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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
Firstly, you're right, I'm hella ****ing cool.

Secondly, Dogmatic: Characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles.

Lets substitute this definition in for the word used in my original sentence so we can expose my profound lack of knowledge. Saying "hurr durr i got 17th hugs post is invalid" is much more characterized by an authoritative, arrogant assertion of unproved or unprovable principles than quoting a top players opinion.

Of course, theres nothing wrong with this sentence- its clear that dogmatic was an appropriate word choice.

Also I think umbreon would tap you, because your fox/falco/whatever you play are probably trash. That said otg would beat umbreon.

You may now proceed to make empty threats about wrestling and shooting me, as you have done to reneblade and G$ before.
lol kid please

reneblade threatened to come to my house and punch me so i told him why i didnt think it would happen. i didnt threaten anyone. anyway the guys like fat as **** so im not realy scared. also i had like 3 people threaten to tase me LOL i dont roll like that at all haha, im a peaceful person.

also did u look that definition up on urban dictionary or wikipedia? im not sure.

the word dogmatic isnt used to refer to people making biased assumptions and opininated statements, you half brained dumb ****.

its used in logic to decribe conclusions drawn from first principles.

now go read a book LOL real ****ing ****** arent u?

u would bet umbreon could **** me? show me your money bro, ill take out a loan to match it. keep trolling smashboards, ill just get better and better every time i play. and im already way ahead of umbreon and you soooo gl.

@crush - u sound like youve just discovered the slight buzz that comes from "trolling" and are going overboard by trying to do it everywhere. kage called your bluff and you respond with a ****ty internet meme. this means you are a bad troll and need to get smarter before you continue trolling.

and please, i want to see this uneducated worthless ****** van. or w/e the *** hes called try to respond. lmfao googled a few liberal websites and thinks he fuking knows how to use a word cause he watches a bunch of other worthless failures misuse it


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
lol kid please

reneblade threatened to come to my house and punch me so i told him why i didnt think it would happen. i didnt threaten anyone. anyway the guys like fat as **** so im not realy scared. also i had like 3 people threaten to tase me LOL i dont roll like that at all haha, im a peaceful person.

also did u look that definition up on urban dictionary or wikipedia? im not sure.

the word dogmatic isnt used to refer to people making biased assumptions and opininated statements, you half brained dumb ****.

its used in logic to decribe conclusions drawn from first principles.

now go read a book LOL real fuking fagg0t arent u?

u would bet umbreon could **** me? show me your money bro, ill take out a loan to match it. keep trolling smashboards, ill just get better and better every time i play. and im already way ahead of umbreon and you soooo gl.

@crush - u sound like youve just discovered the slight buzz that comes from "trolling" and are going overboard by trying to do it everywhere. kage called your bluff and you respond with a ****ty internet meme. this means you are a bad troll and need to get smarter before you continue trolling.

and please, i want to see this uneducated worthless ****** van. or w/e the *** hes called try to respond. lmfao googled a few liberal websites and thinks he fuking knows how to use a word cause he watches a bunch of other worthless failures misuse it
kage called my bluff? by saying i fail at life? i dun get it. my posts were not trying to get everyone to think i "fail at life". i wasnt trolling at all i already told chokhater this i was raising my post count while simultaneously answering kages unanswerable questions. you told me i am a bad troll and need to get smarter before i continue trolling, but that is not the truth. it is not obligatory to become more knowledgeable before continuing to "troll" (although i never started in the first place). Please define the word "smarter" and "trolling" as well, and I ask of you never again to compare any sort of meme to excrement.


Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2009
Greensboro, NC
ya'll are funny.

ganon ditto's are weird. i think i'll be pretty good at them soon. if i can keep sneak in the scene long enough to train through to apex, i have a good feeling i'll make it out of a round of pools at least. won't exactly be a top 3 ganon in the US yet, but i'll get there. i still just look like a board lurker right now though lol.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
kage called my bluff? by saying i fail at life? i dun get it. my posts were not trying to get everyone to think i "fail at life". i wasnt trolling at all i already told chokhater this i was raising my post count while simultaneously answering kages unanswerable questions. you told me i am a bad troll and need to get smarter before i continue trolling, but that is not the truth. it is not obligatory to become more knowledgeable before continuing to "troll" (although i never started in the first place). Please define the word "smarter" and "trolling" as well, and I ask of you never again to compare any sort of meme to excrement.
he called your bluff when he asked you to respond to his post without any stupid trolling. his post where he asked very serious and meaningful questions

who cares about life, you fail at being the clever little internet kid. omfg it hurts so bad to read your posts even now.

you can keep trolling, but youre going to be real bad at it... and asking for definitions is obv troll. ok bb

and yes i am a g *****hh. a g who studied argumentation and debate, and gets irritated at noobs who try to act like theyre hot **** LOL


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
he called your bluff when he asked you to respond to his post without any stupid trolling. his post where he asked very serious and meaningful questions

who cares about life, you fail at being the clever little internet kid. omfg it hurts so bad to read your posts even now.

you can keep trolling, but youre going to be real bad at it... and asking for definitions is obv troll. ok bb

and yes i am a g *****hh. a g who studied argumentations and debate, and gets irritated at noobs who try to act like theyre hot **** LOL
dude i am on the debate team at my school i would so own you, you said "bb" and refused to define the things i asked you to define and didnt respond to my actual post just said random stuff about how i fail at being clever little internet kid and how it hurts you (although you didnt specify how or where) to read my posts. and you didnt address the fact that you were technically wrong about me needing to get "smarter" before continuing to "troll"


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
the recent discussion has been interesting. i was beginning to think i was the only one who thought kage's posts almsot never made sense.

Deleted member

u would bet umbreon could **** me? show me your money bro, ill take out a loan to match it. keep trolling smashboards, ill just get better and better every time i play. and im already way ahead of umbreon and you soooo gl.
look man, i haven't played in a long time but when i do i still beat people that i don't think i should beat that are like...respectable to some extent. if you want to play me because i'm so free like you might even be right that i'm bad but probably not as bad as you think, and i was talking to druggedfox and he said you were pretty free and i'm close to him in skill give or take. i think you're just going to end up looking kinda dumb? i've been playing this game for like 8 years and i don't care if i make enemies but you should like...pretend you're not an ass for the first couple even if you are one lol

i don't really have free weekends to go to tournaments but i have an hour a day or so and smashboards is a good way to burn it. i know i'm a "has been" and that's cool. i'm just tired of shit talk from a "never was". now if OTG went and got like PC Chris and PC was like "mow you're trash" I can't really say shit because it's coming from someone i know and respect even if he's being brutally honest. or someone else i guess, Chris is usually a class act all around.


Smash Champion
Apr 2, 2006
Fullerton, Socal
every single thread i love on the boards are just becoming bigass arguments lol

you know things are going bad when people are starting to hate on kage... KAGE.

it's kage guys. how can you hate on him? dude is nice as hell.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I like how when I said I couldn't take Kage's posts seriously everyone chewed me out for that, and when Zhu says something, people agree with them.

Smashboards is a fickle place, indeed. Once someone they have a boner for says something, they hop on dat like the second coming.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
I like how when I said I couldn't take Kage's posts seriously everyone chewed me out for that, and when Zhu says something, people agree with them.

Smashboards is a fickle place, indeed. Once someone they have a boner for says something, they hop on dat like the second coming.
although i do love zhu ive been saying kages posts make no sense for like a month now


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
Here's Ruby to steal Kage's spotlight. You guys were fools for thinking Ruby would let us get away with talking about anyone but him for an extended period of time.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
I mentioned something early July and everyone eat me alive for it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who agrees.

Also, people need to understand that Umbreon is extremely out of practice, etc. just because he doesn't play, doesn't change the fact that he's a lot more knowledgeable about this game than nearly everyone who plays the game. Skill and game knowledge are not directly related. There are plenty of people out there who's knowledge level far surpasses their actual skill, myself included.


Do I win yet?

Deleted member

don't make johns for me, i could probably play 5-6 hours and be fine and rust free.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
and please, i want to see this uneducated worthless ****** van. or w/e the *** hes called try to respond.

Thats where I got my definition. Both of our links are legit online dictionaries, but I only need one link to justify the inclusion of the word dogmatic in my first post.

And don't try to front like you're a hard working, uncomplaining player who doesn't try to beef with anyone on smashboards and just lets the haters hate while he makes them envy him with his outstanding tournament placings. Everyone knows this isn't true because 1. you place ****ty, and two despite the fact that you've never been good you take every chance you get to pop off at people, challenging them to random, outlandish money matches, or threatening to shoot people in order to curry favor with those you admire.

Lastly you made an assumption about where I first heard the word "dogmatic". You speculated that I got it from a liberal website.

This could be attributed to one of two reasons:

1. You searched my post history, and found posts I made last year in the "modern atheism" thread that suggest that I am a liberal.

2. You live in GA, so maybe you've just begun to categorize everyone smarter than you as "liberal" to save time.

Either way, you probably just called me out on my apparent misuse of the word because your salty that I tapped you in the last argument we had in this thread.

Please, remain mediocre.

Also idk why people hate on crush, he's a very dedicated, entertaining troll.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
I mentioned something early July and everyone eat me alive for it. I'm glad I'm not the only one who agrees.
Fair enough. However, I (and others) personally didn't bother to log the exact time I started to realize kage's post were mostly full of fluff. Just because we happened to start talking openly about it now, doesn't mean we just flipped a switch in our heads because of zhu.

Also, don't say "everyone ate you alive." Its an exagerration. I'm sure some people probably bashed you for it, there are lots of people who find kage's warrior bs "inspirational" so I don't doubt that there were those who jumped down your throat. However, it probably wasnt any of us in this thread lol. Hell, I would have backed you up.


Smash Ace
Mar 31, 2007
Concord, CA
it seems like the butthurt levels of this thread peaked and now everyone is having a ***** pity party

stop giving a **** what people on the internet think


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
same thing with the crush comment -_-

im not a troll. some people just dont seem to understand the valuable insight and outlooks on everything that i say in each and every one of my posts.
lovin that dedication. Not even playin. I know you won't recognize it in public, because you won't blow your troll cover. But maybe if you want to you could send me a pm, just acknowledging my acknowledgement of your truly remarkable troll abilities. I'm a fan. keep it up.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
lovin that dedication. Not even playin. I know you won't recognize it in public, because you won't blow your troll cover. But maybe if you want to you could send me a pm, just acknowledging my acknowledgement of your truly remarkable troll abilities. I'm a fan. keep it up.


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
please get the large penis our of your mouth.

i generalized you because i can. i dont care about your post history, and no small wonder that youre one of those *******s who think religion = dogma LMFAO ANYWAY PLEASE BRO

i never threaten people at all LOL stop trying to act like im some kind of thug. no possible way you can lie to anyone to say that i threatened to shoot anybody.

also im not talking about what you looked up in your "legit" (aka ****) online dictionary, im talking about how the word is used in academia.

im a focused driven and smart player who not only is way ahead of you in every way intellectually (GA BORN AND RAISED *** YA), i also troll smashboards on occasion. and i dont like arrogant kids like you. the only people i "start" things with are people like you with egos the size of stars.

i can sit here and call you stupid and mediocre and garbage and full of **** and whatever for days, and you can do the same, and come up with new insults.

or u can actually read any published literature on discourse and logic, or talk to any professor of those subjects. dogmas are first principles that arguments are built off of. nothing more. if you think differently.... you. are. wrong. im sorry. you just are. at what point do you realize this. i mean oh my fuking god..

@mow- keep talking. im actually getting back into melee SERIOUSLY. and im going to tournaments, have a job to spend money, have a car, and practice every day on my tech skill. i will come to apex if i can, and my sister lives in dc, so i visit sometimes. if u actually think youre better, then put your money where your mouth is.
also druggedfox played me last winter when i hadnt touched melee for 3 months. i was a scrub then, and still am, but wont be for long.


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
discussing by representing another players opinion when you have no clue yourself is just flat out ******** anyway lol.
Insulting a player who has paved the way for people like you to have a community to play in is ********.

I've never said a word to you. You have no idea what goes on in the head of a player with the kind of journey I've been through in this game. If you think Genesis was about proving myself, you're a fool. I've done that for 7 years, longer than any other active smasher, period.

So if you're going to get mad at someone else for using me as a source, leave me out of it. If you'd like to discuss my stance, speak to me.

Don't be so disrespectful.


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
^I got your pm :)

i didnt even send a pm to him, hes lying, i would put him on my ignore list but im afraid he'll post other lies about me without me being able to know.

we should have a best 2/3 set at rom4 or apex my fox/falco/falcon/marth/sheik/peach/puff vs your falco loser has to delete their smashboards account.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
im not a troll. some people just dont seem to understand the valuable insight and outlooks on everything that i say in each and every one of my posts.
Crush is easily one of my favorite posters.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
He paved the ground you walk on.

Over there, in europe.






Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
He paved the ground you walk on.

Over there, in europe.




My favorite hater. Nice to see you Stingers. How are you contributing to the community today?


Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
@losers in this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1QMQfrecy0&t=1m30s

also, i grew up watching hugs play samus, and i still watch hugs play samus. his posts on matchups are incredibly insightful, and he took a character with a tons of flaws and took her to her highest potential (so far)

ive never heard of leffen. and why is he insulting players whove been winning and placing high for like 4 years at least?
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