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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
No English teachers seem to these days. Now it's all about literature, poetry, short stories, etc. And finding the likely made-up "symbolism" in the texts. That's not only stupid and probably causing many authors to roll over in their graves, but completely useless in life unless you intend to be a writer. Not that reading into the symbolism would really necessarily help you to write it anyways.
That's the same for us (Canadians)! I hate learning poetry but it's a pretty big section.

-:bowser:Bowser King


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
No English teachers seem to these days. Now it's all about literature, poetry, short stories, etc. And finding the likely made-up "symbolism" in the texts. That's not only stupid and probably causing many authors to roll over in their graves, but completely useless in life unless you intend to be a writer. Not that reading into the symbolism would really necessarily help you to write it anyways.

Meh, I always understood Math very well until it got into the useless, complicated crap that I'm never going to use. Not THAT well, but...yeah. I've always been more of an English/Science/Foreign Language person.

Well, the Toon Links are becoming used everywhere which sort of devalues them. Also, I really want to play Phoenix Wright: Trials & Tribulations so I can face Godot, but I haven't beaten the first two (or even touched the second yet, since I still have to beat Rise From the Ashes on the first one), and I really need to save my money anyways.
And spelling and vocabulary. My teachers always took away grammer for more SAT vocab practice. Though I'd rather learn vocab, I have always had animosity twards those grammer problems and since 4th or 5th grade I've had no formal grammer instruction that wasn't "Read this packet and prepare for the quiz in a few days K thanks bye."

Wait do most English Teachers sound bored of that stuff? Mine well he's so passionate about Mcbeth that he let us watch Polanski's version of McBeth. Blood, gore and Old ladies doing the unspeakable make it a big no no to school

I would say that they take more time for vocab and not grammer. My teacher is always passionate about reading certain books (I hear that we spend a ffew months on Great Gatsby)

Your exactly right all i learnt about grammar was the liitle they taught in primary school, so my grammars are not good. hehe I generally just guess what needs a comma or whatever by how it sounds when iI say it aloud.
Amen. I mean, I know more then that, but the nitpicky grammer stuff that the ACT/SAT (at least from when I took the ACT twice and the PSAT) loves to harp on they never cover. It's like they expect us to do outside reading.

Wow, you're all very, very nerdy. Hahaha!
Takes one to know one :p


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
I learned some grammar in school when I was at a bilegual school in Mexico, but since I spoke English at home I had no problem. The next and so far the last time I learned more of grammar was from my 7th grade teacher who got me into reading, which is where I learn most grammar from.
Now this year my teacher wanted us to do this "novel analysis" crap, where you find theme symbolism and other made up stuff that wasn't even intended by the author! WTH!


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Wow, you're all very, very nerdy. Hahaha!
Says the guy on a video game forum in The Custom Pokemon Shop. :p

Not to mention, nerds win.

And spelling and vocabulary. My teachers always took away grammer for more SAT vocab practice. Though I'd rather learn vocab, I have always had animosity twards those grammer problems and since 4th or 5th grade I've had no formal grammer instruction that wasn't "Read this packet and prepare for the quiz in a few days K thanks bye."
Yeah. I remember in like, first grade, second grade, sixth grade, and eighth grade, I had vocab lists and quizzes. Well, in eighth grade I had "Quizlettes" (I think they were called that), and my teacher called them quizzes, only cuter. >.> She was nuts. Then again, the science teacher I didn't have in eighth grade called homework treats and tests celebrations, and...actually, most of the eighth grade teachers at my school were either nuts or uber intimidating. Or just a sucky teacher.

...Anyways, yeah. The vocab kicks in with Latin -- it helped me far more than English class did. I haven't really learned that much of it in English class, and I think I learned a little bit of grammar in first grade.

I would say that they take more time for vocab and not grammer. My teacher is always passionate about reading certain books (I hear that we spend a ffew months on Great Gatsby)
They do take more time for vocab than grammar, but they take more time for literature and symbolism than anything.

The worst of it, though, is the English teachers who can't use grammar or spell correctly themselves. With other teachers, it still is rather stupid, but with English teachers it's just inexcusable. LEARN HOW TO USE THE RIGHT ****ING 'THEIR' AND 'YOUR'!

My friend also once had a teacher who was really stupid. First of all, he consistently failed at spelling. Secondly, once he had them all prepared to have a debate on two completely different topics, and then the day planned for the debate, he told them he had talked to a friend who told him the topics weren't really comparable or debatable.

Now this year my teacher wanted us to do this "novel analysis" crap, where you find theme symbolism and other made up stuff that wasn't even intended by the author! WTH!
Yay! Pointless crap for the win!

Lol thing is we do short stories that have REAL symbolism. Canadian writings are full of it.
Are you sure the author intended it? Because all other writings are supposedly full of symbolism too, and I think the people that say that are full of ****.

Oh, and why are the books you read in English always such crap? If you've never read the book Ethan Frome, don't. It's a boring book, with the climax being a pickle dish breaking (no, I'm not kidding). It's hard to like any of the characters, since the main one is pining for another woman besides his sick wife, although his sick wife is kind of bitter and mean, and...well, I suppose the woman he likes isn't all that bad. But still, it's hard to feel sad for the guy when he and the other woman sled into a tree to kill themselves but fail and severely injure themselves. If I recall correctly, the woman is paralyzed and the main character just gets a large scar on his face.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I dunno, Firus. I've had some pretty good books, such as "Night" by Elie Wiesel and "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.

Being the 10th grader that I am, we wrote a sample Writing Test 5-paragraph essay today in English. I used my Latin skills (HUZZAH it helps!) to use words like "propinquity" and "vexed" to further my understanding of the meaning of "truth".


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I dunno, Firus. I've had some pretty good books, such as "Night" by Elie Wiesel and "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.
I read Night as well, but that was also uber depressing. Then again, it's about the Holocaust so that's a little bit redundant. It was a horrible, depressing event, after all.

Lord of the Flies I never read.

On the other hand, I did read The Kite Runner, which was a VERY good book. Probably one of my favorite books I've been force-fed, if not my favorite.

Being the 10th grader that I am, we wrote a sample Writing Test 5-paragraph essay today in English. I used my Latin skills (HUZZAH it helps!) to use words like "propinquity" and "vexed" to further my understanding of the meaning of "truth".
A winner is you!


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Are you sure the author intended it? Because all other writings are supposedly full of symbolism too, and I think the people that say that are full of ****.
Yes i'm sure its intended when your stuck in a submarine for 3 days straight and you get crew members with the name Paul who tells the story, and when the guy who writes the story is a Christian, I'm sure it isn't Bull****. But it seems that the ones with symbolism are written by Christians so maybe thats why i get it :<


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Yes i'm sure its intended when your stuck in a submarine for 3 days straight and you get crew members with the name Paul who tells the story, and when the guy who writes the story is a Christian, I'm sure it isn't Bull****. But it seems that the ones with symbolism are written by Christians so maybe thats why i get it :<

I wouldn't have gotten that if you hadn't said something. Then again, I'm not really very religious, so that could always explain it.

Still, there are lots of people named Paul. It's hard to say it's symbolism for sure. Some of the symbolism that is supposedly in things actually makes sense (like the pickle dish in Ethan Frome representing Ethan and his wife's failing marriage, since the pickle dish was a wedding gift -- and it was broken by the girl with whom Ethan wanted to run off), but just because it CAN be symbolism doesn't mean the author really put it in there on purpose.

EDIT: Lolwut? I got invited to the Pro brawl Tourney Group. It's cool that I got an invite, but...why me?

I'm debating whether or not I should join. No harm can really come from joining the group but I hardly intend to play the game normally and would fail epically in a tourney. Probably just a bunch of random invites, but how would they even find me?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Yeah. I remember in like, first grade, second grade, sixth grade, and eighth grade, I had vocab lists and quizzes. Well, in eighth grade I had "Quizlettes" (I think they were called that), and my teacher called them quizzes, only cuter. >.> She was nuts. Then again, the science teacher I didn't have in eighth grade called homework treats and tests celebrations, and...actually, most of the eighth grade teachers at my school were either nuts or uber intimidating. Or just a sucky teacher.

...Anyways, yeah. The vocab kicks in with Latin -- it helped me far more than English class did. I haven't really learned that much of it in English class, and I think I learned a little bit of grammar in first grade.
I felt that way with a bunch of my teachers. My 6th grade math/science teacher was a total hippie in a labcoat (he made us watch a video about population growth in math AND science, he had an activity about how teachers are underpaid, etc.), my 8th grade science teacher was off (she said I couldn't answer a question for the entire year since 99.9% of the time I knew the answer, she called me a bad student and got in a fight over it at parent-teacher conferances, she said Lance Armstrong is the worst person she ever met, etc.) and first semester this year (the teacher that had an assignment that I turned in 3 times empty for most of the year and didn't even teach the class) and yeah. Only good science teachers I have had since elementary school was 7th grade, 9th grade, and 10th grade currently (but I swear I think my 7th grade teacher had amnesia, changed her name and schools and taught my 9th grade bio). Oddly enough, every other teacher I've had was great (even the ones everyone else thought were hags); it's just the science teachers (and, oddly enough, always chemestry teachers) that stink.

I feel the same way. When learning english, I only really picked up whatever my parents said without knowing the logic behind it. Taking up spanish, I suddenly realize the grammer nitpicky stuff I missed when learning english. It still isn't enough to alleviate, though...


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Lol thing is we do short stories that have REAL symbolism. Canadian writings are full of it.
we do to, and whos to say it's supposed to be there?

My 7th grade science teacher seemed nuts, but he was AWESOME.....example: he made a paper boat (amazing no? jk) and then he put it in a container full of water (so it would float, GENIUS!) and then he put SODIUM in the boat, and it caught fire in like 5 seconds, it was SOOOOOOO cool.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
we do to, and whos to say it's supposed to be there?

My 7th grade science teacher seemed nuts, but he was AWESOME.....example: he made a paper boat (amazing no? jk) and then he put it in a container full of water (so it would float, GENIUS!) and then he put SODIUM in the boat, and it caught fire in like 5 seconds, it was SOOOOOOO cool.
And my science teacher this year made a pumpkin explode a smile and another one made to breath fire, gummie bears light up like a flare and decintegrate, explosive bubbles, etc. Beats a burning paper boat any day.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
And my science teacher this year made a pumpkin explode a smile and another one made to breath fire, gummie bears light up like a flare and decintegrate, explosive bubbles, etc. Beats a burning paper boat any day.
a burning paper boat from SODIUM...... no fair........do you have a small class/school or something?

what i really want to do is dip ANYTHING i don't care what in liquid nitrogen or helium would be better and then just drop it and watch it shatter from a high speed camera:bee:


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
No English teachers seem to these days. Now it's all about literature, poetry, short stories, etc. And finding the likely made-up "symbolism" in the texts. That's not only stupid and probably causing many authors to roll over in their graves, but completely useless in life unless you intend to be a writer. Not that reading into the symbolism would really necessarily help you to write it anyways.
Learn what you're talking about before you open your mouth, please...

Seriously, you guys are like 'BAAAAAAAAAAAW I ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I READ'. GET OVER IT. Very often, authors intend the symbolism that people find in stories. And even if it wasn't, it can obviously be interpreted that way so it DOESN'T MATTER.

And then complaining about reading not helping you write in ENGLISH CLASS?! WHAT THE ****. English class is NOT meant to help your creative writing skills. Your formal writing, yes, but most schools offer creative writing classes if you want to work on that.

Seriously, don't be a Dark Knight. Who wants to lose 3k in a MvC2 money match?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Learn what you're talking about before you open your mouth, please...

Seriously, you guys are like 'BAAAAAAAAAAAW I ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I READ'. GET OVER IT. Very often, authors intend the symbolism that people find in stories. And even if it wasn't, it can obviously be interpreted that way so it DOESN'T MATTER.

And then complaining about reading not helping you write in ENGLISH CLASS?! WHAT THE ****. English class is NOT meant to help your creative writing skills. Your formal writing, yes, but most schools offer creative writing classes if you want to work on that.

Seriously, don't be a Dark Knight. Who wants to lose 3k in a MvC2 money match?
It feels the same way to me too.

I get your point (interpereting symbolisim is actually my favorite portion of class), but I'm mostly complaining how they don't hardly teach grammer, which they often forgo improving grammer skills. With how big it is on the ACT and SAT, they shouldn't require you to take a non-required class to understand what they harp you on.

Lucky coincidence or not, my teacher talked about her first teaching experiance today how she had to teach grammer. Like most of us, she only had grammer in a few grades, so she read an entire textbook on being grammaricly correct and thought most of it was pointless. If anything, this prooves A) it isn't all just some random occurance that none of our teachers taught grammer that well and and B) Grammer in most places is pointless and nothing to worry about too much.

Oddly enough, I love how I'm being taught grammer this year. Instead of handing us giant grammar packets, leaving us with a friendly good luck you'll need it, she does mini lessons every few days that cover the nitpicky stuff that we haven't touched on at this point and do a few problems using that principle. This is great; it takes little time, the way she shows us the idea is through discovery and not just saying what it is and why, and she actually TEACHES IT!


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
we do to, and whos to say it's supposed to be there?

My 7th grade science teacher seemed nuts, but he was AWESOME.....example: he made a paper boat (amazing no? jk) and then he put it in a container full of water (so it would float, GENIUS!) and then he put SODIUM in the boat, and it caught fire in like 5 seconds, it was SOOOOOOO cool.
Well Sodium is a highly reactive substance, and explodes in contact with the air. If chlorine was in the water, you would get Table salt.

My Grade 10 science teacher demonstrated with the Mother of all cool science destruction. Liquid Nitrogen. Dip a Barbie, smashes against a desk. Turned a Banana into a hammer. Heck i was lucky enough to drink some water mixed with the stuff. It was bubbly but it was awesome.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Learn what you're talking about before you open your mouth, please...
Um...I do know what I'm talking about.

Seriously, you guys are like 'BAAAAAAAAAAAW I ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I READ'. GET OVER IT. Very often, authors intend the symbolism that people find in stories. And even if it wasn't, it can obviously be interpreted that way so it DOESN'T MATTER.
Yes, you're right. You've got me pegged. I'm bawwing about English classes being focused on finding nonexistent symbolism in books because I don't like thinking. You're a psychic.
Seriously, Skyler? I didn't think you made stupid arguments like this.

Authors CAN intend symbolism, yes. But do you honestly believe all of that symbolism exists? No.

And tell me. If that symbolism doesn't exist, why doesn't it matter? So that means that people go to school so they can learn to BS meanings that don't exist in writing? How is that useful in life? At all? I'd much rather have people learn how to use proper grammar and spell correctly so I don't have to constantly hear and see utter crap. Even if you could argue that finding nonexistent symbolism is actually useful, you cannot argue that in a primarily English-speaking country, learning the actual language isn't more useful.

That's how this whole thing got started. Not because I'm lazy and don't like having to think.

And then complaining about reading not helping you write in ENGLISH CLASS?! WHAT THE ****. English class is NOT meant to help your creative writing skills. Your formal writing, yes, but most schools offer creative writing classes if you want to work on that.
You can't use pieces of what I said to argue against me. Did I say that reading is useless? Did I say that I think it's stupid that English classes now focus on reading? No. I was talking about finding nonexistent symbolism.

Also, I actually said the entire opposite...what the hell? I said that the only time finding nonexistent symbolism might help is in writing. Because maybe finding nonexistent symbolism will help you to learn how to put it into writing yourself.

Seriously, don't be a Dark Knight. Who wants to lose 3k in a MvC2 money match?


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Learn what you're talking about before you open your mouth, please...

Seriously, you guys are like 'BAAAAAAAAAAAW I ACTUALLY HAVE TO THINK ABOUT WHAT I READ'. GET OVER IT. Very often, authors intend the symbolism that people find in stories. And even if it wasn't, it can obviously be interpreted that way so it DOESN'T MATTER.

And then complaining about reading not helping you write in ENGLISH CLASS?! WHAT THE ****. English class is NOT meant to help your creative writing skills. Your formal writing, yes, but most schools offer creative writing classes if you want to work on that.

Seriously, don't be a Dark Knight. Who wants to lose 3k in a MvC2 money match?
was this directed to me? cuz i just mentioned that i didn't like finding symbolism whe it CLEARLY isn't mean to be what we think.

oh yeah, and finding themes is another crap thing we have to do.

Well Sodium is a highly reactive substance, and explodes in contact with the air. If chlorine was in the water, you would get Table salt.

My Grade 10 science teacher demonstrated with the Mother of all cool science destruction. Liquid Nitrogen. Dip a Barbie, smashes against a desk. Turned a Banana into a hammer. Heck i was lucky enough to drink some water mixed with the stuff. It was bubbly but it was awesome.
liquid helium (only 2 degrees K)is better, but see my other post on this page about what i want to do with liquid helium/nitrogen

was this directed to me? cuz i just mentioned that i didn't like finding symbolism whe it CLEARLY isn't mean to be what we think.

oh yeah, and finding themes is another crap thing we have to do.

liquid helium (only 2 degrees K)is better, but see my other post on this page about what i want to do with liquid helium/nitrogen
this one


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Um...I do know what I'm talking about.

Yes, you're right. You've got me pegged. I'm bawwing about English classes being focused on finding nonexistent symbolism in books because I don't like thinking. You're a psychic.
Seriously, Skyler? I didn't think you made stupid arguments like this.
Books, like art, are meant to be interpreted the way that the viewer sees them. If somebody finds symbolism that the author hadn't intended, it's absolutely fine.

Authors CAN intend symbolism, yes. But do you honestly believe all of that symbolism exists? No.
If people see symbolism in it, it exists.

And tell me. If that symbolism doesn't exist, why doesn't it matter? So that means that people go to school so they can learn to BS meanings that don't exist in writing? How is that useful in life? At all? I'd much rather have people learn how to use proper grammar and spell correctly so I don't have to constantly hear and see utter crap. Even if you could argue that finding nonexistent symbolism is actually useful, you cannot argue that in a primarily English-speaking country, learning the actual language isn't more useful.
English classes are for learning formal writing. You were complaining about creative writing having symbolism in it. Of COURSE people need to learn this in English classes.

That's how this whole thing got started. Not because I'm lazy and don't like having to think.

You can't use pieces of what I said to argue against me. Did I say that reading is useless? Did I say that I think it's stupid that English classes now focus on reading? No. I was talking about finding nonexistent symbolism.[/QUOTE

I never said that you were saying reading is useless. Read my posts. I said that it was ridiculous that you were mad over the reading material in English classes not helping you with creative writing.

Also, I actually said the entire opposite...what the hell? I said that the only time finding nonexistent symbolism might help is in writing. Because maybe finding nonexistent symbolism will help you to learn how to put it into writing yourself.
You said that it was stupid in life unless you intend to be a writer. In today's age EVERYBODY is a writer. I 100% guarantee that you will HAVE to do some sort of writing for your job when you get one.

And even then, that was a poor thing to say. Symbolism does not help formal writers, as they have to be clear and to the point.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I read Night as well, but that was also uber depressing. Then again, it's about the Holocaust so that's a little bit redundant. It was a horrible, depressing event, after all.

Lord of the Flies I never read.

On the other hand, I did read The Kite Runner, which was a VERY good book. Probably one of my favorite books I've been force-fed, if not my favorite.

A winner is you!
Lord of the Flies is ALMOST an allegory (in which almost EVERYTHING, including the colors of rocks and sand, is a symbol of something).
It's very good, one of few books that I actually felt SORRY for the people who....ahem....
died, like Simon! WTF?!? I can't believe Jack, that *******. RIP Piggy, he was the only one that actually DESERVED to be rescued, the poor soul.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Books, like art, are meant to be interpreted the way that the viewer sees them. If somebody finds symbolism that the author hadn't intended, it's absolutely fine.

If people see symbolism in it, it exists.
Even if it's incredibly far-fetched and idiotically disconnected? Just because someone sees it doesn't mean it's legitimate.

I can see and understand your argument. But there's a difference between interpreting something as you want to and interpreting things that make no sense. You've got to have some sort of intelligence when interpreting it, especially if you're going to teach people with it.

English classes are for learning formal writing. You were complaining about creative writing having symbolism in it. Of COURSE people need to learn this in English classes.
I am complaining about teachers insisting on searching for symbolism. Not the existence of symbolism (when it's actually there).

And you just contradicted yourself, if I'm not mistaken. English classes are for formal writing...but you need to learn how to interpret symbolism of creative writing? Explain the logic here, because I'm not understanding it. (Seriously, I don't get the correlation.)

I never said that you were saying reading is useless. Read my posts. I said that it was ridiculous that you were mad over the reading material in English classes not helping you with creative writing.
SkylerOcon said:
And then complaining about reading not helping you write in ENGLISH CLASS?!
Yeah, I'm still seeing the same stuff that's not in my post. I didn't complain about reading not helping you with writing, much less creative writing.

You said that it was stupid in life unless you intend to be a writer. In today's age EVERYBODY is a writer. I 100% guarantee that you will HAVE to do some sort of writing for your job when you get one.
No ****, sherlock. But there's still a difference between being a writer and writing things for a job. And if you have to write up a report, I don't think symbolism is going to help. Hell, even certain types of writers wouldn't use it.

And even then, that was a poor thing to say. Symbolism does not help formal writers, as they have to be clear and to the point.
Exactly. Symbolism would only help creative writers. Pardon me for not being as specific as possible, I assumed you had the ability to extrapolate.

I know I'm coming off pretty hostile but you went off on me for no good reason, Skyler.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Exactly. Symbolism would only help creative writers. Pardon me for not being as specific as possible, I assumed you had the ability to extrapolate.
I know I'm coming off pretty hostile but you went off on me for no good reason, Skyler.
CRUD! Thank you for reminding me of the fact that I have a vocab quiz tomorow. Thanks!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I thought extrapolate was one of my words this week (to expand knowlege past the given), but it's really extranious (not neccesary).
No mom, you're thinking of "masturbate", extrapolate is DIFFERENT.

/Let Me Borrow that Top reference.


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
No mom, you're thinking of "masturbate", extrapolate is DIFFERENT.

/Let Me Borrow that Top reference.
Eh? I really don't want to know what that means nor do I plan on it anytime soon.

*Hopes that my teacher doesn't put equivocal and animosity like she did all the time first semester*


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
I thought extrapolate was one of my words this week (to expand knowlege past the given), but it's really extranious (not neccesary).
Ah. Funny that our discussion of English classes and vocab/grammar didn't help you remember but me saying "extrapolate" did.

Eh? I really don't want to know what that means nor do I plan on it anytime soon.
The word or the reference?


Smash Master
Apr 6, 2008
Auburn, Al
Ah. Funny that our discussion of English classes and vocab/grammar didn't help you remember but me saying "extrapolate" did.

The word or the reference?
The referance. I'm not that stupid.

I guess that's a bit odd. I guess it's a fitting word for me to remember the quiz, though.

*Sigh* I'm bored. I'd get on shoddy but I want to solidify my improvements first.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
The referance. I'm not that stupid.

I guess that's a bit odd. I guess it's a fitting word for me to remember the quiz, though.

*Sigh* I'm bored. I'd get on shoddy but I want to solidify my improvements first.
you could practice with me:p


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
The referance. I'm not that stupid.
I didn't think you were, it's just the way it was phrased it seemed like it could've gone either way, and I just wanted to clarify.

I guess that's a bit odd. I guess it's a fitting word for me to remember the quiz, though.

*Sigh* I'm bored. I'd get on shoddy but I want to solidify my improvements first.
I'm bored as well. I need to do SOME work before tomorrow, but I'm still not entirely sure I understand what I'm supposed to be doing and I'm tired and really, really lacking motivation. I really want to spend the entire weekend playing video games, I'm so burned out -- but assuming all goes according to plan, I will also get in at least one sprite this weekend. I also need more sleep...this is the third night this week I've been up past twelve during the week. And all because I fail at not procrastinating.

A word of wisdom to you all; if you don't procrastinate, or do very minimal procrastination, DON'T START/STOP IMMEDIATELY. It makes me want to die, especially since I never used to procrastinate.


Smash Lord
Aug 20, 2008
CT / United States
Look at this Gardevoir pic I found! (Well, someone at the Bowser forums linked me, Thanks so much.)

Holy crap, look at how detailed that is, I'm so using that for a base for my next sketches until I have this style down, that just works SOO well, I <3 it!

(Can I link the image directly so it shows up, or do I have to URL it like this?)


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Stupid stomach fluzzzz....... anyway, I am much better now, I dont even wan't to know why you guys were arguing about books.

Inaguration day in 5 days, our school is having it in the theater all day long, you can leagaly skip class for it.

Man I want to shoody battle someone, I have yet to fight anyone from the CPS.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Stupid stomach fluzzzz....... anyway, I am much better now, I dont even wan't to know why you guys were arguing about books.

Inaguration day in 5 days, our school is having it in the theater all day long, you can leagaly skip class for it.

Man I want to shoody battle someone, I have yet to fight anyone from the CPS.
what's it like to get the stomach fluzzz?


ask A_man, he is VERY good, just ask for his jirachi team;)

and WOW that gardevoir pick is VERY well made
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