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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Hey, everyone has johns as to why they lost, it's kind of normal. Though doesn't mean you have to say it everytime, I could say I played like *** vs Chillin but at the same time he straight up defeated me. I mean when someone beats someone, it's normally a mix of someone getting outplayed and perhaps failing a little too much to have won. I don't really need to justify anything since once you lost then you can't really go back in the past and fix the problem.. you have to look forward and see how you can beat him again next time. Heh. =)


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
I guess I am just upset that after Genesis2 he johned about being sick, and now after Apex he johns about being sick again. Even at rom4 he had johns, and I guess I think instead of hiding behind johns he should man up and accept to defeat. Even worse to give these implication johns instead of admitting them outright is just really bad.....but whatever.
Where does he not accept being beaten? He knows he was beaten but knows also that he could have done better and that had he played better he shouldn't have lost. He's probably mad at himself and wants to leave it behind him and move on. Probably also doesn't want to inspire people to troll him for "hurr hurr johns" and further talk on a subject he doesn't care to dwell on so leave him alone, I mean why the hell does he have to answer to you?


Smash Ace
May 30, 2010
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Projecting what?

I already said that I understand he isn't obligated to answer.

I guess I am just upset that after Genesis2 he johned about being sick, and now after Apex he johns about being sick again. Even at rom4 he had johns, and I guess I think instead of hiding behind johns he should man up and accept to defeat. Even worse to give these implication johns instead of admitting them outright is just really bad.....but whatever.
I can understand it...

like imagine if you worked your *** off to get as good as you did and you place consistently in top 3 for a while

then some random guy you've barely even heard about comes out of nowhere and then beats you pretty handily and like embarassment unnecessary shines you for a stock

if that was me I would be so tempted to john too

sort of like an extended Mango hangover john, yet to silence the critics in the tournaments ahead like Mango did after Kage


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
PP's face when Tang went Link:

Javi's face when he beat PP:

Armada's face at the character select screen vs. Hbox:



Smash Lord
Apr 21, 2010
Heard this was the place to post videos now? These are all pre-apex practice, need some help...also you might want to mute lol

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pjwu5I2dtW8 vs marth
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWLF3d1xMNE vs falcon
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZRp_G_1ScXM vs luigi

I already went through these before apex so I've improved on a lot of things...hopefully I play less like a complete ****** now compared to these (ie I actually pay attention to my opponent now :urg:) but still, any advice appreciated :)

Personal thoughts:
stop shine-shine-wavelanding so much for no reason
high lasers vs luigi are stupid and don't do much if they're expecting them
don't give marth that much control of center stage
stick with dairshine combos on falcon
don't try to doubleshine on fd if you're not sure you're going to land it, otherwise no 2nd jump
watch your goddamn opponent when playing
stop forgetting to change up aerial timing for pressure


Smash Legend
Aug 31, 2005
Jarrettsville, MD
Vs. Marth
You do A LOT of unnecessary movement which is just leading to him landing random hits on you. Pretty much all of the wavelanding around was just asking to get hit. It's okay to be running around on the top platform once in a while, but you primarily want to stay on the ground so you can use lasers, and stay off the side platforms to just avoid utilts. Other than that, your punishes were a bit off. You kept missing followups on shine which should be your bread and butter combo. Sometimes you can just do a quick SH -> DJ -> dair out of the shine without having to waveland, but if you do need to shine waveland, don't slide off. Marth goes too high from shine for that to work. You mainly see people shine waveland off vs. spacies.

Vs. Falcon
You really just didn't combo correctly. lol It's not hard to combo Falcon on FD, you just need to practice it and make sure you end with him getting spiked or at least a solid hit to send him off stage.

Vs. Luigi
You did a lot of the same **** as you did vs. Wenbo. You were just wavelanding around completely missing a bunch of opportunities to approach as well as give Vist a bunch of opportunities to literally do whatever he wanted... Lock his WD game down with lasers and SHFFL dair in place, and don't always feel the need to use an aerial every time you jump off a platform because they look really obvious and he was just waiting to punish your lag. You also missed good opportunities for KOs. The ceiling on YS is low, and Luigi is floaty so know when to go for KOs. With no DI, dtilt will kill at 82%, 89%, and 97% from the top platform, side platforms, and stage respectively. Shine to double jump shine is even more amazing. It will kill him at 18%, 39%, and 61%. That means almost any time you dair Luigi onto the top plat and can link it into shine, you can gimp him off the top.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 13, 2008
I never played Ice's Marth, but I played his Fox in a few friendlies. It's not bad.
I wanted to see as many videos as possible of you/Mango/Zhu/Shiz vs. Ice to understand the MU better x((((
Well I'll come back to bother you with MU questions when I'll be done studying some Apex vids D:

Devil Ray

Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2009
Seoul, South Korea
this is the falco topic but I don't like being asian. Why? because much of what I do is not attributed to my skill I achieved through hard work or w/e but because by being asian I somehow got good by my birthright

what you have just said also, that being asian auto gives us tech skill is not true, especially for a guy like me. I worked really hard to become top 2/ maybe fastest falcon and people just don't think I worked hard and that I magically became good because of my race. **** THAT

No offense but that 2nd line u wrote really pisses me off

2ndly, i hate the arrogance that a lot of asian people carry. I will never understand people who carry great pride for something they have literally 0 control over. Why be so happy that you were born asian, white, black, w/e? Why not be proud of stuff that you achieved that isn't literally 100 % random luck?

this mostly stems from my high school where 80% of my peers were asian and they all carried the same arrogance of AZN PRIDE LOVE KOREA LIKE CHINA and it just made me feel sick to my stomach

That's my take on it, but being the kind of guy I am I would probably hate being ANY race in the world

(except maybe being black, love morpheus)



also, I apologize for my douchey semi-callout to PP, forgive me

being Korean in the US is very different from being Korean in Korea. take my word for it. you should stop by S2J. you might have a different perspective :)


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
Dr Peepee :
Mango would absolutely tap Armada no questions asked. He just has to take it seriously.

I think I can beat Armada and Mango is much harder to figure out.

I guess Genesis wasn´t serious enough or something =)

And after Apex you will need to take your words back man ♥

Dr Peepee :
naw dawg we ain't playin nice anymore =)

Mango would THRASH you if he wanted to.

I will beat you.

Peach sucks.


If he wanted?
Well good jokes is always fun to hear =)

Mango will not beat me and especially not with Falco. Guess you need to practice that MU harder
Last edited by Armada; Today at 08:39 AM

Dr PeePee :
LMAO it's good to know Europe gasses you up well.

Can't wait to deflate you

Then you need to wait really long =)

Kinda fun to place first so I will take that placeo this time too

Dr. PeePee:

Bring the belt then hotshot.

Back that big ol title you half earned up.

take your words back man =) ****

i wonder if PP still thinks that mango could 'thrash armada if he wanted', implying mangos been sandbagging the last 3 or so times they played :3


Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
I love being half white and half asian. My white side compels me to drink and my asian side can't hold its alcohol. Sounds bad at first, but it leads me into crazy adventures so there's never a dull moment.


Deleted member

enough talk about asians and me though for real loooooool, i made that post largely cuz i was mad because i was doing homework that i really didnt want to do

at the very least just pm or post not in PP's topic


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Where does he not accept being beaten? He knows he was beaten but knows also that he could have done better and that had he played better he shouldn't have lost. He's probably mad at himself and wants to leave it behind him and move on. Probably also doesn't want to inspire people to troll him for "hurr hurr johns" and further talk on a subject he doesn't care to dwell on so leave him alone, I mean why the hell does he have to answer to you?
He does not accept that at lost when he implies that the only reason he lost to Javi is because he was sick. And we've heard those johns before. I already said he isn't obligated to answer to anyone, moreover I never asked him to answer to me. I asked him to answer to the people in this thread. Even though he isn't obligated to do, I still think he should.

Dr Peepee :
Mango would absolutely tap Armada no questions asked. He just has to take it seriously.

I think I can beat Armada and Mango is much harder to figure out.

I guess Genesis wasn´t serious enough or something =)

And after Apex you will need to take your words back man ♥

Dr Peepee :
naw dawg we ain't playin nice anymore =)

Mango would THRASH you if he wanted to.

I will beat you.

Peach sucks.


If he wanted?
Well good jokes is always fun to hear =)

Mango will not beat me and especially not with Falco. Guess you need to practice that MU harder
Last edited by Armada; Today at 08:39 AM

Dr PeePee :
LMAO it's good to know Europe gasses you up well.

Can't wait to deflate you

Then you need to wait really long =)

Kinda fun to place first so I will take that placeo this time too

Dr. PeePee:

Bring the belt then hotshot.

Back that big ol title you half earned up.
take your words back man =) ****

i wonder if PP still thinks that mango could 'thrash armada if he wanted', implying mangos been sandbagging the last 3 or so times they played :3
Hey PP, any comments on this? I don't understand how you are man enough to talk so much ****. And yet not man enough to accept defeat graciously. Own it! Post your thoughts.

Deleted member


have fun PP until next national where you will finally shut some d00ds up


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
you say it like he wasn't arrogant, cocky, and bitter as hell leading up to apex! no offense PP, it's all in good fun. If you act cocky and bitter, then lose, it's only fair you get **** for it.

ahh <3 competitive gaming

also when is the next national?


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
you say it like he wasn't arrogant, cocky, and bitter as hell leading up to apex! no offense PP, it's all in good fun. If you act cocky and bitter, then lose, it's only fair you get **** for it.

ahh <3 competitive gaming

also when is the next national?
was he overly cocky? seemed like that was leading up to rom not apex; thought the stuff you quoted occurred b/t genesis and rom. wrt being bitter/salty, i honestly have no clue why that matters. no **** someone is salty after they lose?


Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
was he overly cocky? seemed like that was leading up to rom not apex; thought the stuff you quoted occurred b/t genesis and rom. wrt being bitter/salty, i honestly have no clue why that matters. no **** someone is salty after they lose?
Read the convo between him and Armada that I and trahhSTEEZY quoted. If that's not overly cocky then I don't know what is, it was also very disrespectful to Armada.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
merkuri I'm never responding to you LOL better get used to it now.

@AA: I learned more stuff about the matchup anyway. I hope to either discuss it more in here or revise the matchup in the matchup thread as soon as I can. =)


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
saddest thing for me about apex was seeing mango mail it in against hbox. seemed like he didn't think he could win and just quit, and before someone says that is a john it is the farthest thing from it. mental fortitude is a part of being good (at anything)

edit: check that, 2nd saddest. sfat losing to hax made me a sad panda


Smash Champion
Jul 24, 2007
vegas baby
"And after Apex you will need to take your words back man ♥"

i'm sure they are discussing apex, everyone knew apex > rom in terms of importance, unless you guys disagree.

"no **** someone is salty after they lose?"

he hadn't even lost yet..

it doesn't necessarily MATTER, but if someone is very cocky and arrogant, and then lose, why would you NOT poke fun at them? it's practically the gamble they choose when acting cocky..as i said before, it's all just part of the fun within the community, don't need to take it too serious

PP pleeeeeez don't take any of this personal. my 99% guess is that your cockyness was all fun and for hype for apex, even if you did believe in yourself anyways.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
wrt why i wouldn't poke fun, idk. just don't derive much pleasure in kicking people while they are down, even if they were running their mouth too much. which i don't think pp was doing tbh. horsing around imo

edit: slow pony

edit2: i'd also say merkuri is not just poking fun

Deleted member

Read the convo between him and Armada that I and Trash quoted. If that's not overly cocky then I don't know what is, it was also very disrespectful to Armada.
Looks more like playful ribbing to me. Maybe ur blowing things up toO much?



Smash Lord
Apr 1, 2010
Looks more like playful ribbing to me. Maybe ur blowing things up toO much?


Feh, or maybe you're belittling it. I told people before Apex that the best PP could place was 3rd, people was saying I was stupid. Ugh. I guess I'm a bit salty about that.

@DR.PEEPEE It's ok. You don't have to respond to me, I'll drop the topic now anyways. I just hope you have accepted that Armada is a better player than you, and you understand that it isn't wise to talk so much **** before a tourney because you just end up looking like an idiot.

Learn to humble yourself, you have limitations, you lost to Armada and Javi, because you got outplayed, the same thing I applies to Mango(lol color johns), and I guess even Shroomed from Genesis. Don't use the I'm sick excuse anymore, it's distasteful.


Smash Lord
Dec 18, 2006
land of the free
trahhSTEEZY said:
as i said before, it's all just part of the fun within the community, don't need to take it too serious
fwiw, i think some good natured ribbing of peepee is fair and i doubt he'd disagree. i'm pretty sure merkuri is just baiting him though


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
holy **** kevin is/was like the most humble person on the face of the planet. when he started winning ****, a bunch of randoms probably wanted him to be more arrogant, and now more randoms want him to be humble again. lmao.

this community is funny.

i see u lurkin pan.
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