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*Pound* 4 Results

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Smash Legend
Nov 18, 2007
Spiral Mountain
@ Pandacheck:

Hazz, Vwins, and many other good players didn't make the bracket either. Bracket at this tournament wasn't an easy task for some of the pools.

Yes, I am implying that some of the pools were grossly easier than others.


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
This tournament straight up *****.
I want to do full shoutouts later
but here's what you need to know:
west coast *****, i wish we did regional crews because we would've TAPPED
mango is by FAR the best player around. armada is amazing, but he has a HUGE weakness in his falcon matchup.
dirty south [specifically JAWJA] is legit. you all should come out to the west coast sometime soon [MANGO JUICE 2 is gonna be amazing, look out for details].

east coast players are too good.


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
planks full of **** i hated every update i got from this tourney.

didn't someone get dq'ed from pools for the entire tourney for playing a friendly if you wanna be strict and enforce the rules like a nazi you better have a clear and organized description on the main page of the tourney.

lol at even accepting someone taking my tourney entrance money and telling me i lose it all before playing cause I didn't listen to a rule that is as common as anything.

again loser bracket is more than enough punishment.

as for m2k and jman getting dq'ed thats def a joke. they are in teh tourney they should have full advantage of how they want to play. they can forfeit to the opponents or the opponents can forfeit to them.

his logic screams "m2k and jman can't get dq'ed into losers but bombsoldier and random guya re allowed too cause they aren't gonna **** losers brackets" and the logic is stupid. who cares about placing your in a tourney you play to win if m2k and jman are in losers oh well.

nobody is saying they dont deserve punishment for being late and sent into losers is more than enough

that said jman should have called and alerted the situation if he was having car troubles or something. heres to hoping a more reasonable person runs the next melee national.

You should do it!
its a lot of work. not saying plank didn't work hard but a better job could have been done. I dont have the patience for that,s o lemme guess since I don't run tourneys I shouldn't criticize despite being a player involved in them?

There are plenty of competent tos scar for example. You play friendlies when he says no, he has a crew shutting off every cube and yanking out controllers.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! <
dirty south [specifically JAWJA] is legit. you all should come out to the west coast sometime soon [MANGO JUICE 2 is gonna be amazing, look out for details].

much love from us, too, White G [haha I'm TELLIN you! We all kept looking around the room to see if Mike was in there when you were talking XD]

iunno if any of us will be able/willing to spend the cash/time to travel to Cali for something unless it's of similar significance/size/hype as *Pound*.


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2009
planks full of **** i hated every update i got from this tourney.

didn't someone get dq'ed from pools for the entire tourney for playing a friendly if you wanna be strict and enforce the rules like a nazi you better have a clear and organized description on the main page of the tourney.

lol at even accepting someone taking my tourney entrance money and telling me i lose it all before playing cause I didn't listen to a rule that is as common as anything.

again loser bracket is more than enough punishment.

as for m2k and jman getting dq'ed thats def a joke. they are in teh tourney they should have full advantage of how they want to play. they can forfeit to the opponents or the opponents can forfeit to them.

his logic screams "m2k and jman can't get dq'ed into losers but bombsoldier and random guya re allowed too cause they aren't gonna **** losers brackets" and the logic is stupid. who cares about placing your in a tourney you play to win if m2k and jman are in losers oh well.

nobody is saying they dont deserve punishment for being late and sent into losers is more than enough

that said jman should have called and alerted the situation if he was having car troubles or something. heres to hoping a more reasonable person runs the next melee national.
^ Your my hero. when we smashing again? Baseball cards =)


Smash Lord
Mar 19, 2007
Elmont LI, Queens. Philadelphia during semesters.
yes so logical. Guess the same stupid logic can be used for complaining about anythign amiright?

Dont like the nfl refs you should ref.

don't like the way the cavs are playing. you should just join and do it.

don't like the way the chef made your food. go in the back and make it yourself.

LOLOLOL RITE?!!!!!!!!11111

lmao animal, that needs to be posted in the cf boards btw. im back at school but maybe when i get back for spring ill call up wynton
Jun 27, 2005
the west
this Was Definitely The Best Tournament I've Ever Been To.

I Got Heavily Butt Touched In Round 3 Pools, But I Was Glad To Get There

Also, I Got Very Little Rest So I Probably Looked More And More Like A Heroin Addict As Time Went On. I Would Prefer People With Pictures To Not Stealth Tag Me On Facebook But I'll Deal With It Lol

Oh, And I Did Lots Of Heroin This Weekend
Lol .


Smash Master
Apr 16, 2006
San Francisco, CA [Sometimes Santa Cruz]
I think the real complaint should be that the DQ rule wasn't specified ahead of time. No one I talked to expected that one would be 'double DQed' from the brackets if they were late. It wasn't in the rules posted in the thread and as far as I remember hearing it wasn't announced over the loud speaker. I think it's unfair to blindside someone like that.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
you guys are ********.
plank's ruling is final but it doesn't mean that we lose the ability to criticize him. sure he did a super super job with the tournament, but people will say what they will and the discussion should focus on the fairness of the decision without plank's contribution to the rest of the tournament relevant.

you think it's fair that clinton got impeached even though the economy flourished under his presidency? wrong is wrong regardless of its context. that's why there is discourse to hammer out the details. and nfl not showing up dq's for one game, not a season. but then again, the players don't pay to play


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
I like CanISmash. DJRome too.

I become more and more borderline on my thoughts about Plank as time goes on now...


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
read through the thread, gonna make some points before i post the real results thread for melee.

I understand what Plank is saying, but as Mogwai pointed out there was no DQ rule in the OP! You said you had a discussion with a fellow TO which is fine, but it was the DAY BEFORE pound and nothing was said!
Does there need to be a DQ rule in the OP when I mention 150 times at the tournament that people not there by 10:30 would be disqualified? Those were my exact words. I did not say disqualified from winners, nor did I say they would forfeit that match. When I DQ people from pools did I just DQ one set in pools? No, people needed to be at their pools or they were DQ'd from the entire pool, which includes bracket. When I said I was talking to a fellow TO the day before I did not say I decided on it that day. I had decided that long ago. What I do to penalize people who are late is entirely up to me as the TO and what I think is fair. Simple solution: Don't be late. Everybody knew I wasn't ****ing around after day 1, anybody who was late was testing me and got burned if I found out. -Anybody-. Pound 3 didn't end on time, I was absolutely not letting this tournament go too long at any cost.

To on one hand say "no excuses no special treatment for anybody" and then turnaround and double DQ because these specific players are so good that it would be considered "punishing" the loser's bracket is a double standard all by itself.

You are basically saying that if they had been less skilled players you wouldn't have double DQ'd them and therefore that you discriminated against these players specifically in your decision.
No, that's not what i'm saying. You are putting words in my mouth before I've even had a second to breathe and check the forums for feedback from the tournament. I had already planned to DQ everyone who didn't show up to their matches within the 10 minutes after they were called. It's as simple as that.

well, that's what's being perceived, though as of right now, no one's brought forth any examples of Plank single DQing anyone at this tourney. seems like he honestly just did DQs differently than most, but I think it's pretty upsetting that there was no mention of how DQs would be handled. there seems to be consistency, it's just that no one was aware of how it would be handled and thus had different expectations.
I understand this, and I apologize. I had DQ'd everyone from the entire tournament beforehand, and I guess since brackets is double elimination whereas everything else thus far had been pools, people didn't understand that I was only doing -full- tournament DQ's. I never once mentioned anything in the tournament over the mic about a match or set being forfeited, but rather immediate disqualification. I don't give second chances at the biggest melee tournament of all time.

2 of the best players at the tournament DQ'd because one had a problem at a hotel that he had to resolve before going to the tournament.
This is the funniest and most bull**** defense of all, which is hilarious to me. "Had a problem at the hotel". Notice how everyone is totally vague as to what this problem was. On the boards now apparently the story is that the car wouldn't start, although at the venue they told me they lost their keys. Two totally different stories, that's interesting. If either were true, why wouldn't they call and let anyone at the venue know? Teams were supposed to start at 10:30, I announced it 50 times and yet I don't get any word from Jman until his match is called at 11:45? Oh, not to mention that was when someone ELSE called Jman.

Let's back it up a little bit. Let's pretend that Jman's car wouldn't start, they couldn't find the keys, or whatever lie fits best to try and make me look bad, why wouldn't they take the shuttle if that was the case. The shuttle was free and ran to and from the venue from 8:30 AM til 10:30 AM. If this is the case about the car then shouldn't he have taken the shuttle? Oh wait no, he wasn't awake until way past when the shuttle even ended running. Who would be a #1 seed team and not communicate with the TO if there really was a bad situation?

Stop lying and stop trying to make me look bad. Just admit you didn't wake up or didn't think I had the balls to DQ you. Whoever your driver is is obviously full of ****, because at the venue you all both tried to tell me you couldn't find your keys, and now the story is the car won't start? Get your **** straight. You are making yourself just look even more stupid by lying to everyone, so....why should anyone trust anything you are saying anyway beyond that since you're obviously full of ****?

Are you guys really just ignoring the blatant facts?

1. No communication from Jman until his match is called and someone calls HIM at 11:45.

2. The bracket was supposed to start at 10:30 which is what I told everyone the day before. This being said, since the bracket was already starting late, there was no excuse for anyone to not -already- be there. Why would I wait even longer for Jman to get there? Oh but yeah that's right their car wasn't working. It must have been magically connected to all their phones preventing them from letting the TO know. Either that or they were all asleep and expected me to just not start when I said I would (and even though I didn't, they STILL weren't there way later when I DID start)

3. Two totally different stories. At the venue they "couldnt find their keys". Multiple people heard this. Now it's the car wasn't working?

4. 10 minutes after the match was called I asked where Jman was and the response I got from someone who had just called him was "still at the hotel". I heard nothing even THEN about this story of "keys" or "car won't start" until Jman got to the venue, 15 minutes after the DQ had occured.

I think there was discrimination as Jman and M2K were the FIRST Double DQ of the tourney and Plank just followed suit after wards because he pretty much had to.
Who would I have double DQ'd first since they were the first team I was told didn't show up and teams was the first tournament with a bracket? They were the first team to get DQ'd cuz they were the ONLY team who didn't show up on time (WHO I WAS TOLD ABOUT BY THE OTHER TEAM). I didn't know that warriorknight was late as well, or I would've definitely DQ'd him. I'm annoyed knowing the bracket was held up and their opposing team said nothing to me at all, again putting me in a ****ty situation for something I could've had no idea about.

M2ks post says that jmans car wouldn't start
Again, conflicts with the statement in the venue of "We couldn't find our keys for over an hour" (in a hotel room, so many places they could that couldn't be found for an hour with an entire carload looking for them). Again, unlikely, and again, conflicting with other statements and only trying to make me look bad.

This! Also, who is to say that Jman/M2K would have won? Maybe they felt like cr@p and lose the match then get sent to loser's bracket! Would that be a way to get around Plank DQ rule or would they still get DQ entirely for going into the losers bracket because they lost a match?
You, YOU, are by far the most annoying poster in this entire thread. You know nothing about went on, didn't attend the tournament, and are making rash judgments based on nothing before I can even explain my side of the story.

No, if they lost, they would've went to losers. But here's the truth: they didn't lose. You know why they didn't lose? Because they didn't play because Jman wasn't at the venue when it was time for his match. Why are you trying to live in a world of "if's"? Don't talk about hypothetical situations, talk about the one at hand. Losing a set or throwing a set are one thing, but not being there is entirely different. There was no chance for M2K and Jman to win at all, therefore creating a 100% chance that the teams in losers bracket would have to play M2K and Jman very early. The teams in losers do not deserve this BECAUSE OF JMAN BEING LATE. Had Jman and M2K lost, that's one thing and THAT is when the losers bracket sucks it up, -NOT- when it is at fault of the irresponsibility of the players and not even attempting to communicate with the tournament organizer until their match had already been called. But don't try to talk about a situation that did NOT happen when the issue at hand is the situation that did.

They were late for their winners bracket match specifically, and as such should be DQ'd from their winners bracket match. That's all the manning up they need to do. If you go into a store and break a lamp, they ask you to pay for the lamp, not the lamp and some other lamp.

I don't even know how to respond to that one. You just summed up an entire complex situation into going into a store and breaking a lamp. There's quite a few more factors than that, that's actually quite an off analogy.

Was there a DQ rule in the OP? No! Plank said he discussed it with a fellow TO about handling DQ the DAY BEFORE Pound started, but nothing was clearly said!

Reason for M2K/Jman being DQ: Plank didn't want a dominant team in the losers bracket so they can just run through it smoothly!

Reason for Jman being late: handling business with the hotel! Not exactly sure what it was!

Were other teams DQ like M2K/Jman? Yes!
1. Again, you put words in my mouth. I was simply saying I had a witness that I had previously decided how I was going to DQ people in the tournament before it had even started: all or nothing. I was not in any way saying I made the rule the day before the tournament, which is what you are implying.
2. Reason for M2K/JMAN to be DQ: They weren't there for 10 minutes after their match with no communication whatsoever to me until the time was ticking down.
3. You don't know the "business" but you choose to go ahead and blindly agree with them and flame the tournament host in the thread with 6 posts of assumptions before he has a chance to respond.
4. Hey, you got one right.

But if it's the first DQ handed out then of course after that he has to double DQ everyone. There is no general predetermined logic behind a double DQ stating that a single DQ is unfair for the loser's bracket. A single DQ wouldn't make any difference if the late players were players you expected to lose anyway. You can't know that beforehand, so the decision was clearly made on the spot that they were too good to be sent to loser's bracket and he double DQ'd them. Then he just double DQ'd everyone else after that.
I love that you say "The situation was clearly made on the spot" when it was not. You are truly something else, because your post is 100% wrong and you really do seem to believe yourself.

Skill had EVERYTHING to do with this!

Once Plank DQ'ed Jman/M2k entirely, he had to do the same for everyone! Plank didn't double DQ'ed everyone for being late! He double DQ'ed them because he couldn't play favorites once he did it to Jman/M2k!
Why are you saying what I am doing? Again, another post entirely wrong.

A lot of people seem to think that Plank DQ'ing a bunch of other teams shows that he wasn't biased in his decision.

But these people are ignoring the fact that DQ'ing ANYBODY from the entire tourney for being twenty minutes late is completely ludicrous.

Either he was being incredibly biased or he was making ridiculous calls that no TO should ever make.

At the very least, I know that PC and Janet weren't DQ'd until afterward. Plank stated candidly that he basically had no choice due to the M2K/Jman situation.

This was a fun time overall and I really appreciate the time and dedication that must have gone into this, but this particular call was really just unacceptable. Hopefully the rules will be more clearly stated in the future and we won't have to deal with it again.
They were twenty minutes late for their match, yes. Their match was also given an extra hour because we started late. He knew he was supposed to be there at 10:30, so everyone should've been there ready to play all of their matches.

Janet told me the day before she wasn't going to be there until 12:30 so I did make an exception for her because I do understand that obligations are necessary yet I could not hold up my tournament. Perhaps if I had heard something from Jman or ANYONE who had heard from Jman before 8 minutes after their match was called at 11:45 AM (an hour and 15 mins after planned launch time) I would've figured something out for them? Has nobody thought about that? However without talking to the TO at ALL for an hour and 15 minutes after the start time and until contacted by someone from the venue, I'm not going to make exceptions for you.

I say I make no exceptions but I do help out people with legitimate situations who let me know because things DO come up, but Jman had no excuse whatsoever to not be there.

There were multiple people in the tournament who I did help out but you have to communicate. Anybody who I heard nothing from ahead of time just got DQ'd, there's no reason to not contact the TO if something is going on.

I do agree though that I should've stated the rules more carefully, but to be honest I did not think any players were going to be stupid enough to be late for bracket after how many people got DQ'd day 1. I just do NOT believe in DQing players to losers brackets because of the chance that they will **** over other players who did not deserve to be playing a team that early. I was about to make one exception to this rule because kiwi and PC told me ahead of time AND ALSO would've had to play me and Travis in losers anyway and I thought we would beat them anyway and they'd at least get to play a match. I shouldn't have even offered to make the exception, but with the fact they told me ahead of time and the fact they were just going to have to play me and Chinesah paired with the factdidn't think anyone else would be late, I didn't really think about it that much at the time. I was just really busy and I certainly did not expect Jman to be late since there was no communication at all. Although I guess it's hard to communicate when you are asleep.

Pretty annoyed at all the lies coming out of this thread tbh and all the people who are posting opinions and such without having any idea of the true story. They are so obviously lying about what happened so hopefully more people understand why I did what I did.

Mogwai, I totally respect your post that you simply don't agree with my opinion to DQ people from the entire bracket, that's really all that needs to be said though. All these excuses for why they weren't at the tournament are pretty obviously not true and lies as i've proven earlier so you basically have the only valid point left.

That being said I apologized for not announcing it earlier, I simply figured with all the DQ's I was doing that it was obvious that the DQ's were instant and no exceptions. Looking back I see how others would have no reason to realize that since it's not the standard, and although I think it's the only way to be fair, I definitely should've made it known beforehand to the public beforehand so I apologize.

I will say though, that whether or not it WAS known beforehand, I really don't think it would've changed a thing. Do you think Jman was really going "Well I just won't call because I'll only get DQ'd from winners"

I doubt it, cuz it seems to me like Jman was going zzzzzzzzz an hour past when the tournament was supposed to start.


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
the biggest point people seem to be misisng in all of this, was that, even if jman's car wasnt starting, he could have taken a shuttle.

the shuttles ran from 8:30 - 10:30 and if jman's car really wasnt starting and he knew he had to be at the venue at 10:30, simply taking a shuttle would have avoided all of this.

just saying



Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
Double DQing just makes no sense, I only see TWO reasons for it.

A) They'd **** the losers bracket (which then applies to no one else so no one else should get double dq'd and this reason is biased towards their skill.)

B) Holding up the tournament.

Well for B, if they were also late for their losers match and also holding up the tournament, I can completely understand...but they weren't.

If you were SO WORRIED about them ****** losers bracket, then you should have done everyone in losers a favor and kept them in winners regardless. Not just DQ them when they paid good money to enter.

Also Hax was late for his match with Armada and you gave him an extra 30 minutes to warm up. Seems like you didn't mind holding up the tournament for your own reasons.

Why do I say your own reasons? I'm sure you knew that if Hax beat Armada that you would get to play him and we both know your sheik gays falcons life.

I still loved the tourney and the way it was run but your third round pool, singles bracket, and allowing hax 30 extra minutes to warm up after being late is just plain suspicious.


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
Plank's "double DQing" makes a lot more sense if you define it for what it actually is - total removal from the event, which is what he did whether it was pools or brackets.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
Plank I agree with everything you say. I won't go into specific details about this Jman thing because you logically addressed all the points and I agree with your reasoning.

You were very nice and courteous to me from the first time you called me at the airport to getting my ride back on Sunday night, and I know you had a lot on your plate. I was just a random smasher and you really helped me out.

You organized and successfully ran the best and biggest melee tournament ever, and that's all that matters.

To all people complaining: Run your own tournament.


Smash Master
Aug 1, 2008
Boston, MA or Miami, FL
If JMan was really in a situation where they were all looking for car keys OR trying to start the car or whatever ****... There's no reason that they still couldn't have gotten there on time

They could have called for a ride

they could have called and said they were going to be late because of Keys or whatever

There are so many more responsible things that could have happened but DIDNT happen, on fault of JMan or whoever.

Communication is important.

All evidence and logic points to the fact that they were oversleeping.. or Indisposed maybe doing HARD DRUGS or some **** lolll

My old fcking band teacher had a saying "if you're early, you're on time. If you're on time, you're late. & if you're late, you're REALLY late."

Personally, I would have ****ing ran to the tournament if I was that good xD
hitch-hiked or somethign LOL xDDD

(waiting for people to flame this post)


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
Plank's "double DQing" makes a lot more sense if you define it for what it actually is - total removal from the event, which is what he did whether it was pools or brackets.
There is no "losers pool" to go to so that just doesn't make sense.

If you earned your way into the bracket that's even more of a reason to not just get completely removed.

No TO's ever do that and all of these smashers saying it doesn't make sense or that it doesn't seem right is for a reason.

Obviously a good amount of people don't agree with the decision.


Smash Lord
Apr 27, 2006
Skokie, IL
Oh man a tourney host who actually has the balls to DQ people. Kudos! So many wild accusations flying around in this thread it's just too funny to read.

Alex Strife

Smash Hero
Apr 24, 2006
Plank I agree with everything you say. I won't go into specific details about this Jman thing because you logically addressed all the points and I agree with your reasoning.

You were very nice and courteous to me from the first time you called me at the airport to getting my ride back on Sunday night, and I know you had a lot on your plate. I was just a random smasher and you really helped me out.

You organized and successfully ran the best and biggest melee tournament ever, and that's all that matters.

To all people complaining: Run your own tournament.
QFT please stop complaining.


Smash Champion
Jul 7, 2003
I was about to make one exception to this rule because kiwi and PC told me ahead of time AND ALSO would've had to play me and Travis in losers anyway and I thought we would beat them anyway and they'd at least get to play a match.
Definitely not biased.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Kind of funny my post was ignored entirely. Also forgot about the Hax having Armada wait for like 20 minutes bull****. Of course exceptions can be made when a European player might lose, right? Why not take away his best counterpick too? Oh wait...


Never Knows Best
Nov 8, 2006
Milpitas, CA
There is no "losers pool" to go to so that just doesn't make sense.
So not being on time for one match in pools setting you to 0-2 for every single matchup in the pool makes sense to you, but being taken out of two sets in brackets for the same thing doesn't?


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Pool matches aren't played in a set order. If your pool hasn't finished yet, you are still on time. You just have to play all of your matches in a row. I think you should be allowed to play whatever you are on time for if you paid to enter.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
So not being on time for one match in pools setting you to 0-2 for every single matchup in the pool makes sense to you, but being taken out of two sets in brackets for the same thing doesn't?
See the way pools works is that everyone plays everyone. So if you aren't there everyone else will play their match ups until only you are left.

If you still aren't there by that time then you are dq'd from the pool. See how that works? Being late for "one match in the pool" doesn't really happen because they aren't done in any specific order.

Edit: I like Marc, sucks I didn't meet him at Pound 4.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
I loved this tournament.

I love Plank
I love Jman
I love Europe
I love Toasty

Drama is dumb.

Melee tournament was done and finished really quickly, all epic sets received their due hype and recording time. Not to mention there was alot of time for friendlies day 3. Pound 4 was ****.

Assuming Jman and friends had woken up at a time that would ensure their punctual arrival, they would have had more than enough of it to understand what was going on and change their plans accordingly. (i.e. taking the shuttle bus) If they got to the venue as late as they did by car, and admit they spent more than an hour finding their keys or starting it...then the argument for them sort of falls apart. Did they really spend that long looking for keys?

When it comes to complete and utter DQing...well thats all up to Plank. Personally, I found it a bit much though.
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