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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
ahh, nvrmind, checked 1st post
well, here are 3 i just did, same sheet, and some other randoms i have done
(and yes i know some are only recolors)

thats actually most of the sprites i have done lol, at least the good ones


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
ahh, nvrmind, checked 1st post
well, here are 3 i just did, same sheet, and some other randoms i have done
(and yes i know some are only recolors)

thats actually most of the sprites i have done lol, at least the good ones
Welcome to the club.

Best one is the wailord by far. That's a great concept and great execution.


Smash Lord
Nov 1, 2007
I'm going to take this one step at a time. I'm so busy right now T_T
how's this? it's a little cheated, I know.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
you missed a red spot, and there is no definition of his head and body, which needs to be there;)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I can't wait till movie number 12. I'm not really hyping it or anything but the past 2 movies were actually good so I hope the end the trilogy in a good way :p

Meh, I watched the 11th movie tonight. It was OKAY...but it recycled
the three movies I've seen throughout. Well, mainly the first two. Weird talking Pokemon, weird random guy trying to capture a Pokemon which interferes in the already-existing trouble (albeit for different reasons), etc.
Also, what the crap was with Regigigas? It didn't even play a remotely big role. It was like "Glacier going to destroy the towns! Oh noez! Wait, Regigigas! Yay, he's stopping it! Okay, now Giratina restores the glacier...wait, where's Regigigas now?" It appeared like, in the last half hour. And didn't play that large of a role.
I found it enjoyable enough to watch, but it was hardly that good in my opinion. Also, too much Failed Potato. :p

Firus=Name some things that were added that should never have been added. It took away the whole "multiple environments" but that would be like going through a rerun of the 3rd gen with more pokes. Sure they could have fixed some things and the fact that the game was pretty linear made it a bit boring but it contains a huge improvement in depth and balances out a lot of things. It's not perfect, that's why it's my least favourite so far, but it was still fun.
Let's start with Pokemon...NO new Pokemon should've been added, but even if you accept it as an inevitability, there are plenty of Pokemon that shouldn't have been added at all. Probopass, Spiritomb, Arceus, Cresselia, nearly all of the evolutions of first gen Pokemon.

The Underground is sort of another. It's one of those ideas that really seems awesome until you actually play the game. Then you play it for a while and then you get bored of it. The fact that it didn't have Wi-Fi basically killed it, if nothing else did. What I would appreciate more is if you could, via wireless or Wi-Fi, have the overworld act as the underground. Meaning that you could bump into friends while traveling around. I always thought that'd be pretty cool while you're going through the game. They could circumvent exploits and glitches by making the other person non-solid and unable to have an effect on other conditions in the game (like, them picking up an item would not mean the other person couldn't).

Another thing; not necessarily the entire Poketch, but quite a few apps. It's rather pointless...like, that pixel one. There's one where you can draw freehand. The one with the 3 shades of pixels makes it difficult and does nothing more than allow you to shade, which allows you to put in more time and effort into making something that you can't do anything with...? And the freehand drawing/writing app was useless because things didn't stay. So you can't write yourself a note to remind you what you were doing when you quit, or to keep track of a Pokemon's EVs or something. It had some very useful apps, but it was 50% gimmick.

Also, nostalgia plays a pretty big part in peoples opinions. It might not have played a factor in which game you thought was the best but it does in a lot of people. Old things make a lot of people think back to how much they enjoyed it. D/P hasn't reached that point and may never for you but I know that when I look back when I'm older I'll definitely remember how much a change D/P/P brought to the usual while keeping it relatively close to the past 3 gens.
I'm an extremely nostalgic person. I'm not denying that, for if I did, I'd be telling a white lie.

But, if I may say so myself, I am still quite able to judge games based on how good they actually are. Sometimes I do so begrudgingly, but I don't stick on one game in my childhood as the best game ever or something. Then Sonic 1 would be the best game in my opinion, not Super Metroid, which I didn't play until early '08.

D/P/P will probably hold nostalgia eventually, but not yet.

I like Smearkip the best lord. It's funny and cool at the same time.
You mean Smearstomp. I'm 99% sure that's Marshtomp's headfin.

I finished the Sandstorm Castform, FrozenPopo.


Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Meh, I watched the 11th movie tonight. It was OKAY...but it recycled
the three movies I've seen throughout. Well, mainly the first two. Weird talking Pokemon, weird random guy trying to capture a Pokemon which interferes in the already-existing trouble (albeit for different reasons), etc.
Also, what the crap was with Regigigas? It didn't even play a remotely big role. It was like "Glacier going to destroy the towns! Oh noez! Wait, Regigigas! Yay, he's stopping it! Okay, now Giratina restores the glacier...wait, where's Regigigas now?" It appeared like, in the last half hour. And didn't play that large of a role.
I found it enjoyable enough to watch, but it was hardly that good in my opinion. Also, too much Failed Potato. :p
It was a bit recycled in that someone wanted to take control of a legendary pokemon (another reason I liked movie 10 more). Still enjoyable though and failed potato was awesome. Normal shaymin sat there fearing giratina and then all of a sudden....


Shaymin- Epic forme comes in and tries to battle giratina not scared of anythin' :p

Regigias was pretty random but his opening scene was really cool (the part with those lights flashing inside the cave).
He basically came because his home was about to get run over by a glacier so he sent his worshipers (:D) to do his work for him. When he got the job done, he went all superhero and said "My job is done here folks" and took off (would have been pretty awesome if he did that :p).

Overall the ending movie is looking out to be more like 10 then 11. The trio are against each other and some random guy that wants there powers isn't in the movie (so far it seems...).

Also, I want to see Arceus!

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
The 12th movie it seems, doesn't recycle much this time. I can't see a guy trying to capture all 3 Dragons+Mechanical Goat which I might get respect...or not(transforming Arceus would be cool and ****ing stupid at the same time)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
It was a bit recycled in that someone wanted to take control of a legendary pokemon (another reason I liked movie 10 more). Still enjoyable though and failed potato was awesome. Normal shaymin sat there fearing giratina and then all of a sudden....


Shaymin- Epic forme comes in and tries to battle giratina not scared of anythin' :p
It also looked and acted like a reindeer. At the end of the movie, my friend and I both agreed that, if a sleigh had been behind the Failed Potatoes, it would've been Santa and his reindeer. Failed Potato even LOOKS like a reindeer. I was praying while it was flying all the way up into the clouds it would end up leaving the atmosphere, burn up and die.

The only thing Failed Potato had going for it was a less annoying voice actor. And Shaymin shouldn't have spoken in the first place.

Not to mention that Failed Potato really didn't accomplish any more than Shaymin aside from TRYING to fight Giratina and being able to fly. (Which actually begs the question, could that mean Failed Potato will be able to fly in-game?)

I literally screamed at the TV when Shaymin transformed. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I didn't realize it was going to happen before some epic final battle to save the day.
The highlight of the movie was definitely when Shaymin sneezed at the beginning. :p It's so cute.

Regigias was pretty random but his opening scene was really cool (the part with those lights flashing inside the cave).
He basically came because his home was about to get run over by a glacier so he sent his worshipers (:D) to do his work for him. When he got the job done, he went all superhero and said "My job is done here folks" and took off (would have been pretty awesome if he did that :p).
Now, if Regigigas were any other Pokemon, it would've seemed slightly less random. But it was like "HAI GUISE LETS ADD IN ANOTHER LEDGENDAIRY!" and they just added him in to add him in.

Overall the ending movie is looking out to be more like 10 then 11. The trio are against each other and some random guy that wants there powers isn't in the movie (so far it seems...).

Also, I want to see Arceus!
Meh, don't count on it. There's got to be some idiot trying to do something and messing with the balance of things with the Pokemon fighting and whatnot. And Team Rocket is never the bad guys in the movies (not in the four I've watched, anywho).
The three Pokemon fighting...sound familiar?

And why do you want to see a robot goat ballerina? :p

The 12th movie it seems, doesn't recycle much this time. I can't see a guy trying to capture all 3 Dragons+Mechanical Goat which I might get respect...or not(transforming Arceus would be cool and ****ing stupid at the same time)
It's ROBOT GOAT BALLERINA. Get it right. :p

The movie actually seems a lot like the second movie to me. I don't know about the underlying plot, but Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina fighting...just like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres fighting...then chances are things get messy and Arceus/Lugia step in, Ash has to help Arceus save the day.

I'm shocked that I'm seemingly the only person who watched the movie and still thinks that the Pokemon anime is crap now compared to the first season.

Oh yeah, my mistake.

And I like the Castform.
Thank you.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
It's ROBOT GOAT BALLERINA. Get it right. :p

The movie actually seems a lot like the second movie to me. I don't know about the underlying plot, but Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina fighting...just like Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres fighting...then chances are things get messy and Arceus/Lugia step in, Ash has to help Arceus save the day.
I'm still going to respectic Robot Goat, at least it isn't as stupid as jelly croissant.
But I bet you Arceus will reject Ash. He is a mere mortal who came back from the dead and is one of the last Aura wielders with a abnormally powerful Pikachu which seems to ignore that electric attacks cannot harm ground types...yup a mere Aura using trainer with a messed up pikachu mortal.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
It also looked and acted like a reindeer. At the end of the movie, my friend and I both agreed that, if a sleigh had been behind the Failed Potatoes, it would've been Santa and his reindeer. Failed Potato even LOOKS like a reindeer. I was praying while it was flying all the way up into the clouds it would end up leaving the atmosphere, burn up and die.
Reindeers are awesome. Flying/grass raindeers that can talk and shoot beams are epic.

The only thing Failed Potato had going for it was a less annoying voice actor. And Shaymin shouldn't have spoken in the first place.

I disagree, him speaking brought character to shaymin. Imagine the whole movie with shaymin being quite and only making grunting noises. The people would never be as attached to shaymin and the story wouldn't progress very well.

Not to mention that Failed Potato really didn't accomplish any more than Shaymin aside from TRYING to fight Giratina and being able to fly. (Which actually begs the question, could that mean Failed Potato will be able to fly in-game?)
He didn't accomplish much more then ground forme but he actually tried to fight and by doing that he helped distract giratina for the time being. He also fought against the magnimites and the ship. If he didn't, chances are, they might not have made it out of that situation.

I literally screamed at the TV when Shaymin transformed. I knew it was going to happen eventually, but I didn't realize it was going to happen before some epic final battle to save the day.
The highlight of the movie was definitely when Shaymin sneezed at the beginning. :p It's so cute.

I loved that part. If shaymin didn't transform he would be sitting in some corner crying but he transformed in super saiyan forme and owned the magnimites.

Agreed. Ground forme was the cute one and sky forme was the epic one (at least in most peoples opinions :p).

Now, if Regigigas were any other Pokemon, it would've seemed slightly less random. But it was like "HAI GUISE LETS ADD IN ANOTHER LEDGENDAIRY!" and they just added him in to add him in.
Could any other pokemon (non legendary) really pull that off though? I don't think so. They needed someone strong and who better to do that, seeing the environment, then regigigas.

Meh, don't count on it. There's got to be some idiot trying to do something and messing with the balance of things with the Pokemon fighting and whatnot. And Team Rocket is never the bad guys in the movies (not in the four I've watched, anywho).
The three Pokemon fighting...sound familiar?

And why do you want to see a robot goat ballerina? :p
I actually think that no one will interfere this time other then arceus. I guess were just going to have to wait and watch.

Team rocket have pretty much been comic relief in both the movies and a lot of the episodes in the anime (that I've watched).

Yes, there were similarities but there was also differences.

In the 2nd movie, the 3 battled against each other. In the 11th, it was basically one guy vs giratina, not all 3.
The legendary birds are what the name says, the birds that represent different elements. I'm pretty sure they can breed on there own as well (in the show and manga). The legendary trio in movie 10,11 and 12 are one of a kind and control time, space and the torn world. Something far bigger then the past 3.

Plus, there battles are more epic and the only thing that really got recycled was 3 pokemon battling which, because gamefreak likes making trios, isn't all there faults.

Also, I want to see how arceus is portrayed in the movie. In the games, we can only see there sprite, they pretty much have no to little story behind them and we can't see them in motion or anything. That's why I want to see the real arceus, not just a sprite of him. Look at shaymin, I would never have guessed that was how shaymin's attitude and movement looked like.

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Skymin (Shamin-S, Failed potato, Jim, whatever you call it) cannot learn fly. It can only levitate as if it couldn't soar. Besides, how would one hold on if it could?

I certainly thought the Regigigas part was cool but kind of useless. I mean, why would Zero move the glacier in the first place. Does he want the skymin who clearly have a 4x ice weakness to die from the glacier which is made up of ice and is practically kryptonite? That's the thing I don't get about the anime sometimes; there is always something lost in translation and that thing just happens to usually be the sanity of the characters. Besides I think the Regis are all creepy, but at least the intro was cool.

Speaking of Regigigas, some Earthbound nerds I've seen think that Regigigas (and all regis for the matter) were named by the head of NOA and they argued that it was his name put with Giygas, the vilan of Earthbound. Odd little fellas in Earthbound land, eh?

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Skymin (Shamin-S, Failed potato, Jim, whatever you call it) cannot learn fly. It can only levitate as if it couldn't soar. Besides, how would one hold on if it could?

I certainly thought the Regigigas part was cool but kind of useless. I mean, why would Zero move the glacier in the first place. Does he want the skymin who clearly have a 4x ice weakness to die from the glacier which is made up of ice and is practically kryptonite? That's the thing I don't get about the anime sometimes; there is always something lost in translation and that thing just happens to usually be the sanity of the characters. Besides I think the Regis are all creepy, but at least the intro was cool.

Speaking of Regigigas, some Earthbound nerds I've seen think that Regigigas (and all regis for the matter) were named by the head of NOA and they argued that it was his name put with Giygas, the vilan of Earthbound. Odd little fellas in Earthbound land, eh?
He was trying to destroy the real world. By making the glacier move, he would have destroyed the towns and villages. It was the start of his plan and he likely would have moved on into destroying other things as well.

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Oh yeah, now I remember. Why does every vilan want to destroy the world? There are much better ways to ensure world domination, like carrying out a petition, mass hypnosis, or opening up an overpriced coffee franchise with locations every 1/2 mile.


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Oh yeah, now I remember. Why does every vilan want to destroy the world? There are much better ways to ensure world domination, like carrying out a petition, mass hypnosis, or opening up an overpriced coffee franchise with locations every 1/2 mile.
Maybe to cause grief and suffering? That's the only thing I can think up of.

P.S new Sig..using the thing that pisses people off...with the truth, its ugly but at the same time hilarious..too me any ways.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Maybe to cause grief and suffering? That's the only thing I can think up of.

P.S new Sig..using the thing that pisses people off...with the truth, its ugly but at the same time hilarious..too me any ways.
No offense but I'm with the former of the two. If you want to post irritating pic over and over, post something really irritating, liiikeeeeee....

100% chance to either cause seizures better then porygon or hypnotizing you into making me your new leader money back gueranteed!


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
No offense but I'm with the former of the two. If you want to post irritating pic over and over, post something really irritating, liiikeeeeee....
Dude they hate 10chars and I'm giving them exactly that

10 Char Aznables. The Red Comet and member of the League of Bears(he prefers to young ones)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
no Offense But I'm With The Former Of The Two. If You Want To Post Irritating Pic Over And Over, Post Something Really Irritating, Liiikeeeeee....

100% Chance To Either Cause Seizures Better Then Porygon Or Hypnotizing You Into Making Me Your New Leader Money Back Gueranteed!
My Eyes!!!!


Atemon Game
Aug 7, 2008
confiirmed, sending supplies
No offense but I'm with the former of the two. If you want to post irritating pic over and over, post something really irritating, liiikeeeeee....

100% chance to either cause seizures better then porygon or hypnotizing you into making me your new leader money back gueranteed!
..........All hail Aman, supreme ruler of the universe. Seriously though that is extremely hypnotic, I could sit here and jsut stare at that for hours :p


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I made that a while ago as a boredom thing. It is a guy holding a spining paintbrush.

Eh, could've done better. Certanly not easy two to fuse.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
very well done A_man, I like it allot, looks odd, but for that it looks GREAT!!!

being away for one day feels like an eternity in this shop....


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Thanks ^

I think I'm going to start chastling you to make your team. Make your sinnoh team so I can kick your rear already.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I made that a while ago as a boredom thing. It is a guy holding a spining paintbrush.

Eh, could've done better. Certanly not easy two to fuse.
It's pretty good. Only problem is that the legs look wierd compared to the body.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I know. Heracross has tiny legs.


Yes the hitmons are coming back together for a one sprite gig. I tried using Lee as the base since I know Spire did them the other way round. It's not great, but good enough.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I know. Heracross has tiny legs.


Yes the hitmons are coming back together for a one sprite gig. I tried using Lee as the base since I know Spire did them the other way round. It's not great, but good enough.
That looks awesome... but maybe a Hitmontop headdress type thing? I think that would look pretty cool.
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