Hmm, alright.
Two more questions
1. When falco/fox double jumps at the ledge to sweetspot, I see some people Up B right before they reach the ledge. Does this actually extend where your sweetspot is (like a firefox stall kinda thing) or is it just for flashiness? lol
I watched this match a million years ago and have wondered ever since, does this particular kind of shine dair to 80% actually work on marth most of the time or did me2king just DI really badly?
1. The firebird startup has a little bit of momentum in the direction your were traveling right before you start it and you can travel a small distance in said direction during startup. You can see this if you go to japes, run off either side of the main platform and firdbird immediately, you can cross the creek and grab the edge of the side plateau thing while still in the startup. So I would imagine a similar thing may be going on here where people DJ and use the little momentum to gain a tiny bit extra height but im not sure on that. Theres also the case mentioed earlier where if you firebird right at the ledge but the opponent takes the edge right before you, as soon as he moves off it to do anything you grab it right away. So that may be another reason.
2. this combo is really weird to me. Just because if it was legit, you would see it ALL the time the same way you always see the stable pillar combos vs fox. I'm gonna chalk it up to M2k doing a number of things wrong. First, I think he could have fair'd out after he second dair right before the second shine. That didn't seem to link perfectly. Also at low percents especially (so within like the first few dairs) its really hard to link dair->shine because the dair doesn't have much stun at low percents and the shine doesn't have much vertical range and any bit of sdi on the opponents part will get them out usually so its safer to dair->uptilt after the first shine.
Eggm also did a few things right. He's double jumping immediately after leaving the ground which accelerates faster than then a full hop. So he can get above m2k and fall through him with a dair. this is key to combo'ing semi-floaties at low percents because you have to minimze your time spent airborne after hitting them with the dair because (again) it doesn't have as much stun so the later you hit them and the faster you reach the ground the better the combo. i dunno. M2k prolly could have done better and eggm compensated and captilized.
I know for a fact that in order for Fox to do it, he has to jump the first frame after letting go of the ledge and airdodge at the perfect frame. Falco's might be a little easier because I think his DJ goes a little higher, but you're still going to have to be frame perfect on the DJ, and you probably only have a few frames to execute the air dodge.
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I was always under the impression fox and falco's DJ went the same height?
in any case, it seems weird for it to be frame perfect, I was able to do it decently enough and it didn't seem even close to the other frame perfect mechnics in the game.