I'm bored, so I think I'll add my take on the Meta Knight match up analysis. Keep in mind that this is my first real attempt at this sort of thing and I consider myself a bit of a Smash Noob, but hey. You learn by doing. =D
In General:
I usually just play it safe and play reactively. Meta should approach first. If they refuse, or if they have a stock lead, standing F-Air while just out of range of them will cause them to respond. Keep note of it. After a while, do an empty hop towards them and Grab/Shield/F-Smash depending on what they do. Keep in mind that they'll catch on really quickly. Be sure to mix it up.
Never be above Meta unless he just threw you. The stomp doesn't have the best Start Up Time in the world and the U-Air will destroy you. Depending on the percent and DI, the Shuttle Loop will kill you.
Quick Summary: Ganon is Bison. Aggression is rewarded, but not in this match-up.
Now, on to situations:
*Put any Move here* -> Jab does wonders. Lesser-So against Meta, but it still limits Meta in some regards and it covers you a bit regardless. If Meta is on the war path towards you and you flub a F-Air, this could save you some percent.
Watch where Meta is if he is off and below the stage. If he's out of Shuttle Loop recovery range, he's going to drill. A well-timed Stomp beats the drill. Other then that, there is no good reason to be off the Stage with Meta unless what you're doing is 100% guaranteed to succeed or you are not putting yourself in danger.
All Murder Chokes/D-Throws lead to more Murder Chokes/D-Throws unless I miss or I have a good reason.
Standing or retreating F-Air if they come from the air, with a Dash Attack/Wizard Kick/Murder Choke if I miss or just run to a safe spot on the stage if I hit. If they are coming in too high for a F-Air to be viable, a U-Air will do the job.
Retreating F-Air for Tornado, or full hopping a D-Air if they make a mistake. If I don't have time for that, I shield and wait it out. If I'm within range, I punish it with a Murder Choke.
If they attempt a Dash Attack/Grab, D-Air -> anything you want. If they miss the spacing on the Dash attack, elbow them in the face.
For D-Air (that hits them while they're on the ground) below 40%:
1) Go for a follow up D-Air on a standing tech, Murder Choke/Grab on a tech towards Ganon, or a F-Air/Wizard Kick/Dash Attack/Grab on a Tech Away from Ganon. If they fail to tech, do whatever you usually do when you chase failed techs.
2) If you're up a stock and within range, or you're going to die soon anyway, Murder Choke them from the air off stage. Oh, and smile. Anyone watching will be.
For D-Air above 60%:
Go for another D-Air if you want. You might not be able to get down to them in time to follow up with some things, but, if they miss the tech...
What I like to do is F-Air them or U-Air them if F-Air will not reach. They will be at about 80% and will die if they don't DI properly from the F-Air. On Stages with smaller side borders, however, it might not matter, depending on if it's U-Air, F-Air, and where they are hit according to the stage.
DI Meta's Down-Throw away and Down if at low-mid percents. If you don't, you're going to get hit with an U-Air combo. At high damage, I DI it towards and up. I usually get out of hit stun before they can hit me with anything. Watch what they do and act accordingly.
I usually use Ganon's Jab as a GTFO me move, or as a mix-up. It does wonders in stopping some of Meta's moves, but, most of the time, Ganon has better options.
F-Smash/D-Smash (timed really well)/Murder Choke/Empty Jump -> Ganon's Fast-start-up Moves to punish Side Steps.
F-Smash/Murder Choke/Up-Smash/Down-Smash/Grab if they like to roll or if you see one coming. Most likely done to get behind you, but we all know what happens to people that mindlessly roll towards someone...
F-Tilt/D-Tilt/Jab as a mix-up if they are approaching.
Murder Choke -> F-Tilt/Up-Smash at high percents for Ko. Follow the tech. If there isn't one, just use it. At lower percents, you can get away with Choke -> Jab -> follow -> Choke/Grab/Wizard Kick.
At lower percents, (10-25%) Wizard Kick -> Jumping F-Air/D-Air near the edge of the stage might lead to a low-Percent Ko. Follow how they move and be careful if it is retreating. I've gotten stuck on many Stages' lips with a Retreating F-Air. Needless to say, it is very risky. Miss and they'll most likely gimp you. Hit and it feels like Jigg's Rest (or so I've been told).
Up-Smash can be used to great effect if it hits. Mind-Game your opponent into running into it, or use it to hit a major screw-up/Side Dodge. Stomp -> Up Smash at very low percents can work, but Ganon has better options.
I see no reason what-so-ever to use U-Tilt in this Match Up.
What can be expected of Meta Knight:
You're heavy. With good DI, you're not dying for a long time... Unless Meta gimps you. If you're playing a Meta that is just camping and racking up damage, space well and you're going to win this match up without to much difficulty.
However: Aggressive Meta is going to be a bit hard. He's going to want to get you off the stage and Gimp you. (obviously) Even if they manage it, you still have options before you die to make you not die.
If they are hitting you off stage, always DI Up. Away or Towards depends on the current situation. Also remember: Meta's F-Air and B-Air can be Smash-Di'ed.
If you go bellow the stage: try to recover to the stage from bellow. If you get them with your recovery or they grab the ledge, you just recovered. If you are too low to do this, all they have to do is grab the ledge. If they are they type of player that likes to "get a final hit in," and they choose to use a D-Air or N-Air to do so, DI Up and into the stage and Tech. (if possible) The N-Air can be Smash-Di'ed for a second hit. More damage is better then dying, after all.
If you are above the stage: Stay above it. Keep track of Meta's remaining jumps and, if they come too close, Wizard Kick. If they hit you, it's going to be out further. DI Up and Away and you end up higher then you were before. Use this to your advantage. If they miss and you miss them, you're now closer to the stage and should be able to recover fairly easily. If the Meta player is coming back at you, and if you are so inclined, Up-B into them. It's a major risk, but it has a rather good reward tied to it. If you hit them with the Wizard kick, you're going to recover and there is a chance they will die. Bonus points if you follow them down and stomp their ***.
On stage, Meta will apply quite a bit of pressure. That being said, reacting perfectly and add Mix-Ups. His moves are fast and, in general, have more priority. (duh. He's Meta-****ing-Knight) It will take some time, but eventually you'll get the hang of it.
Match Up Rating
I rate this match-up as:
:: 35
at most
:: 48
at least
Ganon is at a disadvantage because, while playing perfectly, Meta still has fast, effective moves that can be hard for Ganon to get past.
That's it. Sorry for jumping between "I" and "you" as much as I did and sorry for the long read. How did I do for my first match up analysis? =D
Reguardless, I hope this helped at least someone. This is just how I handle and view the match up. I'm a really defensive player at heart and this obviously reflects that. It also looks like it turned out as a guide of sorts... Not my intention, but what ever. =D