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*Pound* 4 Results

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Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
lol jman and m2k wont break up.

i remember chilling in the hotel room and raynex was like "yo jman whats your strategy in teams"

and jman was like "i just make them go near the ledge where m2k is."


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
I think it's more along the lines of misunderstanding because of any and all previous melee tournaments throughout the history of the game.

But that's just me.
right, so we're really all suffering because the mages decided to use the wrong word to describe what their actions would be


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
right, so we're really all suffering because the mages decided to use the wrong word to describe what their actions would be
The only ones suffering are Plank, M2K, and Jman. (Even though Jman took it like a champ and got over it rather quickly because it was his fault and he knows that.)

The only real problem here was that Plank forgot to make it clear that if you were late to your winners match that you'd be out of everything.

Actually the only real problem IMO is that he actually did DQ people from everything but that's just me.


Smash Hero
Dec 29, 2007
GA all dai
lol jman and m2k wont break up.

i remember chilling in the hotel room and raynex was like "yo jman whats your strategy in teams"

and jman was like "i just make them go near the ledge where m2k is."
lol that was in my room and hilarious.

also, the question of how correct the decision was should be based on the information known and believed to be fact at the time. sure it may seem to be justice in retrospect but that is irrelevant as well

and pocky lol i was thinkin the same thing


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2009
I was the other TO Plank was talking to the day before the tourney when we talked about policies for DQ's and I was impressed that he can back his statements. I am pretty ruthless when it comes to people if our just late by 5 seconds.

I am probably implementing this same concept - if you are no where to be found to completely DQ you from a tourney.

Players need to always remember that a tourney is not responsible for them being on time. Communication is paramount. if your running late you need to communicate that immediately with TO's. The tourney itself was running behind by roughly an hour so technically Jman you were much later than you realized.

I am looking at sponsoring both M2K and Jman so I can say it objectively - while this method of DQ is quite harsh - I look at the DQ to losers as a tactic some players in other communities have used to their advantage.

I can understand Planks concept here, what if players (obviously I dont think they did it for this reason but its the concept of why you DQ this way) use this as a tactic to burn through the losers bracket and make it easier to the Grand Finals.

While this type of sandbagging is risky...it happens - I can respect the decision and the conviction to see it through because it will be the subject of a lot of controversy.

Either way Plank, it was great being at your tourney - Tantalus did a great job handling a lot on his plate as well.

I look forward to your next one, I hope you had a break and some rest, the text you sent me earlier...WOW O_O lol.

and those drives to and from BWI driving folks back and forth were epic lol.

I hope everyone learns from this incident - communicate at tourneys with TO's if they know whats going on, they can be more forgiving of the situation.

Pound was Hype!


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
i honestly dont feel i didnt make it clear. i said if u arent here u are disqualified. i didnt say u are disqualified from winners, or you lose your set. i said you were disqualified. when i said others were disqualified in pools, they were totally disqualified, they did not lose a pool set.

bottom line is its not really fair that im suffering at all for a decision made by an irresponsible person. had he have simply been on time, it wouldn't have gone that way. i was redundant as **** over the mic so its whatever.

why are u even still arguing white mike? ur being extremely rude. its obvious that jman and kiwi were taking advantage of me and attempting to sleep longer just to sleep off a hangover rather than being on time. then they created an ENTIRE bs story to try and cover their tracks and got people to lie for them and now you are STILL coming at me?

ive been a TO for so many years and i know how to run tournaments. whether or not you agree with my decision you cant deny that the tournament went very well. any TO who doesnt DQ a player who INTENTIONALLY attempts to hold up his tournament from the -ENTIRE- tournament is a WEAK TO, period.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
The only ones suffering are Plank, M2K, and Jman. (Even though Jman took it like a champ and got over it rather quickly because it was his fault and he knows that.)

The only real problem here was that Plank forgot to make it clear that if you were late to your winners match that you'd be out of everything.

Actually the only real problem IMO is that he actually did DQ people from everything but that's just me.
we're all suffering a little because of the 20 pages here

like i said already, the term "disqualify" is EXTREMELY clear


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
Well at the time of your double dqing them you did not know that they were intentionally holding up the tournament and the fact that we now know they were isn't relevant because it wasn't known at the time of the decision.

How are the posts in the unofficial results thread causing you to suffer? I will keep my ranting out of the official results thread but I have a right to voice my opinion and no one is forcing you to read it.

Also Plank I tried to make it clear in several of my posts that I thoroughly enjoyed the tourny and am excited for the next one, I'm not trying to be rude to you at all.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Well at the time of your double dqing them you did not know that they were intentionally holding up the tournament and the fact that we now know they were isn't relevant because it wasn't known at the time of the decision.

How are the posts in the unofficial results thread causing you to suffer? I will keep my ranting out of the official results thread but I have a right to voice my opinion and no one is forcing you to read it.

Also Plank I tried to make it clear in several of my posts that I thoroughly enjoyed the tourny and am excited for the next one, I'm not trying to be rude to you at all.
How do you know what I knew? I had already heard he was sleeping late and all the pieces added together perfectly. His own friends (to be left unnamed) said at that exact time before I DQ'd that they needed to be more responsible.

You can't tell me I didn't know when I JUST posted a few pages back essentially EXACTLY what happened before we all found out.

read through the thread, gonna make some points before i post the real results thread for melee.

Does there need to be a DQ rule in the OP when I mention 150 times at the tournament that people not there by 10:30 would be disqualified? Those were my exact words. I did not say disqualified from winners, nor did I say they would forfeit that match. When I DQ people from pools did I just DQ one set in pools? No, people needed to be at their pools or they were DQ'd from the entire pool, which includes bracket. When I said I was talking to a fellow TO the day before I did not say I decided on it that day. I had decided that long ago. What I do to penalize people who are late is entirely up to me as the TO and what I think is fair. Simple solution: Don't be late. Everybody knew I wasn't ****ing around after day 1, anybody who was late was testing me and got burned if I found out. -Anybody-. Pound 3 didn't end on time, I was absolutely not letting this tournament go too long at any cost.

No, that's not what i'm saying. You are putting words in my mouth before I've even had a second to breathe and check the forums for feedback from the tournament. I had already planned to DQ everyone who didn't show up to their matches within the 10 minutes after they were called. It's as simple as that.

I understand this, and I apologize. I had DQ'd everyone from the entire tournament beforehand, and I guess since brackets is double elimination whereas everything else thus far had been pools, people didn't understand that I was only doing -full- tournament DQ's. I never once mentioned anything in the tournament over the mic about a match or set being forfeited, but rather immediate disqualification. I don't give second chances at the biggest melee tournament of all time.

This is the funniest and most bull**** defense of all, which is hilarious to me. "Had a problem at the hotel". Notice how everyone is totally vague as to what this problem was. On the boards now apparently the story is that the car wouldn't start, although at the venue they told me they lost their keys. Two totally different stories, that's interesting. If either were true, why wouldn't they call and let anyone at the venue know? Teams were supposed to start at 10:30, I announced it 50 times and yet I don't get any word from Jman until his match is called at 11:45? Oh, not to mention that was when someone ELSE called Jman.

Let's back it up a little bit. Let's pretend that Jman's car wouldn't start, they couldn't find the keys, or whatever lie fits best to try and make me look bad, why wouldn't they take the shuttle if that was the case. The shuttle was free and ran to and from the venue from 8:30 AM til 10:30 AM. If this is the case about the car then shouldn't he have taken the shuttle? Oh wait no, he wasn't awake until way past when the shuttle even ended running. Who would be a #1 seed team and not communicate with the TO if there really was a bad situation?

Stop lying and stop trying to make me look bad. Just admit you didn't wake up or didn't think I had the balls to DQ you. Whoever your driver is is obviously full of ****, because at the venue you all both tried to tell me you couldn't find your keys, and now the story is the car won't start? Get your **** straight. You are making yourself just look even more stupid by lying to everyone, so....why should anyone trust anything you are saying anyway beyond that since you're obviously full of ****?

Are you guys really just ignoring the blatant facts?

1. No communication from Jman until his match is called and someone calls HIM at 11:45.

2. The bracket was supposed to start at 10:30 which is what I told everyone the day before. This being said, since the bracket was already starting late, there was no excuse for anyone to not -already- be there. Why would I wait even longer for Jman to get there? Oh but yeah that's right their car wasn't working. It must have been magically connected to all their phones preventing them from letting the TO know. Either that or they were all asleep and expected me to just not start when I said I would (and even though I didn't, they STILL weren't there way later when I DID start)

3. Two totally different stories. At the venue they "couldnt find their keys". Multiple people heard this. Now it's the car wasn't working?

4. 10 minutes after the match was called I asked where Jman was and the response I got from someone who had just called him was "still at the hotel". I heard nothing even THEN about this story of "keys" or "car won't start" until Jman got to the venue, 15 minutes after the DQ had occured.

Who would I have double DQ'd first since they were the first team I was told didn't show up and teams was the first tournament with a bracket? They were the first team to get DQ'd cuz they were the ONLY team who didn't show up on time (WHO I WAS TOLD ABOUT BY THE OTHER TEAM). I didn't know that warriorknight was late as well, or I would've definitely DQ'd him. I'm annoyed knowing the bracket was held up and their opposing team said nothing to me at all, again putting me in a ****ty situation for something I could've had no idea about.

Again, conflicts with the statement in the venue of "We couldn't find our keys for over an hour" (in a hotel room, so many places they could that couldn't be found for an hour with an entire carload looking for them). Again, unlikely, and again, conflicting with other statements and only trying to make me look bad.

You, YOU, are by far the most annoying poster in this entire thread. You know nothing about went on, didn't attend the tournament, and are making rash judgments based on nothing before I can even explain my side of the story.

No, if they lost, they would've went to losers. But here's the truth: they didn't lose. You know why they didn't lose? Because they didn't play because Jman wasn't at the venue when it was time for his match. Why are you trying to live in a world of "if's"? Don't talk about hypothetical situations, talk about the one at hand. Losing a set or throwing a set are one thing, but not being there is entirely different. There was no chance for M2K and Jman to win at all, therefore creating a 100% chance that the teams in losers bracket would have to play M2K and Jman very early. The teams in losers do not deserve this BECAUSE OF JMAN BEING LATE. Had Jman and M2K lost, that's one thing and THAT is when the losers bracket sucks it up, -NOT- when it is at fault of the irresponsibility of the players and not even attempting to communicate with the tournament organizer until their match had already been called. But don't try to talk about a situation that did NOT happen when the issue at hand is the situation that did.


I don't even know how to respond to that one. You just summed up an entire complex situation into going into a store and breaking a lamp. There's quite a few more factors than that, that's actually quite an off analogy.

1. Again, you put words in my mouth. I was simply saying I had a witness that I had previously decided how I was going to DQ people in the tournament before it had even started: all or nothing. I was not in any way saying I made the rule the day before the tournament, which is what you are implying.
2. Reason for M2K/JMAN to be DQ: They weren't there for 10 minutes after their match with no communication whatsoever to me until the time was ticking down.
3. You don't know the "business" but you choose to go ahead and blindly agree with them and flame the tournament host in the thread with 6 posts of assumptions before he has a chance to respond.
4. Hey, you got one right.

I love that you say "The situation was clearly made on the spot" when it was not. You are truly something else, because your post is 100% wrong and you really do seem to believe yourself.

Why are you saying what I am doing? Again, another post entirely wrong.

They were twenty minutes late for their match, yes. Their match was also given an extra hour because we started late. He knew he was supposed to be there at 10:30, so everyone should've been there ready to play all of their matches.

Janet told me the day before she wasn't going to be there until 12:30 so I did make an exception for her because I do understand that obligations are necessary yet I could not hold up my tournament. Perhaps if I had heard something from Jman or ANYONE who had heard from Jman before 8 minutes after their match was called at 11:45 AM (an hour and 15 mins after planned launch time) I would've figured something out for them? Has nobody thought about that? However without talking to the TO at ALL for an hour and 15 minutes after the start time and until contacted by someone from the venue, I'm not going to make exceptions for you.

I say I make no exceptions but I do help out people with legitimate situations who let me know because things DO come up, but Jman had no excuse whatsoever to not be there.

There were multiple people in the tournament who I did help out but you have to communicate. Anybody who I heard nothing from ahead of time just got DQ'd, there's no reason to not contact the TO if something is going on.

I do agree though that I should've stated the rules more carefully, but to be honest I did not think any players were going to be stupid enough to be late for bracket after how many people got DQ'd day 1. I just do NOT believe in DQing players to losers brackets because of the chance that they will **** over other players who did not deserve to be playing a team that early. I was about to make one exception to this rule because kiwi and PC told me ahead of time AND ALSO would've had to play me and Travis in losers anyway and I thought we would beat them anyway and they'd at least get to play a match. I shouldn't have even offered to make the exception, but with the fact they told me ahead of time and the fact they were just going to have to play me and Chinesah paired with the factdidn't think anyone else would be late, I didn't really think about it that much at the time. I was just really busy and I certainly did not expect Jman to be late since there was no communication at all. Although I guess it's hard to communicate when you are asleep.

Pretty annoyed at all the lies coming out of this thread tbh and all the people who are posting opinions and such without having any idea of the true story. They are so obviously lying about what happened so hopefully more people understand why I did what I did.

Mogwai, I totally respect your post that you simply don't agree with my opinion to DQ people from the entire bracket, that's really all that needs to be said though. All these excuses for why they weren't at the tournament are pretty obviously not true and lies as i've proven earlier so you basically have the only valid point left.

That being said I apologized for not announcing it earlier, I simply figured with all the DQ's I was doing that it was obvious that the DQ's were instant and no exceptions. Looking back I see how others would have no reason to realize that since it's not the standard, and although I think it's the only way to be fair, I definitely should've made it known beforehand to the public beforehand so I apologize.

I will say though, that whether or not it WAS known beforehand, I really don't think it would've changed a thing. Do you think Jman was really going "Well I just won't call because I'll only get DQ'd from winners"

I doubt it, cuz it seems to me like Jman was going zzzzzzzzz an hour past when the tournament was supposed to start.

so how did i not know, exactly?

Venom NY

Smash Lord
Mar 8, 2007
Dionis S.W.A.T all day
My teammate Jman was 10 minutes late for a winners finals team match because his car wouldn't start from the venue so he got there a bit late, and Plank DISQUALIFIED US FROM THE WHOLE TOURNAMENT. It wasn't nearly as late as you guys are saying, and we got DQed from both winners bracket AND losers. His logic was that it was unfair to the people in loser's bracket that they have to play Mew2King and Jman so he DQed us from the whole tournament.

Warrior Knight, who CAME with Jman, was allowed to enter with his teammate.

And on top of THAT, Doll wanted to forfeit his teams match to us anyway so we could go on and win the tourney, and Plank wouldn't let them do that.

It's ****ing bull**** and unacceptable. Me and PC arrived late for Pound2 so we were put in losers bracket but we still came back and won. Everyone I asked and told the whole story/situation to agreed with us as well that it's extremely unfair. Being DQed from winners AND losers?? NOT ALLOWING OPPOSING TEAM TO FORFEIT WHEN THEY SAID THEY WOULD. ALLOWING Warrior Knight to enter but not me and Jman. It's COMPLETELY UNFAIR. I practiced Sheik a lot for that tourney and teams with Jman only to get DQed because Jman arrived late and Plank was an *******. 700 dollars down the drain for no reason at all.

There is no justification for what he did at all and it is completely unfair
I definetly heard the story from Jman and Alukard...the whole thing is pretty beast...I didnt get any time specifics but if this is true about the 10 minutes AND not letting the other team give up...then that is just really crazy =/ kinda f'd up


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
I'm just use to hearing DQ out of winners because this whole thing reminds me of a similar thing that happened here is SoCal! HugS didn't show up on time because he was still on his way! He did manage to call, but he didn't show up until much, much later! So what happened? He was DQ'ed from winners! He was very upset about the whole thing, but I can only imagine how much more upset he would have been if he was DQ'ed from the whole thing!


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
in a few weeks with checks just like the americans
Very funny. I'm trying to get you to respond to my earlier posts. You didn't even say as much as "I'm sorry" for all of a sudden not housing us anymore and didn't help us out at all. We ended up renting a hotel room for one more night and had half the Dutchies sleep on the floor. Also, what do you have to say about the accusations of rigging the pools/bracket? I might have missed it, but this is a pretty serious issue.


Smash Master
Feb 7, 2006
Purdue/Woodridge, IL
stop saying double disqualified mike!! You can't be disqualified twice, you're in or you're out, and there is no middle ground.

PockyD and Ankoku have already tried to explain this basic logic to you!!

Everyone saying DQ'd from winners bracket is wrong! Learn language comprehension.


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
Even if you did know, I still think a double DQ (idc what you say the word DQ means I am still using the term double DQ) wasn't in order unless they were late for both their winners and losers matches.

I just believe in a DQ for the match and not the entire bracket like it's always been done.

The fact that everyone had been totally dq'd while in pools doesn't mean people will know that they would be totally dq'd in brackets because there is no losers pool or set order for pools to be done, it's all or nothing.

Not to mention the fact that the total DQ in bracket was just plain unheard of before this event.

Look I don't mean to be disrespectful toward you, I enjoyed the tourney and love your hilarious posts on the boards, I just have my opinion on the matter and I'll drop it because it is over with.

Edit: When I say Double DQ it's because when in bracket you're guarantee'd at least two matches. So since they were DQ'd from both instead of just one which is the usual, I say DOUBLE DQ.


Smash Champion
Oct 20, 2005
this is probably the wrong place for this. But why did tourney organizers ban all the stages that counter floaties while leaving brinstar when floaties were already winning the majority of tourneys over the last year. The logic used in balancing stage picks seems rather lacking.


Smash Legend
Jul 21, 2006
San Francisco, CA
Well at the time of your double dqing them you did not know that they were intentionally holding up the tournament and the fact that we now know they were isn't relevant because it wasn't known at the time of the decision.

How are the posts in the unofficial results thread causing you to suffer? I will keep my ranting out of the official results thread but I have a right to voice my opinion and no one is forcing you to read it.

Also Plank I tried to make it clear in several of my posts that I thoroughly enjoyed the tourny and am excited for the next one, I'm not trying to be rude to you at all.
we're "suffering" because instead of reveling in how incredible an event pound 4 was, we're instead dwelling on this stupid pointless subject

for someone who doesn't buy my strict definition argument on 'disqualify', you're sure adhering to an obscenely narrow definition of 'suffering'


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
That story written from M2K's point of view is absolutely hilarious. There are 3 inaccuracies in the first sentence alone. They were over an hour late, it was a first round match, and he was asleep.

Doll never asked me to let M2K win. I would've let it happen.

Nobody reported Warrior Knight MIA, I would've DQ'd in a heartbeat.

I wonder why everyone is against me before I even get home from the tournament when people actually believe statements like that


Smash Apprentice
Oct 14, 2009
Well at the time of your double dqing them you did not know that they were intentionally holding up the tournament and the fact that we now know they were isn't relevant because it wasn't known at the time of the decision.

How are the posts in the unofficial results thread causing you to suffer? I will keep my ranting out of the official results thread but I have a right to voice my opinion and no one is forcing you to read it.

Also Plank I tried to make it clear in several of my posts that I thoroughly enjoyed the tourny and am excited for the next one, I'm not trying to be rude to you at all.
I can understand what your saying here - but if your late even by 5 seconds...the moment the DQ hammer drops - its done. reason for it is not an occurrence.

point in fact, rpgfighter works with us and I have put this in his head too about not fearing the DQ...no one is above it. I walked away for 5 mins to handle an issue with the event we were working with - I did not tell him what I was doing I just stepped away when an ops person came to me with an emergency - when my match came up and I wasn't there - he followed protocol, called the next match, and when that ended, i was not back my opponent was he DQ'd me...

then apologized to me i told "im proud of you, no one is above the DQ not even the TO of the event"

it doesnt matter how late you are 5 seconds or 5 minutes...

I support this myself - the tourney must go on.

players out there will respect him in the end for making sure his event above all else is running as smooth as possible. there were hundreds of you guys and he has to make the big decisions to keep his event in line.

he had already DQ'd out of the tourney, about, 25 other groups prior to that, for him to have made an exception would have brought on more issues. M2K and Jman are high profile so it becomes an issue - I would say, imho, you guys should focus on the awesome things that happened and the great players that excelled this weekend.

But thats just me.



Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
we're "suffering" because instead of reveling in how incredible an event pound 4 was, we're instead dwelling on this stupid pointless subject

for someone who doesn't buy my strict definition argument on 'disqualify', you're sure adhering to an obscenely narrow definition of 'suffering'
It's called giving you a taste of your own medicine.

P. O. F.

Smash Ace
May 5, 2009
2008 Melee Player
That story written from M2K's point of view is absolutely hilarious. There are 3 inaccuracies in the first sentence alone. They were over an hour late, it was a first round match, and he was asleep.

Doll never asked me to let M2K win. I would've let it happen.

Nobody reported Warrior Knight MIA, I would've DQ'd in a heartbeat.

I wonder why everyone is against me before I even get home from the tournament when people actually believe statements like that
This just in: Plank is my new favorite TO. :) I love how people who did not attend Pound 4 somehow think that their opinion on the subject MATTERS. LOL.

No offense but I really think people baby M2K because hes one of the best players. (shrug) I'm sick of everyone making excuses for other smashers when something goes wrong.

Last I checked, I did not sign up to play competitive Melee to deal with stupid drama. People need to grow up and STFU.


Relic of the Past
Sep 14, 2002
The Netherlands
Very funny. I'm trying to get you to respond to my earlier posts. You didn't even say as much as "I'm sorry" for all of a sudden not housing us anymore and didn't help us out at all. We ended up renting a hotel room for one more night and had half the Dutchies sleep on the floor. Also, what do you have to say about the accusations of rigging the pools/bracket? I might have missed it, but this is a pretty serious issue.


Smash Master
Jul 14, 2006
Los Angeles (818 Panorama City!)
lol @ the semantics over a DQ
It does sound silly, but a DQ to nearly everyone means being sent to losers! (Or taken out of the tourny if they are in losers already) If Jman/M2K were sent to losers then people would have just shrugged that off because it happens! The case here was that they were completely DQ'ed from the whole thing! That's what this whole thing is about!

Plank - Plz address Marc!


Smash Lord
Feb 25, 2009
Never Backing Down, NYC
The past is the past and nothing can be changed, I just hope to meet Plank at a tourney he isn't hosting so I can actually talk to/play friendlies with him.

You seem like a cool guy Plank and I really mean no disrespect.

Believe me when I say that, I'll be at Pound 5.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Very funny. I'm trying to get you to respond to my earlier posts. You didn't even say as much as "I'm sorry" for all of a sudden not housing us anymore and didn't help us out at all. We ended up renting a hotel room for one more night and had half the Dutchies sleep on the floor. Also, what do you have to say about the accusations of rigging the pools/bracket? I might have missed it, but this is a pretty serious issue.
I just ignore your posts because I find you extremely rude and disrespectful. I despised your demeanor at the tournament, and I never heard anything but complaining from you all tournament for EVERYTHING, so I'm really not surprised you're complaining now.

I've posted multiple times, you can look back and read if you're curious. Check out who the people I beat took out to get there. Tio would've put those other people in their spots otherwise.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Just got this in my e-mail


This is plank, right? Btw, I'd prefer this to be anonymous, but I don't post on smashboards and no one really knows me anyways so whatever.

I'm not sure if you still care or not, so i'm sorry if you wanted to be done with it already, but I think it's kinda gay that so many people are talking about the whole M2K and Jman thing without really knowing any info about it.

Just wanted to let you know that my friends and I left our room at noon on day 2 to check out of the hotel (we weren't participating in the tourney.) About 5 mins later, as we were checking out, we saw Jman and his friends come down and drop all their alcohol bottles on the ground (with several of them shattering and breaking on the ground.)

I know for sure that they spent some time there cleaning it up because they dropped it in front of the manager's/receptionists. So keep in mind, this was definitely past 12 noon when this was happening.

Anyways, Great tournament. Really appreciate your hard work!



GimR, Co-Founder of VGBootCamp
Nov 2, 2006
The one thing I don't understand about this whole situation is the fact that every tournament I've ever been to people have complained about how the pros show up late and the tourney host still lets them play because he or she is biased. Most players hate the special treatment. Then when one TO actually does something serious about it people get their panties in a WAD(and oh yea, wait until a day after the tournament to REALLY say something about it) and start arguing with him and make ASSUMPTIONS with no facts to back up what they're are saying. For the whole Warrior Knight thing. Did anyone stop and wonder if Plank was so tied up with the Jman thing that he missed the warrior knight thing? I mean he's one person watching over 500 people.

Plank has spent a lot of time explaining himself with evidence and quotes, but every time Plank proves someone wrong they make another assumption and accuse him of something else until he uses evidence to back himself again instead of apologizing for making false Statements

at Mike:

So mad lol.

Nah not really, I just like debates.

because of this quote I basically see you as a troll. You're basically saying you're trying to discredit Plank's name for the sake of debate. Are you pushing his buttons on purpose?

at Plank:

I think you should stop debating with these folks. For reasons unknown to us they are against your decision and I don't think you'll be able to change their minds which is their fault not yours.

I mean you basically proved that J Man got drunk the night before and tried to sleep in and hold up the whole tournament so that he could get some rest; and people are still against you.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
Yeah i'm done, i suppose i'll have to make an official results thread and get some decent mods to monitor it.

It sucks how much work I've done over the past few weeks and especially few days and I get welcomed home by all this. I'm glad I could clear it up basically as soon as I got home, but look at how quick people are to make judgments before I can even get home and speak my piece or tell the truth!

I'd like a mod to lock this plz, i'll post a results thread
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