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Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
**** this weekly was fun. That match with glitch and jman was too epic all the screaming and stuff made it seem like melee again. And how does a 1stock match take 5-6 minutes?! ****nn it was too good. and good games to the people i played

Kwis - good set we had i love facing metaknights it feels good to face my old main.

Reno - UGH I HATE SNAKE D: use shiek next time i find that easier :] and Screw rainbow cruise i gimped myself twice in 10 seconds wtf?

Umbra - good sets tipper all day.

Dire. Ahh i thought i would do better then that oh well i'll step up my marth game for next week.

and lastly RESULTS PLEASE i didnt feel like staying til it ended


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2005

cant believe i forgot your name i know it was a play on words...
started with an E...

Samus player (person above) - **** what a great ****ing set that was lol. **** right standing up is much more intense than sitting. last stock set 3 both of us 150+% with the loud sound cutting in and out, either way really enjoyable i was looking forward to my first win in the winners bracket.

jumpman - good games im sure it could have been much more close if you started as mario fun stuff

hax - cant ask for a mans fries if you dont know his name, and no i'm not "snakes lil bro" although i guess KIND OF look almost alike.

jay0yeah i saw you while i was signing up then you vanished sucks we didnt get to do a few friendlies


SiNiStEr MiNiStEr
Apr 18, 2006
Shout Outs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"That match with glitch and jman was too epic all the screaming and stuff made it seem like melee again. And how does a 1stock match take 5-6 minutes?!"
whoever dont mention this in there shout outs or any thing refering to this weekly cant go to the next weekly.
this weekly was fun and IM THE REAL ARTIE :pikachu:

random shoutouts

Vanz good luck @ that melee tourney
Mega-Japan it was nice to meet you I was the kid in the grey hoody

ninjalink for being ninja link

D1 its always fun to watch you play

glitch and jman (i dont need to give a reason its alredy written))

HAX lol i should of took your money jk

marv its was fun hanging with you

ARTIE for stealing my name >_>

court for the wavedashing shirt I was jealous for some reason lol

bum no reason at all just throwing names out there

muuk the guy who thought he was playing me in a tourney but he really wasnt gg's

luck i wont get your name wrong again and gg's between my falcon and your ganondorf

rockin fun playing you again my falcon will beat your peach some day

sorry for not putting any effort or trying to correct my grammar but i just dont give a ****.

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
lol no artie you got replaced by the fake one so you didnt even enter! anyway i'm off to bed i'm tired. i wanna see some results when i wake up yo. SO POST UP.


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
"That match with glitch and jman was too epic all the screaming and stuff made it seem like melee again. And how does a 1stock match take 5-6 minutes?!"
whoever dont mention this in there shout outs or any thing refering to this weekly cant go to the next weekly.
this weekly was fun and IM THE REAL ARTIE :pikachu:

random shoutouts

Vanz good luck @ that melee tourney
Mega-Japan it was nice to meet you I was the kid in the grey hoody

ninja link for being ninja link

D1 its always fun to watch you play

glitch and jman (i dont need to give a reason its alredy written))

HAX lol i should of took your money jk

marv its was fun hanging with you

ARTIE for stealing my name >_>

court for the wavedashing shirt I was jealous for some reason lol

bum no reason at all just throwing names out there

muuk the guy who thought he was playing me in a tourney but he really wasnt gg's

luuck i wont get your name wrong again and gg's between my falcon and your ganondorf

rockin fun playing you again my falcon will beat your peach some day

sorry for not putting any effort or trying to correct my grammar but i just dont give a ****.
Can u ppl stop spacing my name when its one word. NinjaLink. Clear to see. Dont get me MATLOCK in here.

Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
I must say... I love this community ~^.^~

Glitch + Jamn match: Mad long and epic

Blackanese: Trash talking king of NY during a match... and winning. Scuba Diving!

D1: Good matches as usual. I expect nothing less

Mother effing STARZ: coming back form teh dead and taking names.

Killer Fleet: the ghosts of smash coming back to rip faces off

Wes + Kubuu: Double snakes makes me cry on the inside * sniffle *

Shinigami: Shin Squared Moo for life!

Raoul: Thanks for being mad good friend. i heart you lots

Charizard: You hard headed, evolved red lizard. I hate many many cookies for youz

Jumpman: Raptor Face was too good.

DeDeDe: Burn in hell... i'm quite serious * mends broken heart *

I'm quite tired nowzie. i'm gonna go to sleep. catch yallz laterz


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
Pics...tired so not gonna be all detailed...

.... no comment

ewe ewe!

Did we have fun on that train ? Lawlz ;)

Eating pizza...

....nasty..."this nigg looks like a black snake"

the back of blackanese' head. mad asian..and theres Hax in the background at the left...I'm not sure who's nose that is...I believe it's the Metaknight player (I forgot the name :()

I should have taken more pics of more people...but I took out the camera kinda late. Sorry guys...next week :ohwell:


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
Today was mad fun ^____^!

LOL no johnz but from this day forward D1 will not be doing anymore Wifi XD! IRL matches only plz ktxhbuhbai.

Hangin out w/ the gang after the weekly was BLAST! Definitely shoutout to Alu, Jman, Godot, Khanti, Ron, Hax, Kwiss, Silven, Jump, Shin Bow, Blacky, Zro, and etc. Dollar Pizza+Bubbletea+Loitering @ McDonalds=PriceLessly Too Good.

Awesome matches to PC, Shin Bow, Jman, Godot, Kubuu, Wes, Alu, and Quil.

Me and Jman will be taking singles by storm just cuz we said it...see everyone next week. ^_^

GET AT THE WOMAN TRIPPIN IRL while walkin w/ her BF on the street...OMFG Sakurai you SUCK!


Get at us surrounding a random white guy LMAO hispanics/asians/caucies/blackies rollin mad DEEP! ROFL

Get at us for scaring the SH** outta a white guy on the street makin him speedwalk...

...wait correction....

...get at Jman for doin that sh**.


Shoutouts to Shinigami for comin thru also Mop (thanks for watchin my stuff ^_^ much appreciated).

For that I gotta say, "Swat All Day" cuz ya'll n*ggaz is mad fun to chillwif XD.

I'm still Team Supremacy All Night tho, don't get it twisted...F*ck Dat All Day sh*t LOL!


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
*officially stepped up from MATLOCK to

'Will he take it to the next level of Padlock? Is there such a level?! Find out next episode of N...Y...CCCCCCC!!'

*turns page*


Banned via Administration
Feb 6, 2005
Twitter @xD1x
"Hey can I hang out w/ you guys?!!!"


*dips hardbody*

LMFAO I love hangin w/ ya'll n*ggaz SOOO MUCH!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2008
New York
WTH kind of BS is getting Cort in the 1st round? I mean, I know I'm good but not THAT good (just not yet).

That's an awesome community, I saw most people here...

I won my match on the Loser's bracket after that and lost the one following and went home, I'll be there next Friday for sure, remember, guy with Subway hat and WiiFit shirt xD.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2006
Long Island, NY
This week was great. Good matches as always. I couldn't watch most of Jman's and Glitch's match since I had my own match right next to theirs (haha, I'm sure all of you noticed <_<). Still, it SOUNDED pretty epic from all the cheers, and I did get to catch the last minute or two of it.

Good games with that Toon Link player whose name I forget <_< If you're here, remind me! I have terrible memory. Good to know you got my back in the tourney!

Same goes to D1, your Falco's just scary and same with your Peach. Haha I knew I was screwed when I found out I had to face you but I'm glad I did.

Shade, was it? That's the name I remember you put for the matches. Good games as well, G&W ditto was fun.

Malcolm (or however you spell it, haha), your Sonic's incredible. Keep that up, you don't see too many Sonics so definitely use that to your advantage. Haha at least Wes has your back.

And yeah, I think I might put DDD as a secondary... gotta practice a lot with him first obviously. Made a bunch of stupid mistakes with him... I still like Olimar though. Looks like I gotta update my sig already.

good games, guys. I'll see you around next week.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
let me see

What are you guys doing with Melee at these weeklies?
what we are doing with melee is every person that asks about it when we see them we shove it in thier mouths and send them home so they can get all the melee that they desire ****ing literally walk eat sleep and **** the game.

As much as u fools love that f u c kn game.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2007
League of Legends, New Jersey
fun weekly and nice seeing every1 again. nice matches with quil mook luck hotbox (lol sonic ditto) sean starz khanti godot (get ur ness up) and silven. i was the only other sonic player besides Wes...lol. oh and shout out to wes for havin my back durin the matches lol. i'll defintely b @ the next one...dunno if ill bring sonic or wario tho.

Lord Khanti

Smash Journeyman
Mar 15, 2008
Locust Valley, Long Island NY
GOOD TIMES LAST NITE, so much fun.

GG's to those i played, 1st being the Pit/Diddy player (Forgot Name), Glitch Mewtwo (I may want to pick up Lucario now), Hoyo, Kwiss, and Starz.

Also great time with the BubbleTea + Dollar Pizza + MACDonalds + Wondering the NYC Streets Crowd, Jman, Alukard, D1, Zro, Ron, Godot, Voltz, Leo, Shin, Shini, Jumpman, Blackanese, Hax, Silven, etc.

Also the FRICKEN RAPTOR FACE, Jumpman showed that to a smaller group of us like 3 weeks ago, and I was like **** the whole group needs to see this, so i brought it up. That dude in the window ROFLMAO!!!

Then that lady who tripped, idk how many noticed but Hax was sneakin around the side of them and when she tripped Hax made this face like "OH S*** WTF DID I JUST DO!!!" and retreated back to the herd.

And that random dude with the Vaccum?!?!?! If you ask me he was delirious or something and prob thought he was walkin his dog, then Jman go up in his face and made him run mad fast. Also Jman jumpin on peoples property like its his, lol Motobike.

Yeah well good times last nite, ITS GONNA BE A GOOD F***** SUMMER!!!
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