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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Uh, sure. That's something that developed due to your environment, not genetics.

Okay, people, it's a pokemon sprite. It is 80X80, purple, pink, and yellow and flies around. Why do you hate it? I can understand indifference but come on. Your holding a grudge against a pastery.

You did NOT just mess with purugly. It is MY pokemon. I am a cat person and you do not mess with any cat based pokemon.

If you are confused as to what that entails, read on:

Nay, I say you have a fair share of sprites that hold the well deserved title of awesome. I'll be right back.
You forgot skitty and delcatty.

@Firus: I actually like sky form for competetive reasons only. Good thing he is banned in competetive play.


Smash Champion
Jul 30, 2008
Augusta, GA
Oh wow banned I wish I hadn't have gotten out of competitive pokemon haha. Shaymin looks uberleet. Why is Skymin banned?


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Oh wow banned I wish I hadn't have gotten out of competitive pokemon haha. Shaymin looks uberleet. Why is Skymin banned?
because it disgusts people so much they just couldn't stand having people play with it


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Lots of moves that can be abused with 2x the amount of effects and one of the pokes in the game. I hated it personally, but it's fun to play with in ubers.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
I just wanted to make the pun more evident.
I like Skymin far more than Shaymin for competitiveness, purely because of its awesome sweeper stats.:laugh:


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
You did NOT just mess with purugly. It is MY pokemon. I am a cat person and you do not mess with any cat based pokemon.
I hate cats. Dogs are better.

This is Shaymin. Shaymin is both good and awesome.

This is Skymin/Sky-form Shaymin, or as I always call it, Failed Potato. Failed Potato is failed, stupid, bad, and should be burned.
What if the two were put together?

Edit: WTF happened to the pics in mah quote?


Smash Journeyman
Jul 25, 2008
Excuse me, Firus. I don't understand what the big deal is. We obviously allow some Pokemon that I hate working with as well, but I'm under the impression that you have some sort of personal vendetta against Cresselia. You don't HAVE to do it. I try to avoid Lucario sprites, and he is just as hard and/or harder to work with then Cresselia.Why should I be denied to work with a certain Pokemon just because you don't like it? I don't like Garchomp as a Pokemon OR as a spriting base, yet we don't ban that! I demand that you let those who DO want to work with certain sprites WORK with them. I demand that there be NO banned Pokemon (ok, maybe Unown, you can't really do much with that) to work with. We have 5 spriters in this shop, and each one has personal tastes. If you don't want to do a sprite, leave it to the rest of the spriters, but don't disregard it for those of us who DO feel capable of making a decent sprite with them.
Oh, and I hope everyone realizes that I can still SEE the CPS. This is torture, I'm telling you, it SUCKS. It was a bad mistake, and I'm paying for it dearly....take care of yourselves.
MK response


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Even though Cresselia looks like a flying jelly croissant, MK speaks the truth. Maybe we should un-ban Cresselia? But then MK will be the only one working on them and if the shop gets flooded with Cresselia request then he's screwed.

EDIT:503 is mine. Man 1 more till Recon plane.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
Well, reading the Crissy discussion, I'll say this, its not all THAT bad for fusing, you could just use her rings for a fuse and make the pokemon a little more bulky or something, Personally I could see some really badass fusions with Crissy, just don't use the body, but the lunar rings, problem is that you'd ened to do a 3 pokemon fusion probably to get the best effect.

On that note... can I request a Gardevoir fusion I just thought of? Even if you don't take it, let me type it so I don't forget.

Gardevoir+Vespiquen. (Or however its spelled. Boy this will look interesting...)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008

Legs are crappily attached, smile is too far down. Aside from the face, extremely copy-paste. Legs make it look way too awkward.

This was a Photoshop effect. I literally did nothing more than copy Mismagius's sprite, paste it in two different layers right on top of each other, and add an effect to the one on the bottom.

Trippy recolor with an outline around the claws.

Totally copy-paste. Not very much of the others, either. Suicune's crest, ribbon things, and Entei's black bands around his legs.

Totally copy-paste again. Ninetales's head and neck fur with its tails. One of my better fusions, but still hardly a work of art.

This one, I'll concede. I don't really have any complaints about it. Fairly simple, but I did do a fair amount of editing too.

This is commonly praised for being really good, but I'm not sure I see it. It looks pretty cool, but it's also a copy-paste of the crest and hair, the addition of some dots onto the body, and a recolor. It seems hard to pull off but it's not.

Copy-paste of Ninetales's legs, head, and tails onto Mightyena's body. The head also looks pretty awkward.

What you said. Looks cool, but is extremely simple. I recolored Latios's entire body...one color, I don't remember which. Then I copied Missingno and placed it a bunch of times to make a block, then copied Latios with the color I recolored it invisible, put it over the Missingno block and ta-dah.

This one required a fair amount of editing, and doesn't look as bad as Spatemporum 2.0 (the previous version of it), but it's still kind of awkward. The long neck with bad shading done by me doesn't help.


These are both pallette swaps with red eyes and dark spots to indicate screws.

Awkward copy-paste of spikes. Interesting recolor, but simple other than that.

Recolor, copy-paste of Primape appendages and nose.


And it takes me to go through a list of my own sprites someone's trying to use to make me feel better about myself and critique them all to prove why they're bad.

Excuse me, Firus. I don't understand what the big deal is. We obviously allow some Pokemon that I hate working with as well, but I'm under the impression that you have some sort of personal vendetta against Cresselia. You don't HAVE to do it. I try to avoid Lucario sprites, and he is just as hard and/or harder to work with then Cresselia.Why should I be denied to work with a certain Pokemon just because you don't like it? I don't like Garchomp as a Pokemon OR as a spriting base, yet we don't ban that! I demand that you let those who DO want to work with certain sprites WORK with them. I demand that there be NO banned Pokemon (ok, maybe Unown, you can't really do much with that) to work with. We have 5 spriters in this shop, and each one has personal tastes. If you don't want to do a sprite, leave it to the rest of the spriters, but don't disregard it for those of us who DO feel capable of making a decent sprite with them.
We allow Pokemon I don't like working with as well. I don't have a grudge against Cresselia because I don't like working with it, I have a grudge against it because I see no way to work with it. It has few recognizable features that you can take off other than its crescents, which are hard to take off and would be awkward on most Pokemon anyways. The best you can do with it is a reskin, which isn't always an option. I'm always up for a spriting challenge, but when a fusion is likely to result in a crappy sprite, it's not good. That's why Lucario was banned for however long, he doesn't fuse well with a lot of Pokemon. We eventually unbanned him because he's not that hard to work with using his animation sprite.

I know you want to be able to work with it personally, but this has come up before, when we wanted to take a hiatus from the shop and you wanted requests to still be open. **** happens. No matter what, if something happens and you either don't feel like, or can't, etc. do a Cresselia fusion, we either rid of the request or one of us is forced to do it when we don't want to.

It comes down to this; you are a member of the shop. Just as requesters follow the rules, you have to follow the rules. I did an Unown fusion a while ago. Zook requested it and it wasn't allowed, but I PMed it to him later because I did it just to see what it looked like. If you want to take requests outside of the shop and do them, that's fine. If you want to post them in the shop as your own sprite, fine -- I later posted that Unown sprite in here. But you can't take the requests via the shop.

If there's a sprite you personally think is unusable and should be banned, tell us and we'll think about banning it. But we're not going to unban a Pokemon that both Spire and I don't think is usable. That thing is the first sprite I've tried to start a fusion with and said "...Wait. What the hell is there to work with?" It's like in the InSONICnia 200th comic animation (yes, weird, obscure reference) where Sonic's looking at a massive robot (ironically a fusion of a bunch of Robotnik's robots) going over all of the weak spots there can be, and he finally realizes "Crap there's no weak spots." There's just nothing to work with, and I don't like the Pokemon enough to give it a shot anyways.

Also, Mithx, what do you mean about the Espeon/Ninetales? You can use it for an avatar or a sig or whatever if you want, feel free.

Unless you can't read the top of the screen OR Read the topic header. It says right there Temporarily Closed to new request. Being right in my face, I'm not sure that we can use bad memory as an excuse..
No, he's saying he uses that as a way of keeping track of the request so he doesn't forget it while we're closed.

Also, I just want to give a shout out to Spire for being F***ING AWESOME.


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
We allow Pokemon I don't like working with as well. I don't have a grudge against Cresselia because I don't like working with it, I have a grudge against it because I see no way to work with it. It has few recognizable features that you can take off other than its crescents, which are hard to take off and would be awkward on most Pokemon anyways. The best you can do with it is a reskin, which isn't always an option. I'm always up for a spriting challenge, but when a fusion is likely to result in a crappy sprite, it's not good. That's why Lucario was banned for however long, he doesn't fuse well with a lot of Pokemon. We eventually unbanned him because he's not that hard to work with using his animation sprite.

I know you want to be able to work with it personally, but this has come up before, when we wanted to take a hiatus from the shop and you wanted requests to still be open. **** happens. No matter what, if something happens and you either don't feel like, or can't, etc. do a Cresselia fusion, we either rid of the request or one of us is forced to do it when we don't want to.

It comes down to this; you are a member of the shop. Just as requesters follow the rules, you have to follow the rules. I did an Unown fusion a while ago. Zook requested it and it wasn't allowed, but I PMed it to him later because I did it just to see what it looked like. If you want to take requests outside of the shop and do them, that's fine. If you want to post them in the shop as your own sprite, fine -- I later posted that Unown sprite in here. But you can't take the requests via the shop.

If there's a sprite you personally think is unusable and should be banned, tell us and we'll think about banning it. But we're not going to unban a Pokemon that both Spire and I don't think is usable. That thing is the first sprite I've tried to start a fusion with and said "...Wait. What the hell is there to work with?" It's like in the InSONICnia 200th comic animation (yes, weird, obscure reference) where Sonic's looking at a massive robot (ironically a fusion of a bunch of Robotnik's robots) going over all of the weak spots there can be, and he finally realizes "Crap there's no weak spots." There's just nothing to work with, and I don't like the Pokemon enough to give it a shot anyways.
Alright, so 2 spriters here don't like it, so it's banned? If you don't like spriting with Cresselia, why not let people like MK or zrky take those requests? You and Spire don't have to do every single sprite.

You could remove requests that have been up for a month or 2 and nobody has taken. Most of them are just from random people that visited here once and left forever. (Or because I challenged everyone to request...)


Ah, well, whatever. If Cresselia is banned, I think Charizard should be banned, too. He's just too bulky to fuse with most Pokemon, and his neck/head are too thin to fuse with normal Pokemon. I've never once seen a decent Charizard fusion, save maybe the Marowak one. He's unfusable.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Alright, so 2 spriters here don't like it, so it's banned? If you don't like spriting with Cresselia, why not let people like MK or zrky take those requests? You and Spire don't have to do every single sprite.
Not because we don't like it. Both of us agreed that it was nearly impossible to work with. Not just that we don't like it, but that it doesn't seem workable. I mean, look at it. It's got a weird-shaped body covered by crescents, so you'd have to scratch parts of it to actually use the body. The crescents are hard to get off, and even once you do, where can you use them? A lot of Pokemon just wouldn't be able to use them. Also, the head is small and awkward.

As I said. A reskin is about the only plausible thing for a fusion with Cresselia, and that's still not entirely an option for some Pokemon.

I just said why I don't want just MK or MK and zrky or some other combination of members completing requests. Because god forbid none of the people who take those requests can't or won't for whatever reason.

You could remove requests that have been up for a month or 2 and nobody has taken. Most of them are just from random people that visited here once and left forever. (Or because I challenged everyone to request...)
I've often thought of that because I notice a lot of people do that. But some people, like Snucas did, don't come back until about three months later and want to know where their sprite disappeared to. So they may have appeared to have just up and left.

Ah, well, whatever. If Cresselia is banned, I think Charizard should be banned, too. He's just too bulky to fuse with most Pokemon, and his neck/head are too thin to fuse with normal Pokemon. I've never once seen a decent Charizard fusion, save maybe the Marowak one. He's unfusable.
I beg to differ. He looks crappy in some fusions (like my Lucario/Charizard one -- although there was that other one that someone on the Serebii forums made which looked fine), but he has two parts that are really easy to work with; his tail and his wings. You can tack those on a Pokemon in just about any fusion.

His fourth gen sprite is rather crappy, but not so bad that we should ban him. If all else fails, his third gen sprite is a much better one.



Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Wow, our little baby is now a texture hacking master. Spire is a jack of all trades; texture hacks, spriting, painting, etc. Just add on sig making and he would be art god.

I might start some requests tonight. I hear vespiquen is hard to sprite with but I want to try it out first hand on Zrky's one and Morphed's request.

EDT: 504 is mine! All Mine!!!


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Koarin, I think that's a good idea:)
Xace, is that even yours or did I miss something?
It's Firus's. What's the point of doing something that's already been done. Unless 99 would use Espeon as the base than that would be different.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
@Zrky: That's Firus' sprite.

I ditto that. Though as long as it isn't unknown I enjoy fusing tough pokemon in onorthodox ways, so my list if I were ever to be a member of the shop would be none (as of yet).

So, anyone want X from me? (replace X with verb/noun/video game of choice)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Dude, awesome, wonder if we'll see his name in a major game ending credit reel?
Some day I'm positive we will.

@Cressy debates, how bout each spriter just make a list of pokemon sprites you dont/refuse to work with.
This goes back to the same thing I keep saying...if the person who DOES want to work with a Pokemon won't take a request that's made, and they're the only one who'll take the request, what'll we do?

This idea is further flawed as well. People hardly read the OP, I doubt people are going to go to people's individual pages and see which Pokemon they'll work with. And if someone even reads the OP and I'm the only one who'll work with a Pokemon, they might request like, TWELVE using a Pokemon NO ONE ELSE will use and I'm stuck doing twelve requests.

Even if they don't read the OP, if they just request a Pokemon that no one else will use except for one person that person is stuck doing the request. And what if someone makes a paradox request, e.g. Cresselia and Darkrai (just as an example). Half of the shop won't work with Cresselia and the other half won't use Darkrai. We cannot complete the request in that case.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
It's getting things done, so w00t, my sig owns!!!!

Meh, I must be slow, i just ready the Meta kirby banned section.............why the h3ll did he do that?
Because he was getting attacked by an epic Zapdos. If he didn't post it, he would die. It was his only option.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
I now have a hatred of Vespiquen. It was bad up to the point when I decided to just mock vespiquen's form with a Kanga head.
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