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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Jul 2, 2007
Philadelphia, PA
i am also interested in information regarding zhu vs m2k. pretty happy that zhu was able to do it.
Zhu how'd you feel about your set with m2k at the no johns??? Can you talk about it at all?
Yeah I'll definitely write a little about what happened. For the most part, I was very fortunate to have gotten to winner's finals in the first place, and a lot happened in my set with him that threw him off. Grand finals actually wasn't played out, neither of us were really in the shape to do it. I was really drained after my winner's finals set, especially because I didn't eat all day (the hunger was really getting to me at that point) and he was very demoralized overall and didn't even want to play sheik / marth, so we did end up splitting, I hope you guys don't hate us for it.

Details to come when I get back home.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Yup we all hate you for it zhu... Nope =P

It's understandable though, can't wait to hear about it.

To make this post somewhat useful I'll just throw in that falco players should be stage striking marth down to yoshi's if at all possible (unless you have some weird personal fetish for battlefield). The slopes **** up marth's edgeguarding, and also make it hard for him to keep you on the ledge if you ever end up there. The combo game is just as good if not better than battlefield's combo game. The stage is small, which some people say implies that marth's sword takes up the whole stage; I see it a lot more as "Marth has no room to move". If you pressure marth enough on that stage, he really won't have anywhere to go, and I think its entirely worth the tradeoff of his sword taking up more of the stage... mostly because I'll never let him get his sword out. On top of that, you can get cute off the top kills.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2010
Brooklyn New York
One thing I see from M2k's marth on yoshi's when getting pressured is wD oos>fsmash after falco's dair.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Yup we all hate you for it zhu... Nope =P

It's understandable though, can't wait to hear about it.

To make this post somewhat useful I'll just throw in that falco players should be stage striking marth down to yoshi's if at all possible (unless you have some weird personal fetish for battlefield). The slopes **** up marth's edgeguarding, and also make it hard for him to keep you on the ledge if you ever end up there. The combo game is just as good if not better than battlefield's combo game. The stage is small, which some people say implies that marth's sword takes up the whole stage; I see it a lot more as "Marth has no room to move". If you pressure marth enough on that stage, he really won't have anywhere to go, and I think its entirely worth the tradeoff of his sword taking up more of the stage... mostly because I'll never let him get his sword out. On top of that, you can get cute off the top kills.
Completely agree...

Falco is so mediocre on Dreamland, at least vs Marth.

Although it can really depend on the falco playstyle. If your strength is offense/aggro you should definitely go to YS, if you like to beat Marth through attrition then go elsewhere.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
yea, a lot of marths don't let you get dreamland. Honestly, depending on what the marth bans, I'll play the first game on any stage except FD. The game has come to the point where the starter stages are so often played, it barely makes a difference to me.

i just strike FD off the bat and let the cards fall where hey may.


Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
@Jpobs, I'm assuming it'll always come down to BF/yoshi's; it might not always come down to that, but I think in probably 80% of the falco main's experiences here it probably will. Personal preference takes priority over matchups/stages though, and if you prefer one thats *almost* always better.

@Niko... yeah... I never really understood why marths let me or anyone else get yoshi's story. *scratches head* Marth just can't move on that stage against falco, which is kind of an issue for a heavily movement based character. Though I guess falco's lasers in general are a problem for movement based characters :awesome:

Yeah, I'm not even saying this should be falco's go to counterpick (though there's nothing wrong with it). It's just a stage striking specific thing I'm addressing, because in my experience battlefield and falco don't get along well if there's a marth on the screen.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
Battlefield has become my absolute go-to vs both spacies honestly. I don't like having them right on top of me all the time.

DD and pivot grabbing, even if not directly working, is a great threat to have that sets up other options, so yea I like to have a bit of space to outmaneuver.

Marth's punish is equally bonkers on YS but spacies actually do recover better there than battlefield when not getting gimped (ride the wall for a wall tech, trickier angles, hold shine to wait for the cloud/other cloud tricks) and the fact that everyone's dying so fast on both sides kinda marginalizes the impact of gimping with Marth. It's not like it's a bad marth stage lol I just personally find Battlefield better, or at least I'm more confident there.

Deleted member

most people aren't that stupid
don't you ever get tired of *****ing about how bad your character is? if you could play marth as well as you complain you wouldn't need a smashboards account.


Smash Champion
Mar 4, 2011
Falco Bair
It's hilarious considering that Niko would most likely destroy you mercilessly Mow. You might know alot about this game, but you're most certainly washed up. And if you aren't feel free to come and prove it.

Oh wait, you won't, because it's so much easier to talk ****.


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Serious salt deposits in this thread lately. haha

Kevin stayed at my house last night and....yeahhhh, he's pretty good. haha I do not believe anyone can currently beat him in Falco dittos at FD. He was talking about how he'd tried to perfect the auto stuff on FD to the same degree M2K had perfected Marth vs Spacies stuff.

I think I won 2 or 3 games total (against Fox/Falcon) but some of the losses will not be quickly erasable from memory. Oh the burn.

EDIT: Brookman, I agree. Rhydon for top tier.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2008
Westchester, NY
don't you ever get tired of *****ing about how bad your character is? if you could play marth as well as you complain you wouldn't need a smashboards account.
I was kind of joking dude. Don't get trolled unintentionally. Plus I don't think he's bad, just hard. Chill out.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 8, 2008
Chicago / San Diego
I never see Falco v. Marth on FD. Is the stage supposed to be bad for Falco or something?

I feel as though grab combos are just as scary on other neutrals, and the lack of platforms hurts Marth's ability to juggle you.


Play to Win
May 19, 2009
It's hilarious considering that Niko would most likely destroy you mercilessly Mow. You might know alot about this game, but you're most certainly washed up. And if you aren't feel free to come and prove it.

Oh wait, you won't, because it's so much easier to talk ****.
Looks like someone just got called out

You gonna take that, or are you gonna have one of your Mentees shut his mouth for you?



Smash Champion
May 13, 2007
Serious salt deposits in this thread lately. haha

Kevin stayed at my house last night and....yeahhhh, he's pretty good. haha I do not believe anyone can currently beat him in Falco dittos at FD. He was talking about how he'd tried to perfect the auto stuff on FD to the same degree M2K had perfected Marth vs Spacies stuff.

I think I won 2 or 3 games total (against Fox/Falcon) but some of the losses will not be quickly erasable from memory. Oh the burn.

EDIT: Brookman, I agree. Rhydon for top tier.
This sounds like a challenge...can't resist... if I ever play kevin again, I'm requesting only falco dittos on FD >______>


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
from seeing what kevin does with marth he takes an incredible amount of precision, watching videos, time, knowledge of the game, spacing, and mu knowledge.

or you could just play like m2k.
those are one and the same if you ask me.
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