absolutely sucks. I heard that he was sick for a long time before the touney and just didn't get better. Life is unfair sometimes and I gained a lot of respect for Peepee because he didn't let it get to him. Outside of these situations, however, your personal condition is usually under your control. Get enough sleep, wash your hands, avoid sick people, exercise. I'm not pointing anyone out, and I'm not implying that Peepee didn't take precautions before Genesis or Apex (he could have been in a bubble for a month beforehand and got sick at the venue for all I know), but people have more control over getting sick than you'd think.
Just my two cents. Totally not disrespecting Peepee in any way. The only think that was sick at Apex imo was his Falco. Amazing as always.