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*Pound* 4 Results

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Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
had fun besides getting DQ'D out of the BIGGEST melee tourney of all time =(

see every1 next tourney

and the reason i was like 20 min late was cause my driver could not find his car keys for about 30 mins and we were stuck in the hotel witch was about 5 min from the hotel

its too late now but this will just never happen again

sorry m2k again


Smash Champion
Oct 6, 2007
That sucks Jman, you and m2k would have been top 3 in teams for sure.

Strong Badam

Super Elite
Feb 27, 2008
so anyway imo there's nothing that can be done at this point unless europeans want to fly back next week and everyone else in the doubles tourney and re-do it w/o DQing jman/m2k
the decision was at the very least questionable for sure, but the only things to be accomplished at this point are to cause drama, try to ruin Plank's reputation as a TO (despite him apparently being a very good one. ->pound 1-4 <-), and spam up this thread with **** and not letting people post proper shout outs.
clearly there is a lesson to be learned from this situation but uninformed bickering on the internet from people who weren't even at the tournament (myself included) is just about the least productive thing at this point.
mew2king/jman should have communicated better with Plank (if Jman had car trouble and knew they'd be late, they could have called the venue and let Plank know ahead of time so maybe Plank could have waited until that match-up was holding up the bracket). Plank was uninformed of Jman's strenuous situation as far as I can tell. Plank doesn't deserve a bunch of **** after just hosting the largest Melee tournament in history and doing a ton of **** to ensure it ran smoothly and people had rides to airports and housing and stuff. The only thing that can be done at this point is for Plank and Mew2King/Jman (and others, if they're wise) to learn from this experience and perhaps handle situations such as what occurred better in the future.
that said...

I can't wait to see the vids. I didn't see SS vs. Armada, darkrain vs. Zhu, Jman vs. A lot of people, Mew2King vs. Hbox, Mew2King vs. Over, Amsah vs, Remen, etc. since it wasn't livestreamed.
Mew2King vs. Armada was like the most amazing set I had ever seen. Puff dittos were boring, but it isn't the players faults for that.

What happened with US vs. Europe crews?

Also... when are full Doubles/Singles results going to be posted? I posted the top 48 singles but that doesn't go into pools, and there isn't a bracket image on the first page either.


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2007
New York
not to bee cocky or anything i was thinking we were going to win teams since we played 4 this tourney so much.. but yea its dumb that we cant play threw losers cause we are to good >_>


Apr 5, 2005
Phoenix Foundation
I started putting up vids. I can't upload them at work. I don't have anything too ridiculous..... aside from Lucky and Dr. PP.


Smash Hero
Apr 14, 2004
ashburn, VA
this isn't even a real "results thread" anyway. plank will upload everything when we're done cleaning the filthy venue you all trashed, and then every dumb post made in this thread can be forgot about.


Smash Hero
May 26, 2006
Drama :(
Being in the middle of some STACKING IT UP was pretty epic :)
Puff ditto finals :(
M2K vs Armada :) :) :)
No 64 side tournament :(
SS beating Armada with people crawling under desks to watch :confused: :) :confused: :)

Props to Plank for hosting, best tournament I've ever been to :) :) :)


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
I think I'm gonna train my Falcon to be a good enough secondary for certain matchups. We'll see, that's basically only the other character I can play good lol.

Edit: Plank ftw! =D

Tope get ***** rofl, it was fun. I love the trashtalk during the MM, so hilarious.


Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2008
Good **** Jman, Hax, M2K, Armada, Amsah.

Amsahs sheik is redic.


Smash Master
Jul 31, 2008
Good Sh*t Melee community and everyone i met and talked to

You are all beautiful ;]


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec
Dude, some **** I do, I can't even believe myself sometimes lol. I remember vs Cactuar Falcon dittos, he landed on the cloud then I did a Downair ledge cancel on the cloud to forward B techchase, still on the cloud, to reverse knee when he landed on the platform, that was rofl. It really does feel special.. and also I'm pretty sure Falcon as a character is also a warrior type character except faster so I have to get faster as well. =P


Smash Master
Nov 30, 2003
ZOMG Duluth, GA mostly... sometimes Weston, FL
Dude, some **** I do, I can't even believe myself sometimes lol. I remember vs Cactuar Falcon dittos, he landed on the cloud then I did a Downair ledge cancel on the cloud to forward B techchase, still on the cloud, to reverse knee when he landed on the platform, that was rofl. It really does feel special.. and also I'm pretty sure Falcon as a character is also a warrior type character except faster so I have to get faster as well. =P
Peach is way more warrior like than you know.

I'll show you sometime ;)


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY

I would love to see your Falcon in tournament you are definitely capable of doing some amazing things and he definitely classifies as a warrior. Just curious though, what matchups do you think Falcon has a better chance with?

edit: besides v ganon lol but why would you back out of epic warrior dittos


Apr 27, 2006
Cleveland, Ohio
I will have to admit that Melee GFs were a lot more entertaining than some of the Brawl bracket matches I watched... but that's not saying much because I was definitely yawning during Melee GFs.

Regardless, live stream was great and I enjoyed everyone's commentary. I simply cannot wait for SS vs Armada to be uploaded.

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Pound 5

No Brawl

Gotta agree. Not that I hate Brawl or the community, I just think having any TWO games run together on a tournament of this size is kind of frustrating. The whole time during days 2/3 I kept thinking about how much better it would be if we had all the setups to Melee. I'm sure Brawl kids were thinking something similar.

this tourney was pretty cool, being sick @ it was not. my weekend was thoroughly ruined. at least I got to watch Darkrain vs SS. that made the pain worth it.

also, me and Rhan vs Hbox and Uuaa. "I'll drink to that" YL taunt ftw.


Smash Cadet
Nov 3, 2009
i said in stream jeff was gonna get top ten...and they mocked me...MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
im still bitter about losing to armada.. i def. won't get over missing soo many combos during that set for a while. i know that match was critical and so many players could've gone farther had i won. i suck

i had fun but the tourney failed in terms of festivities. i remember pound 3 was one of the best weekends of my life and it was like an adventure, this one was more serious and focused on finishing the tournament, with little time for chilling/friendlies. idk the only solution i can think of would be to not host brawl at pound 5; everything would run way more smoothly


Smash Legend
Aug 6, 2006
Montreal, Quebec

I would love to see your Falcon in tournament you are definitely capable of doing some amazing things and he definitely classifies as a warrior. Just curious though, what matchups do you think Falcon has a better chance with?

edit: besides v ganon lol but why would you back out of epic warrior dittos
Hehe, well I'd say maybe vs Peach. Maybe Fox too but I'll have to figure that matchup, sooner or later.. I have a hardtime vs pro Foxes with Ganon since they can run everywhere and I can't really catch them and it's really difficult to outspace them as well. I want to be able to continue the pressure and I think Falcon can do it since he can catch Fox much easier. What comes after that is good decisions and that's it.

im still bitter about losing to armada.. i def. won't get over missing soo many combos during that set for a while. i know that match was critical and so many players could've gone farther had i won. i suck

i had fun but the tourney failed in terms of festivities. i remember pound 3 was one of the best weekends of my life and it was like an adventure, this one was more serious and focused on finishing the tournament, with little time for chilling/friendlies. idk the only solution i can think of would be to not host brawl at pound 5; everything would run way more smoothly
Never give up man. =)


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
Well said ma d00.

Then again...we still got everything finished on time?
yeah but there could've been more melee setups; melee really could've finished in a day (just like ROM1 did). i think a combination of ROM1 + Pound 3 would be the perfect tourney; ROM1's smooth hosting + p3's adventures would be hot

some more constructive criticism:
*crew battles were fail
*projector was fail; way too small
*irish mafia was at the tournament
*no brawl (plank stop choosing more money for you over running an amazing tourney for exclusively the game you love..)

so many things were done right though and i had a great time; don't take this post negatively


Feb 11, 2007
Sunnyvale, CA
im still bitter about losing to armada.. i def. won't get over missing soo many combos during that set for a while. i know that match was critical and so many players could've gone farther had i won. i suck
ya u do suck
Then again...we still got everything finished on time?
besides melee (it was a 2 day tourney)


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Time for a writeup from the European side. First of all, I think all of us had a good time, mostly because of meeting and playing the many good players and hanging out at the venue and the hotels (Mike G, Vidjo, Omni, LadyLegion, HMW, Phil, Chu, Mango, Milktea, PC Chris, UmbreonMow, Chibo, Alex Strife and so many others <3). The venue, hotels and shuttles made for some sweet facilities. Pakman was kind enough to drive me and Utto to Philadelphia, we're at Cactuar's now (thanks, guys!). I do not regret coming here, though I'm not so sure that I'll attend another American tournament.

Things that left a bitter aftertaste:
-No pickup at the airport for me and Utto which lead to unexpected hotel costs. Despite good intentions in the Pound thread, we didn't get anything back.
-Plank promised to house the Dutchies on Sunday, but didn't. Even more unexpected hotel costs.
-Seeding was downright terrible. I had Raynex in my first and second Melee pool and Mikey Lenetia in both of my Brawl pools. Amsah and Utto were in the same pool (both from Europe) and a bunch of Puerto Ricans were put together. The top European teams both lost to the same team twice, they should have been swapped in the bracket. Apparently, everything the program can't do is impossible to fix manually for Americans (we correct stuff all the time in Europe). Also, my third round Melee pool had HungryBox, PC Chris, Shroomed, IHaveSpaceBalls, WarriorKnight and me. How hard is it to balance out pools? Faab also got a really tough pool btw. Even if some things make sense seedingwise, some top seeds are more equal than others. Apparently Plank thought so too, because most people I talked to think he fixed his pools and bracket, which is quite possible considering his placing.
-The disqualification of M2K and Jman was ridiculous, regardless of whether they're the top team or not. They should have gotten one loss at most. It's very clear that Plank simply does not like M2K, especially since he allowed other people to buy their way in by paying 20 dollars (what happened with that money?). It got really tiresome to hear disqualification threats with every announcement anyway.
-Jigglypuff finals. *vomits*
-Having to play/watch Melee and Brawl at the same time, while there were also periods were I had nothing to do. This made me rush through my second round of Brawl pools to hurry back to Melee. No johns though, I wouldn't have made it anyway with DEHF, Atomsk, Kadaj and MikeyLenetia in that pool. I feel Brawl was treated as a side event, which is ****ty for the Brawl only players.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
I agree with everything that Marc said.

But all the pools were insanely hard because of all the insane competition.

Well except for Planks since he had all low tiers as a sheik player lol.


El Fuego
Mar 10, 2006
Philadephia, PA
"Jigs beats Marth."

By the way, Husband and Cactus think Marth beats Jigs. MaNg0 thinks its 70-30 and Darc thinks its at best EVEN for jigs.

You were right.
This matchup changes drastically depending on what level of play you are looking at. I'm pretty sure I haven't just said Marth beats Jiggs anytime recently.
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