Banned via Warnings
lol kid pleaseFirstly, you're right, I'm hella ****ing cool.
Secondly, Dogmatic: Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.
Lets substitute this definition in for the word used in my original sentence so we can expose my profound lack of knowledge. Saying "hurr durr i got 17th hugs post is invalid" is much more characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles than quoting a top players opinion.
Of course, theres nothing wrong with this sentence- its clear that dogmatic was an appropriate word choice.
Also I think umbreon would tap you, because your fox/falco/whatever you play are probably trash. That said otg would beat umbreon.
You may now proceed to make empty threats about wrestling and shooting me, as you have done to reneblade and G$ before.
reneblade threatened to come to my house and punch me so i told him why i didnt think it would happen. i didnt threaten anyone. anyway the guys like fat as **** so im not realy scared. also i had like 3 people threaten to tase me LOL i dont roll like that at all haha, im a peaceful person.
also did u look that definition up on urban dictionary or wikipedia? im not sure.
the word dogmatic isnt used to refer to people making biased assumptions and opininated statements, you half brained dumb ****.
its used in logic to decribe conclusions drawn from first principles.
now go read a book LOL real ****ing ****** arent u?
u would bet umbreon could **** me? show me your money bro, ill take out a loan to match it. keep trolling smashboards, ill just get better and better every time i play. and im already way ahead of umbreon and you soooo gl.
@crush - u sound like youve just discovered the slight buzz that comes from "trolling" and are going overboard by trying to do it everywhere. kage called your bluff and you respond with a ****ty internet meme. this means you are a bad troll and need to get smarter before you continue trolling.
and please, i want to see this uneducated worthless ****** van. or w/e the *** hes called try to respond. lmfao googled a few liberal websites and thinks he fuking knows how to use a word cause he watches a bunch of other worthless failures misuse it