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*Pound* 4 Results

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Needs to try harder
Mar 3, 2008
This guy organized Pound 4
Give this man some credit, he knows what he's talking about
holy ****


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
I just ignore your posts because I find you extremely rude and disrespectful. I despised your demeanor at the tournament, and I never heard anything but complaining from you all tournament for EVERYTHING, so I'm really not surprised you're complaining now.
I'd like you to elaborate on that, because I've come up to you TWICE during the entire tournament. The first time was to tell you Raynex and me were in the same pool again ("program's fault, can't fix that"), the second time was to ask you about the housing for the Europeans ("I'll help out, it'll be fine"). I've also told you repeatedly before the tournament how much I trusted you to do a great job, how great I thought the venue was and how hyped I was for the tournament, so posting something like this just seems like a cop-out to not respond to the fact that the Europeans feel kind of screwed by you. So really, what was my demeanor during the tournament considering we only interacted twice in three days? I haven't had alcohol, I didn't trash my hotel room, I didn't get into fights with anyone... I'm kind of stumped here. We most definitely appreciate the actual hosting of the tournament, but does that mean we can't express criticism at all? I'm not even sure what I want from this anymore, but I'm really disappointed with the way you handle any kind of criticism. Whenever someone posts something that isn't a feather on your cap you call them rude and disrespectful and say something about tournament behaviour which you could not possibly have closely monitored for 400+ people and has nothing to do which what was actually said. I'd appreciate a response on a more respectful level (that's right, I think you're being very disrespectful here), but I'm not counting on it anymore. You're nice in person, but completely different on the boards.
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