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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
So I think everyone has kinda become like MikeHaggar, just not as clever / funny and a few years late. I guess he started hating smashboards before all of you guys.

JR: Don't get me wrong, I actually love Kage in person / skype and stuff. But that doesn't mean his posts shouldn't be held accountable. I remember talking to him on Peef's state of the game and he definitely knows his stuff, but seriously some of the things he says on the boards seem like they're just bits of his warrior persona with a random metaphor. I mean no offense by this, but I feel like he's better than that, unless I'm the only one missing something vital. Seems like people gain something from him so I guess that's ok, I definitely admire his attitude towards the game, I'm the complete opposite of him so yeah, there is room for me to learn, so yeah, I'll try my best to understand you... I guess LOOOL.

Everyone else stop trolling and watch me vs jman, hax, m2k when they come out, I was probably playing some of the best Melee I've played in a while and could use you guys to help push me further =)

Also I met crush at the last tourny and I'm a huge fan. If he keeps up he'll be someone to keep an eye out for.

And I'm genuinely curious how you got your 18k. Not that I don't necessarily believe it, it's just you're not a household name to me like Ken, PC, etc. Was it mostly through teams / singles / regionals / mlgs / etc?


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
We need a banhammer on crush and co.

Sinji can go too, for all I care.

I'm about ready to post some porn, myself.


Smash Ace
Jul 13, 2010
St. Pete, FL
please get the large penis our of your mouth.

i generalized you because i can. i dont care about your post history, and no small wonder that youre one of those *******s who think religion = dogma LMFAO ANYWAY PLEASE BRO

i never threaten people at all LOL stop trying to act like im some kind of thug. no possible way you can lie to anyone to say that i threatened to shoot anybody.

also im not talking about what you looked up in your "legit" (aka ****) online dictionary, im talking about how the word is used in academia.

im a focused driven and smart player who not only is way ahead of you in every way intellectually (GA BORN AND RAISED *** YA), i also troll smashboards on occasion. and i dont like arrogant kids like you. the only people i "start" things with are people like you with egos the size of stars.

i can sit here and call you stupid and mediocre and garbage and full of **** and whatever for days, and you can do the same, and come up with new insults.

or u can actually read any published literature on discourse and logic, or talk to any professor of those subjects. dogmas are first principles that arguments are built off of. nothing more. if you think differently.... you. are. wrong. im sorry. you just are. at what point do you realize this. i mean oh my fuking god..

@mow- keep talking. im actually getting back into melee SERIOUSLY. and im going to tournaments, have a job to spend money, have a car, and practice every day on my tech skill. i will come to apex if i can, and my sister lives in dc, so i visit sometimes. if u actually think youre better, then put your money where your mouth is.
also druggedfox played me last winter when i hadnt touched melee for 3 months. i was a scrub then, and still am, but wont be for long.
"Taj that post was amazing.

And if at apex someone is **** talking you right in their ear, i will ****ing light them up right there. that **** isnt even funny.

But i seriously just sat with my head in my hands when i was watching your match vs armada. that match is just terrible, especially against armadas peach, who just controls and corners you so hard. it made me sad knowing that there was nothing you could do besides gimmicks to beat him. I think your marth can beat him though, if not next time, the time after that.

also g$ can suck my **** "

Remember that? Straight from the mew2 philosophy thread. Most recent page. I'm a scrub and don't know how to quote from other threads properly.

You can't deny it man. Cut and dry intent to "light somebody up" or shoot them. No gimmicks, no wordplay, no twisting it.

Its right there, your words.

Also, SWF isn't academia. You admit to talking about the word as its used in academia. I never specified this in my post, so you're claim that the usage is innapropriate is groundless.

Also, you have been playing this game for FOUR YEARS. I went to my first tournament THREE WEEKS AGO. I have no ego whatsoever. I openly acknowledge that I am one of the least accomplished players in CFL/SFL. But in four years, I'll be a respected national player.

I think we're done here.


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
So I think everyone has kinda become like MikeHaggar, just not as clever / funny and a few years late. I guess he started hating smashboards before all of you guys.

JR: Don't get me wrong, I actually love Kage in person / skype and stuff. But that doesn't mean his posts shouldn't be held accountable. I remember talking to him on Peef's state of the game and he definitely knows his stuff, but seriously some of the things he says on the boards seem like they're just bits of his warrior persona with a random metaphor. I mean no offense by this, but I feel like he's better than that, unless I'm the only one missing something vital. Seems like people gain something from him so I guess that's ok, I definitely admire his attitude towards the game, I'm the complete opposite of him so yeah, there is room for me to learn, so yeah, I'll try my best to understand you... I guess LOOOL.

Everyone else stop trolling and watch me vs jman, hax, m2k when they come out, I was probably playing some of the best Melee I've played in a while and could use you guys to help push me further =)

Also I met crush at the last tourny and I'm a huge fan. If he keeps up he'll be someone to keep an eye out for.

And I'm genuinely curious how you got your 18k. Not that I don't necessarily believe it, it's just you're not a household name to me like Ken, PC, etc. Was it mostly through teams / singles / regionals / mlgs / etc?
My tea's gone cold, I wonder why. . . I got out of bed at all. The morning Rain clouds up my Window and I can't at all. And even if I could it'd all be grey! but your picture on my wall, It reminds me that it's not so bad - it's not so bad.


@van: ****!! my triple post!!


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2011
Fashion Sense Back Room
We need a banhammer on crush and co.

Sinji can go too, for all I care.

I'm about ready to post some porn, myself.
book man all you do is hate on me and make fun of me. i bet half my posts you respond to you dont even read because my posts have deeper meaning than the average trollboardslurker can see with his terrible vision due to playing super smash bros melee 5 hours a day. i dont deserve a ban at all, hence why ive only been banned once within my soon to be 6 month lifetime on smashboards. the only people who need to be banned are van., sinji, safehaven, and straight8


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Zhuu do you think you've improved since you came to the EC??? Or did it just help you get back on point etc

Stingers that post made my day


Smash Hero
Oct 20, 2005
He probably just wasn't as bored with the game since it's a newer croud. That and he was able to just **** everyone.


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
@losers in this thread: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R1QMQfrecy0&t=1m30s

also, i grew up watching hugs play samus, and i still watch hugs play samus. his posts on matchups are incredibly insightful, and he took a character with a tons of flaws and took her to her highest potential (so far)

ive never heard of leffen. and why is he insulting players whove been winning and placing high for like 4 years at least?


God damn I'm glad I stayed long enough for that.

Zhuu do you think you've improved since you came to the EC??? Or did it just help you get back on point etc

Stingers that post made my day
Improved either because I was exposed to more styles, or just had more fun and naturally got better because I've been playing newer people. I feel like WC has adapted really well to my style, and I've been stagnant for a while, but I'm sure it's a bit of both. I really want to see the vids to confirm this, but I think my style has changed a bit since I've been here so yeah, either way coming here has been good for my Melee. (so yeah what brookman said)

Plus they have $10 entry fees, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ LOOOOOOOL

**** this thread sucks so much it's not bad.



Banned via Warnings
May 10, 2007
Probably sleeping or in school.. but always in GA
ur never gonna be a respected national player van, soz

i havent been playing for four years. i started playing melee 7 years ago lol. i have NEVER gone to tournaments regularly.

also read the part where i said i occasionally troll. obviously with the amount that people actually know about ga (ppl assume redneck or thug based on your typing), its way too eas


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
LOOOOOL @ Stingers

I can see why you'd make fun of my post though. I posted it straight out of anger, so I do apologize for that.

He was being rude for zero reason though.


Smash Master
Feb 19, 2009
He probably just wasn't as bored with the game since it's a newer croud. That and he was able to just **** everyone.
jason is really insightful, teaming with him and playing (getting ***** a few times) him must've been a bonus for zhu as well. Glad things worked out well for you zhu.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
LOOOOOL @ Stingers

I can see why you'd make fun of my post though. I posted it straight out of anger, so I do apologize for that.

He was being rude for zero reason though.
well I went back and read his posts to get some more insight to it

I believe the problem here is cultural differences. When you're accustomed to something being a certain way (there are no good samuses in europe), you'll be more likely to defend those beliefs when someone challenges them (someone posting your writeup on the falco MU). He has never had any problems with samuses before (since there are none where he is from), and naturally assumes that he would have no trouble with any other ones (esp. after beating IHSB, a notable US samus). The difference in you twos skill level not being readily apparent, he wrote you off simply because he doesn't have any way to gauge your skill level. And you, being incredibly prideful, came in here and took it as an attack >.> when really it was just him not having any way to know in the first place!

It's like armada before he came here. "Oh, Cort or Vidjo never really did that good, so I don't think this armada guy will be able to stack up." so then ppl make assumptions, and then ppl get butthurt after their reality crumbles down around them in a pile of ash and rubble. u dig?


Smash Lord
Jan 23, 2009
well I went back and read his posts to get some more insight to it

I believe the problem here is cultural differences. When you're accustomed to something being a certain way (there are no good samuses in europe), you'll be more likely to defend those beliefs when someone challenges them (someone posting your writeup on the falco MU). He has never had any problems with samuses before (since there are none where he is from), and naturally assumes that he would have no trouble with any other ones (esp. after beating IHSB, a notable US samus). The difference in you twos skill level not being readily apparent, he wrote you off simply because he doesn't have any way to gauge your skill level. And you, being incredibly prideful, came in here and took it as an attack >.> when really it was just him not having any way to know in the first place!

It's like armada before he came here. "Oh, Cort or Vidjo never really did that good, so I don't think this armada guy will be able to stack up." so then ppl make assumptions, and then ppl get butthurt after their reality crumbles down around them in a pile of ash and rubble. u dig?
I can't imagine myself being the one to try and understand his point of view when he was capable of insulting me quickly before coming to understand mine.

I 100% see your point though.

Deleted member

And I'm genuinely curious how you got your 18k. Not that I don't necessarily believe it, it's just you're not a household name to me like Ken, PC, etc. Was it mostly through teams / singles / regionals / mlgs / etc?
actually, i was thinking about it when i got all the flaming for it. i got out of high school in 2005 and i took a year off of school before going to college in august 2006 and i spent most of that year off going to regionals and taking easy or locally sponsored money. i pretty much just realized that while the big tournaments are bigger than ever, the "go to a 60 man tournament every weekend" is really gone from smash. i mean there was a time when you could go to a tournament in NYC with like 60 people and everyone in the room would be threatening and they just drew in a ton of money constantly.

you also have to understand that everyone did this AND they got MLG money. I only ever won like $100 from MLG because i only went to one event. i have no doubt that ken won well over $100k and like chu or PC or azen each got $60k+ because the money was so good at the time. I'd be very surprised if say hugo or forward didn't get at least a good bit more than I've won. it just never occurred to me before today that maybe the money isn't around like it used to be.

we can talk about it more on aim if that's cool and you're welcome to message me and ask me about it. meebo won't let me IM random people atm for some reason.

edit: aim @ mycatgoesmow


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007

oh god

smashers just have not grown up at all in the last ten years have they


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Uh ganondorf can't move and its funny, and falco just moves around randomly until ganon does something laggy. Then when falco hits him, ganon takes like half a stock's worth of damage if not more; hopefully the falco runs into ganons jabs/gets caught off guard by random uairs/misses l-cancels.

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